NY - Karina Vetrano, 30, found murdered, Queens, 2 Aug 2016 #4

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I found this link from Daily News link which shows Chanel Lewis room there are more photos and some of his clothing. I had only seen the pink bike photos and his bed photos....but this has much more photos


I am heartened to see the U.S. History text and U.S. History and Government text on the table in slide 10. If he has taken U.S. History in school, he should be expected to know his rights and understand what a police officer explains to him. My concern is that if he is diminished intellectually, he might not have understood what he was doing when he confessed and gave DNA. But, there is evidence in the photo, imo, that he should either know the basics about rights and/or understand them when explained to him.

I was looking at the close up photo of his cabinet with the photo of him as a child..does that look like a condom in a mustard colored wrapper? does anyone else notice that also? If so I wonder if they found a condom wrapper near the condom they found near karina. I know the cops said they did find things in his room..I was also looking at the top of the cabinet in the far away shot.. that looks like the little trays they give you with the toothpaste toothbrush soap and tissues when you go to the hospital and stay over.

Originally Posted by madamx
I found this link from Daily News link which shows Chanel Lewis room there are more photos and some of his clothing.


That hospital bag still jumps out at me.

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His diploma shown in pictures indicates he passed required exams to earn a diploma. US History and Algebra study materials are shown in that slide. The exams required to pass are US & Global History, math like Algebra, English and a Science.

I am heartened to see the U.S. History text and U.S. History and Government text on the table in slide 10. If he has taken U.S. History in school, he should be expected to know his rights and understand what a police officer explains to him. My concern is that if he is diminished intellectually, he might not have understood what he was doing when he confessed and gave DNA. But, there is evidence in the photo, imo, that he should either know the basics about rights and/or understand them when explained to him.

Sounds like if the family has any say, there WILL be a trial and no plea deal. Does NY ever televise their trials because because I'd sign up for PPV to watch it.
If the family has their way, the DNA and confession will be thrown out. Thats what they will be shooting for. Meanwhile, familiar DNA will be used soon in NY. If it got a hit in this case, LE would go back to the drawing board. Hopefully, it does not come to this.
Could I just point out that delayed ejaculation/ inability to ejaculate is a ( not uncommon ) side effect of some antidepressant & antipsychotic medications. It can also be caused by psychological issues.

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In regards to diminished capacity defense, which IMO is potentially what the defense will try and go for if it's in fact proven


The diminished capacity plea is based in the belief that certain people, because of mental impairment or disease, are simply incapable of reaching the mental state required to commit a particular crime. In the example of murder and manslaughter, a diminished capacity defense contends that a certain defendant is incapable of intending to cause a death, and therefore must have at most caused such a death recklessly. Thus, a successful plea of diminished capacity in a murder trial would likely result in the charge being reduced to manslaughter.

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I had a thought last night as I struggled to fall asleep after having coffee so late!....I was thinking if he did in fact have a psychotic mental breakdown at the time of the murder...wouldn't he just attack her on the path and not know to drag her and hide her off the path??? So he knew what he was doing at the time. He knew what he was doing was wrong because he pulled her off the path and tossed her earbuds and cell phone away from her body. He was careful. So careful that it took 6 months to capture him. Although I do believe there is some type of behavioral/mental aspect he has....I believe he knew right from wrong and how to hide everything and make up stories of what caused his injuries.

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I had a thought last night as I struggled to fall asleep after having coffee so late!....I was thinking if he did in fact have a psychotic mental breakdown at the time of the murder...wouldn't he just attack her on the path and not know to drag her and hide her off the path??? So he knew what he was doing at the time. He knew what he was doing was wrong because he pulled her off the path and tossed her earbuds and cell phone away from her body. He was careful. So careful that it took 6 months to capture him. Although I do believe there is some type of behavioral/mental aspect he has....I believe he knew right from wrong and how to hide everything and make up stories of what caused his injuries.

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Yes, I think he is fully capable of knowing what he did was wrong. In fact, his family keeps saying he is from a religious family which I assume means they are saying he knows not to hurt others. (I really think the family talking to the press makes the case against him stronger, every time they talk!)

Yes, I think he is fully capable of knowing what he did was wrong. In fact, his family keeps saying he is from a religious family which I assume means they are saying he knows not to hurt others. (I really think the family talking to the press makes the case against him stronger, every time they talk!)

Me too!! Especially showing hospital papers of his "mugging" (story he told his dad)or "falling" (story he told his mom) from August 3rd. That sealed it for me!!!

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I think this May refer to the sexual assault charges (Grand Jury) and poss new evidence either found at the home/s and/or when NYPD went back to the park to search for more evidence (and reportedly was successful) after CL provided his step-by-step confession.

Glass half full:

<snip> "There's evidence that's going to be introduced to the grand jury at some point when Judge Brown is ready," said NYPD Chief of Detectives Robert Boyce. "I will say the case has gotten stronger in the last 48 hours."


It could be a possibility and the bruising to her buttocks could be form him being on top of her during the attack, particularily the strangulation. Could have been his legs /knees digging into her as he strangled her from behind. Maybe he couldn't look at her.

In any event, a savage beast - hope he rots. KV put up a strong fight bringing her killer to light.
I had a thought last night as I struggled to fall asleep after having coffee so late!....I was thinking if he did in fact have a psychotic mental breakdown at the time of the murder...wouldn't he just attack her on the path and not know to drag her and hide her off the path??? So he knew what he was doing at the time. He knew what he was doing was wrong because he pulled her off the path and tossed her earbuds and cell phone away from her body. He was careful. So careful that it took 6 months to capture him. Although I do believe there is some type of behavioral/mental aspect he has....I believe he knew right from wrong and how to hide everything and make up stories of what caused his injuries.

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I agree. I also think after the "muggings," knowing something else was up, his parents may have bundled him off to relatives maybe in the Caribbean, hoping the case would die down and maybe keep him from getting into any more trouble that would bring him attention or complaints against him. Then they brought him back after the holidays.
I agree. I also think after the "muggings," knowing something else was up, his parents may have bundled him off to relatives maybe in the Caribbean, hoping the case would die down and maybe keep him from getting into any more trouble that would bring him attention or complaints against him. Then they brought him back after the holidays.

This is a great theory! I totally believe this scenario could've happened

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I agree. I also think after the "muggings," knowing something else was up, his parents may have bundled him off to relatives maybe in the Caribbean, hoping the case would die down and maybe keep him from getting into any more trouble that would bring him attention or complaints against him. Then they brought him back after the holidays.

Interesting. Is there anything in particular which leads you to think he left the country for awhile?
Maybe he stayed with his half-sister. I wonder if she lives close to the parents?

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Maybe he stayed with his half-sister. I wonder if she lives close to the parents?

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I was under the impression that his sisters and their children live with the mother. Not sure we can be discussing them anyway.

I was under the impression that his sisters and their children live with the mother. Not sure we can be discussing them anyway.

Ohh ...I'm not sure. How many siblings does he have?

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Interesting. Is there anything in particular which leads you to think he left the country for awhile?

No, that's why I'm saying they may have done it. I taught in NYC public schools for many years. I knew or heard about parents/grandparents who sent kids back home to the islands or out of state for a time to keep them out of trouble or away from negative influences. CL graduated in August, so sending him home wouldn't have interfered with schooling, and I've read no reports that he works.
I haven't been keeping up with te thread but was reading https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28285...s-murder-trial-dad-richard-lewis-defends-son/ and various others and it sickens me to see people trying to say the cops planted his DNA and that he can't be guilty because yea mosy parents don't want their kid to be but you can't plant it under her nails and he's given video confessions and personally I won't be surprised if it wasn't that he first time he saw her and I keep seeing people say because he's black that people planted it because Howard beach is mostly white and supposedly racist but racist or not it has nothing to do with it. It has to do with a piece of crap who did this awful thing and it sickens me to see people try to say he's innocent and that it seems race related and how he sees slow when he may look dumb in one photo but he's smirking in others and was an honor roll student and how can his dad believe when he took the son to the ER that it wasn't wounds from her? And how can he explain the violent remarks towards women? And the fact that he killed her because a noisey neighbor was blaring music and fights with his family SUPPOSEDLY caused him to do it doesn't seem like a true reason and since she was involved in speech pathology and I read he has speech issues I won't be surprised if they've met or he's stalked her or was shot down bt her but doesn't want it to seem planned and honestly I think he I should playing dumb so they're can try to get stuff thrown out saying he's slow
I haven't been keeping up with te thread but was reading https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28285...s-murder-trial-dad-richard-lewis-defends-son/ and various others and it sickens me to see people trying to say the cops planted his DNA and that he can't be guilty because yea mosy parents don't want their kid to be but you can't plant it under her nails and he's given video confessions and personally I won't be surprised if it wasn't that he first time he saw her and I keep seeing people say because he's black that people planted it because Howard beach is mostly white and supposedly racist but racist or not it has nothing to do with it. It has to do with a piece of crap who did this awful thing and it sickens me to see people try to say he's innocent and that it seems race related and how he sees slow when he may look dumb in one photo but he's smirking in others and was an honor roll student and how can his dad believe when he took the son to the ER that it wasn't wounds from her? And how can he explain the violent remarks towards women? And the fact that he killed her because a noisey neighbor was blaring music and fights with his family SUPPOSEDLY caused him to do it doesn't seem like a true reason and since she was involved in speech pathology and I read he has speech issues I won't be surprised if they've met or he's stalked her or was shot down bt her but doesn't want it to seem planned and honestly I think he I should playing dumb so they're can try to get stuff thrown out saying he's slow

I never have once considered that the perp knew Karina, even when we didn't know who the perp was....but your point about speech pathology does now make me wonder.

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