NY - Karina Vetrano, 30, found murdered, Queens, 2 Aug 2016 #4

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I'm sure CL's parents are shocked their son would be capable of committing such a vicious crime, especially if they are good christian people, and even that aside it still must be a horrible thing to face.
But on the other hand the community owes it to the people to keep their areas safe from murderers.
The Vetrano family will never see their precious child again, :( They too through no fault of their own will be doing a life sentence because of that fact.
"As a postscript regarding the NYPD, one does not necessarily have to have an arrest record or a criminal history in order to have negative experiences with a racist police force. There's stop and frisk, for example. There's knowing that many of your friends and family have been victimized and targeted and that you could be next. If i were the black mother of a black son who had been accused of this crime, especially considering that the victim is the white daughter of a white cop, I'd be pretty paranoid about it and wondering about those DNA tests. Wouldn't you? "

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Aleph, First of all, the NYPD is NOT notoriously racist. Second of all, I don't know where u are from, but I'm from Manhattan and I was married to someone from the Bronx. Since deblasio removed stop and frisk I have noticed A LOT more crimes going on. More stabbings, more people getting pushed into subways, more cops being shot, etc.... It really disturbs me that this case is deteriorating into a debate regarding racism when the real issue is that a poor, innocent girl was viciously attacked and murdered while jogging in broad daylight. As far as I'm concerned, and as many others have noticed, CL was struggling with mental health issues and somehow he fell through the cracks and committed a terrible crime. This case is about someone who needed psychiatric help and didn't get it, which resulted in an innocent person losing her life. Imo, race is not a factor and is just something that CL and his family are blaming his actions on. This is a very bad thing to do. The case has now stirred up racial tensions and people have lost focus. Instead of race and Howard Beach's reputation, I believe people should focus on untreated mental illness and the potential danger it poses to ALL people of ALL races.

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I also agree Freddie, and excellent post.
If someone is a danger to society for whatever reason they have to be removed from that society, IMO. We can't have murderers running around on the loose regardless of mental illness or not.
Trying to turn KV's murder into a bad police dept out to get minorities is really the wrong direction to head.

They started with the physical evidence -- DNA found on the victim and on her phone and the state lab was able to create a full DNA profile from that evidence. That's science, not social politics nor conspiracy.

This is a straight-up crime in which the correct person was apprehended because his DNA matched the DNA left on the victim. Nothing more, nothing less.
Trying to turn KV's murder into a bad police dept out to get minorities is really the wrong direction to head.

They started with the physical evidence -- DNA found on the victim and on her phone and the state lab was able to create a full DNA profile from that evidence. That's science, not social politics nor conspiracy.

This is a straight-up crime in which the correct person was apprehended because his DNA matched the DNA left on the victim. Nothing more, nothing less.
Agreed. I'm so sick of seeing stuff saying he was framed because he was black. Black, white, orange, yellow, green...whatever color, the evidence is there and that's that.

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And never mind they obviously had DNA long before the suspect was caught. They were trying to match DNA they had to a person and reportedly he matched. So how would it be possible to frame him?
I think that perps' family members are also considered victims because the perp's crime harms them too, and changes their lives irrevocably. They will lose this young man and any of the hopes and dreams they had for him. They are also unfairly associated with his actions.

Like many posters here, I've followed many cases and I have seen perps' friends and families react with shock and total denial, over and over again. I think this perp's family knew he had serious problems but nobody likes to think that their kid would rape and murder an innocent stranger.

As a postscript regarding the NYPD, one does not necessarily have to have an arrest record or a criminal history in order to have negative experiences with a racist police force. There's stop and frisk, for example. There's knowing that many of your friends and family have been victimized and targeted and that you could be next. If i were the black mother of a black son who had been accused of this crime, especially considering that the victim is the white daughter of a white cop, I'd be pretty paranoid about it and wondering about those DNA tests. Wouldn't you?

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RBBM : Mr. V. is a retired NYC Firefighter. He is also a 9/11 first responder. Not "a white cop" at all...
OT a bit. Interesting to note that the VERY frequent postings on the V Marcotte thread have come to a dead stop since KV's perp was arrested. Just interesting.

For a long time, I felt that both woman had been killed by the same person. Now I lean more to a copycat crime. The murderer even went as far as to try and burn the body to destroy DNA evidence since DNA was reported in KV's murder. On another note,
over the weekend I read that burned, decomposed body parts had been found by a jogger in Kissena Park. Police say the remains could have been there for months. http://gothamist.com/2017/02/09/jogger_human_remains_queens.php
For a long time, I felt that both woman had been killed by the same person. Now I lean more to a copycat crime. The murderer even went as far as to try and burn the body to destroy DNA evidence since DNA was reported in KV's murder. On another note,
over the weekend I read that burned, decomposed body parts had been found by a jogger in Kissena Park. Police say the remains could have been there for months. http://gothamist.com/2017/02/09/jogger_human_remains_queens.php

I have considered copycat as well in Vanessa's case. The intensive coverage of Karina's case might have excited a sick person to hunt a jogger, either as a first-time offense or as a variation on his normal crime routine.

I've been leaning toward this being the first assault/murder for CL in Queens/Brooklyn and I hope that turns out to be true.

However, was doing SOMETHING on a few occasions in the park that he got ticketed with summons. It's not as if cops are hanging around that rather isolated park looking for park violations, which were his offenses. People noticed him and were bothered enough to call 911, more than once.

Did he jump from public urination in the spring to murder in the summer? Did he hurt other women and they just either didn't come forward or were left in the park and are now missing?

If Karina didn't have the father she did, would she still be in the weeds?

I don't know.

jmopinion, wondering aloud
A question about those park summons. I am thinking they were from last spring? Did they continue after the murder or were they limited to before the murder?

If they did not occur after August, I'm thinking that indicates he knew what he did was wrong and stopped whatever violations (urinating, for example) in the park because he was avoiding LE. He might have emotional/intellectual issues, but he knew he committed a crime, it looks like, imo.

jmopinion, speculation
OT a bit. Interesting to note that the VERY frequent postings on the V Marcotte thread have come to a dead stop since KV's perp was arrested. Just interesting.

I am overjoyed by the arrest of KVs murderer. Her father was shocked to see CL was a person and not a huge scary looking green monster. PV has quite the journey ahead. Bless him.

VMs thread gave weird vibes. I found myself beating my head against a brick wall. Some still want to argue whether or not LE has her killer's DNA. The factual answer is yes. The killer of VM does not have their DNA in databanks.

VMs WS Thread #4 In case anyone may be interested. VM was burned on her head, hands and feet after being murdered in MA.
I am overjoyed by the arrest of KVs murderer. Her father was shocked to see CL was a person and not a huge scary looking green monster. PV has quite the journey ahead. Bless him.

VMs thread gave weird vibes. I found myself beating my head against a brick wall. Some still want to argue whether or not LE has her killer's DNA. The factual answer is yes. The killer of VM does not have their DNA in databanks.

VMs WS Thread #4 In case anyone may be interested. VM was burned on her head, hands and feet after being murdered in MA.
I think her killer lives right in her mothers neighborhood.
I am overjoyed by the arrest of KVs murderer. Her father was shocked to see CL was a person and not a huge scary looking green monster. PV has quite the journey ahead. Bless him.

VMs thread gave weird vibes. I found myself beating my head against a brick wall. Some still want to argue whether or not LE has her killer's DNA. The factual answer is yes. The killer of VM does not have their DNA in databanks.

VMs WS Thread #4 In case anyone may be interested. VM was burned on her head, hands and feet after being murdered in MA.

There needs to be a term akin to "jumping the shark" that describes the phenomenon where there's nothing new to discuss in a case and its old enough that people are beginning to forget the original information and thus everything, including the basic facts, are questioned in a really unhelpful manner and the wildest theories begin to spring up...I'm not criticizing anyone, just describing a phenomenon I've noticed. VM's thread could get a bit like that sometimes after a while but it was definitely not the worst I'd seen.

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Original information? Killers DNA found on Karinas neck, back, and under finger nails. Wild theories? Cops planted evidence. Considering DNA junk science. Noticed phenomenon? People disrespecting the dead.
I hate to see this so quiet. I am so glad they caught the guy and hope for a speedy trial and sentencing so her family doesn't have this part weighing on them and waiting for it to come.
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