NY NY - Katherine Herold, 15, Tonawanda, 1 July 1985

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

SA was another of Kathy Herold's friends who requested anonymity even at this late date. SA described a meeting with another acquaintance from Kenmore West, a self-described "Head". The conversation turned to Kathy Herold's murder, and SA expressed regret that she was not present at the Mang Park youth center the night of Kathy's murder because SA felt she could have convinced Kathy to stay there and not go to meet her "boyfriend" that night. The Kenmore West acquaintance stated unequivocally that it wouldn't have mattered, that Kathy's murder was "eventually going to happen, no matter when" indicating that her murder was a foregone conclusion. SA indicated that the Kenmore West acquaintance implied that there was definitely more than one individual who wanted Kathy dead, that there was a plan and it was not only one single individual's idea. SA then went on to relay a story that didn't make any sense at the time - in July 1985, the day after Kathy Herold's murder, another Head - "RS" - savagely beat "NN" to the point where "NN" supposedly needed to go to the hospital. SA was still unsure of why "RS" beat up "NN", but she felt it was either retribution for Kathy Herold's murder or, much more likely, that "NN" was supposed to be the one to actually kill Kathy Herold but that he panicked and ran away. This forced "CC" and "PM" to complete the actual murder, and "NN" needed to be punished for this by "RS", who is an unknown quantity to this writer. This Writer has been unable to obtain any local hospital records from 1985. The case has obviously become far too complex with too little verifiable information for writer to pursue further without the assistance of some real sleuths.
ALSO attached is web article about local graphic novel that references Kathy Herold's murder as a plot point. If you examine the comments carefully, you will read two by individuals who state that the real facts of Kathy's murder will remain in "the Kenmore Clan" and will "never be revealed". It is unknown if either of these individuals (who posted their names) were ever visited by police afterwards to learn what this "Kenmore Clan" has been keeping secret for the last 3 decades.

Return to Snakeland - WNY's Hulking House of Satanic Worship in the 1980s - Buffalo Rising
I spoke with detectives in September of 2022. I learned about 5 years ago where she went that night. She went to a mutual friend's house because she needed someone to talk to. The police kept this a closely guarded secret.

Kathy had snuck out the night before she died and came over to my house about 11:30. She said she wanted to get back together with me, and I told her I would sleep on it and give her my answer the next day. She had to sneak out because she was grounded.

I called her early, but her mom said she was out with her sister. I had to paint my house that day and an ex-friend stopped by and offered to help if I bought him beer. I was desperate for help because my mom was in danger of losing our home.

I refer to him as an ex-friend because he stalked me and the previous three girlfriends I had before Kathy. About a year prior my mom had to call his mother because he kept trying to break up my girlfriend and me. My mom told his mom I was not allowed to have anything to do with him. He kept walking up and down my street every day and telling all the neighborhood kids nasty lies about my girlfriend. He had them spy on me and came over when my mom was not home and threatened me. He tried to have me jumped when I was 16 by a man in his 20's because he could not break up my girlfriend and I at the time. I broke up with the girlfriend I had before Kathy because I was afraid that he would hurt her. I will refer to him as RC.

Around 6:30 the night Kathy died I realized that she had not called me back. When I told RC I had to call her so I could tell her that I wanted to get back together he freaked out and got very angry. He started saying the same lies he said about all my other prior girlfriends. He called her a *advertiser censored* and a *advertiser censored*.

Kathy's mom told me she forgot to tell her I called, and that Kathy had been driving her crazy and something was really bothering her, so she let her go out. She told me she was headed to Mang Park and had just left. Kathy's mom knew me as I had been to her house several times. Kathy dumped NN for me. RC and I got into a huge argument about going to Mang Park and I just decided to call her the next day.

RC and I met another friend and got beer and went back to my house and got high. We started drinking and I was pounding beers because I was worried Kathy was upset that I did not call her. That was a burden I lived with after her death. I blamed myself. Our other friend decided to leave because I was getting drunk fast. RC then said he was going to go over to a mutual friend's house which is where Kathy ended up that night. I suggested he call her first, but RC just always showed up at people's houses because no one really liked him.

I only realized in September of 2022 that RC probably ran into Kathy on the tracks that night and did not want us to get back together. RC had told me after her death he had stayed at my house that night until very late which never made sense because I know I probably passed out by 9 or 10 at the latest.

RC was the only person who ever had motive and opportunity to murder Kathy.

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