NY NY - Kellisue M. Ackernecht, 35, Johnstown, 30 Sept 2008

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Police say search found no evidence
Search team scoured Frog Hollow area seeking clues in case of missing woman

By MICHAEL ANICH, The Leader-Herald
POSTED: April 13, 2010
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Email: "Police say search found no evidence"



JOHNSTOWN - A state-sanctioned search team recently combed the Frog Hollow area and the banks of the Cayadutta Creek, looking for clues in the case of a missing city woman, but police say nothing useful was found.

"There was some men's sneakers, an empty pill bottle from Rite Aid and a couple of bones that looked like animal bones," Johnstown Police Chief Greg Horning said Monday. "It's the same site that has been searched 30 times. That's a place where people put their trash."

Supporters of the family of Kellisue Ackernecht on Friday told The Leader-Herald that city police hadn't done anything with "evidence" found in the Frog Hollow area by Search Team 5-1. Supporters said the team spent all day March 27 searching Frog Hollow and down a hill off the Rail Trail, along the banks of the creek.

Ackernecht, of 330 W. Main St., was 36 years old when she was last seen leaving her job as a night-shift manager at the Rite Aid in Amsterdam on Sept. 30, 2008. The car she was supposed to drive home - a 1998 Saturn sedan - was found on fire early the next morning in Frog Hollow, a wooded neighborhood at the bottom of the Montgomery Street hill on the west side of the city. The area is off West Montgomery Street, where Chestnut Street begins - a few blocks from the Ackernecht home.

Based in Edinburg, Search Team 5-1 helps to find lost hikers in the Adirondacks and other areas. The team often starts its training in the spring. One of the organizers of the March 27 search was Stan Banovic, a member of the team who lives in Frog Hollow, near where Ackernecht's car burned up.

He said 37 people searched from West Main Street in Johnstown to the Gloversville-Johnstown Wastewater Treatment Facility.

"We had a training exercise," Banovic said of the Frog Hollow search. He said he doubted anything fruitful was found.

The team found what appeared to be a pocketbook, tennis shoes, several bones, fabric that might have resembled an apron Ackernecht might have worn at work at Rite Aid, a pill bottle and pieces of khaki fabric. The woman was last seen wearing khaki pants.

Banovic said his team found what appeared to be khaki pants in silt along the creek. He said the team flagged all the items and turned over photographs of them to city police Sgt. David Gilbo, who is leading the Ackernecht investigation.

Horning said Friday that Gilbo was due to collect the materials that day. By Monday, Horning said Gilbo did review what the team found, and there was no apron, no pants and only animal bones.

"I don't think there's anything there," Horning said.

Michael Anich can be reached at johnstown@leaderherald.com.

Here is a question . If you know and have proof the police lied, what do you do? Kellisue's case is highly unusual for our area, we live in a relatively rural area where not much happens. I would think the police would want to crack this case, but there is no interest and now they have blatantly lied to the local paper.
Maybe contact the state police?

I agree. State police.
Or local District Attorney.
Or NY's Attorney General.
Or your local Senator, Representative,
or NY's Senator and Rep from your district.

Would there any real reason for them to lie? To lull the person
who did this crime?
Here is a question . If you know and have proof the police lied, what do you do? Kellisue's case is highly unusual for our area, we live in a relatively rural area where not much happens. I would think the police would want to crack this case, but there is no interest and now they have blatantly lied to the local paper.

WOW. I read this whole thread today and all I can say to this now is wow....something stinks! Whoever you end up contacting, I would make sure they keep it on the downlow. After reading about the threats and harassement searchers were receiving, I wouldn't want you to be in harms way. I wouldn't be surprised, there is corruption everywhere...here in Rochester there is a trial going on now concerning just that with a local police chief.

All I know is that allaster you r amazing!! Just when I think people and society in general has all gone to crap, someone like you gives me hope in humankind again. All its takes is one person to raise awareness and you have done so with your selfless determination.
I learned through my daughters battle with Leukemia, never loose faith or hope! I will never give up on Kellisue, she has given me strength I never knew I had. Thank-you for reading her thread.
Here is a question . If you know and have proof the police lied, what do you do? Kellisue's case is highly unusual for our area, we live in a relatively rural area where not much happens. I would think the police would want to crack this case, but there is no interest and now they have blatantly lied to the local paper.

Maybe state attorney general?
Been there done that; they tell me to contact local law enforcement if we feel a crime has been committed
Here is the letter I received when I asked if they could check into Kelli's case.


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Does anyone know how to get a billboard made with your missing loved ones information?
Here is the letter I received when I asked if they could check into Kelli's case.

Wow. Nice to know that our state AG is too busy dealing with internet & cc scams than with a liftetime state resident who is missing under mysterious circumstances!

Have you contacted your county AG? Please be careful...the stuff I read on this thread makes me a nervous Nellie!
Does anyone know how to get a billboard made with your missing loved ones information?

I know that in Britanee Drexel's case, the CUE center sponsored and had her billboard put up. Try contacting them....they may be able to send u in the right direction.
Received a tip today.
Location Factory Road Johnstown New York 12095
50 feet off rail trail
It may be nothing but i need to know. Some teenagers i know were walking the trail and wondered into the woods and found a hole in the ground. This hole is a large room with halls leading away. This is the same area her car was found. Please call me. I have call the police but it still looks like no one has been there.
quote came via email, we sent it to the State Police. Sounds like something out of a book.
Received a tip today.
Location Factory Road Johnstown New York 12095
50 feet off rail trail

quote came via email, we sent it to the State Police. Sounds like something out of a book.

Just creepy. And so close to her car to.

Justice for Kellisue
Getting threats on my facebook and the facebook I made for Kellisue from Jayson, I hate what he is saying. He also has made comments on her word press very vulgar, I had to remove. Can someone point me in the direction of an astrologer for myself ? I am worried and not liking that Jayson is off the deep end. I have blocked him on all ends. This is some sort of emotional intimidation, if this is how Kelli felt then I understand her pain and need to reach out to others for comfort. I have only tried to help, he accused me of not caring told me to stop spreading rumors, called me foul names. It's like he is trying to make me look bad when he is the one who hides when it comes to doing anything for Kellisue, even simple tasks for her. :banghead:
Getting threats on my facebook and the facebook I made for Kellisue from Jayson, I hate what he is saying. He also has made comments on her word press very vulgar, I had to remove. Can someone point me in the direction of an astrologer for myself ? I am worried and not liking that Jayson is off the deep end. I have blocked him on all ends. This is some sort of emotional intimidation, if this is how Kelli felt then I understand her pain and need to reach out to others for comfort. I have only tried to help, he accused me of not caring told me to stop spreading rumors, called me foul names. It's like he is trying to make me look bad when he is the one who hides when it comes to doing anything for Kellisue, even simple tasks for her. :banghead:

Wow, allaster. The audacity of people still amazes me for some reason. I wouldn't worry about him making you look bad; it's totally the other way around! I can't believe the local LE can't/won't do anything about this. Can you turn to the state police about the latest info and threats? Your last few posts worries me about you since these people sound more than a little crazy, or maybe its just they think they are untouchable? idk In any case, I would try to contact any and everyone in a LE capacity that you can, with the hope that someone in authority will pick this up and do something. Keep in touch on here so we know you are ok, ok?
I have to go to the same school as him so I feel a little uneasy these days. I am very AWARE of my surroundings, and notice if a car is behind me too long etc.. My life has changed over night, just because it seems like Kelli literally fell off the Earth and I do not want to fall off the Earth not yet anyways. I am always happy to make home and I don't wander out at night and if I do I walk out to my car with someone and I go straight home. The change in Jayson overnight is freaking me out. I am going to the State Police tomorrow in hopes that they can help me. I have to go to Johnstown PD tomorrow as well to have them sign off on Kelli's CUE paper work. This is some pretty hefty stuff he is saying. scare tactic possibly, jealousy over my friendship with Tom her brother, which I consider a brother now.
If it's possible take copies of what's being said to you to the troopers.. it won't hurt to at least make them aware of what is happening. (who knows.. it may spark someone's interest..) not to mention.. it could also border on cyber stalking and cyber bullying.. Good Luck Allaster... Stay safe.
I made copies, they are waiting for me to drop them off. Which I will do tomorrow. I am not sure what triggered Jayson; but he is really off the deep end I know I keep saying this but it disturbs me on some deeper level. When we found the threats last night, Kelli's display board went toppling off its stand spilling all her pictures on the floor I have had it there for months and it never moved. The other night I smelled strong perfume. Then Saturday the hole, and the clothes found in the woods 3 weeks ago. A long list of things that has happened not sure which triggered Jayson

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