NY - Leah Walsh, 29, Bethpage, 26 October 2008

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LEVITTOWN, L.I. (CBS) ― As the search for missing Long Island schoolteacher Leah Walsh continues, the 29-year-old's family can't help but imagine the worst.

CBS 2 spoke with Walsh's husband and her neighbors, as friends and family awaited word on her condition at her parents Rockville Centre house.

"She grew up across the street, babysat for my grandson, loved children. Really a lovely girl," said Melba Bralower, Walsh's former neighbor.

Walsh teaches autistic children at a private school in Glen Cove. It's believed she was on her way to work when her car was found on an expressway, two miles from the home in Bethpage where she lives with her husband of three years, Bill.

"Anybody that could've seen anything please – I just, I'm going all over going to try to put more posters out there. I got a whole lot of people out there," Mr. Walsh told CBS 2.

"Out there" is near the spot where her abandoned car was spotted around 6:30 Monday morning, about the time that Mr. Walsh says he got a text message from his wife.

"She told me to have a good day and I love you, and that was the last I heard from her," he said.

A friend of the missing woman reportedly said the couple had a big blowup on Saturday. The husband was interviewed by police and released. They've been married three years, have no children, and have lived in Bethpage only about six months, renting the first four.

Neighbors say they haven't seen or heard of any problems between them.

"No, I haven't seen anything at all," said Bob Kilkenny, who lives nearby. "They'd come out, wave hi and bye. Never saw any argument or anything like that."

As for Mr. Walsh, he said both he and his wife's family have been deeply distraught.

"Her family is a mess. I'm a mess. I don't know what to do," he said.

For now, for the family, it's a torturous wait. Authorities still consider it a missing persons case.
From http://www.newsday.com/news/local/ny-limiss1030,0,1032297.story :

Two crime scene officers came by the couple's house Wednesday afternoon in a marked van and searched for about five minutes directly in front of the home.

Tommy Walsh, the brother of the missing woman's husband, William Walsh Jr., drove by the house, his white van papered with missing-person fliers. Tommy Walsh said he couldn't find his brother, who he last spoke with Tuesday night.

"I know my brother would never hurt her in a million years," Tommy Walsh said.

He said his mother spoke to his brother Wednesday but they haven't heard from him.

"If I knew where he was then I'd be with him," Tommy Walsh said.

When he heard about the discovery of the body, he said, it's nerve-racking but he doesn't believe it's his sister-in-law.

He disputed media reports there had been marital woes.

"They have disagreements," Tommy Walsh said. "They're a married couple. Everybody has disagreements."

Walsh said searchers have put out 5,000 fliers of Leah Walsh "from Brooklyn to Montauk."

On Wednesday morning, William Walsh reiterated his plea for his wife's safe return and said that during hours of questioning on Tuesday police "just asked me if I knew anything" about Leah Walsh's disappearance.

"I still don't know what to do," William Walsh Jr. said outside the couple's home as he tearfully walked to his car -- where there were dozens of missing persons posters on the passenger seat. "I miss her more than anything. I need everybody's help."

Walsh had not returned to his home as of 4:30 p.m.
I find it odd that the husband uses a wedding picture from 3 years ago for the missing poster. Is he trying to imply that they were happily married, still in the newlywed phase? I would imagine he would have a more current picture of her.
The hubby makes my hinky meter go off bigtime. I'm sure LE is looking closely at him and the cell pings, etc...
Neighbors said they were surprised about how early her Ford Focus was found on the expressway.

Bob Kilkenny, 35, a construction worker who lives across the street, said Leah Walsh never leaves that early for work.

"Never," Kilkenny said.

Next-door neighbor Carbonaro agreed, saying she usually leaves later in the day.

William Walsh has told police his missing wife left early to do lesson planning


I think the LE has identified the body and isn't saying so the DH continues to talk to them. The more he talks the more his stores change to cover up the lies. Once they announce it is her then the DH will hide in his house because he is grieving (or at least that's what he will say)
Still no confirmation if she ever really did text him. I guess that LE doesn't subpoena those records until they have to. *gulp*

SieSie, I'm with you... the hinkometer is dinging away!

Leah Walsh - The body of missing teacher Leah Walsh has been found by Long Island police roughly 13 miles from where her car and purse were found Tuesday.

I just found this site. I am assuming the information is correct.
So, one of Leah's neighbors said she "never" left for work that early. :confused:

Why is the husband soooo distraught and whiney if his wife is JUST missing? or does he know something we don't? :rolleyes:

Seven hours of questioning by LE. That's a long time, IMO, for just a 'routine' missing person.



According to this discovery.com article, Leah's friend said that she and her husband had been separated at least once since they've been married. Sounds ominous. :(
I feel so sick right now! This is also in my neck of the woods. I live not far from where Leah's car was found and I passed the spot on the LIE this AM on my way to work where the cops were searching. They had redirected traffic off the service road and I had a strong feeling that they found a body and it was Leah's. I know they have not indicated if it was her or not but I just had such an overwhelming about this. I also got the same type of feeling when I saw her brother in law on the news last night. I can't explain it but I had the feeling like he was involved or knew something. Something about his affect/demeanor. I hope I'm wrong about both things but this is how I felt about Scott Peterson and I was right.

Walsh had sent a text message to her husband Monday morning, telling him to "have a great day," he told WINS radio. "That's the last I heard from her," he said.

Where was her cellphone found? Regardless the case; if her husband was privy to her aim; yahoo; msn etc screenname (assuming she had one) password he could send a text from his computer to his phone; saying it was from her phone.
He stinks to high heaven like a sewer rat!
as for the body being difficult to ID - my guess is it was burnt. :eek:

That or something; maybe acid poured on it; it's been very cold in NY lately and the cold would certainly slow down decomposition.
what does this guy do for a living??
It's looking like He was fixing to loose his meal ticket.

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