GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

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DNA Solves
It's also been reported Levy had Leiby wait a full 7 minutes at the intersection while he entered a dentist office and paid a bill. If he didn't have the time and didn't have any intentions on harming the boy, he could have taken the boy into the dentist office with him letting the employees know the child was lost and needed assistance.

Instead when he had the chance to direct the boy to help, he chose not too.

Surveillance video showed Aron entering a dentist's office Monday while Kleztky waited for him across the street for seven minutes, Kelly said

I don't think he really intended to help Leiby but absent mindedly left him tied up in his apartment until he had the opportunity to do so. The quote you included about panicking and smothering the boy came from Levi who can't be considered a credible source.
This just makes me sick. Walt Disney World.

And it seems as if he was still talking to his ex-wife, who was in jail, which is odd too.

Leiby Kletzky's killer visited Orlando at the same time that Casey Anthony's trial raged on

Michael Daly
Sunday, July 17th 2011, 4:00 AM

He headed for Orlando's usual big draw, the capitol of childhood, Walt Disney World. He told his ex-wife on the phone that he had gone to live out a dream and audition for "American Idol."

"That was a big dream of his," the ex-wife said. "He told me they raised the age so you could be older and still compete."

The age limit of 28 is, in fact, unchanged, and the show held no auditions in Orlando that weekend. The 34-year-old Aron was almost certainly speaking of Disney World's year-round "America Idol Experience" attraction.

Anyone over 14 is eligible to audition for the make-believe reality show and maybe even perform onstage. The ones who receive the most audience votes at each night's finale get a Dream Ticket that affords a chance to audition for the real show.

Only, there is a hitch. A winner can only use a Dream Ticket if he is no older than the show's maximum age limit, which is not expected to change.

Not that it really mattered, for Aron does not seem to have made it anywhere near a Dream Ticket. He told his ex-wife on the phone that he had auditioned for the real "American Idol," but in the next moment, he seemed unable to lie even to himself.

"Oh, I'm just kidding," he said, according to her recollection.
It seems like the very closed nature of the community that we were hoping would help find Leiby actually prevented Levy from being arrested earlier and being on record which might have made him the first place they checked when Leiby was missing.
This just makes me sick. Walt Disney World.

And it seems as if he was still talking to his ex-wife, who was in jail, which is odd too.

Leiby Kletzky's killer visited Orlando at the same time that Casey Anthony's trial raged on

Michael Daly
Sunday, July 17th 2011, 4:00 AM

Levi has two ex wives. both of their first names start with D. One is in federal prison, the other still lives in TN IIRC. I think the ex wife in prison was interviewed by the media, but it was the other ex wife he shared his FL plans with.
The family is still trying to protect Leiby's Mother and Great-Grandmother from the details of his death. What a terrible thing. I don't feel they will be able to, but, maybe....

LE has removed more items from LA's home, and in this link, it clearly states that there were 2 separate attempts to harm other children, 1 of which was reported (no charges were laid, could it have been the Shomrim Patrol?)

Leiby Kletzky Family Hiding Details of Horrifying Murder from Fragile Mother

Leiby Kletzky’s family has spent the weekend trying to stop his mother from finding out the brutal truth about the nature of her son’s death.

The 36-year-old mother is not the only one being protected from the horrifying nature of the killing, Kletzky’s great-grandmother, who is ill, has not been informed of his death at all out of fear at what the news could do to her deteriorating health.

Police have continued their search of the house of self-confessed killer Levi Aron.

NYPD were seen carrying out two large mattresses from the house, as well as a large brown bag with a biohazard sticker showing on the outside.
The family is still trying to protect Leiby's Mother and Great-Grandmother from the details of his death. What a terrible thing. I don't feel they will be able to, but, maybe....

Leiby Kletzky Family Hiding Details of Horrifying Murder from Fragile Mother

I hope they can. And I hope...But certainly am not counting on it.. That the press leaves this woman alone. There's nothing that she needs to tell us and we wouldn't be able to absorb the magnitude of her pain if she tried.
The family is still trying to protect Leiby's Mother and Great-Grandmother from the details of his death. What a terrible thing. I don't feel they will be able to, but, maybe....

LE has removed more items from LA's home, and in this link, it clearly states that there were 2 separate attempts to harm other children, 1 of which was reported (no charges were laid, could it have been the Shomrim Patrol?)

Leiby Kletzky Family Hiding Details of Horrifying Murder from Fragile Mother

I wondered about this. If they don't listen to radio or tv, but what about newspaper stands on the corners? I imagine there are still plenty of newspaper stands in NYC - especially near public transportation which they have plenty of in Leiby's immediate neighborhood.

I suppose then perhaps his mother may not be attending the trial. There would be no way to keep her from the horrific details. I don't know anything about this culture other than what is posted here so I have no idea if they would attend a criminal trial for Leiby or not. I would not fault them for choosing not to attend.

God bless them.

I wondered about this. If they don't listen to radio or tv, but what about newspaper stands on the corners? I imagine there are still plenty of newspaper stands in NYC - especially near public transportation which they have plenty of in Leiby's immediate neighborhood.

I suppose then perhaps his mother may not be attending the trial. There would be no way to keep her from the horrific details. I don't know anything about this culture other than what is posted here so I have no idea if they would attend a criminal trial for Leiby or not. I would not fault them for choosing not to attend.

God bless them.


They are sitting shiva. I doubt anyone wants to be the one to tell them the details.

It's so horribly sad around the neighborhood because of this. There are still flyers up from him when he was first missing.

So horrible, we're just blown away at the cruelty.
Authorities were busy not only at Aron’s home, allegedly where the murder happened, but in other places in the country. Using Aron’s DNA, police were investigating whether he may be connected to any other cases of child abuse – or worse.

Investigators are fanning out to Tennessee, Arkansas and Florida. In all those places he either married or was engaged to single Jewish women.

“We’re gathering as much forensic evidence as we can,” Brooklyn District Attorney Charles Hynes said.

Hynes said that the evidence that was being taken from Levi Aron’s house will be part of the murder indictment against him, which will be unsealed this week.
I woke up thinking about Leiby today and how a week ago at this time, he was still alive and probably at camp. Beyond shocking to think what happened next.
Investigators have dug up a part of the backyard for evidence, searching for any hints in the suspect's history that would explain a motive for Leiby's murder. Police sources tell PIX11 News Aron's family has said the suspect was in a car accident when he was 10 years old which changed his mental capacity. And in court Thursday, his defense attorney hinted that mental illness may have played a role,0,6417255.story

yup, they're definitely going with the "insanity" or mentally handicapped angle and so be it. As long as he's off the streets forever!
Watch the video. The media vultures wont leave the parents alone although they've asked them nicely. So sad!


The problem is, he won't be off the streets forever. The psychiatrists will do everything in their power to get him "cured" and released.

They're already working on getting the maniac in Canada released who decapitated the Greyhound bus passenger in 2009. His lawyer is talking about his eventual "reintegration into society".

Horrific Bus Incident (Canada) Passenger Beheaded - Page 7 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

And closer to home, in Brooklyn, the man who killed four people earlier this year is boasting that he'll beat the charges with an insanity defense.

"It's okay, I'll beat this," Maksim Gelman told an officer before his arraignment in February, according to court papers.

"I'll go to a mental hospital for a few years and then I'll get out on the street again, you'll see."
Now THIS is a great idea.

July 17, 2011, 4:22 pmAfter Brooklyn Boy’s Murder, Father of Etan Patz Has a Suggestion

By PATRICK MCGEEHANStanley Patz has been conditioned to expect his telephone to ring whenever a child goes missing, so he was bracing when he heard about the disappearance of an 8-year-old boy, Leiby Kletzky, last week in Brooklyn.

Yet this time, Mr. Patz, whose 6-year-old son, Etan, vanished off a Manhattan street in 1979, responded with an idea to help head off more kidnappings. After brooding over Leiby’s murder for a few days, Mr. Patz wondered, why not put a basic, emergency cellphone in the hands of every child? At the press of a button, children who are lost or in danger could dial 911, Mr. Patz reasoned.

And, if the phones had global-positioning chips in them, they could help authorities track a child’s whereabouts.

Perhaps, he added, it would be known as a “Leiby phone.”
It's also been reported Levy had Leiby wait a full 7 minutes at the intersection while he entered a dentist office and paid a bill. If he didn't have the time and didn't have any intentions on harming the boy, he could have taken the boy into the dentist office with him letting the employees know the child was lost and needed assistance.

Instead when he had the chance to direct the boy to help, he chose not too.

Surveillance video showed Aron entering a dentist's office Monday while Kleztky waited for him across the street for seven minutes, Kelly said


MO is LA felt inferior and had grown resentful of men who had sons after his marriages failed to produce a heir for him and his jealously caused him to hide and murder Leiby before the authorities could stop him.
MO is LA felt inferior and had grown resentful of men who had sons after his marriages failed to produce a heir for him and his jealously caused him to hide and murder Leiby before the authorities could stop him.

Possibly. His first ex wife, the one now in prison, stated their marriage fell apart because of the immaturity that arises from waiting until marriage to have sex. His second wife said their marriage was more like brother and sister. That tells me he has some sexual problems. Whether that means he is into little boys or not - time will tell as the press releases evidence found.

I still think the guy is among the likes of Dahmer, Gacy and Hoffman. Complete evil.

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