GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The order also says that "Aron has been diagnosed with a behavior disorder and takes medication for the condition."
Kivel, who had met Brooklyn native Aron on a Jewish dating Web site, pulled the order a few weeks after it was filed.
While the two were together, the accused child butcher worked as an actual butcher at a kosher deli in a Kroger supermarket in Germantown, Tenn.
The way he worked the meat slicer sent chills up peoples' spines.
"People complained because he sliced the meat so slowly, so methodically, and some realized he wasn't 100 percent," said a member of the synagogue where he got married.
A colleague said Aron was "real standoffish, didn't talk much."
"There were no problems at work, but he stared a lot," the colleague said.
The synagogue member said Aron made people uncomfortable.

Read more:

picture of deli he worked at in above link
I have a few friends that were raised in this community, and speculation with them is that it would be against tradition to hold the body of the boy longer for a full autopsy. They say it might never been known if the boy was or wasn't.

I agree and understand the concept behind this.... but wouldn't the ME take samples/swabs of what they needed to before releasing the body?

It's confusing, imo, because we have read of cases here where it is sometime before the coroner releases the body back to family. However my recollection is an extended time for the ME to hold a body is usually for official confirmation of the decedent's identity. (such as when identity can only be confirmed through dna and the body can not be visually identified). Not when they need something for a crime lab.
I agree and understand the concept behind this.... but wouldn't the ME take samples/swabs of what they needed to before releasing the body?

It's confusing, imo, because we have read of cases here where it is sometime before the coroner releases the body back to family. However my recollection is an extended time for the ME to hold a body is usually for official confirmation of the decedent's identity. (such as when identity can only be confirmed through dna and the body can not be visually identified). Not when they need something for a crime lab.

iirc one of the msm articles said lab tests were being conducted so I am sure they took swabs, etc :twocents:
The order also says that "Aron has been diagnosed with a behavior disorder and takes medication for the condition."
Kivel, who had met Brooklyn native Aron on a Jewish dating Web site, pulled the order a few weeks after it was filed.
While the two were together, the accused child butcher worked as an actual butcher at a kosher deli in a Kroger supermarket in Germantown, Tenn.
The way he worked the meat slicer sent chills up peoples' spines.
"People complained because he sliced the meat so slowly, so methodically, and some realized he wasn't 100 percent," said a member of the synagogue where he got married.
A colleague said Aron was "real standoffish, didn't talk much."
"There were no problems at work, but he stared a lot," the colleague said.
The synagogue member said Aron made people uncomfortable.

Read more:

picture of deli he worked at in above link

From the above link:

Kivel, who had met Brooklyn native Aron on a Jewish dating Web site, pulled the order a few weeks after it was filed.

In another MSM article the ex wife claims she only filed for the protective order because a male friend of hers told her if she did so it would expedite her divorce. Due to the many false accusations filed in divorce proceedings I'm not sure what to believe. Either she did so and these are false allegations, or if true perhaps once she filed he agreed to the divorce wishing not to cause himself or his family further embarrasment.

It's really sad that we have to question allegations of abuse due to the numerous people who falsely accuse others......

Also, I am sure HIPPA will prevent some of the truth regarding LA's medical conditions if he does have any. We'll see what comes out in the following days.

What's up with the ex wife and the 'diamond heist'? Shame on me, but I wish she could be interviewed from federal prison. I'd love to hear what she has to say about LA, though I'm not sure how much of her story I would believe.
I have a few friends that were raised in this community, and speculation with them is that it would be against tradition to hold the body of the boy longer for a full autopsy. They say it might never been known if the boy was or wasn't.

Tradition would not trump the medical examiners autopsy in the case of homicide. I would venture to say a complete autopsy of the remains were conducted (albeit as quickly as possible) and many potential dna samples taken from his body :( before the body was released for burial. I think if necessary (to complete the criminal investigation of sexual assault on a homicide victim) the coronor would be obligated to go against religious views/tradition and hold the body for as long as required to gather necessary evidence.

The law in NY is explicit:

< § 4210-c. Limitations to dissection or autopsy. 1. Notwithstanding any
other provision of law, in the absence of a compelling public necessity,
no dissection or autopsy shall be performed over the objection of a
surviving relative or friend of the deceased that such procedure is
contrary to the religious belief of the decedent, or, if there is
otherwise reason to believe that a dissection or autopsy is contrary to
the decedent's religious beliefs.
2. For the purposes of this section: (a) "compelling public necessity"
shall mean:
(i) that the dissection or autopsy is essential to the conduct of a
criminal investigation of a homicide,
as defined in section 125.00 of
the penal law, of which the decedent is the victim, or
(ii) that discovery of the cause of death is necessary to meet an
immediate and substantial threat to the public health and that a
dissection or autopsy is essential to ascertain the cause of death, or
(iii) that the need for a dissection or autopsy is established in
accordance with subdivision five of this section.>$$PBH4210-C$$@TXPBH04210-C+&LIST=LAW+&BROWSER=EXPLORER+&TOKEN=51775845+&TARGET=VIEW
Re: D. Kivel, LA's second ex-wife. What's fiction? What's fact?


Kivel was divorced and bankrupt when she met Aron on the dating site He moved to Tennessee and got a job as a security guard.

Their marriage didn't work, and she demanded a divorce. In 2007, she took out a restraining order against him at the request of a jealous boyfriend, she said.

Still, they stayed pals and she spoke to him a few weeks ago
when he was in Orlando, Fla.


His sister, Sarah, who had mental problems, died two years ago. Kivel said she fell and hit her head after mixing up medications.
Re: D. Kivel, LA's second ex-wife. What's fiction? What's fact?


Kivel was divorced and bankrupt when she met Aron on the dating site He moved to Tennessee and got a job as a security guard.

Their marriage didn't work, and she demanded a divorce. In 2007, she took out a restraining order against him at the request of a jealous boyfriend, she said.

Still, they stayed pals and she spoke to him a few weeks ago when he was in Orlando, Fla.


His sister, Sarah, who had mental problems, died two years ago. Kivel said she fell and hit her head after mixing up medications.

If she took out the RO in 2007 it sounds like that was after her divorce. IIRC they were married and divorced in 2005 or 2006 and according to previous docs within one of the msm links their marriage only lasted 9 mo's.

also from the above link:

Still, they stayed pals and she spoke to him a few weeks ago when he was in Orlando, Fla.

"Everything seemed to be fine," she said. "There was some kind of event going on.

"He always wanted to be on 'American Idol.' He told me they raised the age so you could be older and still compete."

Um, as far as I know the max age for American Idol is still 28. I looked and could not find Americal Idol being in Orlando in June or July of 2011. Could it be LA was in Orlando for the Anthony trial?

I don't watch American Idol, and I don't know if the dates at the above link are for 2010 or 2011.

Can anyone find if American Idol was in Orlando in June or July of this summer?

Why is it that my mind is going to LA having been in Orlando for the Anthony trial and saying 'some kind of event' was going on, or am I reading far more into that......
The call from the missing boy&#8217;s mother came in at 6:14 p.m. on Monday, not to the city&#8217;s 911 hot line or to the local police precinct, the 66th, but to a gritty tire repair shop on a desolate stretch of Wallabout Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.

The mother reported that her son, Leiby Kletzky, 8, of Borough Park, had failed to return from day camp.

Members of the Brooklyn Shomrim, whose unarmed volunteers help patrol the borough&#8217;s ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods, were dispatched, and the search was on.

&#8220;The word went out like lightning &#8212; we were running against the clock,&#8221; said Sam Rosenberg, 56, who runs the Brooklyn Shomrim communications center in the bustling Marcy Tires shop with his brother Mendy, 51. For the past 32 years, the Rosenbergs, who are Hasidic Jews, have handled the phone calls between fixing flats.
An article (September 2010) about the the Borough Park Shomrim/Brooklyn South Safety Patrol, a licensed, unarmed civilian group:


The man, David Flores, 33, who witnesses say was fondling himself in front of children in a Hasidic section of Brooklyn known as Borough Park, was about to be caught by the men in blue. He began shooting at the men, all unarmed, with a .22-caliber handgun, the authorities said, hitting and wounding four before being tackled.


&#8220;We have a faster response than the police, about a minute and a half,&#8221; said Mendy Rosenberg, his big hands and mechanic&#8217;s outfit smeared with grease. If a suspect is trying to escape by car, he can call upon hundreds of people to block streets and bridge entrances.

&#8220;I can shut down the streets in half of Brooklyn in seconds &#8212; instant traffic jam,&#8221; he said. &#8220;We&#8217;ve trapped many perps that way.&#8221;
Levi Aron, 35, charged in the murder and kidnapping of eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky, was moved from Rikers Island to Bellevue Hospital prison ward for psychiatric evaluation, according to a spokeswoman for the Department of Corrections on Friday.

She said Aron will either stay at Bellevue until his next court date, set for July 28, or will be returned to Rikers Island when the tests have been completed.


The results of the mental exam will take approximately two weeks, when the Court will provide the results to both the prosecution and defense counsel.

The above article also indicates LA has two private, not court appointed attorneys.

i have seen it mentioned a few times and not sure if it has been corrected - the 730 they are speaking about does not refer to a time (7:30am) but refers to a criminal code.

(i suppose i could be partially wrong and they also scheduled the hearing right then and it happened to also be at 7:30)
The family the Brooklyn boy who was kidnapped and murdered this week posted a note thanking everyone for their support.

The note, posted on the front door of the family's Borough Park apartment building Friday morning, read:

"We are forever grateful and thankful to Hashem. We would also like to express to each and every individual - to our friends and neighbors and our fellow New Yorkers and to all the volunteers and to all the agencies from the local, city, state, and federal, who assisted us above and beyond physically, emotionally, and spiritually - and to all from around the world, who had us in their thoughts and prayers. From the depths of our mourning hearts, we thank you!"

also this snip:

The posted statement also asks anyone who wishes to send their condolences to the family to email them at
I have never in my life done this before, but I picked up a card when we were out today. I was going to send it in care of the assemblyman that has been so involved. I just thought they need to know that truly all over America we care and mourn, across culture, across religious lines.
OK, that's it! Where have I been to have not heard about this poor child?? Tonight I was watching Nightline and they were telling his story and showed him skipping down the street in his little striped shirt without a care in the world. His poor mother is blaming herself. Poor woman. She will have to live with this the rest of her life because she wanted to give her little man a bit of independance. Now, I can tell you where I have been..consumed by a mother who could care less about her little girl and won't think twice about her skipping down the street wanting some independance. That's it! No more wasting my time on her. I don't care what happens to her, never will think about her again. Leiby..take care of Caylee, ok? And both of you rest in peace together!

Dolly, I would like to thank you 100 times for this post.
This little lad's tragedy has upset me beyond all reason. RIP little Leiby and may God bless you and all your loved ones
Great job, Yaakov German, wow, this man's son was Leiby's teacher, and was so driven.

This is a MUST READ article.


Craig Warga/News

Yaakov German shows still image from one of the videos he examined from surveillance cameras. German's work helped catch Levi Aron.

Being a nosy busybody do-gooder is a GOOD THING in this world now. No one must be ashamed to do that. This man and and his son should be proud. I salute them
A little more on his 1st wife.

It looks like he targeted single mothers online.

When Levi came out with his confession my theory formed. I believe that he thinks his story is the truth, for the most part. I think he took him to fill a void in his life. I do believe his is very mentally ill and he didn't think it was wrong to take him. Kind of like taking a stray home with you (but not....this is his POV though, in my mind at least). Regardless, he is very dangerous and should be removed from society.

His confession is about two guys hanging out, doing regular things together. Trying to find a bookstore, going to a wedding, hanging out and watching TV. Leiby stays home with Levi goes to work. I think he thinks this is true - the best comparison I could give to explain this weird false belief is like the movie Psycho, where the guy turned into his mom and didn't even realize it. I hope that makes sense because that's the best I can do lol

Part of my theory was formed by the fact that, so far, they do not believe he was assaulted by Levi (I can't write out the full term, sorry....). So then, why did he kidnap him?

Then we find out he targeted single mothers. Again, wanting to be around small kids, and so far there is not suggestion of "that type of abuse".

Of course, I do realize that most likely "that type of abuse" did happen, but I am basing all of this on what I know so far.

Hopefully I explained myself well.

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