GUILTY NY - Leiby Kletzky, 8, Brooklyn, 11 July 2011 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
While it was not clear exactly when Leiby was killed, detectives were confident that the parts of Leiby’s body found in a Dumpster on 20th Street had been put there not long before the police went to Mr. Aron’s apartment. “He got rid of it Tuesday going into Wednesday,” the law enforcement official said, adding that detectives were working on the theory that Mr. Aron had driven to the Dumpster alone.
Horrible, senseless acts and way too much for my brain to process (Sandra Cantu/Jonathan on Christmas Eve/Zahra Baker and now Leibby and a lot more cases).

Evil in its purest form is demonstrated once again.

Faith and community will help Leibby's family get through this hopefully. The world mourns with them. Another sweet innocent gone way too soon at the hands of evil.

Rest peacefully Leibby and may justice be swift and severe.
Leiby's mother is blaming herself. How horrible.

I think many parents would blame themselves and think if I had only....

I can only pray she has the desire to see justice through. It will be sometime before LA is tried and I pray during that time she has much support, many prayers, is able to start to heal - despite life being changed forever. There is never any fully getting over something like this, however time helps and with the love of her husband, children and the community she can pick up the pieces and move forward.

God bless her and all of the Kletzky family.
Does anyone know if the day camp had a school bus to take the children home or did they rely on public transportation? I'm just curious as dangers could occur on public transportation as well but may not be as likely unless the perp follows a child exiting the bus.
OK, that's it! Where have I been to have not heard about this poor child?? Tonight I was watching Nightline and they were telling his story and showed him skipping down the street in his little striped shirt without a care in the world. His poor mother is blaming herself. Poor woman. She will have to live with this the rest of her life because she wanted to give her little man a bit of independance. Now, I can tell you where I have been..consumed by a mother who could care less about her little girl and won't think twice about her skipping down the street wanting some independance. That's it! No more wasting my time on her. I don't care what happens to her, never will think about her again. Leiby..take care of Caylee, ok? And both of you rest in peace together!
I just wanted to check in and see if there are any updates. Basically there are none. I don't know about anyone else but I do not believe for a second that Leiby lived through the night.

If he did then I'm sure he was subjected to some sort of abuse or torture! Now that I see the picture of LA in court it just digusts me more. There is nothing wrong with him except he is a sadistic coward. Same as all the other predators...can dish out pain and abuse but are absolute cowards. I declare it seems like not only the eyes these predators have but there is a palor or something about them that makes me sick.

I agree there are more victims and I hope they find the connection. My concern is if there had not been video would he have been caught this time?

I hope they do not release everything in the media that they find. His mom is having a hard enough time!

The only reason he confessed anything was because they caught him red handed.
"An amateur sleuth armed with determination and intuition helped cops crack the murder of Leiby Kletzky by tracking his path to doom.
Yaakov German isn't a cop or a private detective. He's a property manager and father of 12 with a reputation as a do-gooder.
By banging on doors and scrutinizing grainy video, he uncovered crucial clues that led cops to confessed killer Levi Aron."

Read more:

:great: WTG Amateur Sleuths!! :rocker:
For every psychotic killer, thank GOD there are MILLIONS of do-gooders!
Does anyone know if the day camp had a school bus to take the children home or did they rely on public transportation? I'm just curious as dangers could occur on public transportation as well but may not be as likely unless the perp follows a child exiting the bus.

“He normally took a bus down, you know, like every child, he wanted a little bit of independence, wanted to do a little bit of walking on his own,” said Brooklyn Assemblyman Dov Hikind. “So they had decided that they were going to — instead of walking all the way home, the mother was going to meet him just two blocks or so away from the day camp...

I'm assuming they are speaking of a school bus because the public buses would only stop on main thoroughfares AND growing up in Brooklyn/ I've seen the Chasidic schools and camps usually always have buses or the children walk if they live nearby.

ETA: See pic at this article of the children on the bus. Schools are all out. This is a privately chartered school bus which I'm sure he regularly took, but IIRC, he had a doctors appt that day and left early?

"Borough Park is one of the most insular and tightly knit communities in the city. When the 8-year-old vanished, many assumed an outsider was the culprit.
Disbelief greeted the news that the suspect, Levi Aron, was raised in a devout home in neighboring Kensington, attended yeshiva and went to synagogue."
We were talking about this yesterday in the local pub and a couple of older men got really emotional. Contrary to how Brooklyn is depicted in television and the movies, it really is a friendly place. People will help you very quickly and go out of their way for you.

What got the old men the most is that out of the thousands of people this boy could have asked for help, he picked the wrong monster. They said fate is so cruel at times and they were so upset the way the bitter destiny played out. The mother too, finally letting him walk on his own and the worst possible thing that could happen did.

It's so sad how quickly they found him and we wish he had not killed him just one more day. But it seems like he did do this before and has gotten away with it.

The whole thing is so horribly sad.
"An amateur sleuth armed with determination and intuition helped cops crack the murder of Leiby Kletzky by tracking his path to doom.
Yaakov German isn't a cop or a private detective. He's a property manager and father of 12 with a reputation as a do-gooder.
By banging on doors and scrutinizing grainy video, he uncovered crucial clues that led cops to confessed killer Levi Aron."

Read more:

:great: WTG Amateur Sleuths!! :rocker:
For every psychotic killer, thank GOD there are MILLIONS of do-gooders!

This is an EXCELLENT article. Definitely a must read for everybody.

What interested me was how the guy saw several kids leaving the day camp on foot (none were Leiby in this footage) - so it was a common thing for the kids to do. No wonder Leiby wanted to do it - lots of kids walked home (or to their destination place) everyday and were fine.

And, I have read before his parents walked the course with him the previous day so he would know what to expect.

In my neighborhood, not NYC or even close - I'm in Indiana, kids run up and down the streets all day/night long with no supervision. I am the "over protective" mom and refuse to allow it. I sit outside if they are outside. I always think - this neighborhood is a pedophile's dream come true. It's sad, but so easy to lure a kid off the street as we have seen with little Leiby.
One of the stories posted--and I've scrambled but haven't yet found it--described parenthood as endless calculus. I'm not a parent but I can see how that's true. At what age can your child do this or that. You make 99 decisions out of 100 that are perfect and this is how the one imperfection turns out.

This is parenting - all day long trying to make decisions that are the best for your child. It's very difficult because at some point you need to move a little out of your comfort zone to give them independence, but still be safe. Obviously the younger they are, the more restrictions.

I've never met a parent though who makes 99 perfect decisions out of 100 though! But most decisions aren't life or death - more like I could have done it better and will next time.

Leiby's parent were too distraught to attend his burial.

Also, the article says they are unaware of the details of his dismemberment (as well as his sisters, I read in another article).

Remember, the other day how some out of town media were reporting he had autism? I still haven't read that from any MSM, especially NY news. Anyone else? I would think it would be part of the lead story.

<Someone close to the shomrim, a neighborhood watch group for the Hasidic Jewish community in Brooklyn, told The Daily that Aron was accused of stalking an 11-year-old boy, who noticed a gold car -- thought to be Aron's 1990 Honda -- following him home. Police may not have been notified, said one shomrim volunteer, because the "majority of Jews here are from Eastern European descent, and they have an ingrained lack of trust with authority," he said. "Everyone is taught to go to the shomrim, and not the police because they identify more with us so we fill the gap.">

interesting article that says more about relationship with exwife too.
Great job, Yaakov German, wow, this man's son was Leiby's teacher, and was so driven.

This is a MUST READ article.


- Yaakov German views security footage from Yeshiva Boyan showing Leiby Kletzky leaving the school about 4:50 p.m. wearing a striped shirt and carrying a knapsack
- Leiby is nowhere to be found on security footage from The Children's Place on 13th Ave., so German determines the kid missed his turn onto 13th Ave.

- German determines Leiby kept going straight on 44th St. after spotting him on security footage from a hardware store and another school.

- German finds that security footage from Tristate Fleet, a car dealership at the end of 44th St., shows Leiby and suspect Levi Aron together, and shows Aron going in and out of the dentist's office.

- Cops get the dentist office to give them Aron's name and address.
A video store had footage that showed only sidewalks on one side of the street. Benchers Unlimited had footage of both sidewalks but no sign of the boy.

Then German spotted newly installed cameras at a car-leasing company, Tristate Fleet. That's when they spotted Aron, the man who would be later identified as Leiby's killer.

"We found the kid," German said. "We saw somebody going with him and back forth. We watched it in slow motion.

"We saw the perp going across the avenue, going into a white house, up three steps, going in for three minutes and coming back out. We went by and saw it was a dentist's office."

All this time, German was feeding information to Mayer, the liaison to the NYPD, and he was sharing it with detectives.

At about 5:30 p.m., cops arrived at Tristate. "They came in here, screeching tires," said owner Yehuda Bernstein, 40.

Craig Warga/News

Yaakov German shows still image from one of the videos he examined from surveillance cameras. German's work helped catch Levi Aron.

<A Jewish patrol in Borough Park keeps a list of suspected child predators, but Levi Aron's name wasn't on it, the Daily News has learned...

The list has about 15 names. It was compiled by Shomrim members and is not shared with the NYPD because some rabbis oppose civilian police involvement.

"The community doesn't go to the police with these names because the rabbis don't let you. It's not right," Daskel said.>

I'm sorry but it's time to change things in this community. Crime affects everyone. This system reminds me quite a bit of the Amish community, which is also very insular and somewhat suspicious of law enforcement. Protecting children supersedes all cultural or religious traditions IMO.

<Leiby Kletzky's family first reported his disappearance to Shomrim. The patrol notified cops three hours later.>

For the record, I am not blaming anyone, I am saying that in light of the tragedy that I hope things will change. I hope LE is notified immediately when a child is missing and I certainly hope that potential predators are called to the attention of LE. There are more children than their own that might be at risk from the people on "their" list.
We were talking about this yesterday in the local pub and a couple of older men got really emotional. Contrary to how Brooklyn is depicted in television and the movies, it really is a friendly place. People will help you very quickly and go out of their way for you.


Kind of OT -

Respectfully snipped. I've only been to NY once. Saw 3 of 4 games when the Cubs swept the Mets in a 4 game series back in the mid 90's. Aside from one group of people who had far too much to drink and were beligerant at the Sunday game, everyone we met was very nice. They were fun to talk to and fun to be around- even with the Cubs/Mets rivalry. Not only at the game, but on the Subway.

The visit really left me with the impression NY'rs have a reputation that does not fit them. I'd love to visit again some day.
This is just so incredibly sad.

Leiby Kletzky's parents skip burial of slain son because it was too painful, visitor says

BY Christina Boyle and Kerry Wills

They could not bear to say goodbye.

Leiby Kletzky's stricken parents did not attend his burial after a massive funeral service because it was too painful, a visitor said Thursday.

Nachman Kletzky told the rabbi a story about what a kind heart the 8-year-old had: When he was playing ball recently, he switched from the good team to the struggling one, because he felt bad for the underdogs.

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