GUILTY NY - Levon Wameling, 9 months, Utica, 29 May 2013

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This looks to be another case where CPS didn't do enough to protect this child. When CPS is involved in cases such as this (substance abuse) I am guessing both parents are investigated?

yeah but if they held open files and investigated anyone suspected of pot smoking, which is all i see about Jevon, there would be nothing but cps workers. they dont have the staff for the cases were abuse is suspected let alone when there is no reason to suspect abuse of the child. So far from their past i can't find anything that suggests abuse. Unless you count moms court ordered rehab but she isn't in play here and many with kids i know have been ordered to rehab but cps hasnt been involved if there was a willing father without an abuse record
My two biggest worries here are a) he wasn't given his meds that day and the bleeding got so bad he either hemorrhaged and got a blood clot and died or b) the stress of looking after a medically ill baby (which often exhausts both parents) alone caused him to snap and shake him or slap him and with his bleeding isues that was enough.

My vibe says he isn't evil just dirt stupid. A coward and a liar who hides his 'messes' and hopes no one will know even when its obvious it would come out

ETA I do think the baby is dead though :(
yeah but if they held open files and investigated anyone suspected of pot smoking, which is all i see about Jevon, there would be nothing but cps workers. they dont have the staff for the cases were abuse is suspected let alone when there is no reason to suspect abuse of the child. So far from their past i can't find anything that suggests abuse. Unless you count moms court ordered rehab but she isn't in play here and many with kids i know have been ordered to rehab but cps hasnt been involved if there was a willing father without an abuse record

I understand what you mean, but considering Jevon's criminal history, if that was looked at, there IS a history of abuse. One of the posts upthread mentioned something about his striking a police officer, iirc. He also got into a physical alteration while incarcerated about 2 years ago. I don't know that we can say a parent who is violent against adults can guaranty they won't act out similiarly against children.
Just coming in and I noticed on one of Levons picture's it show him hold a breathing tube. Mom comments on it, I pray this baby doesn't have asthma.
"We will leave no stone unturned in this," said Utica Police Chief Mark Williams this morning. "When it comes to a missing infant, manpower and overtime are not an issue. Right now, our goal is to find this kid."


Police said Wameling set his child down on the front porch, walked around behind the residence to let himself in the back door, then walked through the house to the front door to get baby Levon. However, when he opened the door, police said Levon was gone.

"He left the child on the front steps, went around the back, and when he came back, the child was gone," said Sgt. Steve Hauck. "It was a few minutes at most."


The child’s mother had been sent to drug rehab in Albany only days prior, and he was Levon’s sole caretaker.


Police said an Amber Alert is not appropriate in this case because Amber Alerts are only for immediate missing children, when there is some type of suspect information to be spread.

Police said Jevon Wameling is a "person of interest" in the disappearance, but he has not been charged and he is not in custody. Hauck said they do not have a solid reason why Wameling waited two weeks before reporting his missing child to the authorities.

"Most people can draw their own conclusions whether his actions were suspicious or not," Hauck stated. Any possible charges against Wameling will be explored at a later time, police said.
I understand what you mean, but considering Jevon's criminal history, if that was looked at, there IS a history of abuse. One of the posts upthread mentioned something about his striking a police officer, iirc. He also got into a physical alteration while incarcerated about 2 years ago. I don't know that we can say a parent who is violent against adults can guaranty they won't act out similiarly against children.

I know you can't say for sure but his scuffles with the police and a fight in jail are hardly the sort of violence most abusers have (then again the majority have none, they are considered great parents). There would be no jails if they arrested everyone who struck out at a cop (i don't even think he landed a punch from the wording). It depends on the cop and the fact he escaped. Otherwise he would have nothing but misdemeanors of a really minor sort, they just walked up the charges bc of the escape.

That escape also tells me he is dirt stupid. The thing he was charged with was not going to give him a long time in jail and likely would be a probation walk. brass knuckles arent toys but just having them isn't normally considered jail worthy unless there were other charges. So he runs to escape his minor problem.

Like i said, he is a coward who runs to escape trouble and I bet dollars to donuts he ended up with a dead baby due to negligence (meds) or he really did snap but that abuse was not integral to the relationship and as usual he has only made it far worse for him than if he stood up like a man and called LE or told a relative.
so angry! this is exact circumstance for Caylee's Law...yet New York has yet to pass it. dad should be in jail on felony charges.
I am so tired of people having children who aren't capable of taking care of them,or prefer drugs over the kids. To adopt a pet from the humane society you have to prove you are able to provide care for that animal, but any so called human can have a child and not provide a loving home. Too many kids are suffering abuse at the parents hands and its time to put a stop to it. I don't pretend to have the answer on how to solve it but if anyone sees a child being abused or think they are being abused please report it and put a stop to what we can control. Enough of my rant, this just put me over the edge.
I don't think the baby was kidnapped and I don't think this story is going to end well. I believe the father knows exactly what happened to that baby and where he is. In one missing poster it says the baby is white with blond hair. The other poster says he is biracial with black hair. Can't they even get that straight? There is a good reason why the father didn't report the baby missing for 2 weeks and then only when forced to. He is hiding something.
First of all, I wouldn't have left the baby on the porch to go around and open the door in the first place!
Secondly, you don't contact LE or ANYONE and tell them?
And when you are basically forced to contact LE you do it through a lawyer?

I hope they have this guy under a very intense interrogation!
Ugh. Sickening!
Sounds like he probably already had a relationship with a lawyer.
maybe he DID go around to unlock a door and then totally forgot that Levon was even on the porch. Went to sleep and when he woke, baby was gone, of course. He knew he was going to be in big trouble, so concocted this story when pressed? IDK, just so tragic and sad.
Blood around his brain that causes seizures? :thud:
Is there anything other than abuse which causes blood around the brain? :facepalm:

Yes. My middle child got a subdural hematoma from the use of a vacuum extractor during an emergency intervention during his birth. He was too far along to do a C-section so they had to go that route.

Subdural hematoma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"A subdural hematoma (American spelling) or subdural haematoma (British spelling), also known as a subdural haemorrhage (SDH), is a type of hematoma, usually associated with traumatic brain injury. Blood gathers within the outermost meningeal layer, between the dura mater, which adheres to the skull, and the arachnoid mater, which envelops the brain. "
Can't they use a better picture of this baby on the posters?! :banghead:

Levon is listed as bi-racial. I assume then Jevon is the father to all 3 children. I hope the other children are safe.

I don't believe that means he has to be the father of all 3.
Yes, all three kids are bi-racial. Doesn't mean they are all the same Dad.
I haven't seen any pictures of him with them and if he was their father, why wouldn't he have had them too?

It sounds like he was being possessive of Levon... afraid he wouldn't see him if he didn't keep him.
I think he would have done the same with the other boy and girl if they were his. :twocents:
My theory so far - dad engaged in some kind of neglectful behavior that resulted in this child passing, and he panicked and did something with the child's body, and then self medicated, and probably continues to do so, in order to try to come across as if everything is normal as much as possible, hoping that this will just "go away".

Chances are the child's medical history played into the situation, as other posters have suggested.
While it is the outcome nobody wants to even consider in the case of missing baby Levon Wameling, it is one for which Utica Police and the Oneida County District Attorney's office must prepare.

Officials say they have to plan for the possibility of baby Levon never turning up and if that is the case, can they even have a murder case without a body of a victim?

Police are currently on their own as the child's father, Jevon Wameling, the last person to see him on the porch of 748 Jay Street in Utica has asked for a lawyer. That means that only way police are talking to him now, is if and when they arrest him.

According to Jevon, who is no longer talking to police, nine month old Levon has already been missing for two weeks.

"After a certain period of time, there's a presumption that a person is dead if the person's not seen or anything," said Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara.

D.A. McNamara says his office has never prosecuted a murder case without a body. It can be done, but the long-time prosecutor acknowledges that it would not be easy.

"That makes for a weakness in the case because we would have to prove that the child is dead if we were going to charge some sort of crime against somebody for the death of the child," McNamara said.

McNamara is confident someone holds the answers that police and the child's family members seek

"Somebody knows where the baby is or the baby's body is," McNamara said. "There's no doubt in anybody's mind. It didn't just get up and walk away from the porch."

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