NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #10

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Hey NJGuy. I have also been following those posts. He seems to have alot of information, but without substantiation, its hard to tell what is true and what is just speculation based on truth..i wish he could back up his claims because then he would really have something to bring to the police...
Hey NJGuy. I have also been following those posts. He seems to have alot of information, but without substantiation, its hard to tell what is true and what is just speculation based on truth..i wish he could back up his claims because then he would really have something to bring to the police...

Hey, I agree with you. The level of detail of the information suggests it is legitimate, but you never know if it's someone with a deep hatred for the Doc or someone just playIng games or something else. But I was struck by the specific information and detailed information. Definitely take with a grain of salt, but at the same time, a lot of the info certainly makes sense to me
Also, a lot of the claims are shocking and outrageous and if true, very horrifying. I also remember catching a flaw in one of his posts that seemed to refute what he claimed, but I can't remember it right now. Anyway, it is tough to tell if any of his posts contain any truths but I encourage others here to read and judge for themselves
Also, a lot of the claims are shocking and outrageous and if true, very horrifying. I also remember catching a flaw in one of his posts that seemed to refute what he claimed, but I can't remember it right now. Anyway, it is tough to tell if any of his posts contain any truths but I encourage others here to read and judge for themselves

Shocking and outrageous seems to be a theme for the lisk site. That being said, these new posts have the ring of truth (IMO) and make more sense, in theory, than anything else I have heard so far. It seems like he is being truthful about being a resident of the community with a lot of inside knowledge of his neighbors as well as the investigation (which I assume he gleaned from being questioned and from talking to LE/neighbors/etc). But I think he sort of fluctuates between just stating his theories and then making bold statements and claiming them to be absolute fact.

Let me know if you find the contradiction in his posts because I didn't catch any yet. Anyone know a fast way to locate all his posts on there?
WOW! Thanks NJGUY! It sures sounds like that post knows alot of info. And it backs up suspicions that I have had all along about CPH....The man with the wooden leg. Does he have a lazy eye also? Does JB have a lazy eye? It's been so long since I watched the vids I don't recall.

I wish I had time to sleuth the allegations this poster brings forth but I couldn't post any findings here on WS anyway without him being named a poi in MSM. Pretty incredible story, if true!

Now I know why some neighbors in OB stated to news media...."I'll tell you anything you want but just don't ask me to snitch on my neighbors." (paraphrased)

Just think about it and add it all up,.... doctor with wooden leg, currently unemployeed, wife is nurse who works nights, (One of the victims last phone contact with her john was at 10:30 pm before her disappearance. doesn't 3rd shift begin at 11 pm?), access to prescription drugs due to injury in auto accident, small victims, video at gatehouse missing, burlap sacks allegedly stored in shed of OBA (we saw photos of a sack race on the OBA site early on in the case), Dr. allegedly drives around 'policing' OB in his truck with red light on top (what color is this truck?), supposed wellness check call to SG's mother by someone claiming to be a Dr who treated her in his 'home' for those with drug addiction and she fled, allegedly claimed early in the case to have given SG a sedative that night, Shannon disappears without a trace in OB community....I don't think I need to go on any more......

I think this is the first time that the K.I.S.S. ( Keep It Simple Stupid) theory has all fallen into place in my mind. I may totally wrong with this theory. But it is the only one that makes sense to me regarding Shannan's disappearance which connects her to the

My OPINION is based on RUMOR and MSM reports by OB residents. Therefore it is all MOO!!!!

These may be small inconsistencies, but still give me reason to pause in believing all those posts...However, he named a lot of names in his posts about who may be connected to these crimes, one I find particularly interesting was the florist who moved to Montana. Anyway just a couple of inconsistencies...

1. He posts CPH was fired from the PD bc he lied on his resume, yet claims CPH has almost all the police force in his backpocket. How do you get fired for lying on your resume but still have power over the PD?

2. He claims the man from Montana was having an affair with CPH's wife and he knew about it, yet was still best friends with the guy...Maybe it's a lot sicker than we can ever know, but reason stands to think they would no longer be best friends.

3. Claims Dr. or JB called Gilbert family to state SG was with him under his care....why in the holy hell would the Dr. do that? How long does that buy him until SG's family starts questioning why she hasn't called or come home, a few days, a week maybe. Then what? He cannot be that arrogant to think her family wouldn't eventually ask where she was

However, despite these small issues with the posts, much of what he posts may have some truth to them...where and how the bodies were hidden, the burlap, the security tapes, the parties etc..
Although if this poster knew where and how the bodies were stored, why didn't he come forward way back then? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, that's all. It's hard to fathom that nearly every resident of OB knew of this and not one person would say anything. And I don't care how much pull a man has with the PD, there is no way the PD would overlook/cover up a dozen bodies being discovered without having an answer for it.

As you can see from my post, I am quite conflicted about the veracity of this man's posts. Much of it makes sense (and maybe I want it to make sense) and the level of knowledge and detail is eye opening, but it is also quite possible this man is either making it up, fabricating some of it, or has an ulterior motive about all the informtion
These may be small inconsistencies, but still give me reason to pause in believing all those posts...However, he named a lot of names in his posts about who may be connected to these crimes, one I find particularly interesting was the florist who moved to Montana. Anyway just a couple of inconsistencies...

1. He posts CPH was fired from the PD bc he lied on his resume, yet claims CPH has almost all the police force in his backpocket. How do you get fired for lying on your resume but still have power over the PD?

2. He claims the man from Montana was having an affair with CPH's wife and he knew about it, yet was still best friends with the guy...Maybe it's a lot sicker than we can ever know, but reason stands to think they would no longer be best friends.

3. Claims Dr. or JB called Gilbert family to state SG was with him under his care....why in the holy hell would the Dr. do that? How long does that buy him until SG's family starts questioning why she hasn't called or come home, a few days, a week maybe. Then what? He cannot be that arrogant to think her family wouldn't eventually ask where she was

However, despite these small issues with the posts, much of what he posts may have some truth to them...where and how the bodies were hidden, the burlap, the security tapes, the parties etc..
Although if this poster knew where and how the bodies were stored, why didn't he come forward way back then? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me, that's all. It's hard to fathom that nearly every resident of OB knew of this and not one person would say anything. And I don't care how much pull a man has with the PD, there is no way the PD would overlook/cover up a dozen bodies being discovered without having an answer for it.

As you can see from my post, I am quite conflicted about the veracity of this man's posts. Much of it makes sense (and maybe I want it to make sense) and the level of knowledge and detail is eye opening, but it is also quite possible this man is either making it up, fabricating some of it, or has an ulterior motive about all the informtion

Very well put. I noticed the same things but didn't think much of them (except #1). A while back, I was trying to research (along with another poster here, carbuff) how long CPH had worked as the director of emergency services (and the years he held that position) and I couldn't find much BUT we did find an old Newsday article about his "resignation" (the word they used).


It seemed that he held the position from 1995-1997,while the poster indicated he was fired right away for lying on his resume.

ETA: The reason I didn't think much of points #2 and #3 is because the second one could be the result of intricate personal dynamics that we have no idea about and the phone call could have just been a drunken or drug-induced loss of control/bad judgment call. JMO
Also, one of the names he posted was the father of the witness who described seeing SG's footprints in the sand...does it mean anything? who knows, but that always struck me as an odd quote. Interestingly enough, the father was a witness to a shooting in Oak Beach that involved a retired officer and another man back in 2004.

The more I read and think about this person's posts, the less inclined I am to believe the entire story...I think I believe bits and pieces, and I strongly believe (as others have posted here) that something horrible has been going on OB for a while. To what extent, I am not sure. But way too many coincidences, inconsistencies for my liking about this place.
I don't think we're allowed to post quotes from FB but check out the new posts on Praying for Shannan Maria Gilbert.
Just saw that... not sure what to make of it, will this new and potentially info begin to get things rolling again? If SG's family picks it up, hopefully they can make noise about what is posted on the LISK site. I really, really, hope it is not some person spouting ridiculous and untrue info. As it relates, one of the men he named in the posts, the Montana Man, is friends with the Doc's son on FB, so they clearly have some familiarity with each other.
Hey if you Google flukeyou you will come up with some searches very similar to a board member on here that went quiet recently.
Every rumor has a thread of truth. The challenge is separating the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. And sadly, cases like this always end up with an over-abundance of chaff. Also, wrt the alleged PH call, imo, per reports, him claiming he treated Shannan flies in the face of the doctor-client confidentiality clause. A clause, btw, that extends beyond death. The number of years he's been practicing decreases the likelihood that he was the individual who made the call. Simply bc the confidentiality clause should be second nature by now.
Hey if you Google flukeyou you will come up with some searches very similar to a board member on here that went quiet recently.

I think I am missing something because my google searches haven't pointed me to anything that gives a clue about another poster here. Any way you can help me out...I'm finding it very important to discern the veracity of this person's posts

Thanks again
WOW! Thanks NJGUY! It sures sounds like that post knows alot of info. And it backs up suspicions that I have had all along about CPH....The man with the wooden leg. Does he have a lazy eye also? Does JB have a lazy eye? It's been so long since I watched the vids I don't recall.

I wish I had time to sleuth the allegations this poster brings forth but I couldn't post any findings here on WS anyway without him being named a poi in MSM. Pretty incredible story, if true!

Now I know why some neighbors in OB stated to news media...."I'll tell you anything you want but just don't ask me to snitch on my neighbors." (paraphrased)

Just think about it and add it all up,.... doctor with wooden leg, currently unemployeed, wife is nurse who works nights, (One of the victims last phone contact with her john was at 10:30 pm before her disappearance. doesn't 3rd shift begin at 11 pm?), access to prescription drugs due to injury in auto accident, small victims, video at gatehouse missing, burlap sacks allegedly stored in shed of OBA (we saw photos of a sack race on the OBA site early on in the case), Dr. allegedly drives around 'policing' OB in his truck with red light on top (what color is this truck?), supposed wellness check call to SG's mother by someone claiming to be a Dr who treated her in his 'home' for those with drug addiction and she fled, allegedly claimed early in the case to have given SG a sedative that night, Shannon disappears without a trace in OB community....I don't think I need to go on any more......

I think this is the first time that the K.I.S.S. ( Keep It Simple Stupid) theory has all fallen into place in my mind. I may totally wrong with this theory. But it is the only one that makes sense to me regarding Shannan's disappearance which connects her to the

My OPINION is based on RUMOR and MSM reports by OB residents. Therefore it is all MOO!!!!


Hi, WaltzingMatilda. I haven't looked at the posts in detail, so I can't judge, but I can say that the lazy eye claim seems to have been associated with Dr.H. on this site and elsewhere.

As you say, rumors do proliferate in scary cases like these.

P.S. The more I look at the Long Island Serial Killer site, the more I think that it is sloppy and chaotic compared to ours.
Hi, WaltzingMatilda. I haven't looked at the posts in detail, so I can't judge, but I can say that the lazy eye claim seems to have been associated with Dr.H. on this site and elsewhere.

As you say, rumors do proliferate in scary cases like these.

P.S. The more I look at the Long Island Serial Killer site, the more I think that it is sloppy and chaotic compared to ours.

One of the police officers who got suspended for attacking prostitutes or the one assigned to a desk job had a lazy eye. It had nothing to do with CH. Maybe somebody can help me, I didn't make any notes about Bowers and the other disgraced LE they were looking at. But that was the only reason they were asking people about a man with a lazy eye.
Thanks much for the clarification all. I am sooo behind in sleuthing this case. I feel I'll never catch up. But never fear, my sleuth buds are always here to set me straight and catch me up. You all are the best!!

I guess time will tell if this poster is speaking the truth or just blowing steam out his rear end to stir things up!:steamed:

Thisinfo + a link to the full post was posted on serialkiller.com today:

By bs on Jun 22, 2011

This article was posted today and talks about it taking 40 minutes for police to answer calls in Jones Beach. Apparently people heard a women screaming and it took the cops 40 minutes to get there this past weekend



It was about 11:00 when I was standing with two friends, talking about how we needed school to be over and how our children were fried from the year and how the boat basin was unusually empty, being Fathers Day weekend and we figured the nasty weather had kept many away, when we heard a blood curdling scream, followed by two other shrills.

It was screams unlike any other. The three of us instantly walked down the dock towards the other boats. The first two men we came across were inside their boats and didn't hear the scream, we continued to the private parking lot. Two other men jumped into their car to check the main parking lot, but with all the rain most of the parking lot was flooded out. They couldn't see anything. I returned to my boat to check on my family. Everyone was sleeping. I went back out to the small group that had now developed and learned they had called security. Approximately 40 minutes later a number of police vehicles arrived as did a thermal helicopter.

We were told we were not the only people who heard the screams from the police officers. That didn't really make me feel better. I questioned them as to why it took so long for them to arrive, apparently the Wantagh Bridge was out and they had to go all the way to the Meadowbrook. (For those of you not familiar with Long Island - the equivalent to about a 25 minute detour.) I pressed as to why there were no police officers patrolling Ocean Parkway with what has been going on in the area, they didn't really have an answer only said "Troopers have Ocean".

The police and helicopter searched til 1:30AM. Early the next morning, I ran into a female security guard. She had heard from other boaters about the incident. I found it strange that Nassau County PD didn't inform them of the details of the night. Shortly before noon the thermal helicopter returned for about an hour. We heard nothing else about the incident during the rest of the weekend.
One of the police officers who got suspended for attacking prostitutes or the one assigned to a desk job had a lazy eye. It had nothing to do with CH. Maybe somebody can help me, I didn't make any notes about Bowers and the other disgraced LE they were looking at. But that was the only reason they were asking people about a man with a lazy eye.

Hi, Redbird. The police officer might have had a lazy eye, but some here also thought that CH had that problem too:

04-12-2011, 07:18 PM
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Notice the spacing of the eyes and how the Dr appears to have a lazy eye, the nose if you look straight could match as well. This man I think had a disguise on if it is the SK MOOOO

That characteristic also seemed visible to GoatHairJones and other people who saw CH's TV non-interview. One wonders if it was the Gilbert family who brought up the lazy eye issue at the victims gathering covered by New York Magazine, since the daughters had spoken with him up close.
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