NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #11

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re: the press conference

i dont know if ya'll can recognize voices of the members of the press
but i think N.J. Burkett (ABC-TV) asked some GREAT queestions today
asking that senior cop - if he felt UPSET that they didnt find anything
and the cop said - i'm not upset - we want to find the person - but we found nothing

gee - could you even pretend you give a (blank?)
could you even try to pretend you care?

because you obviously DONT
you couldnt care less.

huge publicity stunt

may i please disagree with you?
i think it had NOTHING to do with the fbi flyover in april
it had EVERYTHING to do with

abra cah dabrah

pull the rabbit out of the hat
let's fool the public yet again.

wink wink
let's see- look at us - we are looking for Shannan

ummmmm well - if the fbi helicopter had 90 points of interest in april
why wait EIGHT months later to do a ground search

ya know
there are hawks, eagles, and all sorts of other animal prey that could
get to those "points of interest" (AHEM!!!!) let me clear my throat
all summer long.

not like they were concerned that the (AHEM!!!) points of interest would
be taken away in 8 months, huh?

I personally felt the press conf today was certainly a waste of airtime
quite frankly
the press conference and the bogus search today
was very very cruel to do to the families of the girls.

merry christmas inspector
I think the idea of the search being a ruse could have some merit to it. Maybe its a diversionary tactic? As far as the press conference, it could very well be that they want to dredge up interest for the case in tandem with the A/E Special. It could also be that something else is going on behind the scenes and they are hoping some suspects will get nervous and start talking.

What if there is other stuff they found last april that they are withholding and hoping the SK feels the need to revisit? Or, maybe they did find some additional things and keeping it from the media?
re: the press conference

i dont know if ya'll can recognize voices of the members of the press
but i think N.J. Burkett (ABC-TV) asked some GREAT queestions today
asking that senior cop - if he felt UPSET that they didnt find anything
and the cop said - i'm not upset - we want to find the person - but we found nothing

gee - could you even pretend you give a (blank?)
could you even try to pretend you care?

because you obviously DONT
you couldnt care less.

huge publicity stunt

First off, it's not his job to be all emotional, it's his job to solve the case. Plus, if he said he was really upset or frustrated, that may give the wrong message to the public.

Do you really think that LE doesn't care? After tonight they will have the whole country looking at them to solve this case.

In many cases it takes years or even decades to track down a SK. It's very difficult and it's typical that the public gets restless and angry. Fine, but let's keep in mind who's the real bad guy here.

I'm halfway around the country, so I can't vouch for how seriously LE is taking this case, but I would think it would be in everyone's best interests to solve the case as fast as possible.

And publicity stunts are fine, get it out into the news. If nothing else, this raised awareness of the case, which could possibly lead people to step forward.
@clem snide

thank you for your perspective.
it is comforting
but....i'm really upset for the families.
this was very disappointing

but thank you ..... for your perspective.
Not one single mention of Charles Peter Hackett DO. He finally started letting his lawyer do his talking, as in, absolutely no talking, and they will sue if you say his name. Thank's CPH, sometimes less is more.

Not one single mention of Charles Peter Hackett DO. We got to hear soooo much from Pak and Diaz, but nothing about them meeting and giving CPH Shannan's mother's phone number and Shannan's little sister's pone number.

I was told upfront when being interviewed for the GQ article that they couldn't mention suspects. I am tired of everyone being scared of getting sued. There are more important things in life than money. It has only become more blatantly obvious who the SK is, it is Charles Peter Hackett DO. Come and sue me if you are innocent doc you know who I am, I am waiting, and Siben & Siben is waiting. I will air you out until your time has come.

Identify Jane "Fasciotomy" Doe (1995) she is directly connected to him.
I said "come on Shannan, let's go". And then she said....uh.... she said.... uh.... What did she say??? She said... "You are trying to kill me".
-One of many quotes from MP (driver of SG) on the 12/5/11 A&E Two Hour Special: Long Island Serial Killer.

Anyone besides me get the impression that MP was more or less reciting a rehearsed version of what happened that night when SG was in JB's house (as opposed to simply telling us the truth in his own words?). Someone needs to post that segment of his interview so everyone can clearly see the fear in his eyes. Maybe he was simply star-struck with the tv cameras. Or maybe he was afraid that the world would not buy his story.

What does that mean when someone suspicious is about to tell you what his "business partner" said to him and then he has to actually ask himself "what did she say?" and hesitate before coming up with the words that he claims she spoke to him?

It's not like he hasn't been asked before to tell his account of the events of that evening.
-One of many quotes from MP (driver of SG) on the 12/5/11 A&E Two Hour Special: Long Island Serial Killer.

Anyone besides me get the impression that MP was more or less reciting a rehearsed version of what happened that night when SG was in JB's house (as opposed to simply telling us the truth in his own words?). Someone needs to post that segment of his interview so everyone can clearly see the fear in his eyes. Maybe he was simply star-struck with the tv cameras. Or maybe he was afraid that the world would not buy his story.

What does that mean when someone suspicious is about to tell you what his "business partner" said to him and then he has to actually ask himself "what did she say?" and hesitate before coming up with the words that he claims she spoke to him?

It's not like he hasn't been asked before to tell his account of the events of that evening.

Pak said she said, "you guys are trying to kill me", the hesitation was interesting, I imagine no one wants to implicate themselves in this and that statement definately implicates him. I think that he didn't want to say it, but had to say it because it is what he told LE that she said since the beginning of his involvement with LE, and he knows he can't change what he said now. SG was convinced the group: JB, Pak, CPH, were conspiring to harm her because one or some of them were conspiring to do something with her, sell her, pimp her to someone, collect a fee for referring her to someone's "rehab", sell her into an S&M dungeon etc. But these bozo's didn't know she was going to end up murdered or the call to 911 and the delivery man wouldn't have happened. The SK sets up a fraudulent front, some reason for people to deliver/recruit girls to him and these clowns or clown bought it, and they were possibly going to be implicated as accomplices, looking at you JB. Remember that Pak and JB were questioned by detectives, and there stories cleared them (more or less) so I think what he said is the truth, there may just be more truth missing from their (JB and Pak) statements, like the short mystery trip within the oak beach community for instance.

One thing is for sure, Pak and Diaz are no longer camera shy. They aren't worried about LE charging them with anything anymore. As for JB and Pak, if they were serial killers, they never would have let her call 911 for 23 minutes, they didn't understand her fear, because they didn't know murder was involved, the SK only revelead his nefarious intentions to SG, and he did it with his actions not his words, she was on to his intentions because she wasn't as naive as the SK expected her to be, she had street smarts.

Pak also tells us that JB offered 450 for 2.5 hours, that is not the 1500 for overnight that the mystery caller/driver had been offering. That tells me that if the cases are connected, JB was in it for profits, "give me 1500 I'll deliver you a girl", gotta love laid off financial advisors. Also, Pak doesn't sound like an "older white guy" to me. I think his voice would be described with more detail regardless of what type of accent you hear.

JB to news media: "I'm not the victim here, ....yadda yadda... the true victims .... " This indicates JB does in some way feel like a victim, but correctly so brushes those feelings to the side because of the larger tragedy of loss of life. JB won't come on camera anymore, I wonder if he is still worried that he could be implicated as an accomplice, or has he rolled and just doesn't want the media attention. Was JB the effective recruiter/driver who anonymously picked up the G4 the right way then got lazy and ordered a delivery? Or was that the SK doing things right by doing it himself and JB.

Diaz, well we know he was barely crawling when the 1995 victim was killed, so he isn't the killer, but I would still love to break his jaw, twice.
-One of many quotes from MP (driver of SG) on the 12/5/11 A&E Two Hour Special: Long Island Serial Killer.

Anyone besides me get the impression that MP was more or less reciting a rehearsed version of what happened that night when SG was in JB's house (as opposed to simply telling us the truth in his own words?). Someone needs to post that segment of his interview so everyone can clearly see the fear in his eyes. Maybe he was simply star-struck with the tv cameras.

I thought the same thing too at that point, but I also felt his mannerisms were a bit introverted in nature.

SG's disappearance still baffles me. A&E parsed her details some. Like Truthspider said, they didn't bring the doc up at all. Nor did they bring up the lady that saw her further down near Anchorway/ Galley st. or the 20 y.o. that talked about her footprints. Didn't the doc see her along the road too?

No mention of the security tape at the gate or MP being questioned by police that morning either.
What does that mean when someone suspicious is about to tell you what his "business partner" said to him and then he has to actually ask himself "what did she say?" and hesitate before coming up with the words that he claims she spoke to him?

It's not like he hasn't been asked before to tell his account of the events of that evening.

I think that looks really shady when suspects repeat the question. That interview with Sandusky regarding penn state had the same thing happen and the body language experts said it's a bad sign.

I still don't think its a reach though to conclude it could be due to shyness or like Truthspider said, fear of implicating himself.
-One of many quotes from MP (driver of SG) on the 12/5/11 A&E Two Hour Special: Long Island Serial Killer.

Anyone besides me get the impression that MP was more or less reciting a rehearsed version of what happened that night when SG was in JB's house (as opposed to simply telling us the truth in his own words?). Someone needs to post that segment of his interview so everyone can clearly see the fear in his eyes. Maybe he was simply star-struck with the tv cameras. Or maybe he was afraid that the world would not buy his story.

What does that mean when someone suspicious is about to tell you what his "business partner" said to him and then he has to actually ask himself "what did she say?" and hesitate before coming up with the words that he claims she spoke to him?

It's not like he hasn't been asked before to tell his account of the events of that evening.

Yeah,I definitely noticed that part as well...and it would have been the most important part of his story. How do you forget that she said that? His whole casual, occasionally laughing attitude with the sunglasses on really creeped me out, and was completely incongruous with the seriousness of the discussion. I know he passed a lie detector test (as he made sure to mention SEVERAL times) but I'm still not convinced he's not involved.

I also thought the show omitted some things... like about the request for Pak to go to CVS, and her saying she'd find her own ride home, and then when Coletti came across him, MP said something about her being "in a lot of trouble" - but this wasn't included in the show. Also, I don't think they mentioned about her earring being found on JB's property.
The most revealing details were from the Barthelemy family and their attorney. The younger sister speaks in great detail how Barthelemy went from cutting hair to working as a stripper. Then in more detail about how someone at the strip club approached her about how she could earn more money if she worked "the party". And then how "the parties" lead to her being pimped out by him (and eventually outside the strip club and onto Craigslist ads).

Did we ever figure out which strip club she worked at?

(Once again... hate to say it because some of you hate to hear it... there is the strip club connection and you-know-who has a long documented history of recruiting girls from strip clubs to be prostitutes. Can't imagine the owners of any strip club letting anyone but someone who is connected actively recruit their talent. No surprise that Barthelemy was the only victim whose families received taunted calls and with such great details that could only have been extracted from Barthelemy. If she regularly attended and provided services at those "parties", then it is highly likely that she had several repeat "regulars" as customers there. Most likely the SK attended those parties and that is where he got to know her so well. I tried explaining the other day that these parties had a link to this case. Now we hear it right from Barthelemy's sister that Barthelemy was recruited from the strip club to attend these parties as a prostitute.)

Then the family attorney dropped the bomb about his number one suspect; a man who his ex-wife states was missing in action during all of the days the victims went missing. A man with an "extensive basement". A man whose name the police have been given but have yet to act or rule out.
(Once again... hate to say it because some of you hate to hear it... there is the strip club connection and you-know-who has a long documented history of recruiting girls from strip clubs to be prostitutes. Can't imagine the owners of any strip club letting anyone but someone who is connected actively recruit their talent. No surprise that Barthelemy was the only victim whose families received taunted calls and with such great details that could only have been extracted from Barthelemy.

Then the family attorney dropped the bomb about his number one suspect; a man who his ex-wife states was missing in action during all of the days the victims went missing. A man with an "extensive basement". A man whose name the police have been given but have yet to act or rule out.

BBM - who is this "you know who"? I for one don't know who.

I agree, the Barthelemy interviews were extremely revealing - I had no idea the calls with the sister were so extensive or that there were so many - I thought there was just one.

I felt like they were trying to give hints with the clue about the ex-husband w/ the extensive basement - is that a hint at JB or the Doc? It must be credible, or else why would they allow that to be revealed if it was unsubstantiated.

This is so frustrating, I feel like the SK is right under our noses and we're just not seeing it - like a word that's on the tip of your tongue that you just can't get at.
Then the family attorney dropped the bomb about his number one suspect; a man who his ex-wife states was missing in action during all of the days the victims went missing. A man with an "extensive basement". A man whose name the police have been given but have yet to act or rule out.

Please see LISK site where there is one new crazy woman a day who thinks the LISK is her ex husband :floorlaugh: Or where everyday there is someone new who "had a dream", unless you are MLK, nobody cares about your dreams.
This is so frustrating, I feel like the SK is right under our noses and we're just not seeing it - like a word that's on the tip of your tongue that you just can't get at.

you can do it future c, he is right under your nose, he called the victims family and little sister more than once, he is lawyered up to his eyeballs because he is scared to death, he is old enough to be dismembering women since 1995, he is capable of leaving "no evidence", he knows LE techniques, he had the ability to secure victim's that were unidentifiable. he has lived in oak beach for a long long time and is comfortable there. He had a reason to be in Manorville in the middle of the night in 2000 and 2003, and he has the motive to kill a woman who underwent a fasciotomy.
A&E special - A few quick points that stuck out to me wrt Shannan.

I heard Pak mention that when the date was set, Shannan called Brewer. not the other way around?
Also, they met up with JB and then FOLLOWED him to his house.

I thought it was weird that MP asked Shannan if she had seen a specific movie. "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" Can anyone elaborate? I have never seen the movie.
And that SG answered, "yes"??? What an odd thing to ask at that time..
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