NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #11

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It has been purported on here that CPH has a lawyer and has lawyered up.

does anyone know who his lawyer is?
and the law firm he works for
and if you are allowed to ssay on this forum?

Just Asking.
I was expecting that is was code for asking whether she had taken too many drugs and that an answer of "yes" meant she'd had too much and needed help ... but the driver instead understood it as meaning she was fine. Odd.

Yeah, it made absolutely no sense. I feel so sorry for Shannan (and all these women, for that matter), the men in her life clearly did not have her best interest in mind.

And, like many others have commented, I find it interesting that CPH was left out of the documentary completely.
Good points, IG. The Fear and Loathing comment stuck me as very odd. I've seen the movie many times. Although there is a great deal of drug-related freaking out in the film, I don't see why asking Shannan if she had seen that movie would accomplish anything. The way Pak said it almost made it sound like he was speaking to her in code, like that was some sort of secret code between them. And Pak felt he had to mention it (and sort of- but not really- explain it) during the interview because it was recorded on the 911 call. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

yeah maybe it's not as weird as it sounds coming from Pak, he is odd for sure.
Have you seen "Fear and Loathing" ... could be "have you been dosed/roofied" or simply, "are you tripping out?" Both Pak and Diaz look like happy pills have them half lobotomized.
I found Pak to be a cool head in a hot situation we have to remember a lot of what comes out on program like this depends on the editing.

almost nothing about the call to police and no explanation. ( probably due to lawsuit issues)

nothing on Hackett ( again , lawyers)

the special was beautifully realized and I came away with the understanding of just how much these girls are needles in haystacks...

it was PR...and I feel like the search yesterday was as well.

Yeah,I definitely noticed that part as well...and it would have been the most important part of his story. How do you forget that she said that? His whole casual, occasionally laughing attitude with the sunglasses on really creeped me out, and was completely incongruous with the seriousness of the discussion. I know he passed a lie detector test (as he made sure to mention SEVERAL times) but I'm still not convinced he's not involved.

I also thought the show omitted some things... like about the request for Pak to go to CVS, and her saying she'd find her own ride home, and then when Coletti came across him, MP said something about her being "in a lot of trouble" - but this wasn't included in the show. Also, I don't think they mentioned about her earring being found on JB's property.

Did she actually request that he go to CVS? I thought that one of the last numbers called from her cell phone was to CVS and people here speculated that she wanted him to go to CVS.
Could somone PLEAAAAASE copy the tonights A&E special and post it here?

And if possible also the Dormer's press conference later today?

I´m in Europe and cant watch it on TV:(

Thanks in advance


Theforeigner, I have checked both A&E's website and YouTube this morning but cannot find a video of the program. There is a designated thread here for the show (Kindly started by Rikk99) and I am presently posting some highlights which I noted so check it out.

Truth Spider
i'm going to ask Tricia to speak to you.
i am not an old post person coming in under a new name.

I have not insulted you - why are you insulting me and projecting onto me?

TKAM, welcome to the board. I'm the one that Truth is still mad at, apparently. He and I have had some words because he's been a bit of a bully to me and I responded in kind. I'm here to come up with some ideas, think with an open mind and hopefully help ID the SK or some additional evidence that might be used against him. I think Truth is here to do the same, he just comes off a bit angry (at least towards me (and CPH)).

I used to like debating Truth, but ever since he's reverted to being a bully, I'm basically fed up.

Truth, I've never had any other username. I've posted on LISK once, under a username "newguy". I'll apologize for being a bit harsh to you on my last post, only because it seemed like you were later apologizing to me (for asking me what planet I'm from). You've previously asked me if I was on drugs, accused me of being CPH, and just been generally nasty. You've been modsnipped for some of your outbursts, and I won't be surprised if you ultimately are kicked from the forum based on how you're treating me and the new members.

Let's all try and get along and focus on the task of gathering theories, evidence, etc.

My input on the A&E special is that I can't for the life of me figure out why they don't release the tapes of the SK's calls to Melissa's sister. Were these calls traced by police but not recorded? Someone would surely recognize this guy's voice. What possible reasons would they not release at least a small sample of his voice?
TKAM, welcome to the board. I'm the one that Truth is still mad at, apparently.

Truth, I've never had any other username. I've posted on LISK once, under a username "newguy". I'll apologize for being a bit harsh to you on my last ...

My input on the A&E special is that I can't for the life of me figure out why they don't release the tapes of the SK's calls to Melissa's sister. Were these calls traced by police but not recorded? Someone would surely recognize this guy's voice. What possible reasons would they not release at least a small sample of his voice?

Gadget, I ain't mad at ya. They won't release any tapes because they will be used as evidence in the voice line-up. And when that day comes, if you are still on this forum, I will send you a bottle of champagne and an apology for any snarkyness, seriously. The same goes for TKM if he is still here when that day comes.
Gadget, I ain't mad at ya. They won't release any tapes because they will be used as evidence in the voice line-up.

Good point Truth, thanks.

Another thing I noticed on A&E was Pak not talking about the drifter. It seems that there have been multiple "drifter" serial killers in the past.

What we know about the drifter:

- he's 48
- likes strippers
- name is "PA"
- moved to GA sometime after case broke on MSM

Do we know his middle name or DOB? Is the last name "A" possibly just his middle name ("PA" seems to be a common first/middle name combo)?

Do we know any prior locations that he's "drifted" to?

I found an arrest in 2007 in Florida of a PA with middle name "Eddie", with a DOB in 1963 that seems to match the known age of PA.
Good point Truth, thanks.

Another thing I noticed on A&E was Pak not talking about the drifter. It seems that there have been multiple "drifter" serial killers in the past.

What we know about the drifter:

- he's 48
- likes strippers
- name is "PA"
- moved to GA sometime after case broke on MSM

Do we know his middle name or DOB? Is the last name "A" possibly just his middle name ("PA" seems to be a common first/middle name combo)?

Do we know any prior locations that he's "drifted" to?

I found an arrest in 2007 in Florida of a PA with middle name "Eddie", with a DOB in 1963 that seems to match the known age of PA.

IIRC all of the drifter talk came from one NYPost story. I'm not sure if there ever was a drifter.
Good point Truth, thanks.

Another thing I noticed on A&E was Pak not talking about the drifter. It seems that there have been multiple "drifter" serial killers in the past.

What we know about the drifter:

- he's 48
- likes strippers
- name is "PA"
- moved to GA sometime after case broke on MSM

Do we know his middle name or DOB? Is the last name "A" possibly just his middle name ("PA" seems to be a common first/middle name combo)?

Do we know any prior locations that he's "drifted" to?

I found an arrest in 2007 in Florida of a PA with middle name "Eddie", with a DOB in 1963 that seems to match the known age of PA.

Gadget, can I ask you what IS your opinion of CPH? You are very bright in your analysis but I don't remember your stance on his involvement in the SG case.
The A&E special tonight really upset me. I'm usually up this late anyhow, but I can't get it off my mind. I thought it was so sad. It didn't really provide much information - so much was left out and/or not addressed at all. But what it did do was provide a portrait of these women and their families and really reminded me what this is truly about. It's easy to get caught up in the amateur sleuthing and all the facts and information. I'm glad, actually, that it did seem to focus more on the human aspect of the case. I think people need to be reminded - these are real people, real lives that were destroyed (those of the women and the families & loved ones left behind.) These women had families and children and friends and were loved and are missed. It's just so sad. If any of the families ever read this, I for one would want them to know how sorry I am and how badly I want justice for all the victims.
And if the SK ever reads this - f u, you p of s, you are going down - I promise you that, and sooner rather than later. You might as well go jump off a bridge now because it's already over for you. I hate your guts but you'll get yours.

Had a similar effect on me. I think it's fun and interesting to amateur sleuth, but I'm definitely guilty of losing sight of the actual pain that family members are going through, I'm afraid.

I felt the special did a good job of humanizing the victims. It was also interesting how they seemed to remind viewers multiple times that the killer might be married and come off as "normal". Almost as if to appeal to the wife of the LISK if she happens to be watching.

Interesting tidbit at the end about the woman who suspects her ex husband. Reminds me of a certain individual on the LISK board who, if it is her, strikes me as slightly insane.
It was also interesting how they seemed to remind viewers multiple times that the killer might be married and come off as "normal". Almost as if to appeal to the wife of the LISK if she happens to be watching.

Interesting tidbit at the end about the woman who suspects her ex husband. Reminds me of a certain individual on the LISK board who, if it is her, strikes me as slightly insane.

I agree, I guess for some people this case is just too close to home. It could take someone a year to work through denial then do the right thing. A homicide prosecutor told me casually, "they are gonna need a confession", acknowledging the lack of physical evidence. I think there is too much pressure in the pot, and a pipe will burst eventually.
Rumor has it that cops found something while searching the marshes today...

"On Tuesday, Suffolk police closed an access road to the Oak Beach gated community where Gilbert is believed to have visited a client the night she vanished.

Police had at least five canine units with them, NBC New York has learned. Crime scene units and a dive team were also at the location. It wasn't immediately clear what prompted the search in the marsh area Tuesday.

Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer appeared briefly at the search site but then left.

Several homes are located in the vicinity of the swamp, including one owned by Peter Hackett, the doctor who claimed he saw Gilbert running, frightened, the night she disappeared. Police have said Hackett may have been among the last people to see her alive."

Okay, anything new in the case? Doesn't appear so. Did someone of the locals figure out where traffic cameras are on the causeway? Didn't see any responses to that in weeks, but then, I was and still am pretty busy.
Gadget, can I ask you what IS your opinion of CPH? You are very bright in your analysis but I don't remember your stance on his involvement in the SG case.

Sure Truth, I'll try to be brief, but I probably won't be:

- he had an alibi (his wife likely wouldn't cover for him or probably wouldn't be able to keep that kind of a secret)
- he lacked opportunity (his wife was sleeping next to him, family in the house)
- he had an explanation for the calls, and the timeline of Diaz/Pak visit to OB and the Diaz/Pak call to CPH fits the explanation
- your interpretation of court docs that he was somehow criminally or civilly found guilty of gross negligence while medically attending to a minor is incorrect, based on my interpretation
- your interpretation of court docs that he was in some kind of drug rehab is incorrect, based on my interpretation
- my guess is that MG later misrecalled the last name of the "Rehab" caller
- according to police, MG never informed police of the "rehab" call initially, so assertions about CPH by MG need to be viewed in the context of a mother looking for swift justice.
- Mari and those assisting her (i.e., findshannangilbert.com) have never posted her actual phone bill to demonstrate the time/date and originating phone number of the "Rehab" call (which she claims was prior to the first call that CPH reported to 48 Hours). If Mari was able to demonstrate that CPH indeed called her prior to the first reported call by CPH, this would probably change my opinion on CPH.

Do you remember the article where MG went with some blogger to meet with CPH and his wife? They seemed like decent people, and they seemed empathetic. CPH has a family, he's community-minded. Without more actual evidence, at this point I think he just got really unlucky when he ran into Diaz/Pak and made those calls to the family at their request. The MSM storm took over and he got swept up.

And as for why he didn't take a lie detector test, it's because he's smart. He actually listens to his lawyer. If the DA came to him with some decent circumstantial evidence and threatened to charge him, he probably would take a lie detector test to help clear himself as a suspect and avoid being charged. But right now, he doesn't need to from a legal perspective since it can only hurt him. From a publicity perspective, its already about as bad as it can get, so there's no need to take any additional risk that you make things worse for yourself.
Good point Truth, thanks.

Another thing I noticed on A&E was Pak not talking about the drifter. It seems that there have been multiple "drifter" serial killers in the past.

What we know about the drifter:

- he's 48
- likes strippers
- name is "PA"
- moved to GA sometime after case broke on MSM

Do we know his middle name or DOB? Is the last name "A" possibly just his middle name ("PA" seems to be a common first/middle name combo)?

Do we know any prior locations that he's "drifted" to?

I found an arrest in 2007 in Florida of a PA with middle name "Eddie", with a DOB in 1963 that seems to match the known age of PA.

OK, so it looks like "P (Eddie) A" comes from Ft. Myers, FL. Check this out:


Does anyone know if the drifter was from southwest Florida? I think I'll ask over at LISK too since they seem to know him pretty well.
- your interpretation of court docs that he was somehow criminally or civilly found guilty of gross negligence while medically attending to a minor ....

- your interpretation of court docs that he was in some kind of drug rehab is incorrect....

Unlike you gadget, I didn't rely on "my interpretation", I relied on the interpretation of an experienced attorney. But this is all just old news, we both know the the fins are circling in the water right out back behind Mr Hyde's home and they smell blood.

"Remains and clothing were found in the marsh Suffolk police searched Tuesday in connection with the investigation into the disappearance of a sex worker last seen in the area last year, law-enforcement sources tell NBC New York....
The remains were found in knee-deep water in the marsh, sources said. They have not been identified. No further details were immediately available....
Several homes are located in the vicinity of the swamp, including one owned by Peter Hackett, the doctor whose house was searched earlier this year in connection with Gilbert's disappearance. He was never named a suspect."
I found this site while trying to find info on this case online. It has been very informative and I enjoy hearing everyone's opinions. I read through a lot of the pages on this forum, but I don't think I've put together everything.

I watched the special last night and have to say, the girls were surrounded by real pieces of krap. It was pretty depressing to watch. My interpretation of the show was it was intended to highlight the most recent victims bringing more publicity and to hopefully trigger someone to come forward with info. I did find it interesting that lots of info speculated on this site was omitted. Thre were a couple of camera shots that I thought were odd. One of the police bagging a shoe and something else and another zoom in to SGs' notes as if to say we do have some evidence.

Was there really a drifter there? I thought that I had read somewhere the MP had moved to GA. Where is additional info on him?

How long does DNA stay on/in a body out in the elements?

I don't understand why the police think the guy is early 30's, even late 20's. It seems that with bodies dating back 15 years he would be about 10 years older.

Married? I wouldn't think so. It is possible, but I would bet not.

I think the discovery of the toddler is important. In my opinion it shows that he is keeping the victims for a little while at least. Why dump one body and drive down the beach 7 miles to dump the other? It is more likely they were dumped days apart. One of the mothers on the show last night said she believed her daughter was held for about a month. This most likely wouldn't be done by a married man.

I don't believe that SG is still alive. If she was, I don't think there would be victims after her. I envision that one victim is probably a handful to carry on your normal routine of blending in, but what do I know?
These news reports coming in are BIG if they are true.
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