NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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Thanks scandi .. i think their street number is 35. Which leads me to, if LE wasn't able to search the area well in May because it's so marshy and the reeds alongside Anchor Way are so tall, how is that a scared, barefoot gal was able to so totally disappear into the area, so deep that she can't be found?

Also, if Shannan is in there, you'd think the cadaver dogs would have zeroed in on her by now.
Question: They found her cell phone, right? Nevermind, but here's the question anyway. How come they didn't/couldn't ping her cell phone? She didn't/wouldn't turn it off in that dire situation as she was calling 911 and running for her life, right?

I guess the cell phone became inoperable once it fell in the mud.
I respectfully disagree - no one in her family or who spoke to her in the days leading up to it said anything about what her status was with her meds. When you miss a dose or stop taking them suddenly or even tapering the dosage it is very easy to spiral quickly into mania. It could have also been triggered by something she took at the client's house, or even by alcohol - no matter how professional you are at your job, you never know just how your brain chemistry will react.

With no disrespect intended to Ms. G and her family, several sources in the news articles I've read have said she had used prescription drugs, marijuana, and cocaine recreationally. That doesn't make her a unintelligent, unprofessional person. I know intelligent, professional people who do recreational drugs. No matter how in control of a situation you think you are, you add a chemical imbalance in the brain plus a drug - again, we don't know if she was or was not on taking anything for bipolar - PLUS anything else that affects your brain chemistry and anything could happen really. A friend of a friend tried cocaine for the first time and jumped off the roof of his house. I am the only person I know who can't just chill out and relax when smoking weed - I have the opposite reaction of everyone I know, I get insanely hyper and paranoid and anxious, which is why I'll never smoke it again. And you never know what the hell else weed or coke is going to be laced with.

All I'm saying is, to me her actions that night indicate that her bipolar disorder and/or a drug reaction cannot be ruled out as being a factor that night.

In the beginning of the coverage of this case in the media, it was mentioned that Shannan was bi-polar and had been known to dabble in drugs. (I just paraphrased that of course). I'd have to root back through the articles to get the exact phrasing but in my mind it seemed to be repeated in the same standard unsubstantiated, un-explained, almost clicheed way. I always took it with a grain of salt. No-one ever elaborated upon it, that I can recall, or furnished examples of her having similar episodes or behaving in an unusual or bizarre manner. Subsequent interviews with family members gave me the distinct impression that she was actually on a fairly even keel and her freak-out that night would be totally out of character. I'm not saying she wasn't bi-polar or didn't dabble in drugs; I'm saying - what does that mean? It's pretty vague,in actuality, but the implication is that those things are significant when they aren't necessarily.

I feel like drugs & bi-polar disorder are two things that fit in with and allow for an easy stereotyping, which is convenient for lazy or haphazard journalism. It's pretty late right now so I don't know if that made sense of not - what I mean is, I feel like those are the sort of details that fit in with a stereotype and so it's easy to throw them in without any real explanation or exploration of what the reality may have been (I'm talking about early media reports in particular.) "Oh, she's a prostitute who uses drugs and is bi-polar." It's easier then to be dismissive about the incident - which is in fact what sort of happened, for quite a while.

That's why this bothers me. You already have people who think it's not worthwhile spending resources to find "just a prostitute", who, in their mind, put herself in a bad situation (just check the comments section after any on-line article.) It's easy to dismiss someone like Shannan, and I think her case from the beginning was mishandled and not taken very seriously anyhow. Are people who have bi-polar disorder not to be believed then, if they run down a street screaming that someone is going to kill them? Sure, you might look at the possibility of drugs and the effect that might have had on her that night, but since no-one knows, that is pure speculation. The FACT is that she was frantically calling 911 for 23 minutes, trying to get away and saying that she was in danger. That we know for sure. And a bunch of dead prostitutes were found a hop, skip and a jump away. I'm not saying the possibility of drug use and her bi-polar disorder having a part in how she acted shouldn't be considered; I'm saying it bothers me that it's so quick and easy to jump to that conclusion instead of just believing her. (And this isn't specifically directed at you - i talking about people in general)

As someone else wrote recently, if other factors weren't involved - the bodies hadn't turned up, and the doctor hadn't made those inexplicable phonecalls and then inexplicably denied doing so, etc. - maybe one might be more inclined to consider the possibility of her being delusional that night. Under the circumstances, I reject that.

As for brain chemistry, I don't profess to be an expert, but I just don't think there's any evidence to support the idea that Shannon's bi-polar disorder would be the reaon for her flip-out . Just reading that she had it, with no details, doesn't tell me anything, and while yes I agree that brain chemistry can be tenuous, I think there is a tendency to look at this in the most facile way.

By the way, my saying that I understood her to be intelligent, savvy and professional didn't have anything to do with potential drug use or whatnot - I'm not sure why you glommed onto those words - I wasn't saying being intelligent and professional precluded using drugs! I was trying to say that I had the impression she approached her work pretty responsibly (for her own safety.) She didn't do it for fun, after all - it was a job. She might indulge a bit but I doubt she just threw caution to the wind and went hog-wild. I'm sure she knew what she was doing. Again, this impression comes mostly from what her family said about her. I doubt she'd let herself get to the point where she'd be out of control. Not to say it couldn't happen (the best laid plans...) but I'm looking at likelihoods here.

(I hope this makes sense because I'm cross-eyed right now and no way am I going to go back and read it over....!)
OT AmandaReckonWith, Thank you so much for all the time you devote to keeping the case archives updated!

I certainly believe it is plausible that SG got lost and became stuck in the muck and marsh and drowned/suffocated. I also strongly believe that it is plausible something or someone had a part in her death. With all this news coming out, it certainly leaves me with more questions...as usual.

Am I the only one that thinks with the combination of the documentary/probable tip that all of a sudden her belongings were so easily findable? Her purse, phone and clothing were just that easy to find in one day of searching. I think it's quite possible her things were planted there by someone. It's all too neatly wrapped up in a bow for PD. Of course it is possible that this is in fact just a coincidence she died and her things were found near the site of an SK dumping ground, but idk something seems way off here. Added in that 'Flukeyou' has been saying this for months that's where her body is, it stands to reason that the OB residents also knew something....including CPH, JB, Cannings and others. Something is going on...and just for an added twist the same officer who discovered the bodies with his dog, is the same officer who found her purse
NJGuy, I really don't know what to think but something does seem off to me. In addition to the special that aired on Tuesday, we are two days away from the 1 year anniversary of the discovery of the first body on GB.

Where is Shannan? <modsnip> MOO


I get what you're saying about the bi-polar and drugs. I also think by the same token that SG's family could have feared she would be written off by LE for these reasons and possibly watered down her mental history. Who knows.

About the Doc's letters. I think he might be telling the truth and lawyered up after the whole letter thing blew up. MP and AD weren't shining stars. A friendly doctor offering help might be believed over them and to get SG's family off of their backs or to just have a contact in the Oak beach community to make SG's family feel better they asked him to call.

Doc lying about the calls might be his social awkwardness/ nervousness when being grilled by reporters.

I know a lot of people think this is a gigantic coincidence but I stumbled across this unrelated page and thought it was interesting:

I dont think just because one has a bi-polar disorder that any of the claims they make should be dismissed. Yes we have not heard how her condition effected her on a day to day basis.
However it cannot be ignored either and I have had some experience long ago with my neighbor a middle age women who had this condition.
I remember always watching out for her and what men came around her because, one day she did tell me as she hid by her stairs claiming that "they were going to get her".
It is very well possible that she was drugged by the men she was with that night, willingly or not and this is all speculation by many of us without evidence.
I am still pissed at the police for lack of caring enough about a citizen, a young vulnerable girl who screamed for help and did all the correct things one is to do when you need it.
Why hasn't anyone brought up the issue of SG's bipolar disorder as a factor? A manic episode or bad interaction between drugs and her meds, or going off her bipolar meds could easily explain all of her behavior that night. I am bipolar II (meaning I don't have manic episodes) but I have a good friend that is bipolar I (classic high highs and low lows), and I've been around him during a manic episode before, and it presents like the person has done too much meth or coke. Eventually, if it is not treated, it can turn into psychosis and paranoia. Which fits exactly with what everyone reported her behavior as that night. Especially if she did drugs with JB - one of the biggest reasons I have never done anything more than smoke weed (and had a really bad experience with that one) is because I don't want to risk a bad interaction with anything I'm already taking. If a bipolar stops taking their meds, AND they do coke or drink, they could easily become manic very quickly. When my friend became manic he thought everyone around him was a Nazi (he's Jewish). It's kind of hard to explain unless you've experienced it yourself or been around a bipolar during an episode, but I think it's a perfectly reasonable explanation for what happened that night, and I find it interesting that despite that we know she was a diagnosed bipolar, no one in her family, or on the boards, has posed this scenario.

Thank you.
I never expected for SG's phone to be found. Whatever happened to her, I thought her phone was long buried in the muck. I wonder if the jeans they found were inside out. She could have accidentally run into the water & the jeans got wet. I imagine trying to run in tight, wet jeans would be painful - but if SG deliberately removed her jeans & shoes to make running easier, she would have held on to them. If all these items found really were SG's - where are her remains?
Originally Posted by CanManEh
I still have not heard a good awnser for why pac after being asked to come in the house because shannon was freaking out saying thier trying to kill me and he simply says have you seen the movie fear and loathing in las vegas she says yes and he said she's fine and goes back outside . how does seeing a movie mean your cohearant and better yet if he thinks she is cohearant then wouldn't you be more abliged to believe what she was saying but no he just up and goes back out to the car .
I haven't heard this - has anyone seen this movie? What is it about? This may have been some kind of a threat.
If you go back through the treads you will find a comment by Goathairjones who drove by the Cannings house that there is no sand, no sand in the surrounding area that she could have left her footprints in. Something hinky is going on here. She woke up the whole neighborhood. Wouldn't someone have heard her cries for help? She didn't fall into mud over her head.
I do have such a feeling that she was set up. I wish I knew how Pak got involved with the escort biz. He said he met SG at the agency they worked for prior.

then they decided to pair off on their own

what was his role at the agency? who runs the show?
It's all too neatly wrapped up in a bow for PD. Of course it is possible that this is in fact just a coincidence she died and her things were found near the site of an SK dumping ground, but idk something seems way off here. Added in that 'Flukeyou' has been saying this for months that's where her body is, it stands to reason that the OB residents also knew something....including CPH, JB, Cannings and others. Something is going on...and just for an added twist the same officer who discovered the bodies with his dog, is the same officer who found her purse
Yeah, something doesent seem right. The Suffolk County Police has a tendency to do things like this with cases - see the whole Marty Tankleff scandal.

The part about the K9 officer really stands out to me. I mean the same officer who found those 4 bodies last December then suddenly comes across another missing girls cell phone, shoes, and pants a year later? As Leroy Jethro Gibbs would say : I don't believe in coincidences like that. Something's fishy ... and it's not the ones swimming in the Great South Bay.
The movie is a Hunter S Thompson story of debauchery . With Johnny Depp.
I certainly believe it is plausible that SG got lost and became stuck in the muck and marsh and drowned/suffocated. I also strongly believe that it is plausible something or someone had a part in her death. With all this news coming out, it certainly leaves me with more questions...as usual.

Am I the only one that thinks with the combination of the documentary/probable tip that all of a sudden her belongings were so easily findable? Her purse, phone and clothing were just that easy to find in one day of searching. I think it's quite possible her things were planted there by someone. It's all too neatly wrapped up in a bow for PD. Of course it is possible that this is in fact just a coincidence she died and her things were found near the site of an SK dumping ground, but idk something seems way off here. Added in that 'Flukeyou' has been saying this for months that's where her body is, it stands to reason that the OB residents also knew something....including CPH, JB, Cannings and others. Something is going on...and just for an added twist the same officer who discovered the bodies with his dog, is the same officer who found her purse

I think there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for why the police were only able to find her belongings during this latest search. The water in the marsh had finally receded enough so they were able to locate her things.

Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer said the waters in the marsh had receded far below the lake-like terrain that officers had encountered in previous searches, allowing them to discover the latest items

Btw, why didn't Shannan wait for the police to arrive when she asked the neighbor for help? what made her decide to run off again into the darkness and why didn't she bother to hide in the neighbor's house instead? i'm also curious why, if Shannan had been a victim of the LISK, he chose to dump her body in the marsh rather than his usual dumping ground?
I am sitting at my computer doing some shopping and I have on the live feed from News12 LI, chopper coverage. For some reason my screen went blank....maybe they found Shannon.
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