NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #12

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@Pickle Chris....where did you hear that? That is terrible.

@Sister Sleuth....The Yonkers torso was most likely gang related. Yonkers has a lot of drug dealers and gang members. That could be why.

Well...I believe those drug dealers and gang members will just bust a cap in somebody's behind. They aren't about to dismember somebody.
Husband was being questioned. He is known as a bit creepy from what the neighbors are saying. Runs a Christian radio show (I don't know if it's internet or over the air). An officer ran out of the house throwing up after seeing the crime scene. I'm assuming the deceased is his wife so I can't confirm just yet. Once I get out of the office I'll make some calls. No FBI on the scene, just Suffolk.
Husband was being questioned. He is known as a bit creepy from what the neighbors are saying. Runs a Christian radio show (I don't know if it's internet or over the air). An officer ran out of the house throwing up after seeing the crime scene. I'm assuming the deceased is his wife so I can't confirm just yet. Once I get out of the office I'll make some calls. No FBI on the scene, just Suffolk.

Well, that's not a very Christian thing to do...
Actually, I came across an interesting post on this site from the very first days after the bodies were found last December - I'll go back and look for it and post it. But the poster said that they had read an article in which GC said to the reporter that he wouldn't let Shannan in - that he told her to hide in the bushes, which the poster thought was (naturally) very callous. I don't know if that is true - I'm trying to find the article - it would have been from VERY early on, before GC did all the interviews. In fact, it was before he was even identified. I know we all have read many times that Shannan ran into his place, but that doesn't mean what this poster said he read wasn't true - if it is,perhaps she ran in and he told her to get out, that he would call police but she should stay outside. That would actually explain why she ran off, because yes, that is weird that she didn't stay in his house. Come to think of it, there's always been an inference that it was his comment that he was calling police that caused her to run off - I myself always assumed that, but who knows - perhaps not. Perhaps something is being left out, like he didn't really want her in there - that actually explains why she ran off.

As for her calling 911 - people have questioned why she'd do that while still in his house, why he'd "let" her, why there would be no threatening sounds in the background, etc. - to me it makes complete sense. She probably called 911 before she could be stopped and then either hid or kept distance between herself and JB while she was talking and trying to find a way to get out. In fact, that is partially supported in one interview with MP who I believe said she was hiding behind a couch at one point. It makes sense to me that she would just be trying to evade whoever while staying on the phone at all costs, waiting for a chance to make a break for it. And knowing that she was on the phone with 911, whoever was there would hardly be inclined to threaten her or say anything incriminating or threatening, so that part's a no-brainer.

I'll look for the post and the article. It may not be true, because that does sound pretty crappy, but it was very early on before we were swamped with info., so who knows?!

PS. Wow, I just discovered the italics button, after, like 9 months....! Ha!

Here's the post I was talking about. It was from the original thread right after the 4 bodies were found last December, and the poster was "Cornflower" :

12-19-2010, 01:26 PM
Just to clear my thoughts I need to write them down. I remember seeing an article a few days ago about Shannon Gilbert. They interviewed a neighbor of JB and though they didn't mention his name I assume it was GC. He told the journalist that a woman came knocking on his door late at night, screaming for help and telling someone was after her. He said she looked like she had been partying all night. He told her to hide in the nearby bushes (!) but the woman continued running away. He did not say that he called 911 - if I recall correct! I remember clearly him telling her to hide herself, I thought that was horrible - she was begging for help and he didn't invite her inside the house.
After the woman left a man had come driving a car, asking if he'd seen that woman and he was looking for her since something went wrong at a party. The neighbor said that man looked like Asian and he left driving to the same direction as the woman had been running to.

JB said that SG was with her for about an hour. SG's bf/pimp said he got a phone call from JB three hours after he left her there, JB wanted him to come and get her away. Was it one or three hours?

What are the odds for SG to meet a killer on her way? I mean, she must have been really unlucky to escape from JB's house just to meet another stranger who took and killed her.

I've been trying to find that article but no luck yet.

Of course, since there's no link to an article, who knows if that's true, but I'm going to try to see if I can locate it. It would have been a very early article. Obviously we know he did in fact call the police, but note that the poster just says he didn't say that in that particular article, so that omission doesn't necessarily discredit the rest.
Some overall thoughts:

1. I have rarely seen such amateurish press conferences (even in the height of a crisis) as I have with this police department. They have backtracked hugely more than once (three killers to one) and have made statements that don't ring true/make sense (such as the denseness of the brush around the possible Shannen/Unidentified remains site vs her ability to get into it/police's ability to get into it). I don't believe everything they are saying, but i suspect they have had contact with the killer. this is because...

2. There is no-way they could so quickly start searching the area they had previously searched and find her personal items then find her when they stated it was terrain that was impossible to traverse. Look at how much of the area seems to have been cleared. Its almost as if they drove in, found her stuff then found her, all whilst clearing what seems to be very little of the actual brush in that area and having to clear very little else around her (no matter who she is identified as. She is still someone.) I think the killer tipped off the police. I also think that might be the reason for the nervousness of the police during press conferences.

3. I think this body was not there when the area was searched before. I think whomever took her knew the heat was on for a while (with the cops having been called) and kept her (or her body) somewhere *safe* until he was ready to dispose of it/wanted to taunt the police. If this is true and it is taunting, then I'd not be suprised if this was not SG. If its not then i think thats a clear indication that someone has been really messing with the police. Whether or not its her, her items were found close by, *suggesting* it is her. if its not he'll really be thumbing his nose.

4. I often think that we give serial killers more *deviously active thought* than they really have (they are often doing it because they enjoy it and not every aspect can be whittled down to just pure evil or being seen as a message). I think a lot of them are not that clever. I think some of them are just *lucky* not to get caught (i think of gary ridgeway as an example of this, although he did have some forensics knowledge he really was only able to keep killing because of sick luck rather than his smarts). Some put so much planning into it (such as BTK) that it is so chilling that can feel your bones go immediately cold just at the thought. I think that because remains one of the Manorville victims was *mixed in* with this group of victims is a calling card from the killer. I think he's trying to show police how *clever* he thinks he is and how many victims he has.

5. I think that the killer knew what areas have been searched, and put this body here knowing it had been *done before* with a police search dog team. I think he's trying to make the police look incomptent, perhaps because he is angry at them for championing her not being linked to the other crimes and he knows better?

6. I agree that BPD and drugs mixed together could cause someone to have a *break* from reality. It is possible, but how likely that it would happen somewhere an active serial killer killing just the kind of woman (and I'm not judging, i have nothing but respect for anyopne who has faced any circumstances causing such a hard choice as these woman have made) was operating. And i know how many missing person's reposts start with *acting strangely. ran into the woods/up the street/to the local freeway*, but this is just too unlikely to happen in the same place (also factoring in that all the other victims also travelled to LI to conduct business as did SG).

Just some thoughts from someone looking in from afar. I'm not trying to cover *all bases*, just add some thoughts that have been bugging me about these/this case/cases. back to lurking for me. Love and respect to all keeping the search for justice for these victims, no matter whi they are victims of. Sorry about any spelling problems.

Yule blessings, CCLS.

Excellent post, please come back!
Well...I believe those drug dealers and gang members will just bust a cap in somebody's behind. They aren't about to dismember somebody.

You could be right, Sistah...but gang members can be brutal. Drug dealers will definitely bust a cap in someone behind. LOL, I agree with that.

The one in Mamaroneck is absolutely tied in with this case, no doubt.

Has there been any word yet on the ID of the body?

What if this body isn't Shannon's?
Speakinf of which does anyone remember the guy who had the body in a suitcase in Manhattan last year? He was filmed dragging it to the dumpster.
I think it's interesting that they have kind of backed off on her identity..maybe out of respect for the family, but maybe out of actual uncertainty. Certainly if they had the jaw plate there would be no doubt.
I think it's interesting that they have kind of backed off on her identity..maybe out of respect for the family, but maybe out of actual uncertainty. Certainly if they had the jaw plate there would be no doubt.

I assume that they're doing that out of the abundance of caution. God forbid that it turns out to be somebody else who had a similarly broke jaw.

Then again, you know what happens when you assume.....
anybody checked new missing person cases in the area? wondering.
A woman's body was found a few hours ago in an Amityville basement. Persons on the scene said is was extremely gruesome. News has not posted anything about this anywhere. I currently have no other information. I'm sure it will be on this evenings news.
Location was South Amityville just East of the Highschool.

Probably unrelated to the LISK, but wouldn't it be nice if it turned out to be him? He's no doubt been under a lot of stress seeing these cases in the news, maybe he snapped.
You could be right, Sistah...but gang members can be brutal. Drug dealers will definitely bust a cap in someone behind. LOL, I agree with that.

The one in Mamaroneck is absolutely tied in with this case, no doubt.

Has there been any word yet on the ID of the body?

What if this body isn't Shannon's?

Please give more details about Mamaroneck, thanks.

No word yet on the ID of the body. I gotta tell ya', so much stuff is just swirling around in my mind. For starters, I can't believe that DA Spota has publicly announced his disagreement with Dormer. That to me is extremely unwise and I have to believe that they know better. Thus, I'm inclined to believe that under the direction of the BSU, they are attempting to fish this <modsnip> out. They threw the <modsnip> police commissioner in front of the media probably in hopes of stroking the sk's ego. Now, it's DA Spota who is a completely different LE personality. He appears to be more confident in his beliefs and maybe that's the personality that will present more of a challenge to the sk, thus, fishing that <modsnip> out.

Also, I find it interesting that just last week, Dormer stated in a press conference (in so many words) that the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI is BULLCHIT. Yet, in this article it states: "He (Dormer) said that he believed that the killer's methods had evolved over time and that the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI had sat down with Suffolk detectives to go over the evidence in the case." I'm further inclined to believe that Dormer infered the above bolded part of the statement from the BSU.

Pertaining to the remains not being Shannan:

Let's face it, the sk has been screaming for attention for at least the last fifteen years. You don't leave a torso in a suitcase along a road to be easily discovered (when you could have very well placed it further into the woods) unless you want attention. But nobody paid him any mind. At least fifteen years have passed and he is just entering the radar. He most likely has a team of dead ladies--and some men, where he doesn't have to kill another individual for a good minute. He'll just play games and lead them to his various victims from time to time which will only expose just how incompetent LE truly is.
"Let me expose these fools for the jerks they really are and embarrass them. I want them to know I have Shannon but I have another body they can take the time to discover and identify. They are a bunch of punks--they are scared to let the public know how deep I am out here, walking among society. I'll just enjoy watching them squirm in their little press conferences and see what lies they will spin. I know it ain't Shannon and they know it ain't Shannon. They are full of chit--"she probably accidently drowned..." TELL THE PUBLIC THE F'N TRUTH!!! IT WAS ME WHO DID IT! I'M OUT HERE!" *This is what he is yelling at his tv during the press conference*

But you see, LE won't give him that satisfaction. They are starving him of the attention that he so desperately needs. Starve his attention by not giving him his "just credit" and feed his ego by demonstrating discord among those who are at the top in LE. We all know that what ever is wrong or right at the top will trickle down to the bottom.

This is not your average sk. He is definitely different. He has studied others like him. He may not have a wife or girlfriend (I think he is married) but he has neighbors. He may not have kids (I think he does) but he has cousins and probably siblings. He definitely has co-workers. I think a specific website should be set up that asks a series of questions which targets those who know him--but really don't know him. I can guarantee that somebody once had a conversation with him, maybe about a movie, and this guy said something or responded with a very strange statement. What he said has never left that person. Every now and then, whatever that statement was, creeps back in their mind and they just can't connect the dots. The series of questions are meant to assist his neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives to connect the dots between various red flags of which they are currently oblivious. He really ain't all that good where there aren't any red flags.

Help those around him to see the red flags and to connect the dots.

And perhaps, to his wife, the red flags aren't so obscured. Maybe she can't connect the dot to him being a sk but she lives with him and she has seen some strange behavior. Behavior so strange that she won't even tell Jesus about it in her secret closet where she goes to pray. His wife is out there--fish her out.

The majority of his co-workers thinks he's a butt hole. Fish. Them. Out.

Anyway, most of what I've just written could all be my imagination. Hey, what do I know?
I feel there had been a bit of a blackout on nat'l media coverage. I believe everything that happens from here on out is carefully orchestrated.
I think it's interesting that they have kind of backed off on her identity..maybe out of respect for the family, but maybe out of actual uncertainty. Certainly if they had the jaw plate there would be no doubt.

minazoe....did they mention the steel plate the other day?
I thought that wasn't mentioned, but I'm not sure. I know she has one. I wonder if it's her? Dr. Baden said they would know quickly by the steel plate and dental records....of course to be 100% accurate they would need to do DNA which would take a week or two. I hope it's her and not another victim.
......Anyway, most of what I've just written could all be my imagination. Hey, what do I know?

SBM!!! :clap: Good job Sistah!!! Loved it! And.... I think there is a lot of truth in what you said. I believe the SK has reached out and has contacted LE. Whatever "tip" they received around Thanksgiving that Shannon "...was probably dead and on the side of the road" - which then caused the new search that led them to her belongings, and ultimately her remains, was from the SK. Nothing else makes any sense to me. He has demonstrated boldness and a need to communicate by his contact of MB's family after she was already dead. He is a jerk, an arrogant jerk, but he NEEDS to be noticed and I think we have entered a new phase of his "game".
@Sistah Sleuth:



You will find she had a cherry tattoo. I saw you mentioned the tattoo's the other day. Mamaroneck's Harbor Island is directly across the Long Island Sound from Glen Cove, LI.

Wasn't there a victim in Manorville who had a cherry tatoo? I know there is one who has tatooed peaches. They are all starting to blend into one another for me and I can no longer keep them straight in my mind. I better start taking copious notes.

Dormer, Spota clash over Gilgo case

Originally published: December 15, 2011 12:26 PM
Updated: December 15, 2011 8:13 PM


The split between Dormer and Spota over one of the biggest and most baffling serial murder investigations in Suffolk history surprised lawmakers at the hearing. Public Safety Committee Chair Jack Eddington (I-Medford) said he was "blown away" by the dispute.

It also upset family members who marked the first anniversary this week of the discovery of the first four Gilgo victims.

Hours later, County Executive-elect Steve Bellone announced a shakeup of top police brass, naming veteran police official Edward Webber as interim commissioner, effective Jan. 1.

Regina Calcaterra, co-director of Bellone's transition team, said, "As soon as Steve takes office, we're going to aggressively push forward a comprehensive investigation to make sure that family members get closure and justice is served for the victim."
Suffolk County Executive Steve Levy declined to comment on the differences between Spota and Dormer on the investigation.

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