You could be right, Sistah...but gang members can be brutal. Drug dealers will definitely bust a cap in someone behind. LOL, I agree with that.
The one in Mamaroneck is absolutely tied in with this case, no doubt.
Has there been any word yet on the ID of the body?
What if this body isn't Shannon's?
Please give more details about Mamaroneck, thanks.
No word yet on the ID of the body. I gotta tell ya', so much stuff is just swirling around in my mind. For starters, I can't believe that DA Spota has publicly announced his disagreement with Dormer. That to me is extremely unwise and I have to believe that they know better. Thus, I'm inclined to believe that under the direction of the BSU, they are attempting to fish this <modsnip> out. They threw the <modsnip> police commissioner in front of the media probably in hopes of stroking the sk's ego. Now, it's DA Spota who is a completely different LE personality. He appears to be more confident in his beliefs and maybe that's the personality that will present more of a challenge to the sk, thus, fishing that <modsnip> out.
Also, I find it interesting that just last week, Dormer stated in a press conference (in so many words) that the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI is BULLCHIT. Yet, in this article it states: "He (Dormer) said that he
believed that the killer's methods had evolved over time and that the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI had sat down with Suffolk detectives to go over the evidence in the case." I'm further inclined to believe that Dormer infered the above bolded part of the statement from the BSU.
Pertaining to the remains not being Shannan:
Let's face it, the sk has been screaming for attention for at least the last fifteen years. You don't leave a torso in a suitcase along a road to be easily discovered (when you could have very well placed it further into the woods) unless you want attention. But nobody paid him any mind. At least fifteen years have passed and he is just entering the radar. He most likely has a team of dead ladies--and some men, where he doesn't have to kill another individual for a good minute. He'll just play games and lead them to his various victims from time to time which will only expose just how incompetent LE truly is.
"Let me expose these fools for the jerks they really are and embarrass them. I want them to know I have Shannon but I have another body they can take the time to discover and identify. They are a bunch of punks--they are scared to let the public know how deep I am out here, walking among society. I'll just enjoy watching them squirm in their little press conferences and see what lies they will spin. I know it ain't Shannon and they know it ain't Shannon. They are full of chit--"she probably accidently drowned..." TELL THE PUBLIC THE F'N TRUTH!!! IT WAS ME WHO DID IT! I'M OUT HERE!"
*This is what he is yelling at his tv during the press conference*
But you see, LE won't give him that satisfaction. They are starving him of the attention that he so desperately needs. Starve his attention by not giving him his "just credit" and feed his ego by demonstrating discord among those who are at the top in LE. We all know that what ever is wrong or right at the top will trickle down to the bottom.
This is not your average sk. He is definitely different. He has studied others like him. He may not have a wife or girlfriend (I think he is married) but he has neighbors. He may not have kids (I think he does) but he has cousins and probably siblings. He definitely has co-workers. I think a specific website should be set up that asks a series of questions which targets those who know him--
but really don't know him. I can guarantee that somebody once had a conversation with him, maybe about a movie, and this guy said something or responded with a very strange statement. What he said has never left that person. Every now and then, whatever that statement was, creeps back in their mind and they just can't connect the dots. The series of questions are meant to assist his neighbors, friends, co-workers and relatives to connect the dots between various red flags of which they are currently oblivious. He really ain't all
that good where there aren't any red flags.
Help those around him to see the red flags and to connect the dots.
And perhaps, to his wife, the red flags aren't so obscured. Maybe she can't connect the dot to him being a sk but she lives with him and she has seen some strange behavior. Behavior so strange that she won't even tell Jesus about it in her secret closet where she goes to pray. His wife is out there--fish her out.
The majority of his co-workers thinks he's a butt hole. Fish. Them. Out.
Anyway, most of what I've just written could all be my imagination. Hey, what do I know?