NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #6

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The hospital suit is Off Topic and I have removed the discussion. If anyone wants to discuss it, they will need to pm me with an argument of how it relates to this case and provide a link or two to MSM that connects the suit to the case.


Thank you Salem!

I'm so glad to have you moderating and keeping us all in line, (along with our other mods). I truly appreciate your patience and guidance.

carbuff, why would we stop sleuthing about someone who is (as far as I can tell) central to the case whether as a patsy or not?

even if I knew for a fact he was completely innocent, I would still want any (public record) details that might help us figure out why someone would set him up so perfectly.

I think most of us believe the phone call to SG's fam isn't an unmotivated fabrication on the part of the gilbert fam, so we should want to know why the perp would put the heat on him like that (if he is innocent). The perp knows him and picked him for a reason to be his patsy.... so I ask why?
sorry salem, i didnt read your "case is off topic" post before I posted my last post. I will keep my findings to myself.
This is a minor detail but I believe can also be important: He used MB's phone to taunt the sister for quite a while. Now either he had the same phone charger as her (unlikely but possible), went to a store and bought a charger for the phone (Eh, possible but somewhat unlikely) or he told MB he would pay for an overnight and she packed a bag, with her charger included (my personal belief).

Possibly the phone was already charged. He took the battery out and only put it in the phone when making the calls & texts - which would also keep the phone from getting pinged. Another possibility, he uses the same kind of phone so he already had a charger.
NJGuy back in 2009 if I remember right the industry decided to adopt a universal charger, USB sub mini, to Cut down on all the extra chargers around the world, This doesn't mean all the phones use it yet but newer ones do. Or a Universal charger may work. It's actually a good question. I think if you turn off the phone and turn on only to use you will get a long time on one charge.
Possibly the phone was already charged. He took the battery out and only put it in the phone when making the calls & texts - which would also keep the phone from getting pinged. Another possibility, he uses the same kind of phone so he already had a charger.

That would be my guess. If he knew enough to call from a congested area he would know that they would try to locate him through the phone.

NJGuy back in 2009 if I remember right the industry decided to adopt a universal charger, USB sub mini, to Cut down on all the extra chargers around the world, This doesn't mean all the phones use it yet but newer ones do. Or a Universal charger may work. It's actually a good question. I think if you turn off the phone and turn on only to use you will get a long time on one charge.

My husband, son and I have different phones but they all use the same charger.
can an admin of this site help me out, I am new, and today is my first real dialogue on this site. I have been reading these threads for over a week now and some of the things I have read include: CPH former employment, his wife's good work with the civic association and www.savethebeaches.net, his childrens university attendance, pictures of kids in the civic association having potato sack races in burlap bags, and just yesterday people trying to determine what a creepy photo or picture inside of CPH's house is of..

were any of these things mentioned in the MSM? it seems like some of the digging happening is way outside of MSM or public record. so why is the court case (absolute public record) off limits but these other personal family details are not?

That would be my guess. If he knew enough to call from a congested area he would know that they would try to locate him through the phone.

My husband, son and I have different phones but they all use the same charger.

I think Apple is the Black Sheep, what else is new. So if anyone had an IPhone different story.
I think Apple is the Black Sheep, what else is new. So if anyone had an IPhone different story.

Thanks to all who responded with plausible explanations and insights. Certainly helps in the ongoing research and theories.

As for Apple Iphones, they pretty much can only be charged through Apple chargers, no other phone or company can have the same charger.

Same with blackberry's as well. It's a totally separate charger from a typical phone. Also, most blackberry models aren't even compatible with each other, meaning if I have a Blackberry model 2011, and you have a blackberry model 2012, we can't share a charger
sorry salem, i didnt read your "case is off topic" post before I posted my last post. I will keep my findings to myself.


truthspider, just so you know....

I've followed a double murder case here at WS for the past few years. I have sat on info that I dug up on someone in my sites for over a year now. Only this past Jan. was this person named in the media. It was very difficult to sit on it all that time because I was itching to share it with everyone!

I hope you understand that we are all just trying to help you since you are a newbie. We were all newbies once and I had lot's of nice people helping me in the beginning. I hope you continue to contribute to the discussion.

WS is the most respectful and well moderated site for sleuthing on the web. We must be careful, because Tricia, WS owner, could face legal consequences if we are irresponsible with our post contents.


Maybe he's not a john. Maybe he or she is stalking the women somehow -- is in a position to see their professional behavior and thinks s/he is cleansing the world by getting rid of women he sees as immoral?

I agree with the first part but not the second. I believe he chooses these women because they are the easiest targets and no always missed immediately. No one will report them missing for days or weeks. By that time, people's memories will have faded & it will be harder to track their steps.
I just thought of something. LE just took one of the girls Pimp Boyfriend computer. maybe they think some emails were sent from the SK or other communications maybe able to track. Why did they wait so long to confiscate it?
Thanks to all who responded with plausible explanations and insights. Certainly helps in the ongoing research and theories.

As for Apple Iphones, they pretty much can only be charged through Apple chargers, no other phone or company can have the same charger.

Same with blackberry's as well. It's a totally separate charger from a typical phone. Also, most blackberry models aren't even compatible with each other, meaning if I have a Blackberry model 2011, and you have a blackberry model 2012, we can't share a charger

I guess RIM & Apple are not with the Green Team.
That's something that has troubled me from the first time we heard some of these witness statements (assuming the statements are true and accurate)

Of all the things this guy does i.e. pick up women at their hotels, apartments, etc, makes phone calls, dumps the bodies....No one has ever seen him with any of the girls, either when picking them up or at any time in the car.
Something just doesn't add up...how could no one see this guy's face or car, either in person or on camera.

Something isn't adding up...is he that good?

Good point, NJ Guy!

Makes me think that he may have had other encounters where the girl did not follow instructions and he may have terminated the pickup. LE should really be questioning other girls to see if they've had similar encounters.
why have none of these new victims been identified yet? I can understand that older unconnected remains may not be identifiable..but it would good to know if any are identifiable or if none are. ..even if they are not part of the initial 4, they are still part of a crime scene and need to be evaluated as poss victims...right?

hopefully something soon...
why have none of these new victims been identified yet? I can understand that older unconnected remains may not be identifiable..but it would good to know if any are identifiable or if none are. ..even if they are not part of the initial 4, they are still part of a crime scene and need to be evaluated as poss victims...right?

hopefully something soon...

It took over a month to identify the original 4 bodies.
This is a minor detail but I believe can also be important: He used MB's phone to taunt the sister for quite a while. Now either he had the same phone charger as her (unlikely but possible), went to a store and bought a charger for the phone (Eh, possible but somewhat unlikely) or he told MB he would pay for an overnight and she packed a bag, with her charger included (my personal belief).

Which goes along with what I've thought all along - He's divorced/single and has a place/house to host the girls, finds girls that are willing to do overnight dates, or he has already seen each girl a few times and develops a rapport with them. As for obtaining the sis's number and possibly MB's voicemail password, when girls do overnight stays, that's ALOT of time to talk and share thoughts, pasts, feelings etc. From both the john and the escort. I believe at some point MB probably shared her family's lives and stories and he used that info later.

My guess is that there will be alot of girls who had contact with the SK, but for whatever reason did not go with him on an overnight trip, which could also explain why the victims were from all over and picked up all over the area. Not all escorts do overnight dates. He had to find girls willing to do overnight dates, and it took some searching.

As Shadow posted earlier, I also think he lives in Massapequa, and the Vmail check was him intially using MB's phone, possibly he was looking to see if anyone called her to check on her etc.. He realized his mistake, that it can be traced, and made subsequent calls form all over Manhattan. I think that first Vmail call was his major mistake.

I also think he's not interested in LE recognition or the public attention, he cares about the connection to the girls and their families, that's what drives him and gets him excited...that power.

Great post, NJ. Spot on, imo.

Except...I don't believe the SK checked MB's voicemail. I think she did. The reason I think this is because, no matter if she was a regular or not, I doubt she would have given him her vm code. Why would she? Now, if he's super tech savvy, perhaps he was able to retrieve it from her phone...I don't know.

I also don't think our SK lives in Massapequa, but I do think there's a no tell motel there that he frequents.

Being into patterns, I took the time to look up the days of the week certain dates fell on.

ALC, SG and MW were last seen in LI.
ALC: West Babylon, NY Sept. 20, 2010 (Thurs.)
MW: Hauppauge, NY June 6, 2010 (Sun.)
SG: May 1, 2010 (Sat.)

MB and MBB were last seen in NYC.
MBB: NYPA Bus Terminal July 9, 2007 (Monday)
MB: Tremont section of Bronx July 12, 2009 (Sunday)

Reported date of calls to MB's sister (these may not be correct, so grain of salt):
July 16, 2009 (Thurs.)
July 19, 2009 (Sun.)
July 20, 2009 (Mon.)
Aug. 26, 2009 (Weds.) Reported as being the last call.
I have no way to confirm which dates can be connected to which locations in NYC. It's an unknown, but we do know calls were made from Times Square, NYPA and Penn Station.

VM check from Massapequa: July 12, 2009 (Sunday)

I'm not seeing any pattern that stands out to me. Still looking. BUT, the vm check from MB's phone came from Massapequa on the Sunday she went missing. So, either MB accompanied our SK to Massapequa, or the SK killed her in NYC, carried her body and her phone back to LI, and checked her vm from Massapequa. He wasn't checking her voice mail to see if anyone had missed her, though. She hadn't been missing for more than a few hours. The cellphone then travelled back to NYC on 4 other reported dates (Thursday, Sunday, Monday and Weds.).

One thing we need to bear in mind, I think, is that just because someone is reported as last being SEEN on a certain date, doesn't mean that they died on that particular date. They could, in some instance, have been killed on the day following the last day they were seen. Especially true in this case, because these women worked late night into early morning hours. If x were reported last seen on Sunday at 11:00 pm, she might actually have been killed on a Monday. See what I mean?

Anyway...just some random thoughts to bounce around.
Time since these girls were reported missing and found. The nature of their transactions irequires stealth. People have seen him they just didn't know what they were looking at.
CHANLER: I am very curious as to why you are so defensive about JB. We all have our opinions, and believe what we believe, but I have noticed you are especially adamant about his innocence.
I'm not saying he's guilty - I don't know, and I try to keep an open mind, but the purpose of this site is to toss around ideas and brainstorm and examine things, and the circumstances of Shannon's visit to his house ARE peculiar - put in the simplest way: a woman runs screaming from a man's house saying she is in danger of being killed, subsequently disappears & 9 bodies are found in that very area. What are your alternate theories about this (that is- what happened in his house.) I am interested to know. Please don't just say that she was on drugs & hallucinating or something, and it's just a coincidence. It is just as important to look at plausible theories that would support someone's innocence, and I'm sure everyone is interested in hearing some of those. Surely you have some ideas, because you are so very defensive about any suggestion he might be involved.

You quoted my post but directed it to "Chanler". I can't imagine this was directed to me. I just made a point that I thought was valid and have never speculated about SG hallucinating. SG, her customer, the driver were all involved in something illegal and immoral that night. I don't really trust anyone's story about what happened in the house and suspect other people may be involved who have not been named yet.

I want to know more about the "black truck" that SG was reportedly pulled into while on the phone with 911. If she was pulled into a truck, someone who had access to the gate knows what happened to SG. Any other theory, drowning, OD'ing, chancing upon the wrong person or calling a 'friend' to pick her up - gets blown away by the suspicious end of the 911 call.
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