NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #7

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Might depend on the specifics of the event, Redbird. I don't know how it works in NY, but in Ontario, if a physician is brought before the College of Physicians & Surgeons, and ruled against by a panel of his peers, and depending on the unique circumstances involved, the physician can be (for example):

referred to a Disciplinary Committee (in which case the info becomes a matter of public record) OR

referred to a Quality Assurance Committee (which results in no public record whatsoever)

My personal experience is related to the death of my son. A 13 page decision letter found an ER doctor responsible for my son's death. The physician was referred to QA with requirements for upgrading and 1 year supervision by another medical practitioner ... there is no public record that this doctor was responsible, and the decision letter cannot be brought into a court of law.

ETA: He would not be listed as a doctor on staff at Plainview ... he simply has the privilege to work out of the hospital, without being on the hospital payroll.

I am so very sorry for the loss of your son.
I too was surprised that there were no actions by the state board. But, I have personal knowledge of a dr sanctioned in Calif. by that state board in the mid 90s and becuase he was first licensed in NY, it showed up there too. It is no longer listed in the NY medical data base. So maybe there is a time element where it is expunged after a certain amount of time. Also becuase the courts and state board are separate, there is often a negotiation process( with lawyers) re the state board and often "infractions" "complaints" are dwindled down.

In MA, certain categories of offense can be removed after completion of the terms imposed by the disciplinary committee, on petition from the doctor. Certain other kinds of discipline are never part of the public record. That's apart from any negotiations that go on.
I appreciate your perspective and value your concern becuase it is a horrible thing to damage someones' reputation. But if we use the standard no sleuthing unless named as a POI or suspect, then at this point we should not sleuth anyone. So far all the info posted are public records or media driven recounts. Also everytime LE or reporters have brought of this name, they have neved used the term"cleared." Only said he's cooperative.

We can talk about people in relation to what is known in the media, so trying to figure out whether there's a connection to a rehab center would seem to be legitimate. Whether he was ever guilty of medical malpractice is not.

But my big issue is that people are not being careful. Some of what has been posted is about other people with the same name. That has the double effect of dragging innocent people in and also confusing the record about what's been uncovered.

And yes, according to TOS, there are times when we can't sleuth anyone. That's part of why I've been trying to focus on the victims and the crimes.
All of these girls went missing early in the month. Although I think the holiday weeks theory has more merit, possibly he is striking at the beginning of the month for a reason. The only one I can think of is financial. He could be paid monthly at the end of the month and he needs the cash to pay her in case the kill plan is interrupted. I feel this SK only kills when he is confident that he has not been observed with the victim.

Quoting myself because I've had some more ideas. Possibly his opportunity only exists early in the month for various personal reasons - he has access to a private place or a particular vehicle. Also, I remember Ted Bundy used to kill in a monthly cycle, possibly a hormonal cycle.

There is the assumption that women are hormonal but men are moved more by logic. But the truth is men are as hormonally driven as women. In fact, men have a number of hormonal cycles:
Men have a monthly hormonal cycle that is unique to each man, but men can actually track their moods and recognize they are related to hormonal changes through the month.
Also, in the middle of the phone records, it seems like they called or stopped at the CVS? In the beginning there was speculation of Shannan meeting Brewer somewhere else and then he drove her the rest of the way, Maybe this is where Brewer had picked Shannan up?

thanks IG. that info is awesome.

my interpretation of phone records would be something like the following:

2am sg arrives at john's. 2:55 sg phones pharmacy re obtaining prescrition drugs. sg phones mp to get him to collect prescription and go get drugs from pharmacy. mp arrives back with prescription c. 3:15. 4:09 call to mp ??? has something gone wrong by then already?

who wrote prescription?? guess. when did he write it?? ouch.
I appreciate your perspective and value your concern becuase it is a horrible thing to damage someones' reputation. But if we use the standard no sleuthing unless named as a POI or suspect, then at this point we should not sleuth anyone. So far all the info posted are public records or media driven recounts. Also everytime LE or reporters have brought of this name, they have neved used the term"cleared." Only said he's cooperative.

I feel like the TOS are being stomped all over in this thread. People can sleuth - they just have to keep it to themselves and not post on a Public Forum. We are creating more victims.
Shannan’s Phone Records:


05/01/10 4:51 AM 911-000-0000 Emergency, 23
05/01/10 4:09 AM NEW YORK,NY 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:15 AM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:13 AM Incoming, 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:04 AM NEW YORK,NY 6 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:00 AM Incoming, 3 Michael Pak
05/01/10 2:57 AM NEW YORK,NY 3 Michael Pak
05/01/10 2:55 AM BABYLON,NY 1 Oak Beach CVS
05/01/10 12:25 AM NEW YORK,NY 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 12:23 AM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak
05/01/10 12:20 AM NEW YORK,NY 3 Michael Pak
04/30/10 10:02 PM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak

Also, in the middle of the phone records, it seems like they called or stopped at the CVS? In the beginning there was speculation of Shannan meeting Brewer somewhere else and then he drove her the rest of the way, Maybe this is where Brewer had picked Shannan up?

Looks like she was constantly calling her driver! When did she have time to spend with her customer?
GM everyone!

The FindShannanGilbert.com website has interesting things on there:

One question that was brought up was, "Why is the gated community&#8217;s security videotape missing from that night of Shannan&#8217;s disappearance?"
Is that true?? I've been waiting to hear results on what they saw on those tapes. This is the first time I'm hearing that the tape from that night is missing! This case is full of coincidences, but if it's true- that the tapes from that specific night are missing, that doesn't seem like just a coincidence.

Now the driver, Mr. Pak - 41 years old
The site asks, "Why did he leave the area and move to Georgia?"I thought JB's friend (drifter) was the one to move to Georgia? The driver moved to Georgia?


Shannan&#8217;s Phone Records:


05/01/10 4:51 AM 911-000-0000 Emergency, 23
05/01/10 4:09 AM NEW YORK,NY 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:15 AM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:13 AM Incoming, 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:04 AM NEW YORK,NY 6 Michael Pak
05/01/10 3:00 AM Incoming, 3 Michael Pak
05/01/10 2:57 AM NEW YORK,NY 3 Michael Pak
05/01/10 2:55 AM BABYLON,NY 1 Oak Beach CVS
05/01/10 12:25 AM NEW YORK,NY 1 Michael Pak
05/01/10 12:23 AM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak
05/01/10 12:20 AM NEW YORK,NY 3 Michael Pak
04/30/10 10:02 PM NEW YORK,NY 2 Michael Pak

Also, in the middle of the phone records, it seems like they called or stopped at the CVS? In the beginning there was speculation of Shannan meeting Brewer somewhere else and then he drove her the rest of the way, Maybe this is where Brewer had picked Shannan up?

Thanks for sharing this internetgirl101. It appears to me the calls from 10:02 pm (4-30) til 12:25 am (5-1) were calls confirming that he would be available to drive her. Then the cvs call at 2:55 am was to connect with JB for transport to his house. The 2:57 am call would be to confirm with MP that she made her connection.

The thing that strikes me is that there are alot of calls between SG and MP in a short period of time. Was there time to get down to business? The longest period of time between calls was from 3:15 to 4:09 am (54 minutes). Both calls from SG to MP. Then 42 minutes later at 4:51 am SG dials 911.

If MP was at the house partying then why was she calling him consistently during these hours? Or were those early am calls actually JB using SG's phone to call the driver? Something here just doesn't make sense. MOO


ETA yes where the heck are those videotapes. I was reading the media thread yesterday and wondered if anyone had heard anything about those alleged tapes!
thanks IG. that info is awesome.

my interpretation of phone records would be something like the following:

2am sg arrives at john's. 2:55 sg phones pharmacy re obtaining prescrition drugs. sg phones mp to get him to collect prescription and go get drugs from pharmacy. mp arrives back with prescription c. 3:15. 4:09 call to mp ??? has something gone wrong by then already?

who wrote prescription?? guess. when did he write it?? ouch.

Good thinking Ailbe! I had not even considered that possibility!

People, be careful when you're looking up Mr. Hyde's records and so forth. We shouldn't be sleuthing him anyway, but at least make sure you have the right person! There are at least two other people besides him with the same name and they're both doctors. One of them is even in emergency medicine. I don't know whether they're all related but they aren't all the same Mr. Hyde DO who lives in Oak Beach.

To this I would add that I'm uncomfortable with any discussion of Mrs. Hyde. She has nothing what so ever to do with the disappearance of SG or the murder of the 4 known victims, and should be considered off limits, imo.

I'm not a mod, and I'm not telling others how to post, just saying what does and does not sit right with me personally.
thanks IG. that info is awesome.

my interpretation of phone records would be something like the following:

2am sg arrives at john's. 2:55 sg phones pharmacy re obtaining prescrition drugs. sg phones mp to get him to collect prescription and go get drugs from pharmacy. mp arrives back with prescription c. 3:15. 4:09 call to mp ??? has something gone wrong by then already?

who wrote prescription?? guess. when did he write it?? ouch.

2:55 am to fill a script? I dk about that. We should look into the pharmacy hours at that CVS... even if the CVS itself was 24 hours, I doubt the pharmacy would be.

ETA: I stand corrected, that particular pharmacy is 24 hours!!
Looks like she was constantly calling her driver! When did she have time to spend with her customer?

The driver says he dropped her off at 2:00. If that's accurate, that would be just about an hour before she called to be picked up.
thanks IG. that info is awesome.

my interpretation of phone records would be something like the following:

2am sg arrives at john's. 2:55 sg phones pharmacy re obtaining prescrition drugs. sg phones mp to get him to collect prescription and go get drugs from pharmacy. mp arrives back with prescription c. 3:15. 4:09 call to mp ??? has something gone wrong by then already?

who wrote prescription?? guess. when did he write it?? ouch.

Maybe it's just where I live, but I don't know of any 24 hour pharmacies that would assist in giving out prescriptions. But again, like I said, it could very well be just where I live.

Also, I think someone posted earlier (forgive my not quoting) but these phone call logs certainly tell us alot more about that night. It appears something wasn't right from the get go with this night. She called her driver often for some reason, what the reason was, we still don't know. However, it appears that just prior to her calling 911, the fact that she called her driver multiple times gives me the indication she was looking to him for help at first, and eventually something spooked her, and that's why she called 911 and ran away. These calls certainly add more to the category of what we don't know

ETA: saw above poster and 24 hr pharmacy - at this point, anything is possible
If a script was filled that night, the CVS would have a record of who wrote the script, what it was for, and what time it was filled... they may also have video of the pick-up, though it was a year ago. Maybe there was no script involved but I suspect there was because there aren't many 24 hour pharmacies on LI and that CVS just happens to have one. Just thinking...
This story makes it sound like the police have the video of that night http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/04...beach-as-part-of-serial-killer-investigation/

Although police are keeping hush hush about what was videotaped the night Gilbert went missing a year ago, there are four security cameras attached to a building outside the Oak Beach private community where authorities say she was last seen running and screaming for help.

Although the videotapes are taped over every 24 hours, the videos are also stored on a hard drive.

I'm really curious what the mean on that website about it being "missing"
The driver says he dropped her off at 2:00. If that's accurate, that would be just about an hour before she called to be picked up.

I assume the CVS call was outgoing. My CVS has automated refills, you just call the number, punch in RX #, verify your name, and the system tells you when your refill can be picked up. So it's possible that is what SG did. I find that unlikely, though, and here's why. Unless this was a 24 hour store, she would have had to stuck around Oak Beach until the store opened at 8 or 9 am. Not seeing that as part of her plan.

What I can see, is her starting to feel whacked out (either from something she took volunarily, or something she was slipped), and trying to get ahold of a pharmacist to figure out what was going on. If she was whacked out enough (and by all accounts, she was), she might not have been thinking clearly enough to realize the pharmacy would have been closed.

Just a thought.

ETA: Okay, I see you guys checked and it is a 24 hour pharmacy afterall. So, strike the first part of my post, but keep the 2nd part. ;)

What does this mean? Did she call from that location? Is that the location of the pharmacy? I'm confused.

ETA: Okay, I need coffee before I start posting. That IS the address of the Pharmacy. Wow...really close to Higbie Rd!
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