NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #8

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I posted last night about Brewer's mother's home (in W Islip) being midway between Hauppauge and Massapequa. Just wanted to add Costello's address to the mix.

W Islip to Hauppauge - 12.3 miles

W Islip to Massapequa - 11.4 miles

W Islip to 1115 America Ave, W Babylon - 4 miles
PH walking oddly ( link @ approx 1.40 )

He appears to have an injury or disability, and is accustomed to compensating for it when he walks. He's moved like that in all of his interviews. He may also have a slight speech impediment, perhaps like someone who was tongue-tied at birth. The disability and possible speech impediment mimic the appearance of drunkenness, but they don't look exactly the same to me. He doesn't seem to be suffering from cognitive impairment.

In fact, it's the doc's apparent mobility issues that make me think twice about him as a suspect. Not that such a disability would make committing multiple murders impossible, but they should make one less confident of physically dominating someone else, even a petite young woman. If he's walking like that, there's a good chance that he's also in chronic pain. Tussling with a struggling victim would put him at risk of exacerbating it. Wouldn't that spoil the "fun"? Can you imagine throwing your back out (a probably-less-painful condition) and then getting into a wrestling match with someone who's fighting for their life? Then standing on uneven, unfamiliar ground on a pitch black night and heaving their body into the shrubbery?

Of course, if he's working with someone else and/or drugging the victims, his age and physical limitations would be less of a problem. If he is the killer, he probably has help.

(What about the Manhattan connection? Do we know if the doctor has reason to be in the city regularly?)
The video where the wife talks, you can see PH walk into the house. I didn't notice any strangeness to his gait in that video. But then, maybe I wasn't looking for it?
Speaking of "slow news day" From a psychological profiling pov, what do you make of the body dispositions? That is, what do you think (if anything) that the victims were found strangled, nude, and wrapped in burlap? ( link ) And, while we're on the topic of clothes (or lack thereof), what do you make of this statement?

The driver said he drove back to the client's house and found Gilbert, who was clothed, in the living room on the phone with a 911 operator, saying that a man was after her. ( link)​

Hint: volunteering superfluous information is usually a marker for what?

No real firm opinions here, but have considered the burlap might represent a shroud. Also might be the perp thinks prints are easier to lift from plastic than cloth. Although we know the bodies were spaced evenly apart, would be interesting to know if LE has determined them being placed in a particular direction.

Even weirder was his comment in a radio interview where he said, "I have no friends but the truth." WTH does THAT mean? Creepy.

Another comment, when asked if he was concerned about what this might do to his reputation, he says something to the effect of, "I've had a fortunate life." Again...WTH?!

Always remember my grandma saying "if someone says 'trust me' ... don't". Honest people generally don't feel the need to preface their statements with an announcement that they are honest.

As for having a fortunate life, maybe he means in contrast to the victims. Could also be that he feels the fortunate part of his life is about to come to an end?

Maybe PH knew SG from some sort of 12 Step meeting
That's how I took it, SB. It was alot like, "Well, I've had a good run", followed by an internal shoulder shrug.

And I'll tell you something else, I may not know whether this guy is a SK or not, but gut instinct tells me he's a man who can not stand the idea of someone viewing him as weak or not measuring up. If he thought you were ridiculing him or looking down your nose at him in any way...watch out.
Like others, since there is not much new news I am looking back at things. As far as I know it is not known either way whether or not the Atlantic City murders and at least some of the Oak Beach murders were done by the same killer. Are there any other similarities besides the victims being young prostitutes? The AC victims seem to have been posed with their heads all facing East, while four of the bodies on LI were wrapped in burlap. They may seem different, yet both seem possibly ritualistic in nature.

Is there anyone we are reading about who has ties to both LI and AC?
No real firm opinions here, but have considered the burlap might represent a shroud. Also might be the perp thinks prints are easier to lift from plastic than cloth. Although we know the bodies were spaced evenly apart, would be interesting to know if LE has determined them being placed in a particular direction.

Always remember my grandma saying "if someone says 'trust me' ... don't". Honest people generally don't feel the need to preface their statements with an announcement that they are honest.

As for having a fortunate life, maybe he means in contrast to the victims. Could also be that he feels the fortunate part of his life is about to come to an end?


In some Eastern also in some African cultures, burial in Burlap and being burried face down are meant to show disrespect to the deceased. I've been looking to see if they were face down or not, but have found no info on that.
Also burlap is used in burial at sea from most Navy's.
I'll leave you guys to ponder the symbolism, near as I can tell, these 4 were dumped like trash.
Anyone else thinking PH is drunk in that video?

SB, I didn't watch the video, but looked at photographs. I know judging a book by it's cover invites trouble, but what I saw was a Doctor in a rumpled shirt with his shirt hanging out his pants. Of course it doesn't make him a SK, but I know a few whacky *advertiser censored*s Doctor's but they never looked like a rumpled mess.

BTW, someone named Crancky Crankerson had still shots of this guy from TV coverage and they have all been removed from Flikr.:waitasec:
Like others, since there is not much new news I am looking back at things. As far as I know it is not known either way whether or not the Atlantic City murders and at least some of the Oak Beach murders were done by the same killer. Are there any other similarities besides the victims being young prostitutes? The AC victims seem to have been posed with their heads all facing East, while four of the bodies on LI were wrapped in burlap. They may seem different, yet both seem possibly ritualistic in nature.

Is there anyone we are reading about who has ties to both LI and AC?

Relay, This is only my opinion, but I never believed they were connected.

The women in AC (Egg Harbor) were in water. Shoes and socks missing. They were not prostitutes who posted via internet.

Nope nobody to look at in both cases. I don't think. We discussed it alot waaaaaaay back on the old threads.
I'll leave you guys to ponder the symbolism, near as I can tell, these 4 were dumped like trash.

Yes, they were:(. I was wondering if putting them in burlap was an indication that he has a need to dispose of his victims in an orderly fashion (possibly a glimpse into his personality) or was it simply convenient and easiest if he happened to have had burlap laying around or had easy access to it.
In addition to the color blending in with the brambles and vegetation, perhaps the burlap was another way to figuratively torture or denigrate the victims. Burlap is scratchy and irritating.

And, as to Dr Hyde being physically disabled, well Ted Bundy feigned a broken arm. He made himself appear weak, needy and unassuming. The tactic worked for him. He caught his victims with their guard down. Some have speculated that this killer was short of stature but maybe he is simply physically impaired. Since we have heard that he strangled at least some of his victims and at least one with a ligature, then it is not such a big leap to assume that he is into bondage and that is what the higher $$$ figure represents. Once the woman are restrained, they are simply at his mercy and they really aren't much of a physical challenge for a physically impaired man.

I wonder if there was a serious accident and if the SK was laid up recuperating, for a time, with a live-in nurse (spouse) by his side. My earlier post, which gave a link showing that the spouse of one possibly physically impaired OB resident is a nurse, got deleted.

Yes, they were:(. I was wondering if putting them in burlap was an indication that he has a need to dispose of his victims in an orderly fashion (possibly a glimpse into his personality) or was it simply convenient and easiest if he happened to have had burlap laying around or had easy access to it.

I guess it is still uncertain if they were wrapped burlap strips or put in burlap bags. It would have a huge meaning. I have read conflicting reports.
Relay, This is only my opinion, but I never believed they were connected.

The women in AC (Egg Harbor) were in water. Shoes and socks missing. They were not prostitutes who posted via internet.

Nope nobody to look at in both cases. I don't think. We discussed it alot waaaaaaay back on the old threads.

Thanks Filly. I lean towards the two not being related and have from the start in part due to what you wrote above. But, since I'm not entirely sure I am trying to clear it in my mind as a possibility before I move on.
I'll leave you guys to ponder the symbolism, near as I can tell, these 4 were dumped like trash.

Totally agree and all day an image keeps popping up of people doing "clean-ups" What a great excuse for being pulled off on the shoulder. No one would wonder why you are there carrying trash bags.
I read somewhere where the burlap would have held in the heat & moisture, thus speeding up the decomp process.
In addition to the color blending in with the brambles and vegetation, perhaps the burlap was another way to figuratively torture or denigrate the victims. Burlap is scratchy and irritating.

And, as to Dr Hyde being physically disabled, well Ted Bundy feigned a broken arm. He made himself appear weak, needy and unassuming. The tactic worked for him. He caught his victims with their guard down. Some have speculated that this killer was short of stature but maybe he is simply physically impaired. Since we have heard that he strangled at least some of his victims and at least one with a ligature, then it is not such a big leap to assume that he is into bondage and that is what the higher $$$ figure represents. Once the woman are restrained, they are simply at his mercy and they really aren't much of a physical challenge for a physically impaired man.

I wonder if there was a serious accident and if the SK was laid up recuperating, for a time, with a live-in nurse (spouse) by his side. My earlier post, which gave a link showing that the spouse of one possibly physically impaired OB resident is a nurse, got deleted.

Still, if the victims were drugged a man with physical limitations would probably be able to pull it off.

Yes, they were:(. I was wondering if putting them in burlap was an indication that he has a need to dispose of his victims in an orderly fashion (possibly a glimpse into his personality) or was it simply convenient and easiest if he happened to have had burlap laying around or had easy access to it.

I still think the burlap had some sort of significance to him. It wasn't as if he did it within a short time frame, where he just happened to have burlap laying around due to some landscaping project or something. He used burlap for at least 3 years to hide 4 bodies! I believe it had some sort of religious significance where it was meant to "chastise" the bodies of these women who were prostitutes - sort of like the rituals of groups like Opus Dei with their flagellation rituals. (Nothing personal against Opus Dei - that is just what came to my mind.) The first 4 bodies that were found, and the 4 bodies in AC just have a "ritualistic" feel to them. With the paltry amount of information we have, the other bodies that have been found do not seem to fit the same mold. I can't help but believe at least all of the LI murders are connected, but that means he changed up his MO at some point. How much longer is it going to take to get an ID on some of the other victims??
Thanks Filly. I lean towards the two not being related and have from the start in part due to what you wrote above. But, since I'm not entirely sure I am trying to clear it in my mind as a possibility before I move on.

No problem, relay. BTW, you probably read about this guy in relation to the AC murders, but I always thought this guy murdered those women.

Initials MAH. Ex convict. Phoenix, Arizona ties. Lived in the same building as some of the murdered women. Ohhhhhhhh and aspiring preacher at the time warning the girls of their sins.

A few years later he got his head beat in. I do believe he is now deceased. Just wanted to share though. He's at this link.

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