NY-LI 10 bodies found on Beach-Poss. SrlKlr-12/10-4 id'd; more found 3/11 #9

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did any of you guys get contacted by some writer dude?

Hi minazoe: I was contacted...from England?

Theforeigner: It looks like Minnesota plates to me as well! Good eye!

allaster: That sounds really creepy! You should try to find out more information on him.
I know a lot about him, just can't put it on here. He really creeps me out
Enough to place a call to LE? If so then I say make that call allaster.
I had the phone in my hands several times, I try to reason this out is is possible he could do this, am I over reacting to this guy just because is is a little off or is it a real possibility? I don't want to sound like some over reactive person but I believe he is capable
LE, I am sure gets many phone calls with tips, and information. I think you should make a phone call. I'd rather err on the side of caution, than keep quiet. If this guy turned out to be our SK, and you never reported him, you would feel terrible, I'm sure if you sat on this information.
Many are caught because citizens suspect them and report them to the authorities.
okay, yeah...writer dude...who wants to talk to sluethers..I would post his letter, but not sure that is cool...

anyway...wants to talk to folks who will be in the NY area next week or whatever...over the phone....

I'm thinking...Is this guy aware that there is a serial killer operating in the NY area...????

OMG I'm getting paranoid!!!! LOLZ>>>
okay, yeah...writer dude...who wants to talk to sluethers..I would post his letter, but not sure that is cool...

anyway...wants to talk to folks who will be in the NY area next week or whatever...over the phone....

I'm thinking...Is this guy aware that there is a serial killer operating in the NY area...????

OMG I'm getting paranoid!!!! LOLZ>>>

Why would he need for anyone to be in the area if he plans to speak with them by phone? Most of us these days have free long distance cell usage, land line usage or both.
I think it was if u were in NYC he would meet...but if not he would talk on the phone...seems okay...just wanted to check in...
I would avoid any random requests to meet someone off a site about an unknown SK...just saying...eek!
thinking still about Brewer...

reportedly he & Gilbert went somewhere (still on Oak Beach) for about 15 minutes...perhaps they actually just drove to the beach area near there.

*if* they went to another home to visit someone else...you would think that cops would have descended on that home like they did Brewer's...but they didn't.

Cops also didn't descend on PH's home like they did Brewer's. Nor did they descend on Coletti's.

If the cops had descended on anyone else's home there in the neighborhood, the media would have been all over it....they weren't.

IMO, Brewer's initial story to police just didn't add up....but they had nothing to go on when Gilbert first vanished ....but after finding the bodies - BAM - they swarmed his home.

I still believe Brewer is the one. He obviously had plenty of time from May to December to clean up his home, his vehicles, etc and/or dispose of any evidence.

I'm still curious too why they impounded his white vehicle, but not the dark green one ??

ITA agree it's a Minnesota plate. The "map" is like a dogs head with the snout facing to the right .. whereas the NY "map" is more like a fist/finger with the finger pointing to the left. Howz that for a technical explanation? ;)

it's definitely a Minnesota plate & I looked it up on publicdata.com...

I then googled the name & apparently it was a quick promo during the video for an upcoming news show (at that time) regarding car accidents that involve drivers who are texting. The car in the screen capture was being driven by a young Minnesota woman. Her segment has since aired on ABC 20/20 - 4/22/11.
okay, yeah...writer dude...who wants to talk to sluethers..I would post his letter, but not sure that is cool...

anyway...wants to talk to folks who will be in the NY area next week or whatever...over the phone....

I'm thinking...Is this guy aware that there is a serial killer operating in the NY area...????

OMG I'm getting paranoid!!!! LOLZ>>>

Stay paranoid.
Stay paranoid.

ABSOLUTELY !! I could give you the web address of cnn dot com and it doesn't make me Larry King. While this person may be legit, they need to be checked out six ways to Sunday to make sure they are who they say. You might want to run it by one of the WS mods or admin.

This is a serial killer thread. We are dealing with a savvy SK who has made internet/phone contact with victims, knows how to work the system and is obviously good at evading detection. Err on the side of extreme caution.

ETA: Obviously Mr. Hannaford is very aware there is a serial killer operating in the NY area. He has joined here, is reading here, and contacting members through PM. There is nothing to stop him from posting that he is an author who would like input from members. He is totally able to ask relevant questions on this board or through PM without any direct contact with members. No offence Mr. H, but we might want to ask to have you verified by Admin.
it's definitely a Minnesota plate & I looked it up on publicdata.com...

I then googled the name & apparently it was a quick promo during the video for an upcoming news show (at that time) regarding car accidents that involve drivers who are texting. The car in the screen capture was being driven by a young Minnesota woman. Her segment has since aired on ABC 20/20 - 4/22/11.

Good work!
this case is one crazy son of a gun...

plus the Casey trial starts monday...I hope the media keeps up with developments...

I can't wait until they catch this scurvey spider.
Nothing new in the media?..The lastest news? 2 NYPD police with ties to prostitution problems?/MBB was last contacted by a NYPO from Staten Island?

I wonder if they're on the right track..?

Meanwhile, to keep this thread alive,

I've just today noticed there is a FB page for Maureen Brainard Barnes. There is never a lot of info about her since she disappeared so long ago, so it's interesting to see a FB page in her memory.

On SG's FB, the discussions "Oak Beach: In Her Shoes," SG's sister mentions that she has talked with Pak and his reasons for the call to CVS, in her eyes, was irrelevant to the case. It sounds like she believes MP's story. She also wasn't aware of the ride SG and JB apparently took around Oak Beach. I wonder if that point contradicts MP's story in any way?
Also, on the wall of SG's FB, there is a beautiful video of Shannan.
Not sure if this was posted already, but I came across a discussion and on April 20th, the posters talk about a rumor that was heard: that CPH's son was questioned, and maybe even taken into custody?

There is a website called nationalblacklist . com and you have to pay to search and everything, but there is a preview list you can browse for free with names of johns and a preview of the reason why they are put on this blacklist...lots of charlies on that list! :innocent: j/k
Was reading about AC victim Kim Raffo and her husband Hugh A. having spent 5 weeks on Long Island (Jericho), so started rummaging for info on her. Hugh has a myspace and photo albums with numerous pics of Kim, the kids, etc. In the album called Family & Love:


Pic #28 of 51, Hugh is wearing a NYPD t-shirt. Prolly nothing, but found it interesting wrt a possible LE connection:

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