NY-Long Island-Four bodies found on Beach-Possible Serial Killer-Dec 2010 #1

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Eerie ties in Shore, L.I. killings

Police expanded their search for bodies Friday on a deserted strip of Long Island, N.Y., in an investigation involving missing prostitutes, skeletal remains, and a possible serial killer.

The circumstances are chillingly reminiscent of the unsolved case of four women, also prostitutes, found slain and dumped in a marshy area just outside Atlantic City in November 2006.

Speculation tying the cases together appears in almost every media account of the bizarre Long Island discovery, but authorities and experts caution against prematurely making a link.

"There's always the possibility, but you would have to connect a lot of dots," said John Krimmel, a professor of criminology at the College of New Jersey.

As of Friday, Suffolk County authorities had found the remains of four unidentified women dumped along Cedar Beach, which has been described as a "desolate stretch" along the southern shore of Long Island. The location is a few miles from Jones Beach, a popular tourist destination.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<full article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Just to clear my thoughts I need to write them down. I remember seeing an article a few days ago about Shannon Gilbert. They interviewed a neighbor of JB and though they didn't mention his name I assume it was GC. He told the journalist that a woman came knocking on his door late at night, screaming for help and telling someone was after her. He said she looked like she had been partying all night. He told her to hide in the nearby bushes (!) but the woman continued running away. He did not say that he called 911 - if I recall correct! I remember clearly him telling her to hide herself, I thought that was horrible - she was begging for help and he didn't invite her inside the house.
After the woman left a man had come driving a car, asking if he'd seen that woman and he was looking for her since something went wrong at a party. The neighbor said that man looked like Asian and he left driving to the same direction as the woman had been running to.

JB said that SG was with her for about an hour. SG's bf/pimp said he got a phone call from JB three hours after he left her there, JB wanted him to come and get her away. Was it one or three hours?

What are the odds for SG to meet a killer on her way? I mean, she must have been really unlucky to escape from JB's house just to meet another stranger who took and killed her.

I've been trying to find that article but no luck yet.
Cazzie, I think MrsG728 meant this post:

You gotta see this....



It is believed that the bodies belong to four of seven students from Salem Academy for Young Witches and Wizards who were reported missing in late September. Though suicide hasn’t been ruled out, Aurors are working alongside Muggle police to find the culprit behind the attacks. Even though the identities of the bodies are unknown, the burlap encasing two of the bodies was laced with an Untraceable Charm to keep the bodies from being found with magic.

It would make sense if they already had a suspect and some concrete leads. According to the papers, the FBI is already helping the local police, so it's a mystery as to why they wouldn't take their profiler as well. Unless.. they have a suspect already.

BBM. There are other explanations. For example, if you're holding back the investigation until you get hard facts from forensic results, that would include a profiler wouldn't it? It could be they didn't refused altogether, but just refused "at this time". The clue is in this report from CBS, which is all over FB and Twitter today: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/12/19/police-to-rely-on-science-in-long-island-serial-killer-case/

Also, regarding moving the bodies to that location - here's a wild idea that I'm sure is way off base - but it did occur to me that while it isn't possible that they were disposed of at sea and washed up there, a truck isn't the only possibility. It is physically possible (although unlikely) that they were dumped out of a helicopter and there are lots of those flying around. But that's a wild idea, so I'm sticking with a pick up/ landscaping truck.
Just to clear my thoughts I need to write them down. I remember seeing an article a few days ago about Shannon Gilbert. They interviewed a neighbor of JB and though they didn't mention his name I assume it was GC. He told the journalist that a woman came knocking on his door late at night, screaming for help and telling someone was after her. He said she looked like she had been partying all night. He told her to hide in the nearby bushes (!) but the woman continued running away. He did not say that he called 911 - if I recall correct! I remember clearly him telling her to hide herself, I thought that was horrible - she was begging for help and he didn't invite her inside the house.
After the woman left a man had come driving a car, asking if he'd seen that woman and he was looking for her since something went wrong at a party. The neighbor said that man looked like Asian and he left driving to the same direction as the woman had been running to.

JB said that SG was with her for about an hour. SG's bf/pimp said he got a phone call from JB three hours after he left her there, JB wanted him to come and get her away. Was it one or three hours?

What are the odds for SG to meet a killer on her way? I mean, she must have been really unlucky to escape from JB's house just to meet another stranger who took and killed her.

I've been trying to find that article but no luck yet.

My understanding is that she woke up the neighbor at 5 AM claiming someone was trying to kill her. She also called 911 and gave the name of Brewer. When the neighbor told her he called 911, she ran away. The Asian guy came along - could this be her pimp? - the neighbor told him that he had called 911 and the Asian guy continued to look for her. It sounds like the Asian guy was going after her, and that Brewer was not. It is possible that Brewer is guilty and that the Asian guy driving a dark colored vehicle is an accomplice, but it's quite possible that the Asian guy is her driver/pimp.
BBM. There are other explanations. For example, if you're holding back the investigation until you get hard facts from forensic results, that would include a profiler wouldn't it? It could be they didn't refused altogether, but just refused "at this time". The clue is in this report from CBS, which is all over FB and Twitter today: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/12/19/police-to-rely-on-science-in-long-island-serial-killer-case/

Also, regarding moving the bodies to that location - here's a wild idea that I'm sure is way off base - but it did occur to me that while it isn't possible that they were disposed of at sea and washed up there, a truck isn't the only possibility. It is physically possible (although unlikely) that they were dumped out of a helicopter and there are lots of those flying around. But that's a wild idea, so I'm sticking with a pick up/ landscaping truck.

It was reported that the bodies were likely thrown from a vehicle.
* snipped by me and BBM:
My understanding is that she woke up the neighbor at 5 AM claiming someone was trying to kill her. She also called 911 and gave the name of Brewer. When the neighbor told her he called 911, she ran away. The Asian guy came along - could this be her pimp? - the neighbor told him that he had called 911 and the Asian guy continued to look for her. It sounds like the Asian guy was going after her, and that Brewer was not. It is possible that Brewer is guilty and that the Asian guy driving a dark colored vehicle is an accomplice, but it's quite possible that the Asian guy is her driver/pimp.

Do you have a citation for her naming Brewer as the person chasing her/ trying to kill her? I don't recall seeing one that confirmed his name as the one she gave.
My understanding is that she woke up the neighbor at 5 AM claiming someone was trying to kill her. She also called 911 and gave the name of Brewer.

I read somewhere she had named her attacker but can't remember them releasing that information?
BBM. There are other explanations. For example, if you're holding back the investigation until you get hard facts from forensic results, that would include a profiler wouldn't it? It could be they didn't refused altogether, but just refused "at this time". The clue is in this report from CBS, which is all over FB and Twitter today: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/12/19/police-to-rely-on-science-in-long-island-serial-killer-case/

Also, regarding moving the bodies to that location - here's a wild idea that I'm sure is way off base - but it did occur to me that while it isn't possible that they were disposed of at sea and washed up there, a truck isn't the only possibility. It is physically possible (although unlikely) that they were dumped out of a helicopter and there are lots of those flying around. But that's a wild idea, so I'm sticking with a pick up/ landscaping truck.

Or any old SUV IMO. I do not believe they were washed there from the sea. Also, IMO this SK took a personal satisfaction in being able to drive by the area regularly knowing that they were right there and none were the wiser. Imagine the sense of sercret accomplishment as he drove by, sometimes with passengers in his vehicle, knowing they were driving past mere feet from his victims remains.
* snipped by me and BBM:

Do you have a citation for her naming Brewer as the person chasing her/ trying to kill her? I don't recall seeing one that confirmed his name as the one she gave.

I don't think she said that Brewer was chasing her, my understanding is that she gave police the name of the person that she said was trying to kill her. A couple of days later, Brewer's name was given. The person that looked for her after she left Brewer's house is an Asian driving a dark colored vehicle. I don't have any handy links. I read through the first 12 pages of this thread Friday night and that's my understanding from the related links.

I looked through some of the previous links to see if I could find the point about Brewer being the person named, but no luck. I did find this:

The john's neighbor, Gustav Coletti, 75, said Gilbert was crazed and clearly high when she pounded on his door, begging for help.

"She was just screaming at the top of her lungs and banging on the door," he told The News.

"When I opened the door, she almost fell into the house. I said, 'What is the matter?' She just looked at me and started screaming.

"She said, 'Help me! Help me!' She didn't say anything about people trying to hurt her," Coletti said, adding that she ran off when he offered to call police.

Dormer said investigators have interviewed the john and Gilbert's pimp.


I have read that the the woman told the neighbor that someone was trying to kill her, the above link claims she did not say that to the neighbor. It seems that some of the information that has been published by media is contradictory, so I suppose we'll have to wait a while to get the real facts. It also appears that Brewer's name is being replaced with "the john".
Was it determined that each of the 4 bodies had been wrapped in burlap bags or just 2 of the bodies? Please supply a link to a source. Thanks!
Was it determined that each of the 4 bodies had been wrapped in burlap bags or just 2 of the bodies? Please supply a link to a source. Thanks!

Suffolk County Police Commissioner Richard Dormer: "He would not say if there was any sign of trauma or confirm a report that two of the bodies were wrapped in burlap."

same link as above
BBM. There are other explanations. For example, if you're holding back the investigation until you get hard facts from forensic results, that would include a profiler wouldn't it? It could be they didn't refused altogether, but just refused "at this time". The clue is in this report from CBS, which is all over FB and Twitter today: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2010/12/19/police-to-rely-on-science-in-long-island-serial-killer-case/

Also, regarding moving the bodies to that location - here's a wild idea that I'm sure is way off base - but it did occur to me that while it isn't possible that they were disposed of at sea and washed up there, a truck isn't the only possibility. It is physically possible (although unlikely) that they were dumped out of a helicopter and there are lots of those flying around. But that's a wild idea, so I'm sticking with a pick up/ landscaping truck.

I don't think that a wild idea. I already felt Drew Peterson took his plane and drop poor Stacy in MI Lake.:waitasec:
It was reported that the bodies were likely thrown from a vehicle.

BBM. I find that hard to believe. Pushed out of a moving vehicle would not put it into the brush. Brush is dense, prickly, barbed - you'd have to throw the body over the top of it. If the vehicle was stopped, the body could be shoved, dragged, maneuvered, all those things - but dead weight of an adult body picked up and thrown 6ft/ 10ft or more? I don't think so - at least not by one person and not from a moving vehicle. The vehicle would have to be reversed right up to the brush, then the body dragged out of the car and a pathway found into the brush, then hidden. It could be thrown from a helicopter into the brush and be concealed from sight from the road, but not from a moving vehicle or one stopped on the side of the road. IMO
Was it determined that each of the 4 bodies had been wrapped in burlap bags or just 2 of the bodies? Please supply a link to a source. Thanks!

Hi Penelope, I just saw this case on Geraldo and they pointed out they were in burlap bags. The men agreed that burlap bags are commonly used in the area to put their harvested clams in. That was just an idea.

But they also said it gave them thought that this SK is very familiar with that area and it seemed the bodies could have been dumped right out of the car. They also said that with the change of weather and foliage dying down it allowed these bodies to become visible. xox

Sorry if this has already been posted here. I still had a few posts to read ;}
BBM. I find that hard to believe. Pushed out of a moving vehicle would not put it into the brush. Brush is dense, prickly, barbed - you'd have to throw the body over the top of it. If the vehicle was stopped, the body could be shoved, dragged, maneuvered, all those things - but dead weight of an adult body picked up and thrown 6ft/ 10ft or more? I don't think so - at least not by one person and not from a moving vehicle. The vehicle would have to be reversed right up to the brush, then the body dragged out of the car and a pathway found into the brush, then hidden. It could be thrown from a helicopter into the brush and be concealed from sight from the road, but not from a moving vehicle or one stopped on the side of the road. IMO

I think the difference comes in interpretation. BBM. The quote I have seen in MSM is possibly thrown from a vehicle. That sentence from me does not imply what sort of or if it was a moving vehicle. To me it implies someone bringing a body in some sort of vehicle (not a truck or any specific type of vehicle.) Stopping and removing that body from vehicle. And then tossing that body into the brush alongside the road. Not a big long treck off to somewhere in other words.

Whereas you think of thrown from a vehicle as one throwing it from inside a moving vehicle.

Same sentence. Two equally convincing arguments as to what it means.

*snipped & BBM

Coletti said he called 911 after opening his front door to the woman, prompting her to flee into the weeds along an embankment near his house.

Moments later, Coletti said, an Asian man driving a dark-colored sport utility vehicle pulled up alongside his home, looking for the woman.

"Things got out of hand at a party and I'm just looking for her," Colletti quoted the man as saying.

When Colletti informed him that he had called the police, the man said that he "should not have done that" and drove off in the direction of where girl had fled, Colletti said.
Where did THAT come from? There's nothing in his very detailed media interview where he states this?!?!?!:waitasec:
Also, regarding moving the bodies to that location - here's a wild idea that I'm sure is way off base - but it did occur to me that while it isn't possible that they were disposed of at sea and washed up there, a truck isn't the only possibility. It is physically possible (although unlikely) that they were dumped out of a helicopter and there are lots of those flying around. But that's a wild idea, so I'm sticking with a pick up/ landscaping truck.

If someone were to dump them out of a helicopter they may as well dump bodies out in the middle of the ocean. Why put them near a road where they have potential to be discovered?
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