GUILTY NY - Maddox Lawrence, 21 mos, Syracuse, 20 February 2016

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Destiny USA is a massive shopping mall. It's sort of in town I guess. Probably plenty of options on leaving there. I now see a transportation center right there. It's right next to the water, so that is certainly scary!
Police, family baffled by disappearance of missing CNY girl
February 21, 2016 at 7:20 PM



"Maddox, I love you honey."

"Ryan please, just please, call. We just want to know that the both of you are safe. The whole family loves you. The whole family wants you both home. We just want to know you're in a good place," Morgan Lawrence said as her parents watched.


Morgan Lawrence found the car with the keys inside. When she returned to their home on Valley Drive, she found a strange message from her husband.

"What we're concerned with is the safety of the child based on part of the message that he left," Helterline said. The sergeant declined to say what was in the message that alarmed authorities.


Police have searched the area using the Air One helicopter from the Onondaga County Sheriff's Department. Local and state police searched the area of Onondaga Lake, the Creewalk and checked abandoned buildings in the area.

The airport, train and bus station were also been checked for the little 2-foot-tall girl with blonde hair and brown eyes.


No one with Ryan Lawrence's name purchased a train ticket, and police have looked for the father and daughter in surveillance videos from the bus station, the sergeant said.
I am not feeling good about this at all. :(

Has anyone found any social media pages for the father?
:( I really hoped to wake and find this thread moved to Found Safe/located
I don't understand this at all. Is it just me ? Happy marriage, everything is fine, so what the heck happened ? Did I miss something? TIA
The strange odyssey began Saturday night at Destiny USA mall in Syracuse. The Lawrences have one car and Ryan Lawrence was supposed to pick his wife up from her job at the mall at about 10 p.m. on Saturday night. But, Ryan texted his wife that he wasn't coming and that the car would be waiting for her in the parking lot.

Morgan Lawrence found the car with the keys inside. When she returned to their home on Valley Drive in Syracuse, she found a strange message from her husband.

"What we're concerned with is the safety of the child based on part of the message that he left," police said. The sergeant declined to say what was in the message that alarmed authorities. (The Amber Alert website earlier Sunday said Ryan Lawrence left home with the child after leaving information that he was going to harm himself and possibly the child.)

"The message that he left was strange and confusing," he said. "He made it pretty clear we should be looking into this."

Police were called to the Lawrence home at 11:23 p.m. on Saturday and after discussing the situation with the state police, an Amber Alert was issued for Maddox on Sunday morning.

Although the Lawrence car was left in the mall parking lot, the father and daughter were not seen at Destiny USA.

Police have searched the area using the Air One helicopter from the Onondaga County Sheriff's Department. Local and state police searched the area of Onondaga Lake, the Creekwalk and checked abandoned buildings in the area. The airport, train and bus station were also checked.

Police and Lawrence's family are baffled by his disappearance. His wife told police that the couple was not having marital problems. He has no history of mental health issues and he's not known for using drugs. The report that he was emotionally unstable was based on the message he left. "He did say a couple of things that led us to believe he's not thinking normally", police said.

The disappearance is strange, he said.
Sounds like dad might have had a mental breakdown. He's 24, and first episodes of mental illness are often around that age.
Sounds like dad might have had a mental breakdown. He's 24, and first episodes of mental illness are often around that age.

I was thinking that too. Definitely a possibility.

I hope they find them soon. I was sad to wake up to nothing new in this case. :(
Anyone know if any sort of Facebook page or anything has been set up? I haven't found any.
Also has anyone seen any more recent photos of her? I assume the one initially released must be recent. But are there others out there?
Did this guy have money on him? How far could he have gotten without help? Did he have diapers, food?

Wondering if police have started checking nearby water. I don't have a good feeling about how this will turn out :( Hope I'm wrong!!!!

The only logical thing I can think of is maybe this is some sort of manipulation, or punishment to his wife. (Remember John Skelton?) But she claims there were no problems. I really hope she isn't hiding something.....For example, I have a friend who was/is super happy-go- lucky, always smiling, always saying she had the best husband in the world. Posted it all over SM to the point it was like enough already! He was a really nice guy. Did anything for anyone. I considered him my friend. Then later I learn that behind closed doors he throws her around the house and has a violent temper. Her parents who lived 2 streets over had no idea. Friends didn't know. On the surface you honestly could not tell. They seemed so happy together. The only reason I found out is she babysat my then toddler and when I went to drop him off one morning, the grandfather clock was halfway through the front door! Let's just say I took my son to work with me that day and he went to a daycare center the next day. He is now in jail, for theft (which also blew my mind.) My friend would have never turned him in. They are now divorced. She finally seen the light thank goodness! I guess my point is that maybe there is some sort of physical or verbal abuse going on and mom is afraid to speak up. Or he really could have just snapped, I'm not opposing that theory. But part of me is starting to wonder if that there is more going on than what mom is saying.

All just my thoughts of course.

I just pray with all of my heart that this beautiful little angel is okay and will be home to her mommy soon.


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Unfortunately murder/suicide involving a body of water was one of my first thoughts. Or perhaps something happened to the child earlier in the day (accidental or otherwise) and then suicide and body disposal in water.

All speculation, of course.

I really hope I'm wrong though.
That is what my first thought was especially given her age. That age is when they are into everything and you have to watch them like a hawk! I immediately thought something must have happened to that little girl during the day while he was caring for her and now he took off to kill himself over the grief/guilt/confusion.

"The father has a history of mental health issues and is emotionally unstable, according to an Amber Alert was issued Sunday morning. The alert also said the father left a message saying he was going to harm himself and possibly the child."

His wife told police that the couple was not having marital problems. He has no history of mental health issues and he's not known for using drugs, the sergeant said.

Earlier Sunday, the state Amber Alert notification website said that Ryan Lawrence had a history of health issues and was emotionally unstable.

The report that he was emotionally unstable was based on the message he left, Helterline said.

So saying he wasn't emotionally unstable until the note was found? This is just so strange .....What on Earth happened?!

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The area around that mall is an awful, grim, post-industrial landscape. There's a place by the lake that's pretty in the summer, but right now that part of town is just huge piles of melting snow, cars, fences, and potholes. I hate to think of that tiny little baby girl out there!! :(

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