GUILTY NY - Marc Bookal, 4, Newburgh, 14 Dec 2009

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I still think she may have some kind of affect disorder - she seems not all there. IMO.
Cannot wait until the autopsy results. See what bones were broken, etc.
The person on NG said the older brother denied the nail polish story.

drugs? BF admitted smoking POT???
Mom knows Right from Wrong.

6 year old brother does NOT know his brother is dead yet.
I can understand that........wait for DNA and then tell him?

waiting days or weeks for autopsy

mother NOT ALLOWED to see remains........
drugs? BF admitted smoking POT???
Mom knows Right from Wrong.

6 year old brother does NOT know his brother is dead yet.
I can understand that........wait for DNA and then tell him?

waiting days or weeks for autopsy

mother NOT ALLOWED to see remains........


makes sense. they want to see what she knows. They want to see if she knows things only a person who has seen the body/bag would know.
Did I hear right that a comment by NG was that Marc was alone with BF the day of the burns???
So older brother wasn't even there!
lies, just more lies to cover her stupid BF.
and she's still talking to his family also............and him!
I heard the same thing, and also that the brother denied doing it. Between the two, I'll believe the brother. MOO
I heard the same thing, and also that the brother denied doing it. Between the two, I'll believe the brother. MOO
Me too. NG was speaking about possible battered women syndrome - what do you all think? I don't know enough about it to voice an opinion. Maybe that's why she continuously defends him and makes excuse after excuse, lie after lie, to protect him.
What do we know about the presence of CPS in this case? They HAD to be involved after the first child was battered nearly to death.
Why was Byrd allowed to be living in this home?
Did CPS services believe all those stories about what happened in that home? I know they cannot be that dumb.
Me too. NG was speaking about possible battered women syndrome - what do you all think? I don't know enough about it to voice an opinion. Maybe that's why she continuously defends him and makes excuse after excuse, lie after lie, to protect him.
What do we know about the presence of CPS in this case? They HAD to be involved after the first child was battered nearly to death.
Why was Byrd allowed to be living in this home?
Did CPS services believe all those stories about what happened in that home? I know they cannot be that dumb.
If she's worked at the same job for 10 years, I'd think somebody would be able to notice battered womens syndrome. In other words, she'd miss a lot of work due to her own injuries. I'm not sure about CPS without going back to the beginning and re-reading more. But a lot of women put the "man" before their kids and continue to let him live there even though he's abusive toward them. MOO
NEWBURGH, N.Y. (AP/1010 WINS) -- Police say an autopsy on a small body found in a wooded city lot failed to show the cause of death or confirm it's the 4-year-old boy who disappeared last year.

Newburgh police Lt. Charles Broe said Thursday that DNA tests will be done to positively identify the remains believed to be Marc Anthony Bookal.
O too bad, we will have to wait, I thought maybe the injuries/COD would be apparent, but then again, LE may not want to reveal those details to the public yet.
I wanted to post this article. I have seen a few people asking why the bag was not seen sooner, according to this article Marc was also hid under a wood pile:


Mar 25, 2010 1:52 pm US/Eastern Body Found Believed To Be Missing Newburgh Boy

While Newburgh police may have found the body of 4-year-old Marc Bookal, missing since December, they have yet to make any arrests in his disappearance.

Stuffed animals, photos and personal notes are neatly set up outside the apartment where Marc once lived. The crime scene is a wooded area just three blocks from the home.

Police found the remains under a wood pile. Lieutenant Charles Broe says detectives had already searched these woods on three separate occasions, but he speculates the warm weather might have made the difference during their fourth visit.

Without going into details, Newburgh police would only say that the body had been "purposefully hidden."
you didnt actually expect nancy 'drag it out for more ratings' grace to reveal anything relevent or important did you?
I certainly hope her other children have a better life than they have been having
with mom.
I hate foster care and separating children, any grandma's????

Passion, to answer your question, the mom has parents that live in nearby Kingston (only about a 20 minute or so drive to Newburgh). Not sure though if there is a very close relationship there, but that's must my moo.

Here's an article where grandparents are interviewed:

They run a Baptist church, by the way.
I can't believe Judge Mazzariello was actually defending Marc's mother. Saying she's a good mom, and she was doing what she had to do when she left Marc with CB. Doing what she had to do would have been finding a daycare or family member to watch her children instead of a violent child abuser.

Big flippin whoop.. her house is tidy and the kids are clean.. of course it is and they are.. she knew press, LE, and possibly social services would be coming now that Marc has been found. Good mom's don't let their children get burned, GOOD mom's don't allow a child abuser back into their home, and GOOD MOM'S definitely DO NOT let their child be murdered by their violent child abusing live in boyfriend!!!

ARGGHHHHH!!!!! :banghead:

/end rant
Here are pics I saved from a vid. It shows the pile of brush that was removed from the orange spray-painted area where Marc's body laid all winter.
Seems pretty purposefully hidden to me.




Very well hidden, wonder about the tipster............clear conscience?
Did someone see the killer or helper there?
Inside tip?
Would LE ever of found him without tip?
Was the tip a dog scent?
Very well hidden, wonder about the tipster............clear conscience?
Did someone see the killer or helper there?
Inside tip?
Would LE ever of found him without tip?
Was the tip a dog scent?

IIRC they said a dog caught the scent while being walked down the road??? Or did I dream that. My brain is fried today.
I thought they said while it was walking down the sidewalk.. there's a sidewalk right there in front of the orange square.
Police found the small body Wednesday inside a bag in a wooded area in the southeastern part of the city, several blocks from Bookal’s home.

City police Lt. Charles Broe said, “We stared the search in the block where the house was, then the blocks around it, and expanded the perimeter out. That’s when the trooper dog caught the scent.

“They were walking right along the sidewalk,” he said.

Broe the body was found up a steep hill, about 25 to 30 feet from the sidewalk.

He believed the body was there “for some time. ”

Sub-freezing temperatures may have slowed the decomposition process. That may have made it more difficult for cadaver dogs to pick up any scent, when teams first searched for the boy in December and January, he said.

Broe said the decision to recanvass the area Wednesday was based on the weather.

“People are convinced that we had known something,” he said. “The weather had turned, then we got so much rain, which melted the snow...we discussed that it would be prudent for us to go back and start again.”

Broe said the body was “not as decomposed” as he would have expected.

Paolilli said Wednesday a preliminary investigation of the remains seemed to indicate they belonged to a small child. Paolilli said it appeared the body was placed at the location with the intent of hiding it.

“There may be some difficulty in that the normal course of business to identify unknown remains would be to use fingerprints or dental records, and a child this young may not have those available,” Paolilli said.

3/25/10 article
Police Find Missing 4-Year-Old Marc Anthony Bookal Dead in Wooded Area

Police in Newburgh, N.Y. found the body of missing 4-year-old Marc Anthony Bookal on Wednesday after he disappeared from his home back in December, CBS affiliate WCBS reports.

Police found the boy's body in a wooded area after reopening the search early Wednesday morning. Police said they felt it necessary to go back and re-canvass some of the areas that were covered in deep snow during the colder winter months.
"It was entirely possible that the decomposition process had been slowed to such an extent that the cadaver dogs did not pick up on that," said Newburgh Police Chief Eric Paolilli.

Does this mean due to it being cold there (December)? What else would slow the decomposition? The body being in the book bag and the bag under the pile of wood?

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