NY - NYPD commish's son, a Fox anchor, in rape probe

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Jan 26, 2004
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NEW YORK -- The son of New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly is under investigation after a woman accused him of rape, sources tell NBC New York.

A source confirms a woman filed a sexual assault complaint against Greg Kelly, co-host of Fox 5’s "Good Day New York," with authorities at the 13th Precinct.

Details of her complaint are unknown at this time, but Greg Kelly has not been arrested or charged with any crime.

Kelly's attorney, Andrew Lankler, said that his client was aware of the investigation and strongly denied any wrongdoing.

More at link....
The woman, in her late 20s, said she and Kelly, 43, met for the first time that evening and they were drinking at a bar near the Seaport.

They then strolled to her office where she claimed the newsman assaulted her while she was incapacitated.

She told investigators she eventually called Kelly demanding to know "what did you do to me?" sources said.

Kelly, through his attorneys, has vehemently denied the allegation. His lawyers have turned over text messages between Kelly and the woman that they believe undermine suggestions the encounter was anything but consensual.

Same link from MSNBC in #1 has an update:

Updated at 5:45 p.m. ET: The Associated Press is reporting that the woman told authorities she got pregnant and had an abortion as a result of the sexual assault.
I think this is one case we need to wait until the DA's office is done investigating the allegations. When there's questions about the charges like this and the fact that the mere filing of the allegations and investigation can ruin someone's life, (either alleged victim or alleged assailant) (should the charges be found to have merit or not,) this has the potential of ruining someone's life. :(

I personally believe the media should have held off on reporting on this. They are, after all, contributing to accelerating this into a much bigger story. It would have behooved them to hold off until the DA investigated fully and either brought charges or not. IF it's merited, then report on it, IF not merited, well, this woman could be in a very difficult place emotionally. kwim?


TV's Greg Kelly Raped Me, Made Me Pregnant, Accuser Told Investigators

The woman who accused New York TV morning show anchor Greg Kelly of raping her told investigators the assault left her pregnant, sources told ABC News..
The latest developments in the unfolding tale of the encounter in lower Manhattan come as investigators are attempting to sort through the allegations and establish what occurred.

According to sources familiar with the investigation, the accuser, who is about 30 and who works at a law firm as a paralegal, told law enforcement officials that she texted Kelly after the incident, and in one message asked why he had not called. Investigators are attempting to determine whether the contents of the communications between Kelly and the accuser appear to incriminate or to exonerate him.

....................... snip ............................

New developments also include the disclosure that in the aftermath of the alleged assault, her much older boyfriend -- he is in his late 40s -- discovered text messages between the woman and her alleged assailant, sources said.

more at link ...................... http://gma.yahoo.com/tvs-greg-kelly-raped-made-pregnant-accuser-told-050237705--abc-news.html

Ok, I am all for believing the victim in these cases....but if she really did text him after their 'date' and ask him why he didn't call her...then I have some doubts here.

One of my son's very closest friends was once accused of a date rape. And it ended up that she was lying, which she did later admit. But it was devastating for him to go through. :mad:
Just guessing: Her "much older" boyfriend found out about the encounter, so now she is crying "rape" to protect herself from her bf's wrath??? This way she can have the baby and get child support from Kelly, who is probably very wealthy.

Of course, she will have to explain (to her bf) why she was out on a date with him to begin with.

Sorry to sound so jaded. I do usually believe the victim, but something about this story is not ringing true.
Just guessing: Her "much older" boyfriend found out about the encounter, so now she is crying "rape" to protect herself from her bf's wrath??? This way she can have the baby and get child support from Kelly, who is probably very wealthy.

Well, not exactly. One of the reports said she had an abortion.
I'm jaded myself. My initial reaction is that I have major doubts about this woman's story. The largest one involving their continued "communication" via text/email after the supposed rape took place. My gut feeling is her boyfriend found some incriminating texts and she had to "come up with a story."
I just want to put a little out there about this case. I realize no one has said either way yet, but...............

I knew I was opening a can of worms, sorta' speak, when I posted these news reports this morning. Having said that, please remember that Websleuths is a victim friendly site. However, in this case, I was just attempting to show that in some cases, after the first attention-gripping headlined story, we do NOT know WHO is the victim.

It's a fine line when it's a, 'He said, she said,' situation. I personally believe that in this case, the media should have kept mum until the facts of the case came to light. Whoever the UNKNOWN source was who leaked this to the media, didn't do either of the two involved in this accusation, any favor.

Oh, the headlines served their purpose, attention getting to the story. But after the first blush has worn off, there's more to the story and just who did what, when, where? are now up in the air.

This is why we here, on a crime website, need to wait for the facts to come out, before we can see a clear picture.

This picture is still blurry and no one knows the facts. So let's just wait and see what comes of the investigation. I'm not accusing either of them of not telling the truth. But it's obvious, someone is lying. Whichever is proved to be the liar, will have their reputation and life altered by this situation. Even the innocent one could be tainted by even being involved in this.

For now, let's keep to what the headlines and facts the news reports bring out, and wait further before any speculation on what the deal is. kwim? I doubt that any of us would want to contribute to the obvious pain that this situation is causing those involved by making stuff up or wild speculation.

Thanks for taking a moment to read about this case. Either way it turns, it is a sad statement of what many of us or our fellow humans, have to endure during their lifetime. I wouldn't want to be either of these people.

Well, not exactly. One of the reports said she had an abortion.

Sorry--I stand corrected. :blushing:
Thank you for pointing this out, Talina.

I shouldn't have said any of that--WS is a victim-friendly site.
I agree with Fran's assessment of the case...this new article discusses the challenge handling the complaint will be for the DA's office:

With Rape Inquiry, District Attorney Again Finds Himself in a Tough Spot


Given the inherent potential for tension between police departments and prosecutors, any district attorney might be reluctant to investigate the son of a police commissioner.

Robert M. Morgenthau, Mr. Vance’s predecessor and onetime boss, who ran the office for 35 years, said he could not recall a case in which the entire Police Department was left out of a criminal inquiry because of a potential conflict of interest.

Some experienced New York lawyers said that for Mr. Vance, the case was an opportunity, not so much for a high-profile conviction as to show competency in the political aspect of his job.

One longtime observer of the office, who would speak only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the matter, said: “I would think that people would be looking to see, O.K., is this going to be kind of a reasonable process that instills confidence that there has been a competent investigation, things have proceeded fairly, and people can see that justice has been done.”

Mr. Morgenthau said complicated cases involving public figures come with the turf. “That’s what you get that big salary for,” he said. “You have to take the hard cases. I’m sure he’ll handle it appropriately.”

More at link....
NYPD boss' son, not charged, returns to TV Friday


NEW YORK (AP) &#8212; The police commissioner's son, cleared of the prospect of criminal charges of raping a woman he met for a drink, will return to his job as host of a popular local morning TV talk show this week, his station said.

Greg Kelly took a leave of absence from his job at "Good Day New York" after the allegations surfaced late last month. The station, local Fox affiliate WNYW-TV, confirmed Wednesday he would return Friday.

Prosecutors said Tuesday that they hadn't found cause to charge Kelly with a crime.

More at link....
Thanks for the link Reader.

I just hope people on Websleuths will read this and learn from it. I'm not saying either side is right or wrong, just what the eventual, investigated evidence pointed to.

No crime.

But, as we all know, especially sex crimes, have a way of ruining the accused's reputation. But that holds true for being accused of any crime. Even if the accused is innocent, it can still ruin their life. You then take it for a high-profile individual, and it's even worse.

Remember Coby Bryant? He was accused of a sex crime as well. But after an investigation, there was NO evidence of a crime. But the incident damaged his reputation, hurt his marriage, hurt his endorsements, and on and on. I'm sure the gossip hurt as much as the tangible damage, if not more!

Of course, LOL, I at times am guilty as any. So, I guess this warning is to myself too!:)

I hope that woman gets some peace. Either way, she has some healing to do after this ordeal.


PS....fwiw, and I know this isn't the place for this, but just a note in MY opinion............there is some political fall-out on the father of the accused, locally, with regard to his position as Police Chief, and I personally thought that MAY have had if not just a little, hand in these accusations.(at least in the background noise, kwim?) Harming the Chief any which way, including his loved ones. As they say, "All's fair in love and politics." JMHO, fran

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