NY - Orsolya Gaal, 51, body found in duffel bag, Queens, Apr 2022 #2 *Arrest*

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You're right! If you look on this picture you can tell it's the side door. I also included an image of the side door view of it from the outside so you can see its the same door. You can tell it by the windows on the door.
Yes, I was looking for that exterior pic as I was certain I'd seen panes of glass on door, but not visible on Streetview.
Wow I was told I had no choice. I just went to Apple Support to see if I could get rid of it and it only showed me strange workarounds, but basically said I am forced into a passcode or FaceID.

If a person sets the "Autolock" setting on NEVER, the phone will not need a passcode. My phone will lock anywhere from 30 seconds to Never. If I am using my phone a lot, I will put it on NEVER for convenience.
Perp has a distinctive walk in my opinion, long strides with knees bent. Thin legs and looks to be very lean too. I think he's young, jmo.

I initially thought it was someone pretty young from the still photo but after seeing the video and the posture and stride, idk I kinda feel like it may be a younger woman.
Could be the kids were use to "looking the other way"... maybe the dad did too when it came to other men. I am not judging; but, there are all kinds of circumstances and situations that are different from what I am used to.

Maybe things changed w/ him, but a little less than 2 years ago, he was quick to report her missing. Personally, I doubt he looked the other way.
seeing the route she probably took to get back from the Lincoln Center, and the nearest transit stop's proximity, I concede it's likely she didn't stop home before going to the 5 burro cafe.

Trying to figure out why this person would risk moving the body on foot and been seen vs just leaving her body in the house where it happened
Very good question. The only thing I can think of is sparing her son (upstairs) the trauma of finding his mother after she had been murdered.

Did the killer also know her son and wanted to spare him the trauma of finding her mutilated body?

I’m honestly at a loss as to why there hasn’t been an arrest in the case yet. There have been varying reports (more like rumors because they are originating from “unnamed sources”) as to whether or not police have a POI. Some reports say they don’t have one, others say they do have a POI but can’t locate them.

Between the physical evidence (blood, DNA, fingerprints) presumably left behind at the scene and the footage LE undoubtedly has of the killer dragging the bag along the streets, it seems like it should be an open and shut case. Perhaps LE is still processing evidence? Making sure the case is airtight before issuing a warrant/making an arrest? The longer we go without an arrest, the more I tend to think LE doesn’t actually have a POI.
The first 911 call occurred at 8:02AM, per this article.

Also of note, from the same article: “In the meantime, police have subpoenaed phone records to determine who she spoke to that night. She suffered defensive wounds, which suggest she put up a struggle. And knife-wielding killers have been known to cut themselves in such a situation.”
I find it impossible to believe that anyone stabbing someone 50 times can do it without leaving behind a massive amount of physical evidence. The killer had to be full rage and sloppy. I am very surprised the police don't have the evidence they need to make an arrest.

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I think it's too messy and amateurish to be a hit. She was likely removed because the guy was concerned about DNA (sweat, saliva) but didn't think it through in terms of what sort of DNA he left in the house. Probably figured he could hide the body in the park, but abandoned that idea for whatever reason (cars, bus, realized he couldn't drag bag into trees).

At this point, with the little we actually know right now, I agree with this.

A hit man is contracted and paid to get in, kill, and get out. This is too sloppy and ill-thought out. A professional hit probably wouldn't have been done inside the house, it wouldn't have included dragging a bleeding body up and down stairs, it wouldn't have included a walking excursion past endless cameras while blood is leaving a trail, and the body wouldn't be left in a place that would be highly, highly visible when the sun rose.

You might as well leave the bloody bag on a stage with neon lights as leave it unburied on the border of the Jackie Robinson Parkway.

And I doubt very much a hit man would invest the time, trouble and energy to stab her 58 times. That is personal. That is rage. A hit man is doing a job. A shot to the head with a silencer and out, something like that.

Right now I'm leaning about 1/4 it's a rejected lover, 1/4 it's an angry friend of one or the other of her son's, 1/4 hoping it's not a family member, and 1/4 I have no idea.

I just recently learned about this case and haven’t read anything on here about it so forgive me if this has already been asked and discussed. Thanks.

What are your thoughts on a murderer removing the body from the house? Why would someone do that? Why would someone risk being seen on video? It doesn’t make any sense to me. Shouldn’t it be kill and run?

Maybe he thought the outside elements will destroy the physical evidence on the bag and the body because
forensic evidence like DNA , fingerprints... destroyed much faster outside than if the body is left inside
Maybe the killer wrongly assumed that both sons were out of town with Dad. When they realised they decided to take the body out of the house.

Perhaps OG was sexually assaulted before being stabbed, and tried not to scream so as to prevent her son coming down and getting hurt himself?

My husband sleeps with ear plugs, one son sleeps like the dead and the other son is genuinely deaf so I've often said I could be screaming and not one of them would come to my rescue :eek:
so, they must have tons of video...they can figure the height of the person dragging the duffle bag....they have the time lines...they have her phone....how they can determine her so called "lovers" is beyond me unless she had a very close sister or girlfriend that she confided in...

still would not be surprised if it turns out its the son or a teenager in the neighborhood....

cops can not question a juvenile without parents or supervising adult....IMO its a possibility that the son had a friend or two over to hang out on a free Friday night/weekend.....anything could have happened.....this ex lover is just too pat IMO>
so, they must have tons of video...they can figure the height of the person dragging the duffle bag....they have the time lines...they have her phone....how they can determine her so called "lovers" is beyond me unless she had a very close sister or girlfriend that she confided in...

still would not be surprised if it turns out its the son or a teenager in the neighborhood....

cops can not question a juvenile without parents or supervising adult....IMO its a possibility that the son had a friend or two over to hang out on a free Friday night/weekend.....anything could have happened.....this ex lover is just too pat IMO>

If they have her phone all it takes is a look at text messages to figure out who may be an ex-lover. The cops wouldn’t need friends telling them.
If the killer had a key or code for the alarm, entrance into the home time would be monitored through the alarm system. Same monitoring would happen when they killer left with her in the bag and if anyone returned to the home after the killer left. My guess is that they know whether she let him/her/them in or they let themselves in before she arrived back at the house.

So, the police have her ToD most likely through her fitness device and they would have data as to when her heart rate began to rise, as well as when she moved up/down stairs and depending on the device they could have her movement the house via gps.

They probably have her time leaving the bar and any vehicle data if she drove home. They know which door she entered and when. They would also have the time the killer came into the house.
Good thinking there, unless the killer was already in the house, perhaps let in by someone else already in the house earlier? And did they have exterior cameras if they supposedly had an alarm system? Anyone know?
Okay the more I read about these “texts” the trip to “visit colleges” - the disappearance in 2019 - <modsnip-no link> - her texting at least three men - her son left untouched — I’m back to looking at the hiring of a not-so-professional hit man. It could be the scorned lover angle sure but I just don’t know. It bothers me the timing of the trip the son being left alive the texts - <modsnip>
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Yeah I've seen it stated a few different ways, now. ABC7, for instance, puts it this way: "The victim was out with female friends in Manhattan Friday night, while her husband was out of town with the couple's oldest son. She returned home, went to a local Forest Hills restaurant, was there alone, and either met her killer as she was leaving or when she was at home."

source: Investigation continues into Queens duffel bag murder mystery

In this context, I think that ‘returned home’ might just mean ‘returned to her neighborhood,’ rather than going to her house and going out again.
This is confusing to me. Unless there is a second office elsewhere, based on the photos from OGs Facebook the office is at the front of the house adjacent to the living room, and the back door is the one that leads into the kitchen and perhaps the stairs to the basement.

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Murder for hire on behalf of her husband, or murder on behalf of someone else?

IMO, this murder is highly personal and full of emotional hate.


I believe a MFH would not be messy and the murderer would not risk being caught with a body. This death is much more personal. JMO
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