GUILTY NY - Orsolya Gaal, 51, body found in duffel bag, Queens, Apr 2022 *Arrest* #3

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There is such a beautiful family photo in that article from last Christmas Eve. Breaks my heart for their family, all of them.

I agree. Someone besides this nutcase is going to have to say there was an affair before I believe it. She may have felt pity for him... He is a serious looser. Fake stuff on Facebook. Hardly a rock star. Yuck

The NYPD Chief of Detectives states it clearly at about the 2 min mark into the presser. You don't even have to listen to the entire 10 mins:
Too early to say, but I see David Bonola being similar to Elliot Rodger and Jodi Arias. They had a lot of pent up anger and resentment issues.

The way he killed Orsolya Gaal is likely someone who has deep seated anger issues. It is the same way Jodi Arias and Elliot Rodger killed their victims. They stabbed them many times.

David Bonola is likely an injustice collector/grudge hoarder. Jodi Arias and Elliot Rodger are injustice collector. Other examples are Lori Drew, Betty Broderick, Yoselyn Ortega, Dora Cisneros, Gertrude Baniszewski, Eric Harris, Adam Lanza, Nikolas Cruz, Seung-Hui Cho, Campo Elias Delgado, Omar Mateen, Stephen Paddock, and Osama bin Laden.
This is the difference between investigators and people on the web. Investigators don't project their own feelings if 2 people could be involved or not. They go where evidence leads them. They don't take everything as truth, they gather evidence.

They don't decide there's "no possible way" the victim could ever give the killer the time of day. They know more than we do, and if there is evidence of an on again/off again intimate relationship, then that's what it was, even if other people can't believe or accept it.

I trust the professional detectives in the case to figure out what all was going on.
Well said. Thank you for that.
Log into Facebook | Facebook - she liked his comment

Log into Facebook | Facebook - she replied to his comment, but it doesnt seem like a flirty exchange or anything imo

Log into Facebook | Facebook - she loved his comment on this pic

Log into Facebook | Facebook - she liked his comment

He is a murderer. He seems a bit “off” and unable to pick up on social cues based on some of the reports in MSM. But I don’t really get it why people are insisting that there’s no way they had any form of relationship. Yes, MSM reports were a hot mess the past few days. But it was reported that they had a relationship even before he talked to LE. So if the relationship was all made up in his head, how did LE know about it before they talked to him?

Thanks for the links. I didn’t know LE knew about it in advance. Do you know who they heard it from? That does portray there was something to it if she loved/liked his comments.
Edited to remove first quoted comment.

You are right. It's just so crazy to picture that beautiful woman with a guy like him.... He looks homeless. Talk about different worlds. There are guys like him on every corner here. Nutcases you don't dare to make eye contact with.

Affairs don't bring out the best decision making in the people participating in them. He may have been charming to her while working on the house.
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Thanks for the links. I didn’t know LE knew about it in advance. Do you know who they heard it from? That does portray there was something to it if she loved/liked his comments.

I mean, they probably investigated lol. They could have heard from her friends, found out by going through phone records, maybe her husband knew and told them. Idk.

LE flat out *said* they had a relationship. It’s not about what social media portrays. It’s about what LE discovered through investigation. I know many people have said they don’t believe it, but at this point, that’s refusing to believe what LE has come out and said.
I mean, they probably investigated lol. They could have heard from her friends, found out by going through phone records, maybe her husband knew and told them. Idk.

LE flat out *said* they had a relationship. It’s not about what social media portrays. It’s about what LE discovered through investigation. I know many people have said they don’t believe it, but at this point, that’s refusing to believe what LE has come out and said.

I agree it's a little too late for us commonfolk to care so intensely about OG's choice in... partners.
However, given how many people end up in tragic circumstance and LE Doesn't dredge out their personal business/intimate details, this whole angle has felt weirdly off since the beginning. The publics reaction has been ghastly and extremely toxic toward her, which should be answered for. Was it wise to reveal certain details for lowbrow titillation, so callously? What use was it to to sow these seeds so openly, yet not name partners?

Lets not forget how horribly Jaime Closs was also portrayed when she was abducted very much against her will, as per FBI assessment. Months went by while citizens were basically encouraged to look the other way because she was presumed to have orchastrated the entire bloody event.
In her case, as ugly as it was to watch her painted as responsible or party to her own horrific abduction, the ultimate end goal of massaging her kidnapper's ego into complacency was deemed necessary.

I'm not so sure there is any higher purpose served here.
There is such a beautiful family photo in that article from last Christmas Eve. Breaks my heart for their family, all of them.

Maybe it’s just me, but Orsolya does not seem to be truly happy in this photo? I thought her smile seemed to be forced? Her husband has a big cheesy grin, the youngest is smiling, and the oldest is smiling with his eyes.
I agree it's a little too late for us commonfolk to care so intensely about OG's choice in... partners.
However, given how many people end up in tragic circumstance and LE Doesn't dredge out their personal business/intimate details, this whole angle has felt weirdly off since the beginning. The publics reaction has been ghastly and extremely toxic toward her, which should be answered for. Was it wise to reveal certain details for lowbrow titillation, so callously? What use was it to to sow these seeds so openly, yet not name partners?

Lets not forget how horribly Jaime Closs was also portrayed when she was abducted very much against her will, as per FBI assessment. Months went by while citizens were basically encouraged to look the other way because she was presumed to have orchastrated the entire bloody event.
In her case, as ugly as it was to watch her painted as responsible or party to her own horrific abduction, the ultimate end goal of massaging her kidnapper's ego into complacency was deemed necessary.

I'm not so sure there is any higher purpose served here.

Unfortunately, i don’t really think it’s all that uncommon for something like an affair to come out in MSM during a murder investigation. Especially since some people were hard focused on her innocent teenage son. I don’t think revealing that OG was in a relationship is low brow when they suspected her partner was her killer. Jmo
I agree 100%. Happy he's caught and jailed.
All the neighbors must be breathing a sigh of relief.
Still, a murder of a Mother and human being for what?
Very sad for all of her loved ones.

I'm glad he was caught quickly. Very sorry for OG and her entire family. My expectation from the beginning was that an arrest would happen soon given how many surveillance cameras this guy must have passed (home, business & city cameras).

The net was closing in on him quickly.
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Unfortunately, i don’t really think it’s all that uncommon for something like an affair to come out in MSM during a murder investigation. Especially since some people were hard focused on her innocent teenage son. I don’t think revealing that OG was in a relationship is low brow when they suspected her partner was her killer. Jmo

Exactly! It isn't like she was killed in some random way and the press just decided to mention that she was having an affair with someone.
I just do not understand why some people continue to refuse to believe that this poor woman could possibly have had any kind of relationship with the handyman murderer, despite the definitive statement from LE that there was one, and assume that LE is just taking his word for it. That isn't how they work. If they did not have some evidence that there was or had been an intimate relationship, they would have either said nothing, or said Bonola claims...if you don't believe that statement from them, why would you believe any others?

This is the difference between investigators and people on the web. Investigators don't project their own feelings if 2 people could be involved or not. They go where evidence leads them. They don't take everything as truth, they gather evidence.

They don't decide there's "no possible way" the victim could ever give the killer the time of day. They know more than we do, and if there is evidence of an on again/off again intimate relationship, then that's what it was, even if other people can't believe or accept it.

I trust the professional detectives in the case to figure out what all was going on.

This is my view, as well. The NYPD have seen it all. They don't make decisions based on neighborhood gossip. They don't make decisions based on just the word of a murderer. They've heard lies from murderers all their careers. The NYC detectives will piece together evidence and come to a conclusion based on the totality of the evidence that they have.

It seems clear to me that this is what they have done. We may not like it, we may not understand it, but it is established by the NYPD that OG did indeed engage in an affair with this character.

I believe 1000% that she had a husband and sons whom she loved, at least at some point, and what appeared to be a loving family.
Who can say why she strayed? It could be anything.

It could be that she found him very physically appealing. It could be that they bonded over being immigrants with English as a second language. Maybe she found him funny and delightful. Maybe it was Covid curtailing her usual outings.

I don't know and I don't need to know. It's dreadful that it happened. It makes her husband's burden even more difficult. It must be confusing to her sons. She died at this man's hands. I'm sure it was regretted by everyone it touched, beginning with Orsolya and excluding the murderer.

IMO though, to refuse to believe it's true because we can't imagine ourselves in this position is not recognizing truth.

As an aside, if Bonola was a certified handyman, in the local handyman union, in NYC they make decent money. And as for his looks, I personally don't think he's attractive at all, but taste is subjective and maybe she found him compelling.

I'm certainly not defending him in the slightest, obviously, but thinking it can't be true because others think he's poor and ugly doesn't change what happened. And personally it makes me sad for all the decent and loving men out there who are discarded immediately for being "poor and ugly."

Why did he send the text to the husband?

If she actually sent someone to jail and he knew about it, she had to have had a very close and trusting relationship with him.

She was a very good looking woman but maybe everyone around her (including husband and friends) took her for granted while he showered her with attention and compliments. From all the selfies she might have been vain, wonderful to be admired if only by your handyman.

By the way I don’t find him ugly nor scary or even homeless looking like most of you do but rather good looking. That doesn’t mean he is not a creep as per the baristas of the Starbucks.
How attractive someone is or isn't is always subjective. Many women lusted over Night Stalker Richard Ramirez. He had dozens of women writing him.

Murders aren't about looks. Focusing on that is off in the weeds. Thank goodness for the trained professionals in NY who have worked hard to solve this case.

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