NY - Orsolya Gaal, 51, body found in duffel bag, Queens, Apr 2022

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And how are we, the public, privy to the contents of the supposed text messages? Could they literally have been leaked to the press already? Aren't they part of evidence that no one should know about until a trial? Suspicious to me in general. I wonder if there was indeed some sort of court case where her family did get someone arrested and convicted, and that person was recently released and is being used as the decoy? MOO

Been looking for stuff, not finding much - other than a ton of dodgy headlines about Orsolya's death
An older, 50 +, well educated person…

Yes, and someone whose first language is English. Not necessarily a grandma----could be a male just as easily.

I'm baffled right now. A personal killing. We are getting info that it's a male that she knew, but is it someone who used to work for them, or is it a man she met with that evening? Seems to me that we are hearing both.

If it's someone who worked for her years ago, whom she had arrested (maybe for theft in the home), then she wouldn't likely have met up with this person for a nighttime walk.

Maybe this person was in prison for awhile and has been fuming and plotting revenge all this time. But then how would he (police say it's a man) know that her husband and elder son were away? How would he get into the house? Use her phone?

Perhaps the suspect has been stalking her for awhile and seized this opportunity. Perhaps he pushed the door in behind her and that's why there's no signs of a break-in.

I still am bewildered by how her 17-year old son could be missing in 2004. My eldest granddaughter is 17 and that's the year she was born. So was he kidnapped? Did one parent walk off with the baby somewhere for awhile? I'm not as concerned about OG being reported missing by her husband in 2020. IMO that may have just been crossed wires.

Poor woman. Poor family.
...I'm not as concerned about OG being reported missing by her husband in 2020. IMO that may have just been crossed wires.

the reason i think it's relevant is: she went for a walk at 12:30, and when he woke up in the morning she wasn't there. presumably he tried texting and/or calling her and didn't get an answer. he likely also had reason to believe she never came home (rather than having come home, gotten up early without disturbing him, and left again). this typically adds up to her doing something other than just taking a walk late at night.
Orsolya Gaal's body found in blood-soaked duffel bag in Queens
First two photos will enlarge twice if you click on them.

If the hockey duffle bag came from the house, I'm guessing the perp was someone well known to the family as most people keep duffle bags stored in a closet or shelf in the utility room when not in use ?
Or a bedroom ?

How would the killer know where the sports equipment bags were kept ?
Not to mention -- they'd need to empty out the sporting items first ?
This case is baffling.
Queens mom found dead in duffle bag was stabbed dozens of times | PIX11

At the end of the video, it states that police are questioning a man that used to work for the family and knew where the spare key is kept.

So *if* this is indeed the perpetrator, he could be familiar with the contents of the house.
the reason i think it's relevant is: she went for a walk at 12:30, and when he woke up in the morning she wasn't there. presumably he tried texting and/or calling her and didn't get an answer. he likely also had reason to believe she never came home (rather than having come home, gotten up early without disturbing him, and left again). this typically adds up to her doing something other than just taking a walk late at night.

Where are the details of her 2020 disappearance? Could you link the article? I haven't come across any concrete info.
It was very specific as to a previous address, again possibly to create distance from the present time and possible triggering motive, and the crime scene itself. An adult, a very articulate young person? I don't know. The text seems an elaborate detail.

Yes, and it says "near Austin Street". Why not say when you lived on......and give the specific street?

She sent him to jail? Was she a juror and they got her name? Went about having her tracked as best they could?

Or night or day walks was this a sex offender who attempted to harm her on a walk? This poor woman defended herself, and he got locked up?

Why near Austin Street? Did the perp live on Austin? More so than years ago with social media and addy searches it would be easier to find out where you live.

Would she go out to meet whoever this is and is known to her, but actually had nothing to do with them being locked up? Was she set up?

Such a heart breaking thing to happen to this family.
The whole murder was incredibly sloppy- from the sheer amount of overkill, to the undoubtedly messy crime scene, to the timing of the kill with a child/potential witness in the house, to the incredibly obvious ruse of a text sent afterwards, to the dragging of the body over half a mile in an athletic bag for cameras all along the path to catch.

Some commenters have suggested that because of the victim supposedly meeting up with a man that she might have been having an affair and that would point to the husband hiring a killer while he was out of town. But I find that HIGHLY unlikely, because hitmen don’t stab their victims 60 times and then drag the body in plain sight. A hitman also likely wouldn’t announce his murder via text message and then take efforts to conceal the body. Those two actions contradict one another. Murderers move a body to conceal aspects of the crime or the crime itself. It makes zero sense to hide a body and then text people “hey, I murdered your loved one and you’re next”.

As it has been stated already here and elsewhere, a murder involving 60 stab wound indicates extreme rage and anger towards the victim and almost certainly points to a personal relationship to the victim.

There is one scenario that perfectly fits all of the evidence and timeline provided by the police/media, and it’s one that I won’t say out of fear of violating site terms. But it’s the one I’m sure many here are already thinking.

Why would the killing occur when dad and older brother are away?

What type of person has a lot of pent up anger?

Why wouldn’t the perp drive the body to a separate location instead of walking it?

Who would have knowledge of the husband’s name in the victim’s phone in order to send the “threatening” text?

Who would think to use a hockey bag as a means of transporting a body?

Who would be so sloppy in all phases of a murder, someone with advanced intelligence or someone more on the immature side?

Why would so many personal items from the house be removed as evidence by the police? Crime scene evidence is usually recorded at the scene and carried away in the form of photos, swabs, etc. Large items like computers are more often removed from the home of suspects, not as often for the victims.

Guess in theory it could be many different people, but in my opinion those questions all point towards one suspect.
the reason i think it's relevant is: she went for a walk at 12:30, and when he woke up in the morning she wasn't there. presumably he tried texting and/or calling her and didn't get an answer. he likely also had reason to believe she never came home (rather than having come home, gotten up early without disturbing him, and left again). this typically adds up to her doing something other than just taking a walk late at night.
It could be as simple as the couple having an argument and she walked to a friends house to spend the night. Maybe she didn't answer her husbands texts because she didn't want to talk to him.
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Yes, and it says "near Austin Street". Why not say when you lived on......and give the specific street?

She sent him to jail? Was she a juror and they got her name? Went about having her tracked as best they could?

Or night or day walks was this a sex offender who attempted to harm her on a walk? This poor woman defended herself, and he got locked up?

Why near Austin Street? Did the perp live on Austin? More so than years ago with social media and addy searches it would be easier to find out where you live.

Would she go out to meet whoever this is and is known to her, but actually had nothing to do with them being locked up? Was she set up?

Such a heart breaking thing to happen to this family.

Repeating a description instead of an actual address. Maybe a house had been pointed out and all the texter could remember is the general area?
If you listen to the end of the video at this link, it says that police are questioning a man that used to work for the family and knows where the spare key is kept.

Queens mom found dead in duffle bag was stabbed dozens of times | PIX11
If the man being questioned knows where the spare key is, he didn’t work for them when they lived near Austin Street then. THAT key would have been in a different place at another house.
Speculation: wife or gf of someone she was involved with? Or Gf or bf of younger son that had been in the house before?
And how tall is the younger son?
The whole murder was incredibly sloppy- from the sheer amount of overkill, to the undoubtedly messy crime scene, to the timing of the kill with a child/potential witness in the house, to the incredibly obvious ruse of a text sent afterwards, to the dragging of the body over half a mile in an athletic bag for cameras all along the path to catch.

Some commenters have suggested that because of the victim supposedly meeting up with a man that she might have been having an affair and that would point to the husband hiring a killer while he was out of town. But I find that HIGHLY unlikely, because hitmen don’t stab their victims 60 times and then drag the body in plain sight. A hitman also likely wouldn’t announce his murder via text message and then take efforts to conceal the body. Those two actions contradict one another. Murderers move a body to conceal aspects of the crime or the crime itself. It makes zero sense to hide a body and then text people “hey, I murdered your loved one and you’re next”.

As it has been stated already here and elsewhere, a murder involving 60 stab wound indicates extreme rage and anger towards the victim and almost certainly points to a personal relationship to the victim.

There is one scenario that perfectly fits all of the evidence and timeline provided by the police/media, and it’s one that I won’t say out of fear of violating site terms. But it’s the one I’m sure many here are already thinking.

Why would the killing occur when dad and older brother are away?

What type of person has a lot of pent up anger?

Why wouldn’t the perp drive the body to a separate location instead of walking it?

Who would have knowledge of the husband’s name in the victim’s phone in order to send the “threatening” text?

Who would think to use a hockey bag as a means of transporting a body?

Who would be so sloppy in all phases of a murder, someone with advanced intelligence or someone more on the immature side?

Why would so many personal items from the house be removed as evidence by the police? Crime scene evidence is usually recorded at the scene and carried away in the form of photos, swabs, etc. Large items like computers are more often removed from the home of suspects, not as often for the victims.

Guess in theory it could be many different people, but in my opinion those questions all point towards one suspect.

It was interesting that they returned to the house today to remove items. Maybe they received the information they needed to obtain a search warrant.
Queens mom found dead in duffle bag was stabbed dozens of times | PIX11

At the end of the video, it states that police are questioning a man that used to work for the family and knew where the spare key is kept.

So *if* this is indeed the perpetrator, he could be familiar with the contents of the house.

Wow I wonder if the spare key was to that side door were they followed the blood trail back too? If he had a key he could of easily snuck in the house and literally came up behind her, covered her mouth and began stabbing her in the neck and carotid artery. She would of bled out quickly and passed out. I am trying to figure out how this could happen quickly enough for her to not scream and alert her son but also how she was still able to get defensive wounds on her fingers. If she was in the basement when he attacked her then I can understand how the son and dog were not alerted being upstairs. The suspect having a key makes a quick ambush and attack much easier IMO.
The whole murder was incredibly sloppy- from the sheer amount of overkill, to the undoubtedly messy crime scene, to the timing of the kill with a child/potential witness in the house, to the incredibly obvious ruse of a text sent afterwards, to the dragging of the body over half a mile in an athletic bag for cameras all along the path to catch.

Some commenters have suggested that because of the victim supposedly meeting up with a man that she might have been having an affair and that would point to the husband hiring a killer while he was out of town. But I find that HIGHLY unlikely, because hitmen don’t stab their victims 60 times and then drag the body in plain sight. A hitman also likely wouldn’t announce his murder via text message and then take efforts to conceal the body. Those two actions contradict one another. Murderers move a body to conceal aspects of the crime or the crime itself. It makes zero sense to hide a body and then text people “hey, I murdered your loved one and you’re next”.

As it has been stated already here and elsewhere, a murder involving 60 stab wound indicates extreme rage and anger towards the victim and almost certainly points to a personal relationship to the victim.

There is one scenario that perfectly fits all of the evidence and timeline provided by the police/media, and it’s one that I won’t say out of fear of violating site terms. But it’s the one I’m sure many here are already thinking.

Why would the killing occur when dad and older brother are away?

What type of person has a lot of pent up anger?

Why wouldn’t the perp drive the body to a separate location instead of walking it?

Who would have knowledge of the husband’s name in the victim’s phone in order to send the “threatening” text?

Who would think to use a hockey bag as a means of transporting a body?

Who would be so sloppy in all phases of a murder, someone with advanced intelligence or someone more on the immature side?

Why would so many personal items from the house be removed as evidence by the police? Crime scene evidence is usually recorded at the scene and carried away in the form of photos, swabs, etc. Large items like computers are more often removed from the home of suspects, not as often for the victims.

Guess in theory it could be many different people, but in my opinion those questions all point towards one suspect.


I've been reading this all day.. Despite the strange contradictory reports; I can't stop reminding myself of the points that you made. I totally agree with you. I even think the 'ex worker who knew where the spare key was' is just a 'ruse' to process more evidence and time will tell. Thank you for summing up what (at least) I was thinking.. Best post so far on this thread.
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