NY NY - Patrick Alford, 7, Brooklyn, 22 Jan 2010 - #2

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DNA Solves
I'm brand new (1mo.) on WS; not even sure how I got to this case. And don't know what to do to to help. I can see why it grabs so many hearts. I'll be following it from now on. I read the whole 1st thread today or rather tonight.
I'm praying for Patrick to come home safe, but I'm all too aware of the odds.
A 7 year old can't make it on the streets. I just do not get it. How did he just vanish? Was he abducted? So many questions.
I really hope that you are right, ilovemew.

But I really think that if mom had him somewhere, she would have screwed up by now. She would have said something or gone to him. Or disappeared herself. I really really hope that someone safe has him. But my hope is fading.
I really hope that you are right, ilovemew.

But I really think that if mom had him somewhere, she would have screwed up by now. She would have said something or gone to him. Or disappeared herself. I really really hope that someone safe has him. But my hope is fading.

I have to reluctantly agree, Idaho; unless he has a guardian angel whose working very hard overtime. My hope is also fading. Mom couldn't keep him hidden this long.
Just thinking about Patrick today. I had a dream about him last night. Well, mostly I was just wandering around Brooklyn looking for him. But I couldn't find him. :( Made me very upset, and I'm still thinking about him today. Come home soon, little buddy. We're all waiting and hoping. Wishing there was something more we could do.
Random thought... If nobody else saw Patrick when he was taking out the trash or leaving the building, why do I get the feeling that LE has more or less just taken foster mom's word that he ran off ? Everybody in that household plus their friends and relatives should be closely scrutinized. We know that mom took a polygraph, any idea if the foster parents were tested ? I'm not saying that they did anything, but someone they know definitely could have.
Random thought... If nobody else saw Patrick when he was taking out the trash or leaving the building, why do I get the feeling that LE has more or less just taken foster mom's word that he ran off ? Everybody in that household plus their friends and relatives should be closely scrutinized. We know that mom took a polygraph, any idea if the foster parents were tested ? I'm not saying that they did anything, but someone they know definitely could have.

I don't know this for certain, but I do suspect that they have surveillance footage of Patrick leaving the building. They have said that they have footage of foster-mom searching for him. So they must also have footage of Patrick. If they did not have some proof of him leaving the building, I'm sure we would hear about it. And the focus would be elsewhere. I don't think they would just take her word for it if they didn't see him anywhere on any surveillance. Of course, anything is possible.
Prayers that Patrick gets to come home soon.

Idaho I want to thank you for the dedication to this sweet boy, I check here often as I have it marked as a favorite. I wish there was more that we could do, but nothing is being released at all. I wonder if LE is still searching for him, maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to the mayor, news stations and LE in this case.
Idaho I want to thank you for the dedication to this sweet boy, I check here often as I have it marked as a favorite. I wish there was more that we could do, but nothing is being released at all. I wonder if LE is still searching for him, maybe we should start a letter writing campaign to the mayor, news stations and LE in this case.

I too want to add my thanks to Idaho and to you too butterfly. Patrick is one I keep coming back to also. Like the break on Lindsey, I am hoping a break for Patrick is coming soon.
Living in Brooklyn and knowing the area it is very possible for a child to wander out on his own. This neighborhood has huge apartment buildings throughout.
No news on Patrick in 2 months. He is SEVEN years old! The same age as little Kyron. Yet nothing. :(

I4G, I know that others have recently thanked you for your dedication to this case, but I want to add my personal thanks as well. While I didn't join WS until well after Patrick disappeared, it is your perserverance and focus on this case that has brought me to catch up on it now.

Why is it that our society pays more attention to kids in apparently 'happy, normal' families? Doesn't every child deserve a chance in life? Shouldn't we be equally concerned for a missing child that already has faced significant challenges in life?

Where are you Patrick? All we want is for you to be safe and loved.
I too want to add my thanks to Idaho and to you too butterfly. Patrick is one I keep coming back to also. Like the break on Lindsey, I am hoping a break for Patrick is coming soon.

Snoopster: You definitely should have been on my list of those I thanked for keeping Patrlck's name on everyone's mind. He really stole my heart! 9Athough I, like you, joined quite a while after Patrick went missing also.) I'm hoping for a miracle.

Published: Monday, July 19, 2010, 1:35 AM
Updated: Monday, July 19, 2010, 7:26 AM
Jeff Harrell

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- He should be doing what most little 8-year-old boys are doing this summer.

Playing ball. Swimming. Video games with buddies. Chasing down the ice cream truck.

Anything but missing.

It’s been nearly six months since Patrick Alford vanished into thin air, and only God and — whoever has him if he’s still alive — are left to fill in the blanks.
Holding out hope for missing Staten Island boy, Patrick Alford

He should be doing what most little 8-year-old boys are doing this summer.

Playing ball. Swimming. Video games with buddies. Chasing down the ice cream truck.

Anything but missing.

It’s been nearly six months since Patrick Alford vanished into thin air, and only God and — whoever has him if he’s still alive — are left to fill in the blanks.

Some more snips from the link above.

But as easy as it is to sit back and blame a mother we don’t know, a judge we can’t overrule, or an agency we can’t understand, laying blame now is pointless because there’s a little boy who is still nowhere to be found.


Where is the little boy with the wide, toothy grin who bounced with a fresh energy and fed off as much food as his grandma could put on the dinner plate?

Swimming? Thumbing a new video game? Charming a few extra sprinkles out of Mr. Softee? Tucked away with family somewhere else, as some detectives still believe?

Or, is Patrick a pile of remains identified only by teeth lying in a place nobody has looked yet?

“He’s still alive,” aunt Brenda Ortiz says. “I believe he wants to come home.”

God help us all if he can’t.

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