NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 1

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I found the article but it won't open on my computer so can't post a link, basically guy was held for 32 days in a Long Island City warehouse, tied up and tortured. But rescued. If someone can post the link that would be great.

Prosecutors said the men came up to Portugal, an Ecuadorean national and tax accountant who lives in Woodside, Queens. Moncayo allegedly approached him at his office on Roosevelt Avenue in Jackson Heights, flashed a fake NYPD badge, and ordered him into a sport-utility vehicle.

The abduction was caught on video on the sidewalk.

I think if it were to be a kidnaping for ransom, LE would insist, and Ida would likely adhere to LE's request/insistence that she not post publicly. Too much could go wrong.

She did say she was tired of waiting and wanted to go public.
Commuters are creatures of habit. They usually try to find a the same parking spot and the same seat on the train every day.
Someone should stand exactly where the car was found at the train station starting at 1PM on Friday afternoons into Saturdays at 8:30 PM and ask every commuter who passes by if they saw the car there on the 14-15 of June. That would help narrow the timeline for when the car was parked there.

I concur with several posts on this page that the timeline of RM's red car at the train station is one of the huge gaps - based on what had been reported. We just do not know when it was parked or by whom.

Re: BBM. ElizaAvalon, this is an excellent idea. It woulda, coulda, shouda happened in RM's case - but unfortunately as far as we know it didn't happen. That action (even for a couple days following the car discovery) could have provided much needed & important information. I am going to remember this strategy for future cases.
I do understand the public wasn't her first priority, but if the cell phone records were processed in the beginning, how come results are still not available?

Does it take over a month to obtain results by LE? I find this difficult to believe. I get my cell phone bill in a month with every number I called and calls received.

It should have taken LE no longer than a few days to process these records with all the technology available to them.

I am sure they have been thoroughly examined. No one is going to give us the results tho
Totally agree, Jerry, re the whole 9 yards, from the names ending in vowels to the slap on the wrist. The ringleader, from easily obtainable public records, does not strike me as someone who would let it lie.

The only other possibility I can think of is that it may have to do with copper theft. I don't think the scrap guys are involved though. They surely would have known of a better way to dispose of the car. Maybe coworkers? Maybe RM was talking to LE?

But your post above that one re the train station, I disagree. I do think there would have been a spot available close to the tracks at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon. I commuted for many years...

I would buy into the ringleader theory more if it hadn't happened 7 years ago
IMO they have the results, but haven't made them publically available. I understand it's an ongoing investigation, but they are certainly keeping a lot of information away from the public. The more time passes the more memories fade - they need to put out public inquiries, jog people's memories NOW. :banghead:

My thought is wherever the phone was found is a huge clue and they do not want RM or his abductor (?) to know they are hot on the trail?
Totally agree, Jerry, re the whole 9 yards, from the names ending in vowels to the slap on the wrist. The ringleader, from easily obtainable public records, does not strike me as someone who would let it lie.

The only other possibility I can think of is that it may have to do with copper theft. I don't think the scrap guys are involved though. They surely would have known of a better way to dispose of the car. Maybe coworkers? Maybe RM was talking to LE?

But your post above that one re the train station, I disagree. I do think there would have been a spot available close to the tracks at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon. I commuted for many years...

I agree. I used to work nights in NYC. Although I caught a little bit later train than the time frame we are considering here, I did wait for the arriving train from NYC with the union workers coming home and tried to get one of their spots close to the platform in Deer Park.
UPDATE - according to IM the phone was NOT found, that was a huge miscommunication. And they found nothing of interest in the phone records.
I would buy into the ringleader theory more if it hadn't happened 7 years ago

Do you think said ringleader exacts his revenge the day he gets out? That would be some coincidence, no?
UPDATE - according to IM the phone was NOT found, that was a huge miscommunication. And they found nothing of interest in the phone records.

I have a question about a phone "going dead". If there were no pings after 1:45, how would anyone know the phone was dead at 2:45? Does "dead" mean a)shut off, b) battery removed or c) calls go straight to voice mail?
Do you think said ringleader exacts his revenge the day he gets out? That would be some coincidence, no?

Maybe I need to re-look at the easily searchable public records, lol. I just saw the date and the subject, so sorry I spoke without knowing the facts
I have a question about a phone "going dead". If there were no pings after 1:45, how would anyone know the phone was dead at 2:45? Does "dead" mean a)shut off, b) battery removed or c) calls go straight to voice mail?

Not sure they would know the difference...unless it went dead during a call - cell phone providers can determine how a call was terminated - I used to work for one
Most construction trades in NYC get paid on Thursday. I'm assuming that RM did too. Wonder if he had cash on him that Friday afternoon ? Also wonder if he met someone to pay the vig on a loan, and something went sideways ? * speculation only * ? jmo
Totally agree, Jerry, re the whole 9 yards, from the names ending in vowels to the slap on the wrist. The ringleader, from easily obtainable public records, does not strike me as someone who would let it lie.

The only other possibility I can think of is that it may have to do with copper theft. I don't think the scrap guys are involved though. They surely would have known of a better way to dispose of the car. Maybe coworkers? Maybe RM was talking to LE?

But your post above that one re the train station, I disagree. I do think there would have been a spot available close to the tracks at 2:30 on a Friday afternoon. I commuted for many years...

I do pass the train station often, but dont often use it. So you could definitely be correct. Just hard for me to believe NOBODY saw ANYTHING if the car was brought there during the afternoon. But again, there is so much mystery here that NOTHING surprises me.

I just know it is ALWAYS packed, especially this particular station that handles the entire area of Deer Park, Commack, Dix Hills, etc....
UPDATE - according to IM the phone was NOT found, that was a huge miscommunication. And they found nothing of interest in the phone records.

Now there's no phone? Gee.........
I do pass the train station often, but dont often use it. So you could definitely be correct. Just hard for me to believe NOBODY saw ANYTHING if the car was brought there during the afternoon. But again, there is so much mystery here that NOTHING surprises me.

I just know it is ALWAYS packed, especially this particular station that handles the entire area of Deer Park, Commack, Dix Hills, etc....

Maybe someone did, but maybe it was just one person parking a car. And by the time this became a story, it did not click. And from what I gather, it is not really a big news story anyway, so witnesses still might not know about it.
At first everyone said Jerry Perdomo was a stand up guy and many were shocked to learn the truth. I am sure he was lured in because he needed money to pay for a lifestyle above his means. Perhaps this is a similar case but LE is keeping tight lipped because they are investigating a ring of criminal activity. There are just so many paths it could be. It could have to do with stolen construction material to drugs. There just is such a lack of straight forth info from both IM and LE.


forgot to add link
I am thinking now there is foul play. It's been four weeks. If he was involved with illegal activities and unsavory people that can lead to problems. Maybe he got greedy,maybe he owed someone money or maybe someone is holding him for ransom. There are no traces or clues and the searches are not producing anything. Now the phone was not found. I am confused.
Maybe this is a criminal investigation and the police are saying it' s not to throw eveyone off. Than there's the bike or supposedly a bike? Than the visit to the scrap yard? It gets starnger as the days go by. And yet no substantial leads?
One thing that crossed my mind is the possibility of him having alot of information on someone. maybe is it a possibility he may be in protective custody? Just a thought? :scared:
Maybe the investigative strategy needs to be a look-back into RM's communications, pings, and financials say over the past 6-12 months. I still have that little voice says someone (family, co-workers, or law enforcement) knows more than has been make public.

With LE saying nothing criminal = nothing to see here, they could be delving deeper and not saying OR just not seeing anything. Maybe a PI is needed.
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