NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 1

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I'm still "mad" at him for that!!! :banghead:
When I think that maybe RM willingly left his family, I get very upset. I know it happens, but wow, How does someone do that?
In trying to see the glass half full, if he willingly left, then its likely that he's safe somewhere. Which is better than the alternative.
But Dear Lord...how does one leave your loved ones heartbroken, getting no word to them?
Still, I hope that he's okay. I'm just so sad for this family.
Has anyone learned of anything new that has been determined or released by LE or others on this missing person case? I read that friends/family planned to do some searching on both Sat and Sunday - but have not read any followup to those efforts.

This is my opinion only: It being over a week since RM went missing and no recovery or sign of violence with car, the notion that he left willingly is beginning to seem a real possibility. I hope the LE (who have indicated they do not suspect foul play) and or an investigator family hires can do an indepth forensic electronics (phones - esp work, computer) investigation, and/or determine if he holds alternate ID or credit cards.

I feel for his family; esp his kids. Has anyone read any information or statements given by RM's side of the family?
When I think that maybe RM willingly left his family, I get very upset. I know it happens, but wow, How does someone do that?
In trying to see the glass half full, if he willingly left, then its likely that he's safe somewhere. Which is better than the alternative.
But Dear Lord...how does one leave your loved ones heartbroken, getting no word to them?
Still, I hope that he's okay. I'm just so sad for this family.

Whatever may have been going on between the wife and husband, the children are mourning their father's loss. The wife said the 12 yr old girl in particular cries and cries.

It is terrible, I hope there is a resolution sooner then later. Not another question mark case to always wonder about.

I wonder about his background as someone else mentioned. Did he gamble heavily? I saw on her Facebook page a photo taken at a gaming establishment, with machines in the background. But millions of people go to them all the time, including the ones on ships. And I have no idea where they were in the photo.

They sure looked happy together.

Truly strange.......but maybe because we are the outsiders looking in.
Is it strange that we haven't heard anything in so long? Wife has not updated her Facebook since she posted about his disappearance on the 18th. My gut tells me he is safe. Hope I'm right.
Re the BBM items:
My thinking was that there would be more peeps in the lot around 2 -3 on a Friday before a "holiday" weekend (Father's Day); folks getting off work early to leave for a trip.

He drove to work on the 14th? I am going by the media report that his co-workers reported seeing him and his car at the work site on the 14th.

I sure hope someone at the lot saw something about the red car and that seeing a missing flier will jog a memory.

Justy I don't know anyone that got off early on the Friday before Father's Day. So going by that I'm assuming that very few people noticed him in the parking lot.

When I wrote do we know for a FACT that he didn't take the train? I meant, at all. I didn't mean to work.

So, if he went on the train AFTER work, that train station doesn't have humans selling tickets in the office, it has a ticket machine. I hope they checked the camera on the machine. And if he didn't buy his ticket at the station, he would have had to purchase it from a conductor on the train. Surely a conductor would remember the handful of people who got on at that station (and maybe he was the only one) in the afternoon of the 14th.

I just don't see him leaving his car there at the train station if he didn't take the train at all when there are several other better options nearby (finding a parking spot at the Deer Park station is not easy).
The car being left at the train station is our main fact at this point, imo.
Either HE left the vehicle there and got on the train OR HE left the car there to throw off where he went.

If he was a victim of foul play, the perp left the car there and HE/SHE got on the train OR HE/SHE left it there to throw off where they went.

I am back and forth between thinking he left on his own or he met with foul play.
It's interesting to me that the FB page set up for Robert seems very hush hush and some closest to Robert are quite protective and defensive, even going so far as to basically say not to ask any questions. While, I completely respect people's privacy, it's hard to get a grasp on the situation when all facts are not present. So in my head, I've made a list -
Is Robert a gambler? (Others have suggested this!)
Did Father's Day have any bearing or impact on him leaving? Is his own father alive?
Does Robert have a drinking or drug problem?
Could he have met someone else?

I can't imagine him leaving his children unless there is a bigger issue out there. I also have wondered if he owed anyone money and someone has harmed him or he is hiding.

I know, all over the map. I don't mean to violate his privacy and I really hope he is alive and safe somewhere.

I guess if he met with foul play, there would be more information or things coming to light. Signs of a struggle, etc. If his wallet was at home, robbery wouldn't really be the motive and the car was left behind.
Can you please provide a link to this info? I have heard nothing about searches.
Sorry, I was going to do that, but this was written by RM's wife, on an Open FB account made for Robert, which they since changed to private.
No news of how that search went has been made available.
I want to think he was the victim of a crime as that is the 'nicer' of the two possibilities but as the days go by and Robert Mayer is not located I am begging to think it's possible he may have walked out on his family. And that possibility makes me sick to my stomach ... I cannot even begin to think of what would drive someone to abandon his children and family but it has happened and we must be prepared for that outcome :banghead:

The Suffolk County Police Dept. has made it clear that they DO NOT think criminal activity is involved in his disappearance.
Items snipped by me to save space.

Justy I don't know anyone that got off early on the Friday before Father's Day. So going by that I'm assuming that very few people noticed him in the parking lot.
When I wrote do we know for a FACT that he didn't take the train? I meant, at all. I didn't mean to work.

Thanks ElizaAvalon for your clarification - I see what you were asking now. Also thanks for the information about purchasing using a ticket machine with a camera..... that indeed would be useful information.

It's interesting to me that the FB page set up for Robert seems very hush hush and some closest to Robert are quite protective and defensive, even going so far as to basically say not to ask any questions. While, I completely respect people's privacy, it's hard to get a grasp on the situation when all facts are not present.

I have been following on the FB page also and was somewhat surprised when they made it private because they did not want posters asking questions or speculating on ideas of what could have happened. It was make clear they intend the Fb page to be for distribution of fliers. His wife was initially responding to some questions but still nothing that I have seen about the searches on Sat & Sun (except one person did say some looked in the woods near the train station.

Sorry, I was going to do that, but this was written by RM's wife, on an Open FB account made for Robert, which they since changed to private.
No news of how that search went has been made available.

I have not seen any updates either on the searches.
I want to think he was the victim of a crime as that is the 'nicer' of the two possibilities but as the days go by and Robert Mayer is not located I am begging to think it's possible he may have walked out on his family. And that possibility makes me sick to my stomach ... I cannot even begin to think of what would drive someone to abandon his children and family but it has happened and we must be prepared for that outcome :banghead:

The Suffolk County Police Dept. has made it clear that they DO NOT think criminal activity is involved in his disappearance.

I don't know the statistics on those who "abandon" family but I do believe that if he is missing on his own accord, there is a heavy reason behind it.

We don't know his history mentally, his history with possible addictions, etc. And the privacy and secrecy surrounding it, makes me really suspect that there is a deeper reason.

I'll take this as the alternative than him meeting with foul play. With life, there's hope.
I want to think he was the victim of a crime as that is the 'nicer' of the two possibilities but as the days go by and Robert Mayer is not located I am begging to think it's possible he may have walked out on his family. And that possibility makes me sick to my stomach ... I cannot even begin to think of what would drive someone to abandon his children and family but it has happened and we must be prepared for that outcome :banghead:

The Suffolk County Police Dept. has made it clear that they DO NOT think criminal activity is involved in his disappearance.
The idea that Robert skipped out on his family seems likely at this point, imo. I too have been really upset by this thought. But the more I think about this man, the more I realize that we don't know what was going on in Roberts' life, his family life, etc., There could be a thousand reasons and rhymes for what has happened here.
Without having a clue as to what's really going on, i'm not going to judge this man.
I just hope he's alright and that somehow, peace is brought to this family.
I don't know the statistics on those who "abandon" family but I do believe that if he is missing on his own accord, there is a heavy reason behind it.

We don't know his history mentally, his history with possible addictions, etc. And the privacy and secrety surrounding it, makes me really suspect that there is a deeper reason.

I'll take this as the alternative than him meeting with foul play. With life, there's hope.
Interesting theories, the police have not commented on this case since last again - then again the SCPD is very tight lipped when it comes to just about everything.

The Facebook page being set to private is also worrying, I am contemplating sending a request to join the group. Has anyone done this yet?

Oh, I just found something ... was he previously listed on NameUS? I cannot find any results for Robert Mayer, Male, NY. Perhaps he has been located?
Interesting theories, the police have not commented on this case since last again - then again the SCPD is very tight lipped when it comes to just about everything.

The Facebook page being set to private is also worrying, I am contemplating sending a request to join the group. Has anyone done this yet?

Oh, I just found something ... was he previously listed on NameUS? I cannot find any results for Robert Mayer, Male, NY. Perhaps he has been located?

I think there are a few of us here who are a part of the group. Was Robert ever listed with NAMUS? I don't know if that was ever even answered.
Interesting theories, the police have not commented on this case since last again - then again the SCPD is very tight lipped when it comes to just about everything.

The Facebook page being set to private is also worrying, I am contemplating sending a request to join the group. Has anyone done this yet?

Oh, I just found something ... was he previously listed on NameUS? I cannot find any results for Robert Mayer, Male, NY. Perhaps he has been located?
I requested to join the FB Group before they went Private, so i'm there and I can tell you, there is precious little to report. Join if you can, sure!

The idea that Robert skipped out on his family seems likely at this point, imo. I too have been really upset by this thought. But the more I think about this man, the more I realize that we don't know what was going on in Roberts' life, his family life, etc., There could be a thousand reasons and rhymes for what has happened here.
Without having a clue as to what's really going on, i'm not going to judge this man.
I just hope he's alright and that somehow, peace is brought to this family.


Thank you! I feel the same. Judgements regarding Robert's possible actions should have no place in this thread.
Hoping his family and friends are honest with LE, if indeed there was something going on in his life. Many times we have seen families reluctant to divulge personal issues, which is fine for the public, as long as LE knows all, for a better chance for the person to be located.
I would like more facts. So many articles so little facts.
1. Did he even make it to work? Did he work that day?
2. Who was the last person to see him alive besides his family
3. Where is the cctv footage of him parking his car at that train station.
4. What was his financial footprint for the past two months before this June 14 day?
5. Where are the car keys were they found in the car?
6. Could he possibly be suicidal, did he give away any belongings before this date?
7. What do his phone records texts photos and calls show? Who was he in contact with online, and where are the family desktop laptops and hard drives and why haven't they been confiscated to date? Follow the money follow his financial transactions, and we could have some real hard core answers if he left or not, was sick, suicidal or not, or if he met and knew someone else and left his family for him or her. It's imperative to know from his wife: Is anything missing that he adores from home? His favorite shoes his favorite things in life? Were all his CC's in his wallet, was his ID in his wallet? Just saying he left his wallet isn't good enough for me.
8. Was his wife the last person to see him alive? LE better start acting as if criminal behavior occurred, and they better get a warrant. Like Yesterday.

The media and the wife have left out way too many details for ME, IMMHO.
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