NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 5

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hey kids-- to continue that---can we ask are they missing from THE CAR only or are they missing completely?? Maybe in garage??
Once again, we only know they are supposed missing because that's what IM says.

Can't help thinking, same holds true for RM. You can prove something isn't missing but you can't prove something is actually missing.
I noticed she takes ownership of everything in press con...."My Daughter...My Son" not ours but some people are just like that meaning no insult ...I have friends that don't ever consider their semantics lol

Maybe she says it that way because he is no longer around, so it's no longer our kids but my kids?
BBM - that information is on the NAMUS sight now under "last seen". Listed as 2:50 pm

Why isnt it mentioned anywhere else? Ive said it a million times, if it is true that he in fact is on the neighbor's video, it is way too important of a fact to leave out. It creates a whole new time line, and we can throw other scenarios out the window.

Not once has IM brought this information forward.....if true, it is being kept hush hush for a reason.
Maybe when he was taking scrap out of his trunk at Arrow, he tossed out the club and the lunch pail while he was there ("Hey, not gonna need this") if you look at the picture showing the south parking lot of Arrow there are what appears to be garbage cans on each side of a door. Could have scrapped the club, but tossed the lunch pail out. By the time anyone investigated around Arrow (if anyone did), that garbage would have been emptied and gone.
I also think if a perp left THE CAR at the DP train station, they would have parked it further back in order to get out of the car without being seen.
Can't help thinking, same holds true for RM. You can prove something isn't missing but you can't prove something is actually missing.

I had thought about that Blythe-----its why I asked about his job-site and if he has been replaced. Maybe he relocated himself.
This could be a whole, sad, unfortunate family situation that is on a very public runaway track.
Jerry-- your post 204--- the neighbor's video was one of those talked about then not talked about then talked about again----IIRC THE CAR only is visible, not the driver???
Could not disagree more. A perp would never go thru the trouble of keeping car clean, parking in "safer" spot at station and locking the doors. No way. Unless the perp is close to RM or family and left it there as a message to the family. A perp (especially in THAT area) would strip the life out of that car and leave it torn to shreds. IMO.

The only way I believe any perp left the car there, was he was following orders from above. He was just the "gopher" per se. Someone gave them/he the order to drop the car there, and they were only following orders.
My point is, there are more powerful people involved in this scenario....the crime doesnt end with the person who parked the car.

If you ever watched the Sopranos, Tony would always have Christopher or one of his underlings doing the "clean up".
The only way I believe any perp left the car there, was he was following orders from above. He was just the "gopher" per se. Someone gave them/he the order to drop the car there, and they were only following orders.
My point is, there are more powerful people involved in this scenario....the crime doesnt end with the person who parked the car.

If you ever watched the Sopranos, Tony would always have Christopher or one of his underlings doing the "clean up".

The crime may begin with "The Person Who Parked There". I said threads back that it is a shame LE didn't interview LIRR commuters at Deer Park in the days immediately following locating the vehicle. Someone parked next to the red car at sometime.

So now we are on to murder. Who wanted RM to disappear and why?
Yeah but he was last seen at his house (unconfirmed) then the car is found at DP??? Even if it was next day ....whatever happened....happened between his house and DP. IMO ....Which leads me to believe he planned it
The only way I believe any perp left the car there, was he was following orders from above. He was just the "gopher" per se. Someone gave them/he the order to drop the car there, and they were only following orders.
My point is, there are more powerful people involved in this scenario....the crime doesnt end with the person who parked the car.

If you ever watched the Sopranos, Tony would always have Christopher or one of his underlings doing the "clean up".

Ahhh...now were talking!
All goes back to a very clean disappearance. Too clean, IMO.
heading out guys---everyone have a great day and stay safe!!!!!!
I checked local news. There was a body pulled from a marsh in the Shirley/Mastic area. It was a female. FB poster probably posted a body was found and they all went into a tailspin because they don't like IM seeing reports like that. Its a support page. Now there is a new rule that nobody can post about news stories until story is verified, and Admins should be sent a private message.
Ahhh...now were talking!
All goes back to a very clean disappearance. Too clean, IMO.

Was at Arrow selling scrap (FOR CASH)
last seen at his house 2:50pm Leaves ID
Phone is turned off 2:45-2:50pm
car found at DP
ummmhmmmmm :seeya:
Yeah but he was last seen at his house (unconfirmed) then the car is found at DP??? Even if it was next day ....whatever happened....happened between his house and DP. IMO ....Which leads me to believe he planned it

To coin a Wall St. phrase, June 14 at 2:45pm is "Triple Witching Hour". According to 3 "facts" provided by our verified insider (2) and Ida (1) 3 things "happen" at that exact moment that I have not been able to reconcile. The car is seen on the neighbor's video, the phone goes dead, Ida is at her parents house. As Jerry said earlier, he doesn't believe in coincidences. This to me sticks out like a sore thumb. These 3 things happened all at once by accident? Of course, the video time stamp my not be exactly synchronized with the phone information but, it's likely very close. These 3 things occurring at the same time puzzles me.

I'm not implying Ida DID or DID NOT do anything. Simply stating that she is curiously not home, at her parent's house at that exact moment, for what ever reason.
A cadaver dog can do basic tracking as well. The same cannot be said in reverse. I'm not sure which kind of dogs they used, but I trust they used what was appropriate, in the different areas they searched.

From my experience in SAR......

Air Scent Dogs can detect a human by scent "in the air" if it is blowing the direction from the subject towards the dog (scent cone)

Ground scent dogs (like bloodhounds) smell the scent directly from the ground.

Both are affected by humidity, rain, wind, heat, contamination by lots of other scents and auto exhaust.

A ground scent dog "should" have had a hit somewhere around the car if RM had gotten out of it.

An air scent dog would not have been much good if the subject was not nearby or at least in the dogs scent cone and if the wind conditions were not right.

Cadaver dog would hit on a decaying body if it was in it's scent cone and wind conditions were right or in the ground so the scent would come up through the dirt.

In my experience when LE clams up, they either have something really telling that they don't want to let out, or they screwed up and don't want to advertise it. In rare occasions, they just don't have enough resources to keep up with everything going on in their area of operations, so they put their resources on the clear criminal activity and "low hanging fruit".
To coin a Wall St. phrase, June 14 at 2:45pm is "Triple Witching Hour". According to 3 "facts" provided by our verified insider (2) and Ida (1) 3 things "happen" at that exact moment that I have not been able to reconcile. The car is seen on the neighbor's video, the phone goes dead, Ida is at her parents house. As Jerry said earlier, he doesn't believe in coincidences. This to me sticks out like a sore thumb. These 3 things happened all at once by accident? Of course, the video time stamp my not be exactly synchronized with the phone information but, it's likely very close. These 3 things occurring at the same time puzzles me.

I'm not implying Ida DID or DID NOT do anything. Simply stating that she is curiously not home, at her parent's house at that exact moment, for what ever reason.

I think he knew her patterns. she prob visited them on Fri afternoons or a lot in the afternoon. I believe he knew she wouldn't be there
From my experience in SAR......

Air Scent Dogs can detect a human by scent "in the air" if it is blowing the direction from the subject towards the dog (scent cone)

Ground scent dogs (like bloodhounds) smell the scent directly from the ground.
Both are affected by humidity, rain, wind, heat, contamination by lots of other scents and auto exhaust.
A ground scent dog "should" have had a hit somewhere around the car if RM had gotten out of it.

An air scent dog would not have been much good if the subject was not nearby or at least in the dogs scent cone and if the wind conditions were not right.

Cadaver dog would hit on a decaying body if it was in it's scent cone and wind conditions were right or in the ground so the scent would come up through the dirt.

BBM... so if RM parked his car June 14 around 2:45pm, car is found at 8pm June 15, car is in a very busy parking lot, with lots of exhaust, right up front so lots of people walking around it, it very well could be that the dog did not pick up his scent? How long would it take the dogs to arrive after the car is found? That could factor in a few more hours of contamination, I would imagine.

To coin a Wall St. phrase, June 14 at 2:45pm is "Triple Witching Hour". According to 3 "facts" provided by our verified insider (2) and Ida (1) 3 things "happen" at that exact moment that I have not been able to reconcile. The car is seen on the neighbor's video, the phone goes dead, Ida is at her parents house. As Jerry said earlier, he doesn't believe in coincidences. This to me sticks out like a sore thumb. These 3 things happened all at once by accident? Of course, the video time stamp my not be exactly synchronized with the phone information but, it's likely very close. These 3 things occurring at the same time puzzles me.

I'm not implying Ida DID or DID NOT do anything. Simply stating that she is curiously not home, at her parent's house at that exact moment, for what ever reason.

Do coincidences occur, sure, absolutely. But how many can occur in this case? Here are the ones I remember, I am sure there are more....in no particular order

1. He "forgets" his wallet home on the day he disappears
2. After the 9am call from IM, He doesnt get/make not one single text/phone call on his cell phone that he uses for both work and personal....keeping in mind he works on a job site, no land line(he wasnt at an office)
3. He leaves work early that day
4. Phone goes "dead" even with barely any usage
5. Train station has no cameras.
6. Cameras not working at Arrow
7. Car is found somewhere he avoids like the plague
8. IM not home at 2:45 when he (or his car) is last seen on video...EVEN THOUGH she was "expecting him home" around that time
9. Just happens to be seen at Arrow, at that SPECIFIC scrap yard, after co-workers suggests to IM to look there TWO WEEKS after his disappearance
10. Not one surv cam or person spots him anywhere after Arrow
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