NY NY - Robert Mayer, 46, Dix Hills, 14 Jun 2013 - # 9

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It would depend on the day, season, holiday weekend and time of day.
Its not an exact science but the safer spots are by ticket booth and up front close to platform.
It does seem odd that RM had a favorite spot in a lot where he would never leave his car.
Most stations require a parking sticker. Most commuters have these.
The deer park one does not. Anyone can park there.
See how much activity is there at night? Trying to get a feel for when the car was dropped off?

I was there 2 weeks ago on a Friday night. Had to pick up a relative that was arriving on the 9:21 PM train from Penn Station. The parking lot was full and the spots right in front (where RM's car was found) were all taken.
There were lots of cars waiting for the train to arrive from Penn, these cars were right in front along the curb. Scattered in the parking lot were groups of young people just hanging out around their racing cars. Also quite a few people on the platform waiting for the train going to Penn Station.
It would just help my thoughts about the parking situation at that particular lot. It has been told that the same spot where RM's car was found was a preference, in the past he always parked there. On the flip side, there is never enough parking available, so reported. I wonder what available parking is there at 3 PM, 9 PM or 2 AM. For me, that 'open spot' seems a bit too convenient to be available on a semi-early friday afternoon.

I've wondered about this same thing. I've spent (too many) hours on YouTube looking at this particular train station and various other places around LI trying to get a feel for the area.

I did find this YouTube video of the parking problem at Deer Park train station. From the looks of it (people parking in an obvious no parking spot, on the grass, etc.) I have a hard time believing RM would be able to get a "favorite" parking spot, especially one up front, unless it was in the wee hours of the morning.....especially a weekend morning.

Here's the video:
LIRR - Deer Park - Parking Problem - YouTube
I've wondered about this same thing. I've spent (too many) hours on YouTube looking at this particular train station and various other places around LI trying to get a feel for the area.

I did find this YouTube video of the parking problem at Deer Park train station. From the looks of it (people parking in an obvious no parking spot, on the grass, etc.) I have a hard time believing RM would be able to get a "favorite" parking spot, especially one up front, unless it was in the wee hours of the morning.....especially a weekend morning.

Here's the video:
LIRR - Deer Park - Parking Problem - YouTube

I agree with wee hours of the morning, NOT a Friday afternoon or night.
I agree with wee hours of the morning, NOT a Friday afternoon or night.

Just checked train schedule and there are no trains running in the wee hours.
The last train to Penn is 11:24 PM and coming from Penn arrives @12:21 AM.

The first train out on Saturday is 12:59 PM to Penn and arriving from Penn @ 1:21 PM. This is also the present schedule do not know if it was different back in June.
let's also think outside the box: Eastbound trains
I tend to agree with this. I am somewhat concerned about the "worried look" on Arrow's video. Putting things away in drawers when he got home may have been "force of habit". What ever happened went down after he left again. If LE is still holding the car as reported, it brings us down to a short list of possible scenario's. Thanks for your insight and opinion.

My problem with this scenario is that if he DID always (or often) stash his stuff in the drawers - whatever the reason is - why wouldn't IM have looked there from the get go.

If it really was his habit of where to put things, it should have been the first place she looked when she couldn't find him...and then a week wouldn't have passed before they were located.

Whether or not he had his wallet and phone would have been critical initial information and so items LE surely would have wanted ASAP, and, if she wanted her husband found, IM should have also wanted found ASAP.

So this makes me think that wasn't his usual stashing place or she'd have found them at least within maybe the first day (but even to me that's generous - if it was really the normal location, it should have been within the first hour! :scared:
I tend to agree with this. I am somewhat concerned about the "worried look" on Arrow's video. Putting things away in drawers when he got home may have been "force of habit". What ever happened went down after he left again. If LE is still holding the car as reported, it brings us down to a short list of possible scenario's. Thanks for your insight and opinion.

In addition, I also don't think it was the normal stashing spot b/c she KNEW he had it (the wallet) with him that day, or at least that was the story after a day or two into it. I thought we heard she said he left without that day in the earliest reports, but I don't recall that for sure now.

Anyway, if she KNEW he had his wallet and phone on him, it had to be b/c she KNEW where they'd have been if he left them out...and since she apparently KNEW he had them the first part of the day, that means she either or looked or noticed them being gone in the morning.


a) tells me she knows where he usually puts them (thus going back to her not finding them in the garage immediately a non-possibility) and

b) his normal spot for them was actually likely somewhere quite visible, otherwise why would she have even bothered to take note of if he had them or not?

For that matter, unless they were normally REALLY visible - as in somewhere she couldn't help but see - why would she have even noticed if they were with him or not? I mean, I'd never look to see if a family member's wallet and phone were with them in the morning after they left for work. It'd never cross my mind they would NOT have them on them.

Thus, to me, either she knew their normal location AND it was somewhere she'd have cause to have easily seen that day, or the whole thing about confirming his wallet was with him initially seems really odd.

But I really can't believe the garage would be his normal stash spot or that'd have been the first place she looked, since she seemed convinced he had them on him when he left while she was sleeping at 4-whatever it was.

Honestly, the whole thing of the wallet just strikes me as weird on a lot of levels. But I'll leave it at that.
I believe he would have no problem parking on a "summer Friday". My husband has been commuting from there for 10 years, and parks in basically the same spot. Creature of habit.
Just checked train schedule and there are no trains running in the wee hours.
The last train to Penn is 11:24 PM and coming from Penn arrives @12:21 AM.

The first train out on Saturday is 12:59 PM to Penn and arriving from Penn @ 1:21 PM. This is also the present schedule do not know if it was different back in June.

Hi, I've been reading but haven't posted before. Trains do run in the wee hours all night, that 12:59 train mentioned above, is actually 12:59 a.m. And then continue going out at 2 a.m., 3 a.m., etc.
Hi, I've been reading but haven't posted before. Trains do run in the wee hours all night, that 12:59 train mentioned above, is actually 12:59 a.m. And then continue going out at 2 a.m., 3 a.m., etc.

Well I don't know what method of transportation they might use. I was theorizing more on the lines of - RM intended to meet someone at the train station or at a location not far from home - store or residence or ____? If that makes more sense? Clear as mud I'm sure.

Now if that were the case, again the question goes back to - why go home first? Why not do it before going home? Did he need to take something from home? Did something happen during his ride home from work / scrap yard that all of a sudden he needed to go home to grab ___ + then take care of ___? Did he not intend to go out until after he got home + it came up at the last minute? I surely don't know but this is the way I'm thinking so I'm putting it out there. Pure theory based on not much at this point. JMO of course because I got nothing else.

To your point - all I recall is (my words here) it was "most likely" RM's GTO that came home approx. 2:40 + left at 2:50 with no driver or passenger visible due to camera view. Also IM was seen arriving home in her vehicle (not sure what she drives) about 3:00. Now WE haven't been told anything more. I'm sure though footage was reviewed prior to + beyond this time frame. So who knows what else might have come to light from sec. cam footage. WE of course are left to speculate until the cows come home. :moo:

Good questions
Any locals willing to get video and/or pictures of the Long Island Train depot parking lot at night, particularly where the car was found?

It is actually quite busy in the evening until very late (or very early depending on how you look at it). Somewhat like the local hangout for young adults to park their car, blare the music and stand outside their cars talking to others. Although a lot of activity, IMO there would be plenty of area for someone to park at night, however, park without being seen?? I just dont see how. If you search youtube, there are plenty of videos showing this. All you have to do it enter deerpark train station or lirr.
My problem with this scenario is that if he DID always (or often) stash his stuff in the drawers - whatever the reason is - why wouldn't IM have looked there from the get go.

If it really was his habit of where to put things, it should have been the first place she looked when she couldn't find him...and then a week wouldn't have passed before they were located.

Whether or not he had his wallet and phone would have been critical initial information and so items LE surely would have wanted ASAP, and, if she wanted her husband found, IM should have also wanted found ASAP.

So this makes me think that wasn't his usual stashing place or she'd have found them at least within maybe the first day (but even to me that's generous - if it was really the normal location, it should have been within the first hour! :scared:
BBM - IIRC the early reports somewhere relayed that his wallet was found by 4pm Fri. June 14th. Now why it took another week to find the phone, I have no idea. I often wonder if it really did take another week or whether it was found right away + LE didn't care to have anyone aware of that. In other words, better to have it appear that the phone could still be with RM. JMO
BBM - IIRC the early reports somewhere relayed that his wallet was found by 4pm Fri. June 14th. Now why it took another week to find the phone, I have no idea. I often wonder if it really did take another week or whether it was found right away + LE didn't care to have anyone aware of that. In other words, better to have it appear that the phone could still be with RM. JMO

Supposedly, the cash, phone, and wallet were found in separate drawers too, which is a little odd in itself. Perhaps RM was emptying his pockets and whatever drawer he opened the item went in there?

It still boggles my mind that he bothered to drop this stuff off.

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