NY - Search for escaped convicted killers, David Sweat & Richard Matt, Dannemora #5

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crispian, I have never hunted in my life, but I think there is a big difference between being a hunter who lives off the grid and someone who would assist convicted murderers.

And even if someone did think it would be cool for these "underdogs" to stay free for awhile, I doubt they'd be willing to face the personal legal repercussions, the risk of being killed by Matt/Sweat themselves, and the lost opportunity for reward money. So I do think you're being a bit insulting there. :p (not to insult you for having that theory though)
Each day as more is learned in this case, I become a little more questionable as to what is really going on? Today, really made me feel that all is not kosher in this story.

From GGE's notes on the noon press conference today, post 432:

"their distance [they could've traveled by now from the cabin] could be significant if their travel was unimpeded but this terrain is very difficult to work with, unimpeded on a trail you could go easily 10 miles per day"

Okay, the escapees have been on the run for 19 days. The cabin is about 40 miles from the prison meaning they have traveled 2.11 miles per day? ( forgot the actual mileage ). Nope!!!! No way!!!!

We are to believe on this latest sighting a duffel bag, prison issued undies, shoes & a bloody sock were left with fresh DNA in a cabin rented by CO's?
Why did we not see a picture of this evidence??

Maybe a rifle is missing, with different guys staying there, no one knows?

How long did CO wait to go into town to report this?? Could CO have brought them supplies for the next part of their trip?

A lot of sightings only to turn up nothing?

There had to be lots of inside/outside help in the prep work on the pipes as
the heat had not been off long and it was a project that inexperienced guys could not do quickly with only the headlights.

The facts we know and the coincidences are too great. Plus with 600-1000
LEO at a time searching for them, these two have disappeared.
I think they need to bring in some military stealth types like Delta Force, Navy Seals, or Green Beret. Currently LE is out in such numbers that the convicts can hear them coming & have time to reposition themselves.
Where's did the money come from to support this breakout operation? Someone has to have had some palms greased?? Any thoughts on that?
I think they need to bring in some military stealth types like Delta Force, Navy Seals, or Green Beret. Currently LE is out in such numbers that the convicts can hear them coming & have time to reposition themselves.
Im actually surprised that the New York National Guard is not involved in the search, or at least providing logistics and technical support to law enforcement.
I think they need to bring in some military stealth types like Delta Force, Navy Seals, or Green Beret. Currently LE is out in such numbers that the convicts can hear them coming & have time to reposition themselves.

I'm gonna say right up front that I don't know anything about this other than pure speculation (what I'm about to say, that is):

I live in an area that is at a fairly high elevation all things considered where I live and so we often hear helicopters or aircraft overhead (not daily but you know, if we did hear a helicopter once a day for a week it wouldn't really surprise us).

I'm way downstate from Clinton, on the NY/PA border so my area is not an area of interest aside from the fact that Sweat is from this area, so this may well be nothing. But this morning I heard helicopters overhead twice at a bit of a distance just passing by and then later I heard a REALLY REALLY loud sound that I thought was a helicopter and it began to shake the windows and you could feel it in your feet on the ground, so my husband went outside and I went to the window and looked up and this HUGE REALLY LOW flying military plane of some kind with propellers on the wings (I had to ask my husband where the propellers were and that's what he says) went flying overhead so low and loud it sounded like it was going to land a field or two over or something. I don't know what it was or why it was around here at all or if i was on it's way elsewhere but I immediately thought of this case and mentioned it to my husband who said it made him wonder the same thing. But who knows. Maybe it was just coming into town for an airshow that I don't know about or something.
We notice an increase in military aircraft as it gets closer to the 4th of July.
It could just be that. :seeya:
Each day as more is learned in this case, I become a little more questionable as to what is really going on? Today, really made me feel that all is not kosher in this story.

From GGE's notes on the noon press conference today, post 432:

"their distance [they could've traveled by now from the cabin] could be significant if their travel was unimpeded but this terrain is very difficult to work with, unimpeded on a trail you could go easily 10 miles per day"

Okay, the escapees have been on the run for 19 days. The cabin is about 40 miles from the prison meaning they have traveled 2.11 miles per day? ( forgot the actual mileage ). Nope!!!! No way!!!!

We are to believe on this latest sighting a duffel bag, prison issued undies, shoes & a bloody sock were left with fresh DNA in a cabin rented by CO's?
Why did we not see a picture of this evidence??

Maybe a rifle is missing, with different guys staying there, no one knows?

How long did CO wait to go into town to report this?? Could CO have brought them supplies for the next part of their trip?

A lot of sightings only to turn up nothing?

There had to be lots of inside/outside help in the prep work on the pipes as
the heat had not been off long and it was a project that inexperienced guys could not do quickly with only the headlights.

The facts we know and the coincidences are too great. Plus with 600-1000
LEO at a time searching for them, these two have disappeared.

Tillie gets her loving from her hunka hunka guys. But what is worth some guy losing his job and pension? And why would a CO think these sweethearts wouldn't come after him?

These are good paying jobs in a poor aea.
Im actually surprised that the New York National Guard is not involved in the search, or at least providing logistics and technical support to law enforcement.

Well, we have to take into consideration that LE might be using assets that we know nothing about. Perhaps reality is different than we know anything about. At least we can hope.
I have a theory and I may risk insulting some Adirondack campers, but I wonder if a lot of folks who choose to live in such a remote location would be sympathetic to the escapees. The residents mind their own business, they seem to be used to people breaking into their cabins, they may have a mindset that would "root for the underdogs." They may be, or have been, in a similar situation at some time in their lives. They may not be strict, law-abiding types themselves.

Oh my.
Tillie... As a civilian employee had THIS much say?
She made this all possible? The meat. The adjoining cells. The tools.

Moving cells is no big deal. It happens all the time when a cell in back opens up, the guys with juice or seniority make their pitch for it. Ditto for the meat...civilians look out for inmates who make their jobs easier. How she got hacksaw blades in is another story.
"A group of correction officers — including a high-ranking guard at the Dannemora prison — own the upstate hunting camp where the two escaped killers hid out and left their DNA, sources said Monday."


"All of the owners are correction officers, according to the Plattsburgh Press-Republican. And a source told The Post that at least one of them holds a high position.

Cops raided the cabin on Saturday and matched DNA from Richard Matt and David Sweat to evidence seized there, including a pair of grungy, prison-issued white boxer shorts, sources said.

The discovery indicated the men had been at the cabin within the previous 24 hours.

Investigators also found boots, bloody socks and the fingerprints of at least one fugitive in the cabin, the Press-Republican said."

OK, thanks GGE. I'm overtired and I'm giving these guys way too much credit. Very obsessed with this story and frustrated that they have not been apprehended.
I'm gonna say right up front that I don't know anything about this other than pure speculation (what I'm about to say, that is):

I live in an area that is at a fairly high elevation all things considered where I live and so we often hear helicopters or aircraft overhead (not daily but you know, if we did hear a helicopter once a day for a week it wouldn't really surprise us).

I'm way downstate from Clinton, on the NY/PA border so my area is not an area of interest aside from the fact that Sweat is from this area, so this may well be nothing. But this morning I heard helicopters overhead twice at a bit of a distance just passing by and then later I heard a REALLY REALLY loud sound that I thought was a helicopter and it began to shake the windows and you could feel it in your feet on the ground, so my husband went outside and I went to the window and looked up and this HUGE REALLY LOW flying military plane of some kind with propellers on the wings (I had to ask my husband where the propellers were and that's what he says) went flying overhead so low and loud it sounded like it was going to land a field or two over or something. I don't know what it was or why it was around here at all or if i was on it's way elsewhere but I immediately thought of this case and mentioned it to my husband who said it made him wonder the same thing. But who knows. Maybe it was just coming into town for an airshow that I don't know about or something.

Did the chopper look like this, GGE? Someone tweeted this photo earlier. Said this chopper was flying very low and they were 4 hours south of the search zone.

Moving cells is no bog deal. It happens all the time when a cell in back opens up, the guys with juice or seniority make their pitch for it. Ditto for the meat...civilians look out for inmates who make their jobs easier. How she got hacksaw blades in is another story.

But Tillie had their cells moved. That was my point. She, a civilian employee/tailor, had the cells of two convicted murderers serving life terms, moved closer to each other. She wasn't a CO. She wasn't the warden. She was a tailor! Tillie the two timing tailor!
Did the chopper look like this, GGE? Someone tweeted this photo earlier. Said this chopper was flying very low and they were 4 hours south of the search zone.

View attachment 76996

I didn't look up when I heard the helicopters because they seemed so familiar, and my husband says the really low vehicle was a plane with propellers on the wings. I wasn't sure but Ill go with his assessment. Not really sure right now I guess.
Surely all the guys who leased the cabin where the DNA was found have told LE what guns/weapons they had left at the cabin. Maybe that's info they aren't releasing.
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