NY NY - Sneha Ann Philip, 31, New York City, 10 Sep 2001

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After 21 years of no one knowing what Sneha did or where she went after last being seen on cctv, I think all options are open regarding the circumstances of her disappearance.

My personal opinion is that Sneha didn't have the bandwidth to be a selfless individual who would rush to provide aid to 9/11 casualities. I base my opinion on her track record of her employment failures that were catalogued to support her first firing at the hospital and the possibility she was going to get fired again, whereas the selflessness portrayed by her family seem to be based on a fictional character that does not represent the work ethic her employers and coworkers knew. That isn't really a criticism of Sneha; it's acknowledging that she was desperately unhappy and may have been coerced into a profession that she did not want.

About the shopping bags. They were never found at her apartment. So that means one one of two things. She either never went home, or she did go home and someone got rid of them. Which opens up another can of worms.

If she didn't go home, as her husband states, then something happened to her either during the evening of September 10 or on 9/11. If Sneha stayed somewhere else that night then perhaps she died as one of the victims who died in other buildings. If she stayed at someone's place the night of Sept 10, maybe the next morning she and her unknown hookup went for breakfast at WOTW and died there.

Her penchant for hooking up with strangers and staying at their places means she may have met a dangerous individual who murdered her.

For me, the last option for Sneha's disappearance is that she planned in advance to disappear and 9/11 was a serendipitous event that let her pull that trigger.

I do not believe Sneha is alive and believe she died either on Sept 10 or on 9/11 but as collateral damage outside of being a first responder.
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Agree with this. I've always felt that the idea of SP using 9/11 as an opportunity to "skip town" and start a new life somewhere else is patently ridiculous. Unfortunately, IMHO she died in the 9/11 attacks - due to being in the WTC, or somewhere in the vicinity of the attacks.

The possibility that she died on 9/10 & has never been found is plausible, but IMHO not that likely. If she was hooking up with someone on 9/10 (even if it was a stranger), I don't think she was killed as a result. I.e., most hook-ups don't result in a murder.

There's always the possibility that she was killed for another reason on 9/10, but IMHO this is also unlikely.

AFAIK they are still identifying people who died in the WTC, so if that's what happened to her - her family may still get closure some day.
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i still don't rule out her brother being involved in her disappearance somehow. the way he lied right off the bat about being on the phone with her during the attacks is quite suspicious
I don't rule out the brother, either. If Sneha is deceased, he is certainly a POI. There was apparently tension between the two of them over his having caught Sneha and his girlfriend engaged in sexual activity. I don't think that story was invented out of thin air, and his denial of it is also suspicious. You don't lie and deceive in a missing-person investigation.
I completely agree that SP's brother's decision to lie to the media (about talking to her on 9/11 & her going into the towers to help, etc.) was egregious & awful. This misled investigators into definitely thinking she was either in the towers, or in the vicinity of the towers right after the attacks. Though I still think this is what happened, we're not 100% sure - and, he should never have lied about this.

Putting the best "face" on this lie, I believe the theory is that he did this in order to draw special attention to her case, given that so many others were missing (and presumed dead) during the attacks. Going along with this, I suspect that if he hadn't drawn this attention to her case early on, we probably wouldn't be talking about it today - given that so many others were/are still missing due to 9/11. And, we either rarely - or never - hear about their cases.

On the flip side, I agree that this lie could also be interpreted as suspicious given the timing.

I.e., if she did indeed die on the evening of 9/10 due to foul play, the perp. (whoever it happened to be) could have used the horrific, unprecedented attacks as a cover-up for the crime.
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I don't rule out the brother, either. If Sneha is deceased, he is certainly a POI. There was apparently tension between the two of them over his having caught Sneha and his girlfriend engaged in sexual activity. I don't think that story was invented out of thin air, and his denial of it is also suspicious. You don't lie and deceive in a missing-person investigation.
He also has given several other inconsistent statements over the years including when the last time he saw Sneha was. He has given several different answers.
I completely agree that SP's brother's decision to lie to the media (about talking to her on 9/11 & her going into the towers to help, etc.) was egregious & awful. This misled investigators into definitely thinking she was either in the towers, or in the vicinity of the towers right after the attacks. Though I still think this is what happened, we're not 100% sure - and, he should never have lied about this.

Putting the best "face" on this lie, I believe the theory is that he did this in order to draw special attention to her case, given that so many others were missing (and presumed dead) during the attacks. Going along with this, I suspect that if he hadn't drawn this attention to her case early on, we probably wouldn't be talking about it today - given that so many others were/are still missing due to 9/11. And, we either rarely - or never - hear about their cases.

On the flip side, I agree that this lie could also be interpreted as suspicious given the timing.

I.e., if she did indeed die on the evening of 9/10 due to foul play, the perp. (whoever it happened to be) could have used the horrific, unprecedented attacks as a cover-up for the crime.
to me, him lying about her being in the tower during the attacks makes me think he knew what had happened to her and was an attempt to cover it up. what better way to cover it up than just saying she was there with the thousands of other people who didn't make it out

maybe he was in on her disappearance somehow?

that's just my tin-foil hat theory of what happened. i don't think she's alive because i don't think she witnessed 9/11 and immediately thought to use the attacks as a means to escape to a new life. since she never returned to her apartment after going shopping, we have to assume she went to someone else's residence afterwards and that's where she left the bags. if i'm not mistaken, the woman in the CCTV footage from the apartment on 9/11 shows what looks to be a woman but they aren't holding anything.

since she left her credit cards and driver's license at home, can we assume that she didn't go out the night of 9/10? not sure about you guys, but i always have my ID and credit cards on me when i go out to a restaurant or bar. she did have ron's card on her which she used to purchase the things at century 21, but there were no more charges on the card after that. to me, the fact that she left behind so many important personal belongings makes it seem like she intended to return home that night (or early morning) it also (to me) rules out the theory in which she went out and ended up dying at the hands of someone she had met or gone home with
to me, him lying about her being in the tower during the attacks makes me think he knew what had happened to her and was an attempt to cover it up. what better way to cover it up than just saying she was there with the thousands of other people who didn't make it out

maybe he was in on her disappearance somehow?

(respectfully snipped)

There's two ways to see that. As mentioned above, occasionally people might lie to drum up attention and get LE more heavily involved. Recently, in the case of missing hiker Cian McLaughlin, a woman was fined and banned for five years from Grand Teton National Park for knowingly making a false report.

Then, yes, there are some cases where someone involved might tell a story to throw off the scent or misdirect. That reminds me of missing person Denise Wells. The friend she was supposed to see was heavily involved with giving interviews and raising attention for the search for Denise, but suspicion has since fallen on her due to inconsistencies and changes in her story.

I personally don't see a reason for her brother to lie/make up a story as a misdirect or to throw off the trail. If the goal was a cover up, It would have been far less entangled/simpler for Sneha to be one of the thousands who went missing in or around the WTC on 9/11.

All IMO.
(respectfully snipped)

There's two ways to see that. As mentioned above, occasionally people might lie to drum up attention and get LE more heavily involved. Recently, in the case of missing hiker Cian McLaughlin, a woman was fined and banned for five years from Grand Teton National Park for knowingly making a false report.

Then, yes, there are some cases where someone involved might tell a story to throw off the scent or misdirect. That reminds me of missing person Denise Wells. The friend she was supposed to see was heavily involved with giving interviews and raising attention for the search for Denise, but suspicion has since fallen on her due to inconsistencies and changes in her story.

I personally don't see a reason for her brother to lie/make up a story as a misdirect or to throw off the trail. If the goal was a cover up, It would have been far less entangled/simpler for Sneha to be one of the thousands who went missing in or around the WTC on 9/11.

All IMO.
i get that angle, but in this case there were thousands of other people who also went to ground zero/into the towers to help and never made it out. i don't see why LE would gravitate towards SP simply because of her what her brother said.
it's not like she was a celebrity or someone well known. i'm sure there were hundreds of other people interviewed in the following days who said the exact same things her brother did about people they knew personally

if her brother was involved in her disappearance, what better way to ensure there's no suspicion raised about him than to just say she went into the towers and never returned, just like the thousands of others. and really, he didn't even have to lie considering SP lived so close to ground zero so there would've already been a good chance that she wound up there anyways. at least that's what people would have just assumed
since she left her credit cards and driver's license at home, can we assume that she didn't go out the night of 9/10? not sure about you guys, but i always have my ID and credit cards on me when i go out to a restaurant or bar. she did have ron's card on her which she used to purchase the things at century 21, but there were no more charges on the card after that. to me, the fact that she left behind so many important personal belongings makes it seem like she intended to return home that night (or early morning) it also (to me) rules out the theory in which she went out and ended up dying at the hands of someone she had met or gone home with

I don't find it that odd that SP left her own credit card at home, given that she had her husband RL's credit card & obviously used that to buy linens the night of 9/10.

I do find it somewhat unusual that she left her drivers license at home. Even though she probably didn't have a car & wasn't going driving anywhere (many people who live in NYC don't have a car - due to the public transit being so good) - it's still a good idea to have your driver's license with you at all times because you may need to use it as a form of I.D., etc. That being said, since she wasn't driving she may have just neglected to bring it with her because she didn't think she needed this. Or, she could have intended to bring this with her but legitimately forgot it at home.

Yes, I also always take my CC & DL with me whenever I leave the house to go anywhere that I need to drive. I suspect almost everyone else does as well. However, in general people may leave them home if they're just going out to walk the dog and/or get the mail, etc.
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I don't find it that odd that SP left her own credit card at home, given that she had her husband RL's credit card & obviously used that to buy linens the night of 9/10.

I do find it somewhat unusual that she left her drivers license at home. Even though she probably didn't have a car & wasn't going driving anywhere (many people who live in NYC don't have a car - due to the public transit being so good) - it's still a good idea to have your driver's license with you at all times because you may need to use it as a form of I.D., etc. That being said, since she wasn't driving she may have just neglected to bring it with her because she didn't think she needed this. Or, she could have intended to bring this with her but legitimately forgot it at home.

Yes, I also always take my CC & DL with me whenever I leave the house to go anywhere that I need to drive. I suspect almost everyone else does as well. However, in general people may leave them home if they're just going out to walk the dog and/or get the mail, etc.
i only mentioned her leaving the CC and DL at home in regards to the theory that she went out to a bar/club and met her fate at the hands of someone she had just met. if you plan on going to a bar or club, you always have your ID on you

so the fact that she didn't take those items with her to the store makes me think that her next stop after century 21 was someone else's residence where she stayed for the night until her disappearance
i only mentioned her leaving the CC and DL at home in regards to the theory that she went out to a bar/club and met her fate at the hands of someone she had just met. if you plan on going to a bar or club, you always have your ID on you

so the fact that she didn't take those items with her to the store makes me think that her next stop after century 21 was someone else's residence where she stayed for the night until her disappearance
Having lived in NY at the time, I can provide some info about how my friends and I handled things when we went out.
Usually we carried some cash & ONE card in a pocket or small cross body handbag. It’s too easy to lose bag, get pick pocketed. If you wanted to relax, and have fun and not worry about your handbag, then pocket was perfect for small lip gloss, card, money.
No need for ID, or driving license unless u were going to drive a car. She was old enough to not need ID to buy drink.
I’ve always thought that she left her Century 21 bags in a coat check, or “behind the bar” someplace. You wouldn’t want to be out having fun w those giant bags. Friendly bar staff would/ could allow patron to put in coat room or in back. You could get next day. Lot of friendly places. Never recovered because of the chaos and closures after 9/11. Bar shuts for a year, she didn’t get chance to collect as bar wouldn’t open til later & months after 9/11 bar gets cleared out by cleaning crew and maintenance guy never makes any connection.
I believe she got caught up in the tragedy on her way home in morning after staying somewhere. Simplest explanation and didn’t require dumping body when whole city on high alert.
Having lived in NY at the time, I can provide some info about how my friends and I handled things when we went out.
Usually we carried some cash & ONE card in a pocket or small cross body handbag. It’s too easy to lose bag, get pick pocketed. If you wanted to relax, and have fun and not worry about your handbag, then pocket was perfect for small lip gloss, card, money.
No need for ID, or driving license unless u were going to drive a car. She was old enough to not need ID to buy drink.
I’ve always thought that she left her Century 21 bags in a coat check, or “behind the bar” someplace. You wouldn’t want to be out having fun w those giant bags. Friendly bar staff would/ could allow patron to put in coat room or in back. You could get next day. Lot of friendly places. Never recovered because of the chaos and closures after 9/11. Bar shuts for a year, she didn’t get chance to collect as bar wouldn’t open til later & months after 9/11 bar gets cleared out by cleaning crew and maintenance guy never makes any connection.
I believe she got caught up in the tragedy on her way home in morning after staying somewhere. Simplest explanation and didn’t require dumping body when whole city on high alert.
whoever possibly murdered her could have very well disposed of the body in the hours prior to 9/11
Visiting the New Century 21 yesterday reminded me of how the shop was in 2001. It was a discount store - great bargains. A lot of designer. Especially shoes. Very badly laid out and crowded. Her purchases don’t seem suspicious to me. Shoes, bedding, lingerie. If you saw something you bought it because it wouldn’t be there the next day. That’s the kind of shop it was, wander through & see a bargain - just buy it. There were no changing rooms, Merch all jammed together in small space. She lived so close, she probably went there at least once a week like many many people living and working near WTC. The shopping bags they gave out were huge and plastic handles hurt your hands! It was the kind of shop you went for socks and bought a coat, a handbag and perfume. I don’t see the bedding as “moving out” or the lingerie as a liaison. She just bought cute stuff at good prices. Also, it opened really really early for the Wall Street crowd to go before work. Totally possible she was going there to return a regret item and got caught up in the tragedy.
Thank you for posting. I have seen many people speculate here and in other places that her family received compensation from the 9/11 victims fund, but the Charley Project states she was legally declared a victim of 9/11 after the fund had already closed. Sneha is honored on the memorial, but apparently her family received no financial compensation.
TY, from link..
  • sneha_ann_philip_5.jpg
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  • philip_sneha9.jpg
    • ''Missing Since09/10/2001
    • Missing FromNew York City, New York
    • ClassificationEndangered Missing
    • SexFemale
    • RaceAsian
    • Date of Birth10/07/1969 (53)
    • Age31 years old
    • Height and Weight5'6, 115 pounds
    • Clothing/Jewelry DescriptionA knee-length brown collared short-sleeved shirt dress with buttons down the front, sandals, a beaded black and gold choker with a small, teardrop-shaped cross pendant, a gold engagement ring with a diamond in the center, a gold wedding band with small diamonds studded all around it, and earrings with diamond studs arranged in flower shapes.
    • Distinguishing CharacteristicsAsian female. Black hair, brown eyes. Philip is a native of India. Some agencies spell her middle name "Anne." She has a mole on her left cheek, her ears are pierced and she wears contact lenses. Philip may use her husband's last name, Lieberman. Her toenails were painted purple at the time of her disappearance.

    Details of Disappearance​

    Philip was in her third year of residency in internal medicine at St. Vincent's Hospital (now called the Richmond University Medical Center) on Staten Island, New York in September 2001. She did not have to work on September 10 and decided to relax and go shopping. She left her apartment in Battery Park in lower Manhattan at 5:15 p.m.

    Philip was last seen at 7:18 p.m. on September 10; she was captured on a security camera at Century 21 department store. She was carrying two large shopping bags containing about $550 worth of lingerie, three pairs of shoes, and bed linens at the time. She has never been heard from again and there was nothing in her apartment to indicate that she ever made it back there.

    A clerk at Century 21 says she saw Philip shopping with another woman whom Philip said was a friend. Philip's companion is described as 5'2 and 115 to 120 pounds with short black hair; she is possibly of East Indian descent. She has never been identified.

    Philip's husband, Ronald Lieberman, arrived at their apartment between 11:00 and 11:30 p.m. that day and saw that his wife was not there. He assumed she was spending the night with her brother or her cousin, something she often did when he worked late. Lieberman did not report her disappearance to authorities until the next day. All of her relatives later stated that they had not seen her.

    Philip disappeared the day before the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York City, when two planes crashed into the World Trade Center and caused the deaths of over two thousand people. Philip's brother told the media that she was last seen running into the World Trade Center towers to offer her assistance after the attack.

    The story sounded plausible because Philip is a doctor and resided near the towers, but it was untrue. Her brother admitted he lied about the circumstances surrounding his sister's disappearance to attract attention to her case.

    All of Philip's credit cards, except her husband's AmEx card which she used at Century 21, were left behind at her home, as was her passport and other identification. Her family believes any clues there might have been were obliterated in the chaos of September 11.

    Lieberman believes she may have spent the night of September 10 elsewhere and was killed in the terrorist attack while walking back to her own apartment, which was only two blocks from the World Trade Center. He theorizes she possibly went into the World Trade Center to offer medical assistance to the wounded.

    Police disagreed with Lieberman's theory and suggested Philip had left of her own accord to escape a troubled life. There were allegations, which her family denies, that she had substance abuse problems and had engaged in lesbian affairs.

    She was also facing criminal charges; she accused a colleague of grabbing her inappropriately, but authorities did not believe her story and charged her with filing a false complaint after she refused to recant. Philip was in court over the false complaint charge on the morning of the day she disappeared. Lieberman stated their marriage was happy and she had no reason to walk out of her life.

    Years after Philip disappeared, Lieberman petitioned to have his wife declared a September 11 victim. No trace of her belongings or her remains were found at the site of the World Trace Center, but many of the known victims' remains were completely obliterated.

    A lower court declared Philip legally dead in 2004, but stated there was insufficient evidence that she had died in the September 11 attacks. Lieberman appealed and, in January 2008, the judge who heard his appeal agreed that Philip had probably died in the terrorist attack.

    The judge admitted there was no proof of this, but said he believed it was the most likely explanation for Philip's disappearance. Lieberman cannot collect any compensation from the federal September 11 victims' fund for his wife, as the fund closed in 2003. He stated he merely wished to get closure in her case and add her name to the victims' memorial.

    Philip was born in the province of Kerala on the coast of southern India, and moved to the United States as a young child. She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins University and Chicago Medical School. Her loved ones held a memorial service for her in September 2002, a year after her disappearance.''
Why would the brother report that she was last seen running into the WTC to “attract attention to the case”? The most likely outcome of making that statement (and IMO the actual intention) is that everyone will assume she died in the 9/11 attack and stop looking.

Interesting related information:
1. SP often spent the night at her cousin or brothers house if her husband was working late
2. Her husband was working late the night she disappeared.
3. Her last known activity was shopping and she purchased a large number of items
4. She took the purchases with her wherever she went next and did not drop them off at home

One reason why you take your big shopping bags with you is if it is more convenient to do that than dropping them off at your home.

I would love to know the distance between:
shopping center and her home
shopping center and her cousins home
shopping center and her brothers home

If she planned to stay at either her cousins house or brothers house, and it was conveniently located near the shopping center, it makes perfect sense to go straight to that home after shopping instead of going home first.

It is also plausible to me that she might have stopped off to shop on her way there. JMO
I think that sadly Sneha was most likely a victim of foul play on 9/10. It is very weird to me that not one single person confirms seeing or hearing from her after C21. Some things that stick with me:
  1. Where are her cell phone records? I was in my mid-20s in 2001, working professionally in Europe, and all my friends then had a cell phone. I find it difficult to believe that a doctor who was affluent enough to live in that part of NYC would not have had a cell phone in 2001. Think about all the heartbreaking calls placed by the 9/11 victims. I’ve read conflicting accounts of whether she in fact had a cell phone and it’s weird to me.
  2. It’s been stated that her brother lived near to S and to C21, and that S would often stop in to visit him. There’s a map shown in this discussion
    , and the Missing on 9/11 pod gives the address of S’s apt and her brother’s apt at the time. It’s not hard to imagine S ducking into his building on a stormy night when she was laden down with large bags of shopping.
  3. The narrator of Missing on 9/11 states that when interviewed, the brother gave unclear answers to 2 questions: What happened after dinner on the last evening he claims to have seen S? What was he doing on 9/10?
  4. Brother’s girlfriend - was she ever interviewed? What did she say? Seems this is a critical witness account that is missing.
  5. Surveillance footage from lobby of S’s building - I have read that there were other entrances to the building that were *not* under CCTV surveillance. If that’s correct then S could have returned home at any time on night of 9/10 or early morning 9/11 without being captured on camera.
  6. I’ve read that a detective or private investigator who viewed the lobby footage from 8.43am on 9/11 showing a woman that might be S believes that woman came from *inside* the building. If it is S then that’s obviously consistent with her having returned to the building earlier without being captured on camera.
  7. I find it odd for S to have headed out to a bar for the night carrying large bags of shopping, especially when she was doing her shopping close to home. If she did go to a bar the night of 9/10, seems likely she dropped the shopping somewhere first - where?
  8. It’s also odd that after C21 there’s no further activity on the credit card she was carrying. If she went to a bar/ restaurant that night, it’s weird that there are no further recorded transactions. I guess people did carry more cash back then though.
  9. Phone records show a call to Ron’s cell from R+S’s own landline at 4 AM. Ron stated that he doesn’t remember making that call but he "guessed" it was him calling the cell phone to check his voicemails.
  10. Ron stated that he arrived back in the apartment building around 11.15pm on 9/10 (doorman had already clocked off) and/ or left shortly before 6.30am on 9/11. I haven’t read of anyone confirming those movements, but perhaps there is security footage of R arriving/ leaving?
  11. It seems theoretically possible that S returned home on night of 9/10 or early morning of 9/11 and for some reason called R (for example, because wasn’t actually in the apartment at that time).
  12. Also, from memory it was a phaff to call your cell voicemail from another phone. At the least I think R would have had to go thru a menu and key in a code. Seems weird that he would be wide enough awake to complete that process but still so sleepy that he had no recollection of making the call.
  13. In this discussion (mentioned above), starting around 1h05
    , the profiler notes it highly irregular that only 2 days after S goes missing, brother tells the press the “hero” story - ie that Sneha is dead. Not missing, but dead. Profiler asks: if you truly don’t know what happened to her, if you want people to help find her, why would you tell the public that she’s definitely dead, only 2 days after she went missing?

  14. I don’t think it’s likely S seized the opportunity of 9/11 to run off and start a new life, but if she did, she would need to have done significant prior planning, particularly regarding cash to live on. Seems like she was used to, and enjoyed, a comfortable life. It also seems like she was smart enough to plan for a getaway, knowing she wouldn’t be able to use her cards. Imo, there would be something in her financial records showing some kind of preparation.
  15. I do agree that if it is really S in the lobby footage at 8.43am on 9/11, then it seems more probable than not that she died in the attacks.
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I think that sadly Sneha was most likely a victim of foul play on 9/10. It is very weird to me that not one single person confirms seeing or hearing from her after C21. Some things that stick with me:
  1. Where are her cell phone records? I was in my mid-20s in 2001, working professionally in Europe, and all my friends then had a cell phone. I find it difficult to believe that a doctor who was affluent enough to live in that part of NYC would not have had a cell phone in 2001. Think about all the heartbreaking calls placed by the 9/11 victims. I’ve read conflicting accounts of whether she in fact had a cell phone and it’s weird to me.
  2. It’s been stated that her brother lived near to S and to C21, and that S would often stop in to visit him. There’s a map shown in this discussion
    , and the Missing on 9/11 pod gives the address of S’s apt and her brother’s apt at the time. It’s not hard to imagine S ducking into his building on a stormy night when she was laden down with large bags of shopping.
  3. The narrator of Missing on 9/11 states that when interviewed, the brother gave unclear answers to 2 questions: What happened after dinner on the last evening he claims to have seen S? What was he doing on 9/10?
  4. Brother’s girlfriend - was she ever interviewed? What did she say? Seems this is a critical witness account that is missing.
  5. Surveillance footage from lobby of S’s building - I have read that there were other entrances to the building that were *not* under CCTV surveillance. If that’s correct then S could have returned home at any time on night of 9/10 or early morning 9/11 without being captured on camera.
  6. I’ve read that a detective or private investigator who viewed the lobby footage from 8.43am on 9/11 showing a woman that might be S believes that woman came from *inside* the building. If it is S then that’s obviously consistent with her having returned to the building earlier without being captured on camera.
  7. I find it odd for S to have headed out to a bar for the night carrying large bags of shopping, especially when she was doing her shopping close to home. If she did go to a bar the night of 9/10, seems likely she dropped the shopping somewhere first - where?
  8. It’s also odd that after C21 there’s no further activity on the credit card she was carrying. If she went to a bar/ restaurant that night, it’s weird that there are no further recorded transactions. I guess people did carry more cash back then though.
  9. Phone records show a call to Ron’s cell from R+S’s own landline at 4 AM. Ron stated that he doesn’t remember making that call but he "guessed" it was him calling the cell phone to check his voicemails.
  10. Ron stated that he arrived back in the apartment building around 11.15pm on 9/10 (doorman had already clocked off) and/ or left shortly before 6.30am on 9/11. I haven’t read of anyone confirming those movements, but perhaps there is security footage of R arriving/ leaving?
  11. It seems theoretically possible that S returned home on night of 9/10 or early morning of 9/11 and for some reason called R (for example, because wasn’t actually in the apartment at that time).
  12. Also, from memory it was a phaff to call your cell voicemail from another phone. At the least I think R would have had to go thru a menu and key in a code. Seems weird that he would be wide enough awake to complete that process but still so sleepy that he had no recollection of making the call.
  13. In this discussion (mentioned above), starting around 1h05
    , the profiler notes it highly irregular that only 2 days after S goes missing, brother tells the press the “hero” story - ie that Sneha is dead. Not missing, but dead. Profiler asks: if you truly don’t know what happened to her, if you want people to help find her, why would you tell the public that she’s definitely dead, only 2 days after she went missing?

  14. I don’t think it’s likely S seized the opportunity of 9/11 to run off and start a new life, but if she did, she would need to have done significant prior planning, particularly regarding cash to live on. Seems like she was used to, and enjoyed, a comfortable life. It also seems like she was smart enough to plan for a getaway, knowing she wouldn’t be able to use her cards. Imo, there would be something in her financial records showing some kind of preparation.
  15. I do agree that if it is really S in the lobby footage at 8.43am on 9/11, then it seems more probable than not that she died in the attacks.
I can only reply to bullet 1. Why didn’t S have a cellphone?
USA were late adopters to cell phones. I do not know why, but can confirm that New York City had VERY poor service in 2001 - even as late as 2010 it was terrible, still areas now. The view was that having a cell could be pointless because you wouldn’t receive or make a call in the denser areas of mid town and down town. 3G and Smartphone improved connectivity and ease of texting. Her husband, working in the Bronx probably had better reception. People used home answering machines to relay messages as it was more reliable. Husband probably checked his cell phone from home phone because it was easier - remember those phone from 2000? The little screens barely backlit, the scrolling with the little arrow buttons. It might not have been charging next to his bed.
Cell phone at work - mostly strictly forbidden! I can recall at some hospitals (visiting a patient in 2001) it was considered to interfere with equipment.

A lot of people just didn’t see the need, intrusion, expense etc. She also might have had a pager when she was employed which negated need for cell phone.

Not suspicious that she didn’t have one.

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