Found Deceased NY - Valerie Smith, 20, Long Island City, Queens, 4 March 1981

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Name: Valerie Ann Smith
Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: March 4, 1981
Location Last Seen: Long Island City, Queens County, New York

Physical Description
Date of Birth: June 9, 1960
Age: 20 years old
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Depression

Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Possibly wearing a white shirt
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance
Valerie Smith was last seen on March 4, 1981 in Long Island City, New York. She sufferered from depression at the time of her disapperance.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: NYPD Missing Person Squad
Agency Contact Person: Detective Brian Sessa
Agency Phone Number: 212-694-7781
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 2548

NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: 20265

Information Source(s)
Family Member

Admin Notes
Added: 8/3/19; Last Updated: 1/26/20
These are all the rule outs now for Valerie:

UP10229 02/14/1988 Westchester NY

UP5703 02/10/2003 New York NY

UP6054 06/17/2000 Kings NY

UP6155 01/12/1998 Queens NY

UP8295 05/13/1992 Kings NY

UP9803 08/20/2002 Greene NY

UP9680 11/19/2000 Suffolk NY

UP6020 01/30/2000 Kings NY

UP2689 09/19/1991 Richmond NY

UP12703 03/25/1989 Erie NY

UP2607 07/31/1988 Monroe NY

UP1451 10/26/2004 Burlington NJ

UP1779 03/02/2004 Gloucester NJ

UP1593 10/26/1991 Warren NJ

UP1489 02/04/1990 Gloucester NJ

UP1486 05/29/1996 Camden NJ

UP6279 12/18/1996 Fairfax VA

UP8419 01/16/2001 Isle of Wight VA

UP12683 06/06/2014 Newport News VA

UP6661 02/03/1991 Stanford VA

UP8493 12/06/1993 Fairfax VA

UP6796 11/18/1985 Alleghany VA

UP7915 03/09/1981 Glades FL

UP2212 11/25/1993 New Castle DE

Name: Valerie Ann Smith
Case Classification: Endangered Missing
Missing Since: March 4, 1981
Location Last Seen: Long Island City, Queens County, New York

Physical Description
Date of Birth: June 9, 1960
Age: 20 years old
Race: White
Gender: Female
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Depression

Dentals: Available
Fingerprints: Not Available
DNA: Available

Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: Blue Jeans, Possibly wearing a white shirt
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Circumstances of Disappearance
Valerie Smith was last seen on March 4, 1981 in Long Island City, New York. She sufferered from depression at the time of her disapperance.

Investigating Agency(s)
Agency Name: NYPD Missing Person Squad
Agency Contact Person: Detective Brian Sessa
Agency Phone Number: 212-694-7781
Agency E-Mail: N/A
Agency Case Number: 2548

NCIC Case Number: Unknown
NamUs Case Number: 20265

Information Source(s)
Family Member

Admin Notes
Added: 8/3/19; Last Updated: 1/26/20

Bumping for Valerie
40 Years today Valerie Went Missing. Praying she is found soon!

I came across a weather site that had The weather for March 5 . I believe it’s for NYC

WINTER OF 1980-81

March 5, 1981 - A heavy, wet snowfall of 8.6" was a record amount for the date. This storm also has the distinction of being the second largest accumulation in the month of March in the 1970-2020 period.

Recap of Each Winter's Snowstorms in New York (1950 - 2021)
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The ''Finding Valerie Smith'' Facebook page has confirmed Valerie has been found deceased.

''It’s with both heartbreak and relief that I’d like to share that last week - after four decades of wondering and grieving and praying - we finally got an answer and some closure... Just 10 weeks after Valerie disappeared, a woman was found in the East River. There was no foul play, the case somehow slipped through the cracks, and she was labeled a "Jane Doe" and subsequently buried on Hart Island in the Long Island Sound. Earlier this month we learned of this case and now have confirmation that this woman was, in fact, my sister Valerie.''
This message is from Valerie's Brother Barry.
Written on the Finding Valerie Smith Facebook page.

As many of you know, my sister Valerie vanished from our family home at the age of 20 in March of 1981. We've been tirelessly and hopefully searching for her - and for answers - ever since... but her case sadly remained cold for over 40 years.

It’s with both heartbreak and relief that I’d like to share that last week - after four decades of wondering and grieving and praying - we finally got an answer and some closure...

It’s with both heartbreak and relief that I’d like to share that last week - after four decades of wondering and grieving and praying - we finally got an answer and some closure...
Just 10 weeks after Valerie disappeared, a woman was found in the East River. There was no foul play, the case somehow slipped through the cracks, and she was labeled a "Jane Doe" and subsequently buried on Hart Island in the Long Island Sound. Earlier this month we learned of this case and now have confirmation that this woman was, in fact, my sister Valerie.

Though it brings me such sadness to have confirmation that Valerie likely passed the evening she disappeared (and I feel a great deal of frustration that she was found, and buried just miles from us for all this time), I do find comfort in knowing where she is now and to finally have a place to visit her.

There were nearly zero developments in Valerie's case for many years - and though we never stopped searching for her and maintaining hope we’d see her again, our optimism began to dwindle over time. That is until 2017 when my cousin Megan took an interest in Valerie’s case and helped to have it reopened. She and a team of incredibly talented and dedicated people - including Detectives Sessa and Depalma, along with forensic anthropologist, Dr. Angela Soler - put so much time, care and energy into searching for answers - and they succeeded. I'm forever grateful to these individuals and everyone else who played a role in bringing me and my family the closure we've sought for so long.

I would also like to thank each and every one of you who have supported me and my family; helped search for Valerie; and shared memories, stories, and photos of her throughout the years. Your love and support have meant more to me than you know.

To properly memorialize Valerie's life, we'll be planning a service in the spring. We will share details on the date and location at a later time. Until then, please continue to keep Valerie in your thoughts and prayers - and I hope you, too, find some comfort in knowing she's resting peacefully.

xoxoxoxo REST IN PEACE VALERIE xoxoxoxox

There are cases we all follow and then there are cases that for some reason or another we seriously get pulled into to the point that you feel like you know the person. This was that case for me, since the moment I came across Valerie..
I have actually cried tonight..

Rest in Peace Valerie..You are loved.
So glad your brother and family have found their closure.
@madamx thanks for caring so much! Hugs to you.

Rest peacefully now Valerie.
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Awww thank you MadMagoo I know you get it.. there are ones that never leave your mind/heart and become your special case. No matter how many you work on….Valerie was it for me.

I think because she went missing so so close to home. Reminded me of so many of my friends and myself at that time and she went missing around my birthday. So many beautiful photos of her yet their was always a sadness to them. I just felt compelled to keep looking.. I can’t explain.

Anyway We all care that is why we are all here trying to help bring closure. Thank you to everyone on here… we all play a part.
Awww thank you MadMagoo I know you get it.. there are ones that never leave your mind/heart and become your special case. No matter how many you work on….Valerie was it for me.

I think because she went missing so so close to home. Reminded me of so many of my friends and myself at that time and she went missing around my birthday. So many beautiful photos of her yet their was always a sadness to them. I just felt compelled to keep looking.. I can’t explain.

Anyway We all care that is why we are all here trying to help bring closure. Thank you to everyone on here… we all play a part.
Of course I get it. Anyone seeing this probably has a "pet case". I have to believe all of these missing and unidentified know we are thinking of and caring for them. Even if no one else is. That, to me, makes all of us lucky! :)

Now, we wait and hope Valerie (and her family) finds justice for her death.

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