GUILTY NY - Vincent Viafore, 46, Newburgh, 19 April 2015 - #2

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Graswald's attorney, Richard Portale has told PEOPLE that police "mentally hammered" Graswald for hours about the alleged unfaithfulness of her fiancé, Vince Viafore.

"They convinced her that Vince was sleeping with everyone at work," Portale has told PEOPLE. "That everyone knew but her. She was hurt, reeling and lashed out and stated she wanted him dead."

On May 2, there will be a so-called Huntley hearing before Judge Robert Freehill to discuss the matter, Portale said today. (A Huntley Hearing is a pretrial hearing requested for the purpose of reviewing the manner in which the police obtained statements from the defendant, according to its legal definition.)
Graswald's trial could start at the end of May or the beginning of June, Portale said.

"Nothing was dismissed and the case is going to move on," Portale said. "We're going to have to review the rest" of Judge Robert Freehill's decision on the defense motions "to figure out exactly where we go from here."

The judge denied Portale's request to dismiss or reduce the indictment.

I wondered how Court would go today for Angelika,
it appears that The Judge sided with The Prosecution.

When I 1st started digging into this case,
which I thought my opinion might slightly be of help,
well I assumed it was an "accident".

I do not believe so nowadays.

In more than a few ways,
I've helped spur the discussion along
and try to find "The Truth" about what happened out there on The Hudson River that night.

I believe that what Angelika did by removing Vincent's drain-age plug was pre-meditated,
and I will help show this to you folks in further detail soon. For in my humble surfer opinion, it stares you in the face, but you might not know what you are looking at.
More on this later...
See ya,
ABC News:
Was It A Tragic "Accident" or Was It Murder?

A tape of the 911 call obtained by ABC News’ “20/20” reveals how Angelika Graswald, the woman accused of intentionally killing her fiancé while kayaking in the Hudson River, appeared to have reacted as he drowned.

Graswald, 35, called 911 on April 19, saying that she and her fiancé Vincent Viafore, 46, had been out kayaking on the Hudson River when his kayak flipped over and she wasn’t able to reach him.

“Oh my God. I'm in a red kayak, but he fell in, I couldn't swim to him. I couldn't paddle to him,” Graswald is heard telling the 911 operator. “He's getting farther and farther away from me. He's going to drown. Please call somebody.”(*)

* * * * *

Does anyone else notice how Angelika,
in this written transcript of a snippet of her 911 call for help on The Hudson River,
says, past tense, that "I couldn't swim to him. I couldn't paddle to him"???

It almost appears like Angelika is describing what happened,
post "accident".

But I thought Vinny was still alive then???

Yet all of a sudden, she corrects herself,
and now we hear "he's getting farther and farther away from me.
He's going to drown."

Present tense.

The ABC news anchor asks:
Could it be a cold°-blooded cover-up???

I agree that it is.

If any of you have watched that video I linked a few days ago where I did a test in small waves and calm winds on New Years Day, and then in some 20 minutes, I had my "Vinny kayak" fill with water and then sink, because the drain-age plug was removed, well you too will understand that it does not take 20 minutes to get a cell phone out of a purse lying near your feet and call 911 for help.

20 minutes is a loooong time.
Long enough for water to slowly fill and sink a kayak like what I paddled, like Viafore used,
or for Vincent Viafore to have hypothermia set in and help cause his death by loss of body control from freezing in the 46° cold water and drowning.

My opinion?
Angelika waited until Vincent was already gone
or almost gone under before she made that call for help.
It does not take 20 minutes to call for help!

Did Angelika stage that dramatic 911 call for help,
BUT slipped up when she spoke of what she couldn't have done:
"I couldn't swim to him. I couldn't paddle to him.”

Vincent Vioafore
was supposedly still alive and floating adrift nearby then,
awaiting help,

My thoughts + opinions only,

(*) - Link:

I wondered how Court would go today for Angelika,
it appears that The Judge sided with The Prosecution.

When I 1st started digging into this case,
which I thought my opinion might slightly be of help,
well I assumed it was an "accident".

I do not believe so nowadays.

In more than a few ways,
I've helped spur the discussion along
and try to find "The Truth" about what happened out there on The Hudson River that night.

I believe that what Angelika did by removing Vincent's drain-age plug was pre-meditated,
and I will help show this to you folks in further detail soon. For in my humble surfer opinion, it stares you in the face, but you might not know what you are looking at.
More on this later...
See ya,

Haven't changed my mind that the State doesn't have a case (unless there is some actual evidence not yet made public).

The state's case rests upon allegations:

1. She tampered with his paddle (pure uninformed silliness) and with his plug.

If she (or he) removed the plug before that day, in their home, the plug should still be there, and regardless, Vincent had to have been aware it was gone before getting on the water , or at the latest, by the time he was paddling towards the island. Yet...he got back in his boat.

Strange way of killing someone, to give them advance notice of how you're gonna try to make it happen. And then to not have any control over what happens next. And then alerting someone else to be watching.

2. She says Vincent flipped, not that his boat filled up with water and sank. And his kayak clearly did NOT sink. It was recovered along with hers within a day.

3. Experiments by any and all aside, I personally don't believe plug in plug out made the critical difference one way or another that day, and I think the State is going to have a very difficult time proving that it did, much less that she removed it on purpose to kill him.

Too many other explanations for how Vincent could have capsized, and /or how a destabilizing amount of water might have entered his boat.

4. What was said on the 911 call and timing. Calling 911 in that situation would have been way down on my list, and its understandable it was on hers too. They're on a river, not near shore, and the water is cold enough to quickly incapacitate.

How the heck is 911 going to help? What would be reasonable is trying to paddle close enough to Vincent to be able to assist directly, which she says she tried to do. Past tense on the phone because she wasn't able to get close enough to him to assist, and knowledge of hypothermia wasn't necessary to see that Vincent was in serious trouble.

5. Angelika was in that water for not long at all...rescuers saw her flip into it (on purpose or not) and yet she had to be treated for hypothermia. Once in the water Vincent didn't have very much time to be able to help himself or to be helped by her (wouldn't have been able to hold very long to his paddle or his boat or his float cushion or her boat.

If either had realized the danger of hypothermia, neither would have gone paddling that day so incredibly unequipped for river and weather conditions.

6. The State will have to try to counter Vincent's free agency, from the fact it was his idea to go out that day, that late, through his drinking beer on the island (decreased his resistance to hypothermia, affected his ability to paddle and his ability to anticipate and respond to river conditions).

The defense would be better off if her non-confession confession is precluded, but even if it's allowed in, the only shot the State has at winning, IMO, is if they focus on extraneous evidence (FB photos she posted, etc.) rather than their extremely dubious story about what happened that day on the river.
Just my 2 cent but 7 of 10 the warrants that the defense wants to suppress will not be looked at by the Judge, must not be good evidence for Angelika.
Also that the defense wants to suppress the text, phone calls and Social Media also could be damning for her.
All we have seen from the State is what is in the Grand Jury Indictment so I am not ready to give it to the defense yet.
3 million is a lot of bail money.
IMO sounded like the case will be going to trial.
Greetings Hope4More,
Good questions, I'll give a quick answer to a couple
before I go for a surf with a couple of bros or shoot surfpix this morning...

1. She tampered with his paddle (pure uninformed silliness) and with his plug.

If she (or he) removed the plug before that day, in their home, the plug should still be there, and regardless, Vincent had to have been aware it was gone before getting on the water, or at the latest, by the time he was paddling towards the island. Yet...he got back in his boat.

Strange way of killing someone, to give them advance notice of how you're gonna try to make it happen. And then to not have any control over what happens next. And then alerting someone else to be watching.

Remember, it has to look like an "accident".
Or else there is jail and no $250,000.00
What we are seeing is intentional sabotage, simple as that,
in my humble opinion.

Until I see a photo of Vincent's kayak at Plum Point, or on Bannerman Island on April 19, 2015,
with out Vincent Viafore's drain-age plug screwed in where it belongs,
I'll dis-believe what Angelika says that she had removed the drain-age plug inside the apartment so the kitty cat could play with it! Angelika took alotta pix of their new kitty, "Raskal", playing but there is not 1 pic of him playing with Vinny's drain-age plug. She goofed up there, in my humble opinion. Esh, look closely at her pix, you can even see Vincent's drain-age plug still screwed-in in 1 pic, (a month before his "accident", left in the same spot it was after he had come home from his last paddle and stored his kayak the year before) as "Rascal" hangs in Vinny's kayak, and then can be seen playing with, nope, not the drain-age plug, but a paper ball...

Dig into her Instagram pix,
closely examine + study the images of the kayaks:

It appears Angelika's defense does not want you to see these social media pix...

In every single photo of Vincent seen on the water,
where you can see the stern of his Fusion 124 kayak, he has his drain-age plug screwed in.

He also has his PFD with him.

Heck, I hope that investigators can answer this question by closely examining the CCTV footage
as Vincent and Angelika travelled on the roadways to lauch their kayaks from Plum Point:

Is Vincent Viafore's drain-age plug screwed in?

I for 1 can easily visualize the plug being there all the time,
BUT Angelika removed right before they headed back home from Bannerman Island,
removed it on The Island before launch as evening descended
or even when on the near shorshore waters.
"Hey Vinny, want a beer?"

Look at the image below.
Do any of you doubt that my gal could not have unscrewed and quickly, pulling hard, yanked my drain-age plug out from my stern in this image seen here? If she was pissed off at me, tired of the bull crap I could have dished out at her, pissed too that I was having 2nd thoughts of marrying her, and she wanted that $250,000.00?

Vincent's drain-age plug:

sure looks like it could have been yanked hard outta the drain-age hole,
it seems to be missing the anchor thingys, they broke some how.

Mine are still there though,
good to show you folks for another comparison:

2. She says Vincent flipped, not that his boat filled up with water and sank. And his kayak clearly did NOT sink. It was recovered along with hers within a day.

Angelika also says this:
“We were already in the water. I’m like, ‘Yo, where’s your plug. Are you kidding me? I was mad at him,” she told investigators. “His boat starting to get lower in the water… because of the waves, because of the plug not being in there… [The kayak] started to fill up, and I knew that the plug wasn’t in there. I was like ‘oh this is not good.’” (*)

Angelika's changing stories are a bit intriguing.
She says on The 911 call that Vincent has a life jacket, aka a PFD,
yet when Lizzy Vargas chats with her in prison,
he didn't have 1. Hmmmm.

3. Experiments by any and all aside, I personally don't believe plug in plug out made the critical difference one way or another that day, and I think the State is going to have a very difficult time proving that it did, much less that she removed it on purpose to kill him.

Too many other explanations for how Vincent could have capsized, and /or how a destabilizing amount of water might have entered his boat.

Viafore could have easily capsized in shallow water as waves crashed about him, but he did not.
His kayak "accident" happened 1/2 to 2/3rds of ways across the 1 mile or so wide Hudson River.
Due to that open hole on his stern.

I do not know of your weight, hopefully you weigh about 220lbs,
BUT until you paddle The Same Kayak Model as what Vincent did,
in waves that make the kayak go up and down, where a dude is fighting the wind and paddling hard as can, bow is plunging thru any wind chop or swells, which can + will continuously wash over the stern - seconds apart, with-out coming into the *advertiser censored*-pit, and you paddle with the drain-age plug removed, well I feel that we are comparing a Dodge truck like I drive with a Toyota...

If and when you do get a chance to do any tests,
well I too will look at your experiences, peer-review style.

Viafore was a big dude, his stern sat low in the water.
I found this out before I even purchased Vinny's kayak on Black Friday at Dick's for only $200.00. Angelika most likely knew of this: Vinny had water get inside his kayak before his "accident", IMHO.

She basically, in my humble opinion,
tried to do what others do who try to kill by poison, and tried to get away with it.
No guarantee of success, but some folks still try and do it anyways.

Like in another recent story I have read about, the significant other convicted,
where an interesting clue help bust her. A spelling mistake, of all things:

Speaking of interesting clues,
in this case we discuss, there is 1 that I recently pointed out,
where Angelika, in her 911 call for "help", uses past tense to describe what happened,
err, oppps, correction, make that what is happening.

Was The 911 call for real?
Or was it a ruse, an attempt at a "cover-up"?
"Hold on Baby"???

My opinions only,
See ya, RW

Sleuth on RW!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I wondered how Court would go today for Angelika,
it appears that The Judge sided with The Prosecution.

When I 1st started digging into this case,
which I thought my opinion might slightly be of help,
well I assumed it was an "accident".

I do not believe so nowadays.

In more than a few ways,
I've helped spur the discussion along
and try to find "The Truth" about what happened out there on The Hudson River that night.

I believe that what Angelika did by removing Vincent's drain-age plug was pre-meditated,
and I will help show this to you folks in further detail soon. For in my humble surfer opinion, it stares you in the face, but you might not know what you are looking at.
More on this later...
See ya,

I'm glad you're here RW with all of your tests, because I too believe it was sabotage. She's a cold-blooded sociopathic killer in the same vein as Jodi Arias, but she thought she'd get away with it by making it look like an accident. She doesn't want to be held accountable for her crimes. Who tells police, "You don't want to see the demon side of me"???
I'm glad you're here RW with all of your tests, because I too believe it was sabotage. She's a cold-blooded sociopathic killer in the same vein as Jodi Arias, but she thought she'd get away with it by making it look like an accident. She doesn't want to be held accountable for her crimes. Who tells police, "You don't want to see the demon side of me"???

She could have flipped his kayak or made it fill with water, no missing plug necessary. That kayak is not designed to cope with the conditions (or much of anything except fiddling around in quiet water). It does not have sealed bulkheads=big trouble under almost any conditions if it tips.

Those boats are very easy to fill with water. All she had to do if he floated out was to push the boat away with a paddle.

All she had to do was invite him for a kiss and then press down on the side of his boat.
Greetings WebSleuths!
I want to thank you folks for allowing me to participate here in the discussion that concerns the death of Vincent Viafore. As I am kinda experienced in surfing+kayaking and dealing with waves, and wind, well I thought my 2¢ might be appreciated.

As some folks here know,
I did some tests awhile back while using the same kayak as did Vincent Viafore when he died. This allowed me to learn much of that kayaks strengths and weaknesses.

I shot and posted a video awhile back,
which showed me paddling "The Vinny kayak" with-out the drain-age plug screwed in.
As I did not really understand how to edit and render video well, it did not come out that great.

Here is a new version of the video from that New Years Day test, shot in HD,
hopefully it will allow folks to see what I know, that if you remove the drain-age screw from a "Fusion 124" kayak, the same kayak as what Vincent Viafore paddled when he lost his life in 46° water on The Hudson River, well your kayak will indeed get water inside that hole on the stern if you are paddling in waves and swells, and if you are offshore, you can and you will indeed sink if you are out on the water too long.
See ya, RW

Wow! Impressive video RWright! Thanks for all you contribute here!
Greetings WebSleuths!
I want to thank you folks for allowing me to participate here in the discussion that concerns the death of Vincent Viafore. As I am kinda experienced in surfing+kayaking and dealing with waves, and wind, well I thought my 2¢ might be appreciated.

As some folks here know,
I did some tests awhile back while using the same kayak as did Vincent Viafore when he died. This allowed me to learn much of that kayaks strengths and weaknesses.

I shot and posted a video awhile back,
which showed me paddling "The Vinny kayak" with-out the drain-age plug screwed in.
As I did not really understand how to edit and render video well, it did not come out that great.

Here is a new version of the video from that New Years Day test, shot in HD,
hopefully it will allow folks to see what I know, that if you remove the drain-age screw from a "Fusion 124" kayak, the same kayak as what Vincent Viafore paddled when he lost his life in 46° water on The Hudson River, well your kayak will indeed get water inside that hole on the stern if you are paddling in waves and swells, and if you are offshore, you can and you will indeed sink if you are out on the water too long.
See ya, RW


But.....whatever else did or didn't happen, his kayak in fact did not sink. It was located and retrieved fairly readily, afloat.
Strange twist in Graswald murder case as man in federal custody files petition on behalf of defendant

GOSHEN – An Orange County murder case has drawn the attention of a notorious serial litigant in Pittsburgh.

Frederick Banks, who is currently in federal custody while facing charges including interstate stalking and wire fraud, has filed a petition for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Angelika Graswald, the Poughkeepsie woman charged with murder in the April 2015 death of her fiancé, Vincent Viafore, while they kayaked on the Hudson River.

Graswald’s lawyer, Richard Portale, said he has never heard of Banks and was unaware of the petition.

The petition is bizarre, and utterly in keeping with scores of federal lawsuits and writs Banks has filed over the years.

The papers feature tiny, cramped handwriting and what appears to be a sketch of Graswald. Banks asserts that Graswald is under electronic surveillance in “a CIA Telepathic Behavior Modification Program.”

He argues that the surveillance violates her rights, that there is no physical evidence in the case, that there are errors in court filings and that authorities tricked or coerced her into confessing.

Banks’ Graswald petition, filed in the Southern District of New York, names the “warden” and sheriff of Orange County Jail, the Orange County District Attorney’s Office, the FBI and CIA, the State of New York and the Attorney General, and “Hudson River’s prosecutors” as defendants.
Strange twist in Graswald murder case as man in federal custody files petition on behalf of defendant

A legal petition filed by a federal defendant in Pittsburgh on behalf of Angelika Graswald has been dismissed by the chief U.S. District Judge in the Southern District of New York.

Chief District Judge Loretta Preska dismissed Banks’ suit, saying Banks failed to show he has any standing to file such a suit. She issued a warning that should Banks persist in filing meritless suits, he’ll be barred from filing any new action in the Southern District of New York without court permission. A similar provision designating Banks as a vexatious litigant, is already in place in Pittsburgh’s federal courts.

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