NY - Woman confesses to raping 4 year old boy

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Bobbisangel said:
I remember that when my son was little and he used the same words!! He thought it was pretty cool. I would just tell my son "that's not a toy..that is to go potty out of" and he would stop. They catch on pretty young but it is nothing sexual to them. I wonder how that woman got found out? That is pretty sick. I can't even visualize a grown woman having intercourse with a little boy.
And did you see the size of that woman? Good grief! I know this is sick but I too have been trying to figure out how they did "it" . That poor little boy.

My son, I suppose like all boys, fell in love hard with his penis the minute he discovered it. I never told my son not to do it, just that he had to do it in private, like the bathroom or bedroom. I guess it took him awhile to figure out how to make it big though.

He was about 3 when my in-laws were here for dinner and when he finished eating he asked to be excused so he could, and I quote, " TOUCH HIS PENIS IN PRIVATE" My mother in law almost died:crazy:
kazzbar said:
How sick.What is going on in the world? This sort of stuff just makes me boiling mad.Male or female sex perverts are just a waste of space.Seems to be all to common.After reading all the stuff on here i am convinced that i will NEVER take my eyes of my babies for one minute.Recently a friend asked me what i thought of her kids walking to school alone.Her house is just round the corner from school.I said i thought it was o.k but up to her as they are her kids etc.etc.But after joining this forum and reading all the missing persons cases I think i must have been nuts and feel irresponsible in my judgment of her query.:cool: :doh:
Scary, and to think I only worried about older boys, men and priests, coaches, teachers...now I gotta worry about women too!
Linda7NJ said:
And did you see the size of that woman? Good grief! I know this is sick but I too have been trying to figure out how they did "it" . That poor little boy.

My son, I suppose like all boys, fell in love hard with his penis the minute he discovered it. I never told my son not to do it, just that he had to do it in private, like the bathroom or bedroom. I guess it took him awhile to figure out how to make it big though.

He was about 3 when my in-laws were here for dinner and when he finished eating he asked to be excused so he could, and I quote, " TOUCH HIS PENIS IN PRIVATE" My mother in law almost died:crazy:
That was funny! I'm not trying to make light of this, but your story is pretty hilarious!

Anyway....this woman is sick! And, after looking at a pic of her...yucko! That almost makes it worse. Just thinking about it makes me sick to my stomach. :behindbar
~wildangel~ said:
There are alot more today...the world is just getting sicker and sicker:bang:

Do you really think so? I have often thought that 'back in the day' when it was rarely / never talked about that these monsters got away with truly depraved stuff.
It's funny how we totally percieve things differently. I wish there was a way to find out.

This b*tch is truly depraved. I really hope this child is young enough to forget this. I feel for his parents too. How do you handle that with a 4 year old??? It's a bad enough issue with older children, but surely with a 4 yr old you kind of hope that it will just leave their minds so they don't have to deal with it.
I really hope she didn't traumatise him. I am very interested to know how the proessionals do this.

Linda - OMG how funny! I have always wondered if it's not a secret victory when a person's child says something like that in front of an in-law!! I am lucky enough that my in-laws would laugh harder than I would......
Linda7NJ said:
And did you see the size of that woman? Good grief! I know this is sick but I too have been trying to figure out how they did "it" . That poor little boy.

My son, I suppose like all boys, fell in love hard with his penis the minute he discovered it. I never told my son not to do it, just that he had to do it in private, like the bathroom or bedroom. I guess it took him awhile to figure out how to make it big though.

He was about 3 when my in-laws were here for dinner and when he finished eating he asked to be excused so he could, and I quote, " TOUCH HIS PENIS IN PRIVATE" My mother in law almost died:crazy:

Oh, that is to funny :D
Love the please excuse me story.Cute :laugh: !!!!. I have not seen any photos of this perp here in the media. Has anyone got a link for me? Would really like to see what this sicko has to say for herself.We had a female school teacher here charged with rape she got a prison term and is now one of the few women(!) on the sex offenders register.Life is stange.:doh:
kazzbar said:
How sick.What is going on in the world? This sort of stuff just makes me boiling mad.Male or female sex perverts are just a waste of space.Seems to be all to common.After reading all the stuff on here i am convinced that i will NEVER take my eyes of my babies for one minute.Recently a friend asked me what i thought of her kids walking to school alone.Her house is just round the corner from school.I said i thought it was o.k but up to her as they are her kids etc.etc.But after joining this forum and reading all the missing persons cases I think i must have been nuts and feel irresponsible in my judgement of her query.:cool: :doh:
I wouldn't let my kids walk to school without an adult. These child predators look for their victims at places where they have access to kids. Kids are even being kidnapped at bus stops right in front of their own homes.
Well, she's in protective custody, probably at Rikers, Im now waiting for the "insanity" to set in, so she can be hospitalized at Bellevue right along with Mr. Braunstein, and the monster who killed Nizmary Brown. I can see very well what this sicko is going to pull.

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