Observations from attending Sunday, 11/30/08 Vigil

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Thank you for the information on the vigil!

The more I read the released documents, the clearer the picture is-these people were so trapped with one another-I feel tremendous sadness for all of them and I am glad that they were able to plan a vigil on their own terms...sort of anyway.
Caylee's been gone SIX MONTHS. I'm just throwing that out there.
What would the people donate to? Finding the body? Most everyone knows she's dead. What are they supposed to do?
Didn't there used to be a $250,000 reward. I believe it may have now been withdrawn.

Elizabeth, thanks for the first-hand account. If only KC would fess up, perhaps the Ants could finally begin to move forward toward some degree of healing. KC has left (and is still leaving) such an awful amount of destruction in her wake- her daughter, her parents, her grandparents, her friends, LE and the public who been entangled in her web of lies! She's a prime example of why a life constructed on truth and justice is important because it shows how much damage one built on lies and deceit can inflict.

Did the Spokesperson ask for people's support in the media and on the Net? Just curious.
Chilly, I don't think anyone here hates CA & GA. I feel personally total disdain for them because they have never helped find Caylee.

Yes, CA is wasting away before our eyes, but the Bible tells us " the wages of sin are death" and all the lies do have a toll on the body and the soul. No one except a completely evil being can exist long with "pledging their allegiance to the father of lies."

Continuing to be unrepentant about all the lies and the things done to prevent KC from being found guilty is going to take both their lives in the end. KC did not just kill Caylee, but is killing her parents one day at a time.

I DO have to agree with you....the greater majority of people DON'T "hate" the A's, they HATE how they are basically handling the issues. They are kicking and screaming every step of the way and THEY have total disdain for anyone having an opinion different from theirs. "Denial" IS a step in the grieving process....BUT, being in "denial" even about their daughters PAST behavior isn't a part of that, IMO. Cindy STILL is working from the point of view that Casey deserves the "Mother of the Year" award. If Cindy can even admit to Casey's part in all of this....even to admit that Casey holds the answers....how about BEGGING the kidnappers for her safe return.

Cindy's brother TRIED, in his emails, to throw a rope, a lifeline, to bring Cindy into some sort of sanity.....into some sort of acceptance, or if not that, he told her she NEEDED help in dealing with this. Granted, maybe not so diplomatically....LOL

We ARE seeing a woman self destruct before our eyes.....but "the truth shall set you free".....AND, those around her MUST do whatever is humanly possible to get her the help she needs....NOT just a pill (meds), but perhaps a stay in a medical facility to help soothe the grieving soul AND mind.

Thanks so much, ev1214, for shareing this info to us !!!
Hello Everyone:
This is my first time starting a thread so please forgive me if I make any errors in doing this!

snipped for space -
For a first time thread starter, you did a great job. Thank you for posting your insight to the vigil. I'm clear across the country and welcome your first hand observence. It sounded like a totally sad event for many reasons.
I agree with the grief process and that now the "A"'s have reached acceptance. HOWEVER..I feel they are cowards for failing to hold casey responsible. They have disrespected their Grandaughter in their failure to do so. It is a parental responsibility to hold our children accountable for their actions...throughout their entire lives. We hope by adulthood they have learned the self-governing concept of this; obviously their enabeling hindered this. I believe this grief is also their realization of their failure.

That being "it is what it is", I pray they can overcome this. But they have yet to take the HIGH ROAD. The high road is admitting to themselves and LE that their daughter had a hand in this, and cooperate in every way possible. That is another step in their healing process. Maybe they'll never reach that. Maybe they can't. We can only pray they will, and stop grandstanding their granddaughter's murder by insincere measures such as "meet & greets" and rehearsed vigils and really honor her memory. JMHO.
I agree with the grief process and that now the "A"'s have reached acceptance. HOWEVER..I feel they are cowards for failing to hold casey responsible. They have disrespected their Grandaughter in their failure to do so. It is a parental responsibility to hold our children accountable for their actions...throughout their entire lives. We hope by adulthood they have learned the self-governing concept of this; obviously their enabeling hindered this. I believe this grief is also their realization of their failure.

That being "it is what it is", I pray they can overcome this. But they have yet to take the HIGH ROAD. The high road is admitting to themselves and LE that their daughter had a hand in this, and cooperate in every way possible. That is another step in their healing process. Maybe they'll never reach that. Maybe they can't. We can only pray they will, and stop grandstanding their granddaughter's murder by insincere measures such as "meet & greets" and rehearsed vigils and really honor her memory. JMHO.

I agree with the grief process and that now the "A"'s have reached acceptance. HOWEVER..I feel they are cowards for failing to hold casey responsible. They have disrespected their Grandaughter in their failure to do so. It is a parental responsibility to hold our children accountable for their actions...throughout their entire lives. We hope by adulthood they have learned the self-governing concept of this; obviously their enabeling hindered this. I believe this grief is also their realization of their failure.

That being "it is what it is", I pray they can overcome this. But they have yet to take the HIGH ROAD. The high road is admitting to themselves and LE that their daughter had a hand in this, and cooperate in every way possible. That is another step in their healing process. Maybe they'll never reach that. Maybe they can't. We can only pray they will, and stop grandstanding their granddaughter's murder by insincere measures such as "meet & greets" and rehearsed vigils and really honor her memory. JMHO.

You are SO right about these points, Valrico. This is exactly why the public has such outrage towards them, especially Cindy.
..POST SCRIPT: and that is, for myself at least, the anger I hold to them. I pray for them and forgive them, but the general mentality of many like me is this issue..not any other reason. I harbor no personal anomosity to them. Her brother Rick said it best, they need help. And help will only come from getting on their knees with faith, humility and forgiveness.
And the Bible says " Judge not eachother, least ye be Judged". Oh, I'm not a christian but I do think the Bible has merit but you can make a side either way depending on what you pick out.

The Almighty will be the final judge of us all. No human can presume to usurp that role. However, I don't think that means we can't evaluate the facts and people' actions. In fact, I think God gave us hearts, souls, and brains to do just that, so that we could know the difference between good and evil. We can judge Hitler's actions and make an honest appraisal that he chose an evil path. We can look at the destruction murderers and pedophiles sow and judge them and their chosen lifestyle as evil for the actions they have taken and the damage they have done. We can judge that people who do drugs rather than taking care of their children are wrong. We can judge that women who 'lose' their babies and obstruct the police are not good human beings, and we can find fault with the parents of such a woman when they themselves seem to be obstructing justice for their grandchild in order to save her mother. God will ultimately say who we are based on what we did on the earth, and hopefully he will forgive us all. We all will be judged, but God intended for us to be brave, strong, smart and able to discern people doing good from people doing bad.
maybe 'off camera' the A's are defeated... i cannot imagine what kind of mental illness it would take to have this level of denial. kc has much to fear for her afterlife doing this to so many.
Amen. I know many of you are like myself and know the only thing we can do is pray for that beautiful little girls soul and beieve God had a reason for bringing her home. As I said before, it would be great to find her body and give it the proper burial. But her body is just a carrying case for her soul. And her soul is where it belongs
ITA.............they are being conned in my opinion by this woman just like they were by KFN who she was a part of earlier.

IMO the other way around -- this woman is being conned by the A's. I honestly think that everyone on this crazy train is being conned by the A's.

I agree with your "wages of sin" thoughts. The fate of the entire A family has nothing to do with us. We are not responsible for weight loss or weight gain or anything else. The wages of sin...
Amen. I know many of you are like myself and know the only thing we can do is pray for that beautiful little girls soul and beieve God had a reason for bringing her home. As I said before, it would be great to find her body and give it the proper burial. But her body is just a carrying case for her soul. And her soul is where it belongs

Amen Valrico. :blowkiss:
OMG! I can't believe that anyone on here would ever celebrate the dimise of someone even if they dislike them!!!! I think that is an insult to the people on this board and am insulted that a fellow WS would make such a comment.
That being said I for one don't like how the A's are and have acted from the very beginning of this. I have seen CA and GA both go down hill over the months. But they need to know that the public would have had more sympathy for them in the beginning had they acted like normal grandparents of a missing/now presumed dead beautiful granddaughter. No one in that family ever pleaded for her safe return!! My opinion they didn't do this was because they already knew that her safe return would never happen and the only one that could bring an end to this was KC. Now they are trying to create reasonable doubt for thier daughter KC. But instead are making themselves look like fools. The people that they are surrounding themselves with are not helping thier image with the public.
I do say a prayer every night first for Caylee. Then for CA, GA that when they do finally come to grips with the fact that their granddaughter is no longer with us that they have someone there that will help them pick up the pieces of their lives. They will soon spiral out of control without some professional help. I also say a prayer for the great grandparents in this case too.
I do hope that soon this family will be able to see exactly what is happening around them and that the people that are supposedly helping them are just in it to help themselves for the publicity and finacially.
Also, my impression of Michelle Bart is that she comes across as a person who would be big into protesting or an extreme activist.

She just seems out of placing taking about a missing child.

Thanks for your insight after attending ev.
This person bugs me as well. I have followed alot of trials and helped organize vigils in a few states and attend them as well in the past. I have also seen some wonderful people from websites and the internet get involved with the families of victims and donate alot of time and funds to help them in thier search for justice. The folks I had the great pleasure of working with were very educated and eloquent and had one movitve only...to help the victims and thier families! NEVER to self promote!
Unfortunately there are bottom feeders out there that will inject themselves into a case to thier own selfish reasons and thier 15 minutes of fame. .....I suspect and am very afraid that MB may be one of them.

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