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One odd factor, SeriouslySearching, about the second Ottawa County home invasion, at least according to one published report: the only thing taken in the Fairland case was a life. Evidently, nothing was missing from the residence in terms of material goods. One wonders about motive.
We can only go on what they are releasing tho. There could be things taken and they simply are not saying at this time. You know the drill...ongoing investigation, close to the vest, yada yada yada. Drives me crazy!
We can only go on what they are releasing tho. There could be things taken and they simply are not saying at this time. You know the drill...ongoing investigation, close to the vest, yada yada yada. Drives me crazy!

According to the Joplin Globe:
Their motive is presumed to have been robbery. But the intruders apparently did not succeed in that regard. [Jessica Brown, OSBI spokesperson] said investigators do not believe that anything was stolen.
All of that notwithstanding, they can't all be corrupt. Of all the LE and a prosecutor or two looking at what's going on...they're all in on it? Power corrupts, but is it power that brought this investigation to a halt? Even at a low level? Enough to stop OSBI? Who or what is that powerful out there?

It only takes a very few at the top---at the top, and they don't get there if they don't play ball---to corrupt entire departments and agencies. I've lived in five states, XPA Magnet, and not one of them is even close to Oklahoma in terms of malfeasence by officialdom.
According to the Joplin Globe:
"Their motive is presumed to have been robbery. But the intruders apparently did not succeed in that regard. [Jessica Brown, OSBI spokesperson] said investigators do not believe that anything was stolen."
And I don't believe a word coming from Jessica Brown's mouth anymore. Just sayin....

ETA: "Do not believe" means they are not saying for certain one way or the other with any definition. There are not many reasons for motive in such cases:

Sexual assault
Random act of violence

It doesn't sound to me hearing from different locals they interviewed on tv that Sam S. had any enemies. He was a kind, helpful person who loved his family and did things for the community. It does appear Robbery would be the most logical conclusion. However, there are grandchildren involved and you have to consider their associations, lifestyles, etc. Could they have anything to do with this in any way? What did anyone have to gain in Sam's death?
LOL. Yeah, even though I'm a newbie around here, I knew that Jessica's name would provoke scorn!

Not so much her name, but her words, or sometimes her lack of them. A short while ago, though, she made positive statements when OSBI was trying to promote legislation to suppress even more information in future cases. Unbelievable.

Next June, will she repeat to the press the same few sentences that we've all heard a few times already? Is this a state agency that apparently answers to no one, least of all to the people they're supposed to protect and serve?

Hey, where's all that "determination" on this "solvable" case?

On the other hand, might there be a couple of people in the Weleetka area who think she's doing a heck of a job? Wonder who they could be...
And I don't believe a word coming from Jessica Brown's mouth anymore. Just sayin....

ETA: "Do not believe" means they are not saying for certain one way or the other with any definition. There are not many reasons for motive in such cases:

Sexual assault
Random act of violence

It doesn't sound to me hearing from different locals they interviewed on tv that Sam S. had any enemies. He was a kind, helpful person who loved his family and did things for the community. It does appear Robbery would be the most logical conclusion. However, there are grandchildren involved and you have to consider their associations, lifestyles, etc. Could they have anything to do with this in any way? What did anyone have to gain in Sam's death?

In a place like Oklahoma, everyone has enemies. (I know it sounds like I'm mythologizing this place but it's true.)
Not so much her name, but her words, or sometimes her lack of them. A short while ago, though, she made positive statements when OSBI was trying to promote legislation to suppress even more information in future cases. Unbelievable.

Next June, will she repeat to the press the same few sentences that we've all heard a few times already? Is this a state agency that apparently answers to no one, least of all to the people they're supposed to protect and serve?

Hey, where's all that "determination" on this "solvable" case?

On the other hand, might there be a couple of people in the Weleetka area who think she's doing a heck of a job? Wonder who they could be...

Well, spokespersons---excuse me, Jessica is referred to as a "spokeswoman"---do get paid for mouthing the company line. She's just a puppet.
Lived here all my life. ;) I don't that I am aware of...(looking around now suspiciously).
Lived here all my life. ;) I don't that I am aware of...(looking around now suspiciously).

LOL. Okay, true, hyperbole was involved. I just know that I've spent most of my professional life here, and I was amazed at the place because many seem to thrust out their toes, just so someone will step on them.
LOL Professionally, this could be true. We are not known for holding back much. We are also not known for being hung up on protocal, procedure, or other p words which would indicate we were raised somewhere else. (This makes it easier to spot those who were!)
Don't get me wrong; I like it here. After all, I moved BACK here. All my good friends these days are from Oklahoma. It's just that, here, if someone gets a little power, it seems to go to his or her head.
Power does things to people. Too much power and control does play into certain issues surrounding legalities and political pull, too. I have witnessed it from many sides.
I wish people would realize that before they acquire power, SeriouslySearching. Not to pat myself on the back (well, okay, just a little maybe), but I was offered the chair of my department in an OK college years ago; I knew that, if I took the position, I would be one real b*stard about certain points and procedures (they'd be able to tell I wasn't a birth Oklahoman! I'm from swank, sophisticated.....wait for it.....rural Kansas, LOL), and would generally have been a "my way or the highway" boss. So I turned it down. I like to be liked, childish as that sounds, and I didn't see any profit in it (other than the $$$ that came with the position) for me, or for those I would have bossed around.
I like you better all the time. ;) And you can call me SS~

Can I ask what brought you to WS? I am just naturally curious is all (probably what brought me to WS actually).
I like you better all the time. ;) And you can call me SS~

Can I ask what brought you to WS? I am just naturally curious is all (probably what brought me to WS actually).

A bit of time on my hands---I've applied for a position for the autumn semester (and should get it, but we'll see) and decided to take some time off till then. The Weleetka case has interested me from the first day I heard of it and I got the horrible feeling that this one would go unsolved, much like the Locust Grove case 30 years ago. Therefore: time on my hands + an interest in justice for the Weleetka girls = Websleuth!
I was searching for info on an old case when I ran across it. Interesting place, eh? I like a challenge to keep the old mind sharper. (Cuts down on my crossword time...but definitely more intriguing!)

I started out with the Unidentifieds and Jennifer Kesse's case (which is yet another unsolved case in Florida).

We do have a major problem in this country with missing and unsolved cases. It has always been a situation I felt needed attention above so many others in our government, but has received little to none. I would love to see this changed and the horrific numbers go down instead of increase. I look for answers where there seem to be few, but people need to figure out we are all in this together. They are our families, children, neighbors, and even ourselves at stake which are too important to go unnoticed by the vast majority. It is disturbing when you realize the numbers in their entirety and how casually they are dismissed in our country.
Amen to that, SS. I taught close relatives of one of the missing girls in the Freeman/Bible case, and that brought home to me directly the huge injustice of unsolved crimes, especially those which just might have been solved IF. And I'm sure I would have gotten to teach one of the missing girls in a few years, too.
The Freeman/Bible case is one of those which does haunt me. When I was looking into the UIDs, I always kept them in the back of my mind hoping to run across them. Jones seemed like he was going to end the mystery, but then it fell apart.

In case you missed it, Kotv has a cold case section now on their website which is very interesting. I comb through it sometimes and have it listed on WS.

Maybe OK needs a specific task force to come in immediately for homicides which include different backgrounds and agencies who are adequately trained. Take the Sheriff's depts. and the OSBI completely out of the homicide biz and hand it over to the people who can do the job from the beginning. Something needs to be done and to me...this would be a logical step in the right direction.
I duly bookmarked the KOTV site. One of my former students, now a friend, went to school with Jeremy Jones in Commerce---actually, quite a few of my students must have. The tri-county region in the NE part of our state is rife with that sort of character. One wonders, when one sees a certain segment of our population, if one is looking at a killer not yet discovered.

I don't see any out-of-state task force being brought in; the wires of power here are too gnarled to permit it, sad to say. If many of these cases were gotten to the bottom of, that would mean uncovering many official misdeeds, methinks. For example, one murder in Ottawa County is rumored to have been committed when a sheriff was present. Another of our sheriffs was knifed to death by his wife while allegedly drunk and abusive toward her, yet another was sent to prison for corruption, etc. And thoses were each during my decade here.

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