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Yes, it could have been to push Cindy's buttons.

But IMO, Casey didn't come up with this name ZFG until the very end.... maybe after Caylee was already dead & she needed someone to blame.

Casey knew that someday, she would have to face her mother, so she may have done a little bit of pre-planning. She came up with the Zenaida the babysitter lie, a place (Sawgrass) and a time. After that, she probably didn't give it much thought. It was a lie that she had waiting for when she had to use it.
There is also a way to send email from a non-existant fake email address. My website once got an email from a supposed lawyer threatening a law suit for using copyrighted pictures, which I had gotten permission from the photographer to use, so I knew it was a fake threat. The email address actually had the name of a law group, as in When we traced the IP address of the email, it showed the email was sent from a email spoofing site in Iceland. We then found out that it was a "rival" site who was trying to get us to shut our website down. Long story short, there ARE ways to send email using a mask. You can make the fake email address say anything you wish.

You're right... You would be surprised at how simple this is to do, really...
Any Ws'ers here with experience concerning the judicial system? My questions are, by LE throwing all this info out at this point in the case,

1. Is this normal protocol for a case of this type? or any case, for that matter?
2. What do you think LE's reasoning is for doing this?
3. Do you think this will hurt or help the Prosecution?
4. Will it exaggerate the already existing problem, in regards to jury selection and location of the trial?

Thanks in advance, I'm very curious about this latest development
I have a question. If CA went with the LE to Universal and admitted there that she did not work there, then why did she put in her statement that she was working there and when she was being recorded? I guess I am confused. Were both of these reports made BEFORE she went to Universal? I am going back to read now, I just couldn't understand why she would keep on about that part.

She originally in her prior statement said she worked there. Then she agreed to meet LE there. She only admitted she lied after she got there, and tried to lead them to her non-existent office.
I wonder if he's going pack it in? If he withdraws his security force, who's going to guard Casey? Or, will he revoke the bond?

It was such a complicated mess to get her out.... it will probably be complicated to revoke also. So many people were involved.

I also wonder if LE is in a rush to get her back anyway. They might be getting more mileage out of having her OUT & calling the Anthony's bluff....

Casey couldn't reveal anything that would find Caylee while she was in jail.... and yet she's not doing crap now that she's OUT either..... this looks VERY bad for Casey & the people who have been shoveling that load.
I do not know why that depression by the pool bothers me so much. Like they are trying to say something was there before but not now. Where did the little box go that was there? Cindy made such a deal out of it being there and they moved it but never said where it was moved to. Something is weird there.
Thanks for the links krimekat. I have done a lot of reading this evening.

One of the witnesses stated that he saw Caylee at Fusian with Casey and TonE. TonE does not make mention of that in his statement, unless I missed it.

Casey said that Caylee's favorite place is Blanchard Park. Joseph and his search team have found clothing that could possibly belong to Casey and Caylee.

Has the LE interviewed Jeff, the person whom Casey says ZFG also babysat for his son? Does this Jeff even exist?

Casey told a friend/witness that she hated Mexicans. Did Casey use ZFG name to set up a Mexican, just like Susan Smith did when she set up the black guy who carjacked her car with her boys in it?

The neighbor stated that Casey borrowed the shovel from 1:30pm to 2:30 pm. How far is Blanchard Park from the Anthony home? The neighbor said he saw Casey's car backed up in the garage and it's something he's never seen Casey do, the day the shovel was borrowed. Casey was taking out bamboo? The neighbor said Casey wasn't even dirty when she gave the shovel back, unless she showered afterward.

:praying: for Caylee

Jeff Hopkins does exist, but he's single and doesn't have any children. He says he's not a friend, more like an acquaintance.
O/T OMG!!! amber pennell the missing mother from hickory, nc was found after 5 days clinging to life!! its about time for some good news

Omg, that's fantastic!
it bothers me to hear the car was backed up to a dumpster at the amscot parking lot.

I bet LE went through that dumpster with a fine-tooth comb.

Edited to had probably been emptied since the time the car was parked there, but there might have been some sort of residue.
Wow, what alot of reading and still haven't gotten to part 3. Some interesting tidbits that I especially noticed:

Tony says that Casey was easily upset and angered when he teased her

There were scratches noted along the trunk of Casey's vehicle

Casey told Amy that she planned to take over the Anthony home

The tower and an employee heard George say that they had located their daughter, but grand daughter still missing.

No offense to tow truck driver, but his name is Gary Ridgeway
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not but did anyone else notice that even though the SS #'s were blacked out they could still be read (clearly). If I were a witness and I saw my # out there for all the world to see, I would be livid!!! BAD move IMO...

i know!! phone #'s and signatures too! It would be so easy for identity theft!
Just for the record, Batch 2, page 56 is testimony of the tow yard owner about the GPs coming to get the car. When George opened the car door, the tow yard guy notice the awful smell pouring out of the car, and it reminded him of the smell of a previously towed car in which a man comitted suicide and had been in there for 5 days--but the smell in the GPs car was not as strong. The guy made a comment about it smelling rotten, but George said nothing. They opened the trunk to find the odor source. They saw a garbage bag with pizza, papers, and maggots in it. Flies came out of the trunk. The guy threw the garbage bag near or into the dumpster.
It is amazing how many myspace and facebook postings make so much more sense after these.

I know! The post about the drama at the house was about Cindy's house. That was one myspace post that was bugging the heck out of me.
Any Ws'ers here with experience concerning the judicial system? My questions are, by LE throwing all this info out at this point in the case,

1. Is this normal protocol for a case of this type? or any case, for that matter?
2. What do you think LE's reasoning is for doing this?
3. Do you think this will hurt or help the Prosecution?
4. Will it exaggerate the already existing problem, in regards to jury selection and location of the trial?

Thanks in advance, I'm very curious about this latest development

I have no experience but IMO, I think this tightens the noose around Casey's neck. It should get her lawyer thinking very seriously about getting his client to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for revealing where Caylee can be found..... IF the DA will go along with that.

I think LE is showing they're building a very good case against Miss Pants On Fire.
Just for the record, Batch 2, page 56 is testimony of the tow yard owner about the GPs coming to get the car. When George opened the car door, the tow yard guy notice the awful smell pouring out of the car, and it reminded him of the smell of a previously towed car in which a man comitted suicide and had been in there for 5 days--but the smell in the GPs car was not as strong. The guy made a comment about it smelling rotten, but George said nothing. They opened the trunk to find the odor source. They saw a garbage bag with pizza, papers, and maggots in it. Flies came out of the trunk. The guy threw the garbage bag near or into the dumpster.

Does that not go against what we originally heard, that Cindy turned the bag of trash over to LE?
Any Ws'ers here with experience concerning the judicial system? My questions are, by LE throwing all this info out at this point in the case,

1. Is this normal protocol for a case of this type? or any case, for that matter?
2. What do you think LE's reasoning is for doing this?
3. Do you think this will hurt or help the Prosecution?
4. Will it exaggerate the already existing problem, in regards to jury selection and location of the trial?

Thanks in advance, I'm very curious about this latest development

I've been wondering the same thing. This is an ongoing investigation, WTH are they releasing this information ? Something's not right.

Caylee...adoption...interjecting herself in this case...and why wouldn't the boyfriend agree to turn over his phone records?? If there was a possibility that it could help find this child I would do it. Just seems suspicious. But then I don't trust anyone anymore....:rolleyes:
casey will still deny she did anything to caylee. she'll continue to say a friend has her.

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