Official Documents To Be Released Today

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Man, I'm DYING HERE!!! I can't view .pdf's on this computer----UGHHHHHHH!!!!

If possible anyone, please post new info.

you can retrieve a FREE copy of the Adobe Reader from the Net so you CAN read the 400+ pages . . .
Geez - that depression (indentation) in the grass near the pool worries me. Seems like something one might see if a body had beed placed there for resusitation. Any approximate measurements and descripton of the depression (e.g. shape)?

Many thanks to all those providing links and recaps.

Good work!!
I posted direct links to the pdf files on the appropriate thread . . . Official Documents, Images, Audio and Video - No discussion please

Thanks, I meant from a source other than that kftv site...the demand seems to be incredibly high so I've not been able to open them from there.

But that's great that the direct link is there...hopefully they'll be easier to open later on and it'll be great to have them linked there. I was just hoping for something in the meantime! LOL
I have the documents saved to my hard drive ... does anyone have any site recommendations as to where I can upload them to for sharing?

Do you have an online album?.... most allow you to upload all kinds of files, not just photos.
Casey says that her running out of gas infront of a check cashing place was just a coincidence. She states that she ran out of gas on the road in front of it & 2 men helped her push the car into the amscot parking lot. She also says that she left a note on the winshield that she would be back to pick it up.
She also told LE that ZG lived at a house near Andover Lakes - She also told LE that she & ZG had often communicated back & forth through emails
WKMG 5 PM live:

Casey may have been looking to leave the state


Tony says she wasn't a big party girl???!!!
She needed money for a back-up plan?
Marine BF talked to her daily beforehand, she was looking to move to California?

More at 6 PM

Throughout this whole thing, I've felt that Cindy and George did tamper with evidence. I think the fact that the grandparents searched the backyard prior to the police is BIG too.

It also shows that the grandparents initially considered that Caylee might be deceased.
I'm downloading the third pdf file. Anyone know who Ryan Pasley is? Captain Yuri Mellich is interviewing him via phone.
Sadly, if she would have told someone.......she would not have had 31 days to fulfill the second part. I think these papers will wake everyone up to the fact Caylee is no long alive and all the lies (Casey's) in the world are not going to change that.

Releasing these documents at this time is probably a move to counter the defense assertion that Casey gave Caylee to a friend, she's alive, and they're looking for her.
Casey also Told LE that ZG had a boyfriend but she only met him a few times -

But the boyfriend was never around Caylee -

ZG was from NY & also attended U of FLA -
I'm downloading the third pdf file. Anyone know who Ryan Pasley is? Captain Yuri Mellich is interviewing him via phone.

A friend. There was at least one earlier article with a quote by him.

Ryan Pasley, a longtime friend in Jacksonville, said Anthony is likable but tends to exaggerate. For example, she told him she was an event planner at Universal Studios and a student at a community college.

She was neither.

When reports of Caylee's disappearance surfaced last month, he didn't understand what was happening to his friend.

"Casey . . . just . . . I don't know. Something snapped. I guess she just got caught up in her lies," he said. "To some extent, I'm angry. I don't know how I can be lied to for so many years.",0,7879578.story?page=2
I am so glad I have a refrigerator full of leftovers, DH has a meeting and oldest is working. Now if the darn phone would quit ringing....
Set 3 of the documents, inteview with Ricardo Morales.

Casey and Ricardo dated beginning August 2007. She stayed at his house three or four nights a week. Caylee always stayed, too.

Oh, this is some excellent reading! I have so much to say but I can't get it all out coherently yet!
Casey told LE that she has several other friends that Live at Sawgrass ....

In my opinion This explains how she new "A" ZG had looked at an apt on the 17th
Ricardo says in his interview that Casey would try and arrange passes for Universal or concerts but they always "fell through" at the last minute. Another way she kept up her lies....
Set 3 of the documents, inteview with Ricardo Morales.

Casey and Ricardo dated beginning August 2007. She stayed at his house three or four nights a week. Caylee always stayed, too.


I just posted about that on the main thread. Are you as squicked out by that as I am?? :eek::eek::eek:
I always wonder if Casey's statements to the police were somewhat true but that she was making them put together the puzzle: I.E. the specific spelling of Zanny's name- could it be a way to throw off LE? The Sawgrass Apts- had other friends there but just pointed to a diff apartment? Bringing LE to the house of ZG's mother, but was really a senior living facility across from Ricardo's house? .... anyone else going in the same direction?
The Anthony Lazzarro interview was quite enlightening..(court documents released today)

Casey's lied to Tony ALOT-
After 6/2:

1/Caylee was with Nanny at CoCo Beach
2/Caylee was with Nanny at Disney (all weekend, or longer!!)
3/Caylee was not at GDparents and with Nanny over family dispute
4/Casey makes lots of money
5/Casey has 2 bank accounts

When Tony found out Casey stole from Amy, she told him there was reasons why she did this, even though she supposedly had lots of money.

Tony witnessed Casey smoking weed, drinking heavy and without Caylee with the exception of 3 times in 6 weeks.

Quote: Casey was happy with Tony the entire time (from court documents, stated by Tony).

impatientredhead said:
there was a knife of some sort taken out of the car and washed by our favorite cleaner... detective also says the doll, backpack, and other items had the same "distinct smell as the car"

page 34, pdf 2

Can someone who's read this expound?

Cindy washed a KNIFE? A KNIFE found in the smelly car????? Was this before the cops were there also? Any other details?

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