Found Alive OH - A. C., 14, Barberton, 4 Dec 2017

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Too bad we can’t discuss these new posts by RF and SF. I suggest anyone who calls the marshall have them look at the post on RF’s page by SF (who clearly just set up a FB account). I took a screenshot. I’m stepping a little over the line on rules for SM. Sorry.
Too bad we can’t discuss these new posts by RF and SF. I suggest anyone who calls the marshall have them look at the post on RF’s page by SF (who clearly just set up a FB account). I took a screenshot. I’m stepping a little over the line on rules for SM. Sorry.

OMFG....THAT IS A LOT OF VERY DISTURBING INFO. I cannot believe what I just read and it's no wonder the mother is a potential role in this..UGH.
Can't call in right now but number for US Marshals is (866) 492-6833. Make sure you let them know jurisdiction is Northern Ohio and spell out LJ's name.

I just got home and called it in. So please do not send this tip in. Thanks everyone.
OMFG....THAT IS A LOT OF VERY DISTURBING INFO. I cannot believe what I just read and it's no wonder the mother is a potential role in this..UGH.

I am totally confused now, where are you seeing all this? is this in SM?
OMFG....THAT IS A LOT OF VERY DISTURBING INFO. I cannot believe what I just read and it's no wonder the mother is a potential role in this..UGH.

It’s considered rumor here, so we just have to sit on it and see what’s true and what isn’t, if anything. I just hope AC can get the help she needs. ‘Nuf said.
Too bad we can’t discuss these new posts by RF and SF. I suggest anyone who calls the marshall have them look at the post on RF’s page by SF (who clearly just set up a FB account). I took a screenshot. I’m stepping a little over the line on rules for SM. Sorry.

Is SF the one that has "loved" most of LJ's post? And is RF the one that replied on LJ'S post with the threat he got through messenger by another SF?
I am totally confused now, where are you seeing all this? is this in SM?

Yes, SM, but not one we can discuss. I opened a can of worms, but felt the call to the marshal should include it. Subject closed before I’m on time out!
Is SF the one that has "loved" most of LJ's post? And is RF the one that replied on LJ'S post with the threat he got through messenger by another SF?

Don't know answer to your first question. Yes to your second.
Cops don't have the right to just make someone take a pregnancy test...

The only statement of a pregnancy is the mom and aunt, regurgitated by the media.If she was pregnant and shacked up with this guy in a hotel, then who did it. Really now.. LE can get tests including DNA done by many means, with the cooperation of thel legal guardian (mom), so they don't need AC consent as a minor.
In hindsight, maybe. But I imagine LE saw a 14 year old runaway with her 30+ biological family member. She was only 8 weeks pregnant, so it likely wasn't apparent to them. Additionally, she likely presented with no apparent injuries. If the family did not report suspicions of any inappropriate relationship, that would be a jump for LE to make. I think we also need to question whether the family reported how long she had been gone. It's important to remember that, from my recollection, we only have information about the initial disappearance (and LE's response) from AC's mother, who's veracity should be rightfully questioned at this point.

In general, I think we need a lot more information about the November police interaction to know if the ball was dropped by anyone. We don't even have confirmation that CPS wasn't contacted after that interaction and actively involved in the family's life, do we? For all we know, a safety plan was put in place by CPS that restricted contact with JK.

One additional thought I want to add is that, in my experience, sexually abused 14 year olds are old enough and wise enough to know how to conceal the necessary information from authorities, if they do not feel ready or safe to disclose the abuse. Absent a disclosure from the child or an admission from the perp, LE has, at most, red flags. Red flags don't equate to charges or convictions.

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BBM well that didn't work.
IMO if anyone dropped the ball it was the Mom not pressing charges and taking her there that night.We don't have a clear statement of anything only the statements from someone charged with lying, AC is still in danger and those responsible for protecting her aren't doing that,
Is SF the one that has "loved" most of LJ's post? And is RF the one that replied on LJ'S post with the threat he got through messenger by another SF?

No to your first day question (unless posting under a different name). Yes to the second.

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No to your first day question (unless posting under a different name). Yes to the second.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Gotcha! Thanks! The first question was in reference to an SF that "hearts" all of LJ's recent posts.
You don't want to "tip him off" but you post your info here for EVERYONE including LJ to see????? You have time to look at fb posts but you can't make a phone call into the police over your concern about something that you've read, I'm not sure where you work at but if they allow you to check fb I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with YOU calling this into the police?

1. I was on my break when I saw the FB post.
2. I receive calls at my job. I am sorry, but I can't talk to LE and do my job at same time.
Please be a little less judgemental.

I did call it in. Now I am waiting for a call back from LE. If they call. Unless it is a direct sighting of either on of them, it is going to have to wait until morning.
One other thought that came to mind while trying to sort this out, not based on anything but connecting some dots.
IIRC the first time AC and LJ were away LE located them because AC called her mom and LE tracked it to the hotel they were at. Not sure how that convo went but AC was not convinced to return home and LE traced it and got them back. Don't think this will happen this time.
Now mom stated that in the second disappearance she could not call from Strongille that they (AC and LJ) left with her phone. Why and how? AC and LJ took off in the Audi they thought it was a good idea to take the phone, a possible tracking device?
So could AC and mom be communicating via that phone?
Before anyone says that the phone source calls could be located there are ways to spoof IP's if they use VOIP. But regular service could be tracked almost real time with the cooperation of the Owner. They may only use it sparingly and be gone from where they where. And final disclaimer none of these people seem to be the brightest button in the sewing kit. Yes they could swap SIM cards, but them taking the phone sticks out IMO.
IMO I would watch moms cell records.

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