OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in shallow grave, Carlisle, 7 May 2017 #1

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No one tosses their baby who they think is "so pure and beautiful", naked into a dirt pit. They at the least would wrap her in a towel.

Hear, hear! @gitana1

I cringe every time I read this. BSR actually states she removed the baby from a towel before putting her in the pit. It was deliberate. And it sure wasn't about the towel as she threw it away....:(

ETA: delete personal anecdote.
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Guess I'm in the minority here because all I can see is a sick girl and a witch hunt by the state. The state can't show physical evidence of murder and dismally failed with their sensational burning baby ruse along with the postmortem skull fractures used to incite the masses. Add to that, some of the state's witnesses have been less than helpful to the point that they should be unemployed. The defense attorney is doing a good job and I am waiting for him to lay bare the coercion used during those wretched interrogations of Sky. I could go on and on but I realize some people make up their minds and stick to their viewpoint no matter what. BTW I really like Dr. Latham and Attorney Charles H. Rittgers as they are both appear to be very accomplished in their fields. <modsnip>
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I've been hunting this squeezing the baby remark I've heard everyone refer to and finally found it in her answer to her Dad's question. Begins at the 8min 30sec. mark of the YouTube vid after the 1st LE interrogation when she speaks to her parents at the station.

Dad: "was the cord wrapped around its neck or anything?"
Skyler: "no"
Dad: "it just wasn't breathing?"
Skyler: "no"
Mom: "just no cord?"
Skyler: no it, I held it real tightly thats the only thing I can think of.. I didnt kill it"
Deep sigh & Pause from Dad
Skyler: "I'm sorry"
Dad: "how did you get the pills?"
At first I thought she was referring to umbilical cord.
Guess I'm in the minority here because all I can see is a sick girl and a witch hunt by the state. The state can't show physical evidence of murder and dismally failed with their sensational burning baby ruse along with the postmortem skull fractures used to incite the masses. Add to that, some of the state's witnesses have been less than helpful to the point that they should be unemployed. The defense attorney is doing a good job and I am waiting for him to lay bare the coercion used during those wretched interrogations of Sky. I could go on and on but I realize some people make up their minds and stick to their viewpoint no matter what. BTW I really like Dr. Latham and Attorney Charles H. Rittgers as they are both appear to be very accomplished in their fields. That should earn me some boo's from the peanut gallery.

I don't think you're necessarily in the minority. We shall see what evidence there is. And whether these detectives who kept reassuring her and calling her sweetheart "coerced" her into confessing to squeezing her baby too hard and admitting the baby was moving and gurgling prior to that, on the second day of interrogation.

Referring to those of us who have analyzed the facts and come to a different conclusion than you as the "peanut gallery" is offensive. We have some bright minds on here and while many disagree most are capable of logic and polite discussion. The only people I have seen angrily dissecting other's point of view are those who believe there has been a witch hunt. Not those who believe she killed her infant.

I agree she is a sick girl. And while I feel there has to be accountability and consequences for such conduct to deter it in the future, this issue is a complex one. In many ways Skylar was a victim prior to this. And her life indeed has been ruined by this tragedy. One I believe was caused by the actions of her mother and the choices she herself made.

Of course how much "choice" a person actually has in a situation varies depending on how they were raised, who they are and what they've been taught.

This is a complex situation. As most are. Nothing is that black and white.
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Trying to catch up on the trial plus here.. I'm so confused.
So she never wrapped the baby in anything when she buried her?? shiver-
How in the world did she have birth and do this clean up and not a soul in the house heard nothing? I don't know that's just odd to me.
I'm only on Day 2 .
Thanks for all your updates and posts.
Trying to catch up on the trial plus here.. I'm so confused.
So she never wrapped the baby in anything when she buried her?? shiver-
How in the world did she have birth and do this clean up and not a soul in the house heard nothing? I don't know that's just odd to me.
I'm only on Day 2 .
Thanks for all your updates and posts.

No, she did not .

She got rid of the bloody towels, put them in the trash and discarded them far away from her house.
Hear, hear! @gitana1

I cringe every time I read this. BSR actually states she removed the baby from a towel before putting her in the pit. It was deliberate. And it sure wasn't about the towel as she threw it away....:(

(Spent 9 hours on flight with my brother who reminded me that I once buried a bird inside his his new baby shoe. When questioned about the missing shoe, I told my dad he had another pair). BSR must have learned her empathy from Kim. :eek:

Neonaticides are similar in their inability to see their babies as human or as living beings. Some of the research I've seen describes these young women and girls perceiving their babies as the same as defecation. Thus some try to flush it down the toilet. They know they need to conceal the corpse though.

It is a disassociation from the reality of the life they created.
I don't think you're necessarily in the minority. We shall see what evidence there is. And whether these detectives who kept reassuring her and calling her sweetheart "coerced" her into confessing to squeezing her baby too hard and admitting the baby was moving and gurgling prior to that, on the second day of interrogation.

Referring to those of us who have analyzed the facts and come to a different conclusion than you as the "peanut gallery" is offensive. We have some bright minds on here and while many disagree most are capable of logic and polite discussion. The only people I have seen angrily dissecting other's point of view are those who believe there has been a witch hunt. Not those who believe she killed her infant.

I agree she is a sick girl. And while I feel there has to be accountability as consequences for such conduct to deter it in the future, this issue is a complex one. In many ways Skylar was a victim prior to this. And her life indeed has been ruined by this tragedy. One I believe was caused by the actions of her mother and the choices she herself made.

Of course how much "choice" a person actually has in a situation varies depending on how they were raised, who they are and what they've been taught.

This is a complex situation. As most are. Nothing is that black and white.

I used the peanut gallery phrase in jest but guess you took offense, none was meant. Since there are many meanings attached to that phrase I'll assume you are using the most disparaging and that particular one wasn't my intention. Before I posted I knew many would not like my viewpoint but it is what it is. Here's to real justice being served. I realize when one goes to trial they have a "chance" at receiving justice witch hunt or not.
Trying to catch up on the trial plus here.. I'm so confused.
So she never wrapped the baby in anything when she buried her?? shiver-
How in the world did she have birth and do this clean up and not a soul in the house heard nothing? I don't know that's just odd to me.
I'm only on Day 2 .
Thanks for all your updates and posts.

People who have eating disorders have crazy self control and are used to doing things in a stealthy manner.
About 14:54 Skylar says It's my own baby, I would never try to hurt it.
Dad says Unfortunately honey it's happened before and Skylar says I Know.

I took that as they were referring to a generalization that women have killed their own babies. Not specifically that she had previously killed a child. Who knows maybe something had been in the news and had been discussed in their household?
I remember her saying "her" repeatedly as well as "it". I remember finding it odd reading others saying she only said it when I finally watched the videos myself because I didn't find that to be the case at all.

Just catching up here so forgive me if this is widely known -- was the baby shown to be female by her doctors/through US at some earlier point? Otherwise, if her time with the newborn was so brief, and amidst such trauma, when was she concerned enough or able to determine its sex?

Using "her," let alone "Annabelle," just strikes me as odd under the circumstances described. This is a bit of a flyer, but it may be worth noting too that the name Annabelle has some connotations for teenagers post-2014, after that eponymous entry in the Conjurer franchise came out -- a doll, not quite human, with frightening powers. My kids, who are much younger, are actually uncomfortable just hearing that name after enduring all kinds of gory rehearsals of the movie in the school ground (as us oldsters might have been with "Jason" or "Michael Myers" or "Freddie Krueger")

Again, this is not meant to be a detailed theory -- just a few scattered thoughts.
Guess I'm in the minority here because all I can see is a sick girl and a witch hunt by the state. The state can't show physical evidence of murder and dismally failed with their sensational burning baby ruse along with the postmortem skull fractures used to incite the masses. Add to that, some of the state's witnesses have been less than helpful to the point that they should be unemployed. The defense attorney is doing a good job and I am waiting for him to lay bare the coercion used during those wretched interrogations of Sky. I could go on and on but I realize some people make up their minds and stick to their viewpoint no matter what. BTW I really like Dr. Latham and Attorney Charles H. Rittgers as they are both appear to be very accomplished in their fields. That should earn me some boo's from the peanut gallery.

I'm new to this case and don't have all the details. But on first blush I'm going to say I sort of agree with you. Strictly from a parental point of view, I really feel compassion for this girl. It seems to me she is a product of her raising and there is generational dysfunctional parenting going on (Mom). I'd be very curious to know if the Mom's relationship with her son is vastly different than with Skylar?

Legally, I think there needs to be a consequence. I'm just not sure it should have been brought to trial. As a parent, I would have done all in my power to try to initiate a plea deal. As I said, I'm not fully up to speed, just offering some thoughts.

So you have someone sitting in the minority with you Wishbone.
Family dynamics….the 1st interview.

DAD: You should have told us.

SKYLAR: I thought you’d be mad at me.

KIM (MOTHER): and we’re not now?

KIM: Kids get pregnant every day. Pregnancy is not the end of the world.

SKYLAR: I’m so sorry

DAD: What did they tell you?

SKYLAR: I think they want to know if I killed it myself.

KIM: Yah. You’ll go to jail.

SKYLAR: I didn’t though. I know.

SKYLAR: I promised them I didn’t do anything.

DAD: You know. But they don’t know.

KIM: You know, I had the perfect life..

DAD: Who is the father?

KIM: You lied to me about him (Tre). You lied to me about so much. And now you expect me (to go through this?).

SKYLAR: I didn’t lie…

DAD: You did lie…

SKYLAR: Not about…I didn’t hurt her.

DAD: Here’s the thing. What’s done is done. It would have been so much better if you’d told us. They’re over there digging up something we had no idea was there. Your mother didn’t even know you were pregnant.

DAD: Can you imagine the horror of what we just went through, not knowing what was going on?

SKYLAR: Yes. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.

DAD: I know you’re sorry, honey, but lying is….

SKYLAR: I was completely honest with them.

DAD: But you lied to US.

KIM: I could have helped you.

SKYLAR: I know but you would have been so mad at me

DAD: The thing is, we can’t fix this. There isn’t anything we can…

KIM: You’ll go to jail. It’s in the papers. It’s everywhere. The neighbors already called me. And I know she’s telling me that they’re digging up in the back yard. You’re going to be in the news. How do you think (lists family member names) will feel?

SKYLAR: Mom, please support me. I didn’t..

KIM: Skylar, I am supporting you. I’m just saying…

DAD: (father wrestles with why didn’t you tell us) I know you’re sorry. I know you didn’t mean it. But you have to understand this is the worst possible scenario you could possibly have put us in

SKYLAR: I know. I’m sorry. I’ll do anything to fix it.

DAD: You can’t.

SKYLAR: I know

DAD: Do you swear you never looked up anything on the internet about that kind of thing?

SKYLAR: No. I told them everything.

SKYLAR: They’re going to take me to prison.

KIM: Yes, you gave to be prepared for that.

DAD: No. stop. Let’s not go there yet.

SKYLAR: Mommy, I love you.

KIM: Skylar, I love you. (flatly, almost mocking Skylar, imo).

SKYLAR: Can you ever forgive me?

DAD: I think we can forgive you, but you will have to never lie to us again

SKYLAR: I would never have to….

KIM: Skylar, you are not going not going home with us.

DAD: Honey, don’t start that….

KIM: Skylar, I’m telling you, it makes me sick, but you know that bag of popcorn you had, you’ll never finish …

DAD: Honey, please stop

SKYLAR: Moooom

SKYLAR: Do you know how that makes me feel?

KIM: Do you have any idea how WE feel?

SKYLAR: I never would (?) , never hurt a baby (?) by myself…

KIM: I would have helped you. I have told you so many times I’m always going to be here for you if you just tell me. I’ve always told you I love you. How do you think I feel losing MY baby?

SKYLAR: I’m sorry mommy

KIM: I’m losing MY child. And I’ve done everything right.

SKYLAR: You have! You…

DAD: Please stop, you guys. Both. We need to stop this right now. We don’t know what is going to happen yet.

KIM: (Sniffling). it’s really hard for me right now. I’ve lost my (?), I’m stressed about Jackson (sniffs).

Silence. Husband is sitting next to her but doesn’t touch her or comfort her. Skylar’s head stays buried in her hands. Kim rummages through her purse-endlessly and loudly. More silence.

Skylar eventually reaches her hand across the table and says, please hold my hand, mom.

Kim sighs, stretches out one hand, and keeps rummaging through her purse with the other.
Guess I'm in the minority here because all I can see is a sick girl and a witch hunt by the state. The state can't show physical evidence of murder and dismally failed with their sensational burning baby ruse along with the postmortem skull fractures used to incite the masses. Add to that, some of the state's witnesses have been less than helpful to the point that they should be unemployed. The defense attorney is doing a good job and I am waiting for him to lay bare the coercion used during those wretched interrogations of Sky. I could go on and on but I realize some people make up their minds and stick to their viewpoint no matter what. BTW I really like Dr. Latham and Attorney Charles H. Rittgers as they are both appear to be very accomplished in their fields. That should earn me some boo's from the peanut gallery.

I'm in the same minority, then. Unapologetically. ;)
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