OH - Annabelle Richardson, newborn, found in shallow grave, Carlisle, 7 May 2017 #2

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I thought there would be a thread on this one already, but didn't find it. bbm

"[FONT=&amp]18-year-old Brooke “Skylar” Richardson gave birth to a full-term baby in May. Just a few hours later, that infant was killed, burned and buried in Richardson’s backyard, Warren County Prosecutor Dave Fornshell says."[/FONT][FONT=&amp]

"[/FONT][FONT=&amp]The cheerleader from a family “obsessed” with outward appearances was indicted Friday on charges including aggravated murder, involuntary manslaughter and tampering with evidence. The charges come after investigators discovered the charred, decomposing remains of the baby on July 14."[/FONT][FONT=&amp]

"[/FONT][FONT=&amp]“I think the evidence supports that Skylar and her family, particularly her mother, were pretty obsessed with external appearances and how she appeared to the outside world,” Fornshell said when asked about a motive."


How... just how. I will never understand. Rest in peace, little one. I hope all involved in this will face the harshest lawful consequences. Ohio does have the Safe Haven Law... she had options.


[FONT=&amp](photo Warren County Jail).

In this video with her parents this confuses me: 18 min 40 sec. mark:

Dad: You've got us in a really bad bad spot right now, don't even know what to do..I dont know if I should be calling an attorney or somebody to defend you or what there gonna do

Skyler: smy own baby I'd never try and hurt it.
Dad: Unfortunately honey it's happened before.

Skyler: I know.

Dad: And you hid it.. so you know what I'm sayin'?
Skyler: Yea
Dad: You're the only one that can say that
Dad: all the doctor knows is you were pregnant and now your not & you told him you buried a baby.
Skyler: I know that's bad, I was just, I told him I had the baby.....
What is this about?
I wondered the same exact thing that she has lied and hid things before like her eating disorder
I think those are horrible parents. Their feelings and what people would think were the priority. And the mother wanted her child to hurt.
I was shocked that NO ONE asked her what her plan was had the baby come out with healthy lungs and screaming! How would she have covered up or dealt with in the middle of the night??
I don't believe that her parents saying (after the fact) in the middle of a police station that they would have supported her means that she believed, when considering her options in April/May, that they would support her.

And that's assuming she considered any options at all and wasn't in deep denial, just hoping that whatever was happening would go away.

(This is not to say she couldn't have caused the baby's death, but I do think her state of mind was different than some others do).

Well, it's true, I think, that this is a situation that nobody expects. Of course the wayward daughter thinks "my parents will kill me". Of course the wayward daughter thinks "they will never support me and the baby". The wayward daughter may not be smart or experienced enough to know that there's a big lacuna between, say, threatening someone about what will happen theoretically if they ever get pregnant out of wedlock; and saying "Yeah, sure, we'd completely condone your killing the issue of such a pregnancy and burying it in the backyard, in preference to having the neighbors know about it. Much better outcome."

The question is, did Skylar believe that her mother would kill her; or at least, that the heavens would open up and rain down so much maternal misery upon her, that she would wish she was dead in preference to being its subject?
Just casting my vote (so to speak!) about what her dad meant when he said "unfortunately, this has happened before": I think he was talking about neonaticide in general. She was trying to make the point that she couldn't possibly have hurt the baby because it was her own, and I think he was (fairly gently) dismissing this as a good enough explanation because of course other women and girls have hurt or killed their newborns.

I agree that his comment COULD be interpreted as a reference to BSR having a general history of lying, or even of having a prior abortion, but my opinion is he wasn't talking about either of those things here.
Just casting my vote (so to speak!) about what her dad meant when he said "unfortunately, this has happened before": I think he was talking about neonaticide in general. She was trying to make the point that she couldn't possibly have hurt the baby because it was her own, and I think he was (fairly gently) dismissing this as a good enough explanation because of course other women and girls have hurt or killed their newborns.

I agree that his comment COULD be interpreted as a reference to BSR having a general history of lying, or even of having a prior abortion, but my opinion is he wasn't talking about either of those things here.
of course that makes sense
I see a young lady who was more afraid of her mother than murder investigators. I empathize with that bc I was in foster care bc of an evil patronizing mum. I also fell pregnant at 19 with no support and I didn’t hide it or whatever else happened to Annabelle.
I can say I hate her mother and I feel like her father is beat down by her too. The “bag of popcorn” quote makes no sense to me, nor does her reaction. Why was everyone so troubled by a half eaten bag of popped corn?
I wonder if she’s possibly had an abortion before and that’s what dad is referring to.

I really don't think so because mom certainly would have marched BSR to the Hilltop Clinic for the bc script long before April 26, 2017. (Kim took her to the April appointment and was in the waiting room when BSR found out she was pregnant).

I believe dad was referring to other neonaticide cases featured in the news.
I wonder if she’s possibly had an abortion before and that’s what dad is referring to.

I thought he meant that other girls who have hidden or lived in denial about pregnancies have killed their babies. He also could have been focusing on her lying about the pregnancy and giving birth. If she had been pregnant before and had an abortion, why wouldn't she do that again? Also if her parents knew than there wouldn't be a reason to be ashamed.
Just casting my vote (so to speak!) about what her dad meant when he said "unfortunately, this has happened before": I think he was talking about neonaticide in general. She was trying to make the point that she couldn't possibly have hurt the baby because it was her own, and I think he was (fairly gently) dismissing this as a good enough explanation because of course other women and girls have hurt or killed their newborns.

I agree that his comment COULD be interpreted as a reference to BSR having a general history of lying, or even of having a prior abortion, but my opinion is he wasn't talking about either of those things here.

He seemed shocked that she managed to give birth while everyone was asleep in the house and bury the infant. I thought that is what he meant by her lying.
Hear, hear! @gitana1

I cringe every time I read this. BSR actually states she removed the baby from a towel before putting her in the pit. It was deliberate. And it sure wasn't about the towel as she threw it away....:(

ETA: delete personal anecdote.

I thought she was using the towel to absorb the blood coming out of her own body too. Her mom seems like the type that would notice if all her good towels were missing when she woke up. I think Skylar mentioned using about 3 for the whole process, including cleaning.
I think her mum knew but not dad . Strange dynamic from the 3 of them . Seemed no real interaction , mum had her own agenda , Skylar had hers and dad seemed to be the only one focusing on her LE interview and her breaking the law . Although his later concentrated focus on BC pills looked like he was trying to bat the blame from his family onto doctor .
As a mum of a 21 yr old daughter, in similar circumstances there would be physical contact between DD me and dad . We would be huddled together , comforting and reassuring . I certainly wouldn't be worried about the neigbours .
Not once did they ask how her health was I find that concerning .

I wouldn't let my kid talk to police without an attorney. If he wasn't able to speak to her before the first interview and say "Ask or a Lawyer", the dad should have hired one on her behalf. Weirdly that interview/interrogation made me feel sorry for Skylar. She seemed to want to please everyone, the cop, her parents particularly her mom. The female officer hugged her at one point and said you need to get counseling or something to that effect. I thought she hesitated and was about to say lawyer but caught herself.
I see a young lady who was more afraid of her mother than murder investigators. I empathize with that bc I was in foster care bc of an evil patronizing mum. I also fell pregnant at 19 with no support and I didn’t hide it or whatever else happened to Annabelle.
I can say I hate her mother and I feel like her father is beat down by her too. The “bag of popcorn” quote makes no sense to me, nor does her reaction. Why was everyone so troubled by a half eaten bag of popped corn?

Maybe her foods were controlled, or used as a reward and taken it away as a punishment? To me, it sounds like there were snacks, (popcorn, potato chips at home), things that she liked but only permitted to have when she was “good”?

The parents were telling her now you’ll not be able to have any because you’re not coming home with us because you’re going to jail.


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I see this happen a lot where someone has posted what appears to be a quote or something from an article or transcript and doesn't supply the link. I would like to look at the link to see what else is in the article. tia
I can't remember where I got this info but IIRC when LE first went to the Richardson home and first talked to BSR's father... LE told him they wanted to talk to her about "possibly being a witness to something". I don't think parents were told the details until after they arrived at the police station and BSR was already in a room speaking to detectives. Sooo... I think Dad didn't initially realize he might need to call an attorney for her.
We all bring our own history to how we view these cases. Eating disorders have popped up in several lines of my husbands family...always starting in late adolescence...as many mental disorders do. It almost seems genetic since the family structures are not similar.

I’d like to offer a different perspective.

My sister-in-law was her families youngest and the favorite, no doubt...she even mischievously admits to that. Her Mother and Father thought she walked on water. Her issues caused her periods to stop, caused hair loss...and terrified all who loved her. The “cause” seemed to be bullying at school...though she was never really overweight, pretty and smart. My in-laws even moved for her sake...but through different schools and college, the disorder still continued, despite medical intervention. Eventually, she adopted extreme exercise and began eating somewhat healthier.

Two other cousins have followed in the same track. In one family, the laidback parents produced a daughter, not just pretty but beautiful, not just smart but brilliant. Things came very easy for this girl. As she got older, she seemed to impose on herself the need to always be THE BEST...if anything the parents tried to reassure her she was wonderful just as she was. This one honestly was driven by something in herself.
She is an MD today having gone through some of the most prestigious programs. She still comes to family dinners but doesn’t eat...and exercises also to extremes.

These parents became “watchers”...”controllers” but after the fact. Living with someone with this disorder produces its own side effects on others in the family. Watching someone destroy their health daily, dealing with constant lies and deception...is a hell of its own.

Yes, sometimes, controlling families cause this...but in some cases, the control comes AFTER. “Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?” Is there an emphasis on weight...how can there not be...when food is part of the “medicine.” Do we hound love ones to take their medicine when they refuse to? I watched this in this family...for those who live it...I have compassion for their heartbreak and frustration. Ask yourself, what would you do?

How do you “monitor” eating and purging without it being “control?”

In some cases, the child with the eating disorder realizes it is a weapon to control the family. They punish by refusing to eat or starting to purge, if denied their own way. I saw this in two of these families. Refusing to eat becomes a teenage power trip. “Why aren’t you eating?” “Because you won’t buy me the designer purse my friends have! I’m too upset.”

Maybe that’s why I see manipulation and react with dislike and disgust. Thank God I was spared the nightmare of this disorder on a child!

The Mother “sins” whether true or not, are being used in the trial by the prosecution as George Anthony’s “sins” were used in Casey’s trial to provide a narrative.

I will be very interested in her testimony.
Okay guys the videos I've been quoting come from YouTube. Now I am afraid I have made a mistake and possibly quoted something that was not allowed in court. I always use Lady Justice on YouTube. I know on Maleahs case I saw YouTube was allowed but there was some concern as to were we allowing all of YouTube. can someone tell me if I have crossed a line here or if the entire video is available on another MSM source. Ido remember there was some blow back about that in the other case I need a mod to tell me if this is allowed
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