OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 Apr 2006 #5

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Respectfully SBM. IMO when Brian found out they were parked on the 1st floor of the parking garage, he decided not to walk them out because that was where Clint & Meredith were parked as well. I believe for whatever reason, Brian wanted to avoid running into them. That’s why he didn’t walk the girls out, that’s why he shut his phone off after Brightan put her number in, and that’s why he took an alternate exit as Clint & Meredith headed out of the bar. MOO

Hm, interesting. That could be the case. Do you have any ideas why Brian would want to avoid them? e.g. a falling out occurred that night, maybe Clint saw the flirting and said he'd tell Brian's girlfriend? I recall Clint making a comment about how Brian was "doing his usual thing" in reference to him talking to Amber and Brighton, quite an odd statement that hints toward infidelity... or perhaps it's just the way guys talk :p
The compassion that drives a search for people who are missing | Editorial
Sep 8, 2021
''..Clearly, Dart realized, people go missing more often than most of us might imagine, and not necessarily because there has been foul play. And sometimes, even after decades, they can be found.

“It is stunning,” Dart told us on Wednesday. “At a time when we have cell phones that track us, and Facebook and computer data and license plate readers, the idea that somebody could be missing defies logic for most people. But it’s actually not that hard for people to fall off the grid.”

''Finding a missing person

How do you find a missing person when the trail has grown cold with the years? Dart said it’s largely a matter of picking up where local police departments, strapped for resources and having done their best for a time, left off. Old witnesses are reinterviewed. Maybe they’ll feel freer to talk now. New, potential witnesses are approached.

There are also new ways of tracking down people through DNA evidence, of course, which Dart says his office will pursue.

So often, Dart said, a rift in a family becomes permanent when neither side really wants it that way. He recalled a case of a young man who had gotten into a row with his father and stormed out of the house. After having no contact with his family for years, the man finally called a sibling to let everybody know he was alive. He explained, “I thought you wouldn’t want to see me again.”

To which the sibling replied: “Dad’s last wish was to see you before he died.”
Respectfully SBM. IMO when Brian found out they were parked on the 1st floor of the parking garage, he decided not to walk them out because that was where Clint & Meredith were parked as well. I believe for whatever reason, Brian wanted to avoid running into them. That’s why he didn’t walk the girls out, that’s why he shut his phone off after Brightan put her number in, and that’s why he took an alternate exit as Clint & Meredith headed out of the bar. MOO

Brightan lived on W. 10th Ave at the time which is right across the street from the UTS. There was a sighting of Brian a couple days after a homeless man spotted him walking down an alley (N Pearl St.) behind United Dairy. (corner of N High and E.12th Ave) Amber lived on E. 15th Ave at the time. The distance from where Brian was seen to Amber's place is the same distance from the UTS to Brian's apt. .6 miles. Someone that Brian called that day also lived directly across the street from United Dairy (E. 12th) but I haven't been able to confirm if this guy lived there at that time. Brian's phone also pinged not far from there a couple days after he went missing by the Campus. This ping I just can't understand unless Brian was roaming around for a few days after he went missing.

I checked and the ping was near the corner of Kinnear and Kenny. There looks to be a cell tower behind some storage units and if I remember correctly that is the tower it pinged from. I'll throw in a disclaimer also that I don't believe that Brightan or Amber know what happened to Brian. There are so many coincidences and rabbit holes in the case that it can drive a person crazy after a while.
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I've been digging into this again against my better judgement mainly because I end up going down a rabbit hole usually more than once. I have literally hundreds of hours into this case but I don't claim to be an expert on the subject of Brian Shaffer. The other day I went over Brian's phone bill again for as many times that I have done that I actually found a few new pieces of info. I'm not kidding myself that it will lead to anything or the I have found anything the that police don't know which is doubtful at best. I'll share as much as I can. I really wish that the police at this point would be more transparent. Everyone needs to throw the info out there so we can find out what happened to Brian before it gets to the point that if by chance someone killed him they would end up not being alive themselves.

I had the chance to speak to Det. Hurst a while back. I want to say up front that I am not privy to secret info just because I talked to him. He is not going to tell anyone things that he's not allowed to. What it did do was to dispel some of the common myths and give me a better understanding of the timeline. I'm of the believe that Brian made it out of the building. The police meaning everyone on the case to my understanding think the same. Anyone else who has a different opinion is welcome to it. A lot of what I write is just my opinion. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I couldn't care less about differing opinions.

If you watch the video of Brian outside the Tuna we will see that he walks off camera at 1:55 am and 40 sec. From the interview that Brightan gave she excused herself to the bathroom. I have been to the Tuna and when you walk into the bar you make a right and go down to the second to the last door to the women's restroom. The last door is or was the fire escape door which on that night was open as people would go into that hallway to smoke. We can't know exactly when although the police do when Brightan and Amber left and maybe someone here knows the exact time, but I would make a guess that Brightan was gone for roughly 3 minutes. That's from the time she walked away till the time she got back. From what I remember Brightan said that she didn't look back to see where Brian went as she went down the escalator.

When I was at the Tuna I immediately took notice that as I sat at the bar (literally no one but me and a friend was there), that I could see directly out to where Brian would have been standing. The first thing I thought was I'll bet Brian saw Clint and Meredith coming and went out the back way. It's sad because if Clint would have come out just one minute sooner maybe this wouldn't have happened. Many people think that Brian took off because him and Clint got into an argument and I think that could be true but I also think Brian had other plans that he may or may not wanted Clint to know.

There is much controversy about Brian's phone being shut off or that he fell in a hole and his phone quit working. The simple explanation is that once Brian got into the elevator and down into the construction site he lost signal momentarily .This makes sense since his phone pinged a tower at 2:11 am. I know from experience that I will lose my signal at my local convenience store as I walk towards the back even if I am against the side wall. Makes no sense to me but that's what happens.

I will post some pics from E-News that show what the construction site looked like. Unfortunately this was filmed not on a VCR but someone using a camera videoing their TV screen. So you will see a reflection above of someone filming it. As you can see in the photos there was an outer parameter which is common during construction for the workers to walk. Since Brian was not spotted on camera going out the side door facing the garage he would have went right which is exactly what the film crew is filming, there's a clue for you. According to Hurst the construction doors (see photo) were chained together and there was enough room for as Hurst put it, that he himself could have easily slipped through them. I believe that once Brian got out of there as he walked to where he was going his phone reconnected to a tower.

Brian made several phone calls that night to a few different guys. These guys all knew each other and they hung out together a lot. I don't know if Brian saw any of these guys before he got to the Tuna but I do know that they were at the Tuna on Brian's second go around. The odd thing is you never hear about these guys. I'm not sure if Brian was part of the group so to speak. He did have all their numbers. Brian did not as far as I know have a FB page but he did have a Myspace and none of them are on it unless they happen to unfriend him which I don't think they would do as it would seem suspicious IMO.

Going over his phone bill there was one number that I always had trouble identifying until today. The surprising thing to me is that this number a landline number is associated with an apt that is very close to Lane and Kenny. I was also able to find out who this number belonged to. I found this to be one of the biggest pieces of info because it shows in my opinion that Brian or at least his phone was likely to be at this apt when his phone pinged off the tower near Lane and Kenny. This is where people need to stop and think of this case as if it is someone else and not the big mysterious Brian vanished into thin air. This person (Brian) once exiting the bar met with someone and this someone either was with Brian or had his phone. If this was a missing woman and her phone pinged very near he boyfriend's house I don't think there would be much disagreement as to what happened. From here it gets more complicated or so it seems. I'm going to try and see what I can find as far as a Hilliard connection. I actually have seen some possible Hilliard connections but I haven't had a chance to dig into them yet. The trouble is this was so many years ago it's like a puzzle and you have to try and fit the timeline together from 2006.


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....I'm of the believe that Brian made it out of the building....The police meaning everyone on the case to my understanding think the same....
Nice post. Appreciate your doggedness. If it is true as you say that 100% of the investigators believed Brian exited the complex that morning, that might go a long way toward explaining why investigators made absolutely zero progress toward ever solving this case. Had at least one investigator held a contrary view, perhaps the case might have been investigated differently, might even have quickly been solved. They, or at least Hurst, thought that Brian may have been in the construction area that morn. They acknowledge it was 'completely dug up'. They all thought he made it out. Maybe he never did. Maybe they were all wrong on that point. Maybe that is why theirs was a failed investigation. Maybe. Maybe not.
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Nice post. Appreciate your doggedness. If it is true as you say that 100% of the investigators believed Brian exited the complex that morning, that might go a long way toward explaining why investigators made absolutely zero progress toward ever solving this case. Had at least one investigator held a contrary view, perhaps the case might have been investigated differently, might even have quickly been solved. They, or at least Hurst, thought that Brian may have been in the construction area that morn. They acknowledge it was 'completely dug up'. They all thought he made it out. Maybe he never did. Maybe they were all wrong on that point. Maybe that is why theirs was a failed investigation. Maybe. Maybe not.

Thanks. I think you may have misunderstood in part when I said they believe he got out of the building. I should have added this was after a thorough search had been done. They or at least Hurst didn’t assume he exited the building until as he put it they searched from the roof to the basement. If I recall correctly he mentioned having employees take them around to certain areas. But yeah lots of maybes and wth’s too. Lol
I've been digging into this again against my better judgement mainly because I end up going down a rabbit hole usually more than once. I have literally hundreds of hours into this case but I don't claim to be an expert on the subject of Brian Shaffer. The other day I went over Brian's phone bill again for as many times that I have done that I actually found a few new pieces of info. I'm not kidding myself that it will lead to anything or the I have found anything the that police don't know which is doubtful at best. I'll share as much as I can. I really wish that the police at this point would be more transparent. Everyone needs to throw the info out there so we can find out what happened to Brian before it gets to the point that if by chance someone killed him they would end up not being alive themselves.

I had the chance to speak to Det. Hurst a while back. I want to say up front that I am not privy to secret info just because I talked to him. He is not going to tell anyone things that he's not allowed to. What it did do was to dispel some of the common myths and give me a better understanding of the timeline. I'm of the believe that Brian made it out of the building. The police meaning everyone on the case to my understanding think the same. Anyone else who has a different opinion is welcome to it. A lot of what I write is just my opinion. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything I couldn't care less about differing opinions.

If you watch the video of Brian outside the Tuna we will see that he walks off camera at 1:55 am and 40 sec. From the interview that Brightan gave she excused herself to the bathroom. I have been to the Tuna and when you walk into the bar you make a right and go down to the second to the last door to the women's restroom. The last door is or was the fire escape door which on that night was open as people would go into that hallway to smoke. We can't know exactly when although the police do when Brightan and Amber left and maybe someone here knows the exact time, but I would make a guess that Brightan was gone for roughly 3 minutes. That's from the time she walked away till the time she got back. From what I remember Brightan said that she didn't look back to see where Brian went as she went down the escalator.

When I was at the Tuna I immediately took notice that as I sat at the bar (literally no one but me and a friend was there), that I could see directly out to where Brian would have been standing. The first thing I thought was I'll bet Brian saw Clint and Meredith coming and went out the back way. It's sad because if Clint would have come out just one minute sooner maybe this wouldn't have happened. Many people think that Brian took off because him and Clint got into an argument and I think that could be true but I also think Brian had other plans that he may or may not wanted Clint to know.

There is much controversy about Brian's phone being shut off or that he fell in a hole and his phone quit working. The simple explanation is that once Brian got into the elevator and down into the construction site he lost signal momentarily .This makes sense since his phone pinged a tower at 2:11 am. I know from experience that I will lose my signal at my local convenience store as I walk towards the back even if I am against the side wall. Makes no sense to me but that's what happens.

I will post some pics from E-News that show what the construction site looked like. Unfortunately this was filmed not on a VCR but someone using a camera videoing their TV screen. So you will see a reflection above of someone filming it. As you can see in the photos there was an outer parameter which is common during construction for the workers to walk. Since Brian was not spotted on camera going out the side door facing the garage he would have went right which is exactly what the film crew is filming, there's a clue for you. According to Hurst the construction doors (see photo) were chained together and there was enough room for as Hurst put it, that he himself could have easily slipped through them. I believe that once Brian got out of there as he walked to where he was going his phone reconnected to a tower.

Brian made several phone calls that night to a few different guys. These guys all knew each other and they hung out together a lot. I don't know if Brian saw any of these guys before he got to the Tuna but I do know that they were at the Tuna on Brian's second go around. The odd thing is you never hear about these guys. I'm not sure if Brian was part of the group so to speak. He did have all their numbers. Brian did not as far as I know have a FB page but he did have a Myspace and none of them are on it unless they happen to unfriend him which I don't think they would do as it would seem suspicious IMO.

Going over his phone bill there was one number that I always had trouble identifying until today. The surprising thing to me is that this number a landline number is associated with an apt that is very close to Lane and Kenny. I was also able to find out who this number belonged to. I found this to be one of the biggest pieces of info because it shows in my opinion that Brian or at least his phone was likely to be at this apt when his phone pinged off the tower near Lane and Kenny. This is where people need to stop and think of this case as if it is someone else and not the big mysterious Brian vanished into thin air. This person (Brian) once exiting the bar met with someone and this someone either was with Brian or had his phone. If this was a missing woman and her phone pinged very near he boyfriend's house I don't think there would be much disagreement as to what happened. From here it gets more complicated or so it seems. I'm going to try and see what I can find as far as a Hilliard connection. I actually have seen some possible Hilliard connections but I haven't had a chance to dig into them yet. The trouble is this was so many years ago it's like a puzzle and you have to try and fit the timeline together from 2006.

I know enough about this case to know what you are saying is correct. Are you able to say who the landline belonged to near the Lane Ave/Kenny Rd tower?
Many people think that Brian took off because him and Clint got into an argument and I think that could be true but I also think Brian had other plans

the video at 1.55 , if you stare yourself blind on Brian you happen to miss that lady that arrives at that hour, not even riding but walking up the escalators and clearly avoiding turning right but heading straight ahead against that faux wall. I didn’t even notice this until a few months ago. But Brian is aware of this lady going that way, as is the cop, both seem to ”check her out”. Maybe when A & B left, Brian being in this vague flirtatious mode, wanted to catch up and find out this lady’s destination, meaning if she exited towards the back that is.
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the video at 1.55 , if you stare yourself blind on Brian you happen to miss that lady that arrives at that hour, not even riding but walking up the escalators and clearly avoiding turning right but heading straight ahead against that faux wall. I didn’t even notice this until a few months ago. But Brian is aware of this lady going that way, as is the cop, both seem to ”check her out”. Maybe when A & B left, Brian being in this vague flirtatious mode, wanted to catch up and find out this lady’s destination, meaning if she exited towards the back that is.
Watched that clip dozens of times, and never noticed what you observed. But just watched again, and you are right!
the video at 1.55 , if you stare yourself blind on Brian you happen to miss that lady that arrives at that hour, not even riding but walking up the escalators and clearly avoiding turning right but heading straight ahead against that faux wall. I didn’t even notice this until a few months ago. But Brian is aware of this lady going that way, as is the cop, both seem to ”check her out”. Maybe when A & B left, Brian being in this vague flirtatious mode, wanted to catch up and find out this lady’s destination, meaning if she exited towards the back that is.

I wondered that also as she does seem to go towards Brian with purpose. I did ask about her and was told she's not involved.
Brightan lived on W. 10th Ave at the time which is right across the street from the UTS. There was a sighting of Brian a couple days after a homeless man spotted him walking down an alley (N Pearl St.) behind United Dairy. (corner of N High and E.12th Ave) Amber lived on E. 15th Ave at the time. The distance from where Brian was seen to Amber's place is the same distance from the UTS to Brian's apt. .6 miles. Someone that Brian called that day also lived directly across the street from United Dairy (E. 12th) but I haven't been able to confirm if this guy lived there at that time. Brian's phone also pinged not far from there a couple days after he went missing by the Campus. This ping I just can't understand unless Brian was roaming around for a few days after he went missing.

I checked and the ping was near the corner of Kinnear and Kenny. There looks to be a cell tower behind some storage units and if I remember correctly that is the tower it pinged from. I'll throw in a disclaimer also that I don't believe that Brightan or Amber know what happened to Brian. There are so many coincidences and rabbit holes in the case that it can drive a person crazy after a while.

Lane and Kenny not Kinnear. Sorry bout that.
I wondered that also as she does seem to go towards Brian with purpose. I did ask about her and was told she's not involved.
Goes without saying, but late hour revelations aren’t prob headline news for all the indoctrinated. Still, there are prob more reasons than we can figure out as to why he might have left that way. Might be a combination of things pushing him to head out that way too or one straight up easy answer.

Also do you know, I’m almost positive I finally caught Hurst saying the bar exit door were shut upon exiting to the foyer as they where ushering people out and the place was closin?
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Goes without saying, but late hour revelations aren’t prob headline news for all the indoctrinated. Still, there are prob more reasons than we can figure out as to why he might have left that way. Might be a combination of things pushing him to head out that way too or one straight up easy answer.

Also do you know, I’m almost positive I finally caught Hurst saying the bar exit door were shut upon exiting to the foyer as they where ushering people out and the place was closin?

I'm of the opinion Brian had plans. Possibly to go to someone's house to continue the party. All those guys lived very near the UT and the fact his phone pinged very near one of them makes me believe that even more. I'm not sure what you mean about the doors closing. The UT closed at 2:30 so we know that Brian Clint and Meredith were gone at 2.
I'm of the opinion Brian had plans. Possibly to go to someone's house to continue the party. All those guys lived very near the UT and the fact his phone pinged very near one of them makes me believe that even more. I'm not sure what you mean about the doors closing. The UT closed at 2:30 so we know that Brian Clint and Meredith were gone at 2.
I thought that there was supposed to be an after party at Brian’s apt. But that could have just been a rumor- I am looking for where I read that.
Any more misinformation that you found that needs to be cleared up? Also thanks for doing all that work and letting us know what you have found.
I thought that there was supposed to be an after party at Brian’s apt. But that could have just been a rumor- I am looking for where I read that.
Any more misinformation that you found that needs to be cleared up? Also thanks for doing all that work and letting us know what you have found.

My understanding is that the party was actually supposed to be the next night (Saturday). This is according to Brian's friend Matt, who spoke with Brian and made these plans.
Brightan lived on W. 10th Ave at the time which is right across the street from the UTS. There was a sighting of Brian a couple days after a homeless man spotted him walking down an alley (N Pearl St.) behind United Dairy. (corner of N High and E.12th Ave) Amber lived on E. 15th Ave at the time. The distance from where Brian was seen to Amber's place is the same distance from the UTS to Brian's apt. .6 miles. Someone that Brian called that day also lived directly across the street from United Dairy (E. 12th) but I haven't been able to confirm if this guy lived there at that time. Brian's phone also pinged not far from there a couple days after he went missing by the Campus. This ping I just can't understand unless Brian was roaming around for a few days after he went missing.

I checked and the ping was near the corner of Kinnear and Kenny. There looks to be a cell tower behind some storage units and if I remember correctly that is the tower it pinged from. I'll throw in a disclaimer also that I don't believe that Brightan or Amber know what happened to Brian. There are so many coincidences and rabbit holes in the case that it can drive a person crazy after a while.

Great post.

I listened to a podcast (maybe Unfound?) and a woman on the podcast talked about that picture with the 4 dudes wear sunglasses. She tracked down the guys by phone number and one (or more) of them were in that picture. Apparently one of the men on Facebook was very cooperative with her until she asked if one of the men in the picture was Brian.

It really sounds like these men know something. Not saying they did anything to Brian but one would have to imagine they are an important piece since Brian called them. One would also assume LE already spoke with them? Seems too easy to miss that considering he called them.
Great post.

I listened to a podcast (maybe Unfound?) and a woman on the podcast talked about that picture with the 4 dudes wear sunglasses. She tracked down the guys by phone number and one (or more) of them were in that picture. Apparently one of the men on Facebook was very cooperative with her until she asked if one of the men in the picture was Brian.

It really sounds like these men know something. Not saying they did anything to Brian but one would have to imagine they are an important piece since Brian called them. One would also assume LE already spoke with them? Seems too easy to miss that considering he called them.

I have identified the man in the photo and he is not Brian.
I personally don’t believe Brian took off.

But I do think it’s very interesting that one of the people he spoke to, the day of his disappearance at that, lives (or lived) very close to where he was last seen. I didn’t know this.

I believe that IF he did in fact run away, then he must have had help from someone, as in housing him. I don’t see how he could be just wandering the streets while the CPD used an extraordinary amount of resources (as per Hurst) to locate him. Only for this guy to just be wandering around, broad daylight, in plain view.

The amount of coincidences and questions about this case are insane. Just a few, off the top of my head..

Is it a coincidence that someone he called that day lived (or lives) very close to the last known location he was at?

Is it a coincidence, that the one guy allegedly not seen leaving the bar, is the same guy still missing almost 16 years later?

is it a coincidence that he became unreachable almost immediately after he was last seen on CCTV?

Is it a coincidence, that he did not turn in the cheque for next semester’s tuition?

Is it a coincidence that he talked to his girlfriend about moving on, running away and then he seemingly vanishes?

is it a coincidence that his phone “rang” all those months later?

Is it a coincidence that it was the 2nd time going to the UTS that night?

Why is the main focus surrounding Clint and that he must know where Brian is and what happened to him? When it is now known that Brian was with other people that night.

Based on the sounds of their friendship, it does not sound like Brian and Clint were these inseparable friends, yet it is assumed by many that Clint is just walking around all these years later, strongly holding onto this secret that he knows Brian ran away and he’s committed, by any means necessary, to harbour this secret? For what? If he knew Brian probably took off, why not just say “Yeah, he talked about it but he never mentioned where”

I could keep going.
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