OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #1

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I saw the episode when it aired, but I do not believe it really gave any pertinent info/evidence that concluded what happened to Brian. It might have helped if they didn't disguise the names of the people the "psychic kids" thought were involved. I know some people find it strange that his friend Clint wouldn't take a polygraph exam and lawyered up. If he were involved with Brian's disappearance what would have been his motive? I can't remember but did the surveilence video show Clint leaving the club?
Gaia, I don't mind at all! Here is the link to the show.
You can click on Psychic kids: Brian Shaffer to the right and the video will play.

These are extremely powerful quotes (in blue) from the video.

Psychic Kids from the video are: Nicole, Veronica and Travis.

Nicole stated: "It wasn't suppose to be as bad as it happened."

Veronica stated: "Me and Travis, we both picked up that he was injured more than once".

Thank you pcoor. I just checked this thread.

Thank you Arielilane for posting the video- I have beeen lurking this whole time, with not much to add until now-

Why all the specualtion with Clint? Is it only because they were lst seen together or did they get along, or were they friends who had normal tiffs from time to time and then make up? Had they ever been known to fight over a woman? I apologize if these things have been covered, but I couldnt recall seeing them. :crazy:

Has LE said WHY they havent questioned the friends at the time? Anyone related to LE? Do you think he may be part of the college kids who have been killed/aka: smiley face murders (I know there is a thread, no need for detailed answer, just opinion please). This young man could NOT have vanished into thin air!!! SORRY, NOT POSSIBLE!!!!

Sorry, just some random thoughts that y'all would be sure to know- Great job sleuthing to all- He was/is a lovely young man- I pray for him nightly . God bless his family and friends. This must be very hard for you. Your courage is admired. :blowkiss:
One article mentioned that when you left the bar, if you went in one direction, you would hit a very bad neighborhood. That, to me, seems like the obvious answer.

I was in Columbus OH last week for a conference, and my hotel was in a "nice" area. However, a block in any direction was asking for trouble. We're talking burned out cars on front lawns! I didn't see any pictures of Brian while I was there, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right places.
So sad that he still hasn't come home. :(
I was in Columbus OH last week for a conference, and my hotel was in a "nice" area. However, a block in any direction was asking for trouble. We're talking burned out cars on front lawns! I didn't see any pictures of Brian while I was there, but maybe I wasn't looking in the right places.
So sad that he still hasn't come home. :(
I was there recently myself and no pictures were posted! It bothered me. More concerned with OSU football... I guess? Thank you for pointing that out, SoccerMom.
Thank you Arielilane for posting the video- I have beeen lurking this whole time, with not much to add until now-

Why all the specualtion with Clint? Is it only because they were lst seen together or did they get along, or were they friends who had normal tiffs from time to time and then make up? Had they ever been known to fight over a woman? I apologize if these things have been covered, but I couldnt recall seeing them. :crazy:

Has LE said WHY they havent questioned the friends at the time? Anyone related to LE? Do you think he may be part of the college kids who have been killed/aka: smiley face murders (I know there is a thread, no need for detailed answer, just opinion please). This young man could NOT have vanished into thin air!!! SORRY, NOT POSSIBLE!!!!

Sorry, just some random thoughts that y'all would be sure to know- Great job sleuthing to all- He was/is a lovely young man- I pray for him nightly . God bless his family and friends. This must be very hard for you. Your courage is admired. :blowkiss:
You're welcome, Chicogirl. You ask some good questions and I am sorry to say I don't know the answers...Anyone?

Just my opinion...I do not think he was killed because of the "smiley face killlers".
Thank you Arielilane for posting the video- I have beeen lurking this whole time, with not much to add until now-

Why all the specualtion with Clint? Is it only because they were lst seen together or did they get along, or were they friends who had normal tiffs from time to time and then make up? Had they ever been known to fight over a woman? I apologize if these things have been covered, but I couldnt recall seeing them. :crazy:

Has LE said WHY they havent questioned the friends at the time? Anyone related to LE? Do you think he may be part of the college kids who have been killed/aka: smiley face murders (I know there is a thread, no need for detailed answer, just opinion please). This young man could NOT have vanished into thin air!!! SORRY, NOT POSSIBLE!!!!

Sorry, just some random thoughts that y'all would be sure to know- Great job sleuthing to all- He was/is a lovely young man- I pray for him nightly . God bless his family and friends. This must be very hard for you. Your courage is admired. :blowkiss:

Clint and Meredith were questioned afterwards - I think much of the speculation comes from Clint's refusal to take a polygraph test and hiring a lawyer. Meredith took and passed a polygraph test. (Just for link's sake: http://www.10tv.com/live/contentbe/EPIC_shim.php?story=10tv/content/pool/200605/453455530.html this old article has the info).

Maybe it's naive of me but I honestly don't suspect Clint of being anything more than just a guy who is suspicious of polygraphs. I truly don't think he had anything to do with Brian's disappearance, but don't have anything more than my own opinion and feelings to base that on.

I think that's the thing that vexes me most about this case and why it haunts me more than any other - that there is absolutely nothing to go on but my own opinion. And I am more than willing to admit that my opinion is probably colored by what I want the outcome to be - I want to believe that Brian is out there somewhere living a happy life and planning how he is going to reconnect with his loved ones, and if I admit that there is hinky behavior surrounding his disappearance, then I have to admit that he's not out there sunning on a beach in Mexico like I hope.

I think that's a sign that I have to find a new hobby. :rolleyes:
Clint and Meredith were questioned afterwards - I think much of the speculation comes from Clint's refusal to take a polygraph test and hiring a lawyer. Meredith took and passed a polygraph test. (Just for link's sake: http://www.10tv.com/live/contentbe/EPIC_shim.php?story=10tv/content/pool/200605/453455530.html this old article has the info).

Maybe it's naive of me but I honestly don't suspect Clint of being anything more than just a guy who is suspicious of polygraphs. I truly don't think he had anything to do with Brian's disappearance, but don't have anything more than my own opinion and feelings to base that on.

I think that's the thing that vexes me most about this case and why it haunts me more than any other - that there is absolutely nothing to go on but my own opinion. And I am more than willing to admit that my opinion is probably colored by what I want the outcome to be - I want to believe that Brian is out there somewhere living a happy life and planning how he is going to reconnect with his loved ones, and if I admit that there is hinky behavior surrounding his disappearance, then I have to admit that he's not out there sunning on a beach in Mexico like I hope.

I think that's a sign that I have to find a new hobby. :rolleyes:

I always find it odd when people refuse polygraphs and lawyer up AND move away. But maybe you're right. I could be reading too much into Clint's behavior. I don't think he and Meredith had anything to do with Brian's disappearance per se....but maybe one or both of them know something that no one else knows. I would like to think that that's ridiculous and they would have shared anything they knew with the police though.

I still think it's possible Brian may have fell somehow and hit his head, suffering some sort of head injury and he doesn't know who or where he is. If that's the case, he would have to be a good deal away from Columbus I would think because someone from around there would recognize him. I just can't see him being somewhere far away and knowing who he is without contacting his family, especially since his mother had just died before he disappeared. He would have to know how upset his family would be over his leaving right after the time his mother died.

There is a part of me that still believes he is alive out there somewhere.
I always find it odd when people refuse polygraphs and lawyer up AND move away. But maybe you're right. I could be reading too much into Clint's behavior. I don't think he and Meredith had anything to do with Brian's disappearance per se....but maybe one or both of them know something that no one else knows. I would like to think that that's ridiculous and they would have shared anything they knew with the police though.


It's easy to believe that someone would lawyer up and refuse a polygraph, ESPECIALLY if you have a good friend or family member who is an attorney. Any attorney will tell you that you do actually need to be represented and to never take a lie detector. We all would like to think that we would do something different, but what do you do if, for example, your uncle is a lawyer and he says he wants to represent you and you shouldn't take a polygraph? I could easily see Clint getting caught between wanting to help and an attorney's advice.
There have also been discussions about Clint "talking bad" about Brian during police interviews. My theory is if I have a friend who is missing, I am going to tell the police everything I know about that person - good or bad. If my friend has a drug problem that no one else know about, I am going to tell them. If my friend is not faithful to their girlfriend or wife, I am going to say that too. It wouldn't be to hurt anyone, but to help find them. However, statements like that could be perceived by the family that you are saying untrue or mean things.
Then, when you finish school or whatever, you move back home or wherever you get a job and carry on with your life as planned.

=Just my thoughts=
I always find it odd when people refuse polygraphs and lawyer up AND move away. But maybe you're right. I could be reading too much into Clint's behavior. I don't think he and Meredith had anything to do with Brian's disappearance per se....but maybe one or both of them know something that no one else knows. I would like to think that that's ridiculous and they would have shared anything they knew with the police though.


It's easy to believe that someone would lawyer up and refuse a polygraph, ESPECIALLY if you have a good friend or family member who is an attorney. Any attorney will tell you that you do actually need to be represented and to never take a lie detector. We all would like to think that we would do something different, but what do you do if, for example, your uncle is a lawyer and he says he wants to represent you and you shouldn't take a polygraph? I could easily see Clint getting caught between wanting to help and an attorney's advice.
There have also been discussions about Clint "talking bad" about Brian during police interviews. My theory is if I have a friend who is missing, I am going to tell the police everything I know about that person - good or bad. If my friend has a drug problem that no one else know about, I am going to tell them. If my friend is not faithful to their girlfriend or wife, I am going to say that too. It wouldn't be to hurt anyone, but to help find them. However, statements like that could be perceived by the family that you are saying untrue or mean things.
Then, when you finish school or whatever, you move back home or wherever you get a job and carry on with your life as planned.

=Just my thoughts=

I agree, you make a good point about refusing the polygraph. I never thought of it that way. When you do stop to think about it, lie detector tests are so unreliable that it would make sense to refuse it. Normally people think, "well, if they have nothing to hide they wouldn't refuse to take the test." But I know the test has proved defective in the past and it could actually work against someone who had nothing to hide to take the polygraph. And having an attorney to speak for you is a good idea. My problem with Clint is that he nor his attorney are saying anything now. If it were my friend or relative, I would tell everything, bad and good, on the off chance that something I say might be useful to LE. But I would also make myself available for questioning AND I would probably contact LE either myself or through my attorney at least once a month to see what, if any progress had been made, depending on how close I was to the victim.

I guess I am just kind of bothered about how Clint and Meredith seemed to detach themselves from the whole thing, whereas I would like to believe that if I were in their shoes, I would be in contact with LE to keep up to speed on the investigation. Maybe they've done that and we just don't know it.
Oh, this is horrible news! :( Prayers to the family.

Now who's going to look for Brian?

That is awful. I feel so sad for Brian's younger brother. Now he has lost his mother, brother and father.
I'm just reeling from this..absolutely terrible.....

I thought the same thing Lorraining, his brother Derrick has lost his mother, brother and now his father in the span of a little over 2 years.

Just unbelievable!
How much tragedy can strike one family??? This is so sad to hear. Randy looked so hard for Brian and dies before he finds the answers he sought. So sad.
How terribly sad!!!!!! Prayers to the son/brother of this family.
This is almost beyond comprehension. Prayers for all as tragedy is too mild a word for this kind of heartache.
Hopefully they are all together now. That poor family has been just devastated.
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