OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #1

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what about the other exits. I have never been there but they said that the escalator leads to other places too, like a movie theater>

I have doubts about the service exit. During an interview, a detective speculated that it would be very difficult to navigate the area and then squeeze through the chained up door (however, Brian does look slim and fit). Since search dogs didn't pick up a scent in the construction area and there was no blood evidence, I think the most likely point of egress is through the main exits.
Consider the possibility that:
1. He wasn't recognized on the video. The quality is never very good on surveillance video and altough the family and detectives reviewed the video (frame by frame, I'm sure), there is always a chance he wasn't noticed, or disguised in a way to make him unrecognizable.
2. He left (or was forced to leave) in a "blind spot" outside of camera range (like along a wall). Most surveillance cameras are set up to catch the majority of activity in an area, there are often areas that they only catch the view of a foot or hand.
If you consider this, it is a HUGE coincidence that Brian would just "happen" to exit in such a way. An even more interesting theory is someone abducted him inside the bar and was aware enough of the cameras that they deliberately avoid the camera view when they left with him.
It's all speculation. I just wish we had some small indication of what happened that night.
what about the other exits. I have never been there but they said that the escalator leads to other places too, like a movie theater>

I understand the only emergency exit was alarmed and that a camera turned on if the alarm was activated. It's possible that the alarm was not turned on and therefore someone could have walked out that door. I know that bars and restaurants occasionally deactivate the alarm because they use those doors to take out garbage or allow employees to smoke outside, etc.
I have never been there, but I think that's a great point: if you planned to walk to the business next door, you may take a very direct route (again, like along a wall, outside of camera view), to get around the other people that were leaving and/or mingling outside the bar exit.
The only wrinkle would be that, considering it was 2am, the theater would likely be closed.
i have been following this for the last year.one thing that gets me are the phone calls his friend says he made to brian,.something happened in the matter of 45 minutes 1.15 and 2.00am. i have been to the ugly tuna bar and it is very small., i am conviced nothing happened there.were clints calls confirmed?why did his ringer go sraight to voice mail ?i think there are few scenarios ,he dissapeared on his own ,it does happen.he met up with someone later on after the bar closed and was murdered. i beleive somebody close to him is responsible. the only other way out of the bar is if he jumped off the outside patio but its pretty high and he would have been seen.his friends car should have been searched,if he was responsible there would have been clues.was clint and the other friend seen going back at the bar at looking for him ?i just cant believe nothin new has turned up in 2 years
Back in 2006, the movie theater (then called the Drexel Gateway) used to show midnight movies on the weekends (4/1/06 was a Saturday if I recall correctly), so conceivably even at 2 am there might have been theater employees there that night.

The theater and the Ugly Tuna actually use the same main entrance and exit, they're housed inside the same building. You take the escalator up to the 2nd floor and either enter the Ugly Tuna on the right or head over to the theater on the left. You can walk in between them inside the building without having to go through any other separate entrances.

The idea of the emergency exit alarm not being turned on, and Brian either not being recognized on video or being captured in a blind spot is actually the only thing that makes sense to me anymore. Really the only way out of the Ugly Tuna except for the entrance to the right of the escalator is over the balcony. This area is a really busy area with several other bars and students out all hours of the night. OSU is so huge that even though it was spring break time, there still would be a lot of students who didn't go home/away left in town, and out for the night. I would be really surprised if he went over the balcony at bar closing time with no one else being out on the street to notice. However, this is just my opinion and it seems like nothing is impossible anymore...I could spin my wheels all night thinking about this.
I want to go to the UT bar just to look and see for myself.

Why did Clint and Meredith lawyer up and didn't she move away shortly after Brian went missing?

This case haunts the heck out of me and I can't imagine what Brian's family is going through...
It haunts the heck out of me too.

I understand what you mean about wanting to go to the UT, there have been many times I've gone to the movies in this building and spent the whole time thinking about the exits and trying to figure out how on earth it's possible that someone just disappears without a trace from this heavily populated, well-lit, well-known area.
It haunts the heck out of me too.

I understand what you mean about wanting to go to the UT, there have been many times I've gone to the movies in this building and spent the whole time thinking about the exits and trying to figure out how on earth it's possible that someone just disappears without a trace from this heavily populated, well-lit, well-known area.

Is there anywhere IN that building where a body could be?? Of course, I have no idea why anyone would want to hurt Brian. Do you?
Is there anywhere IN that building where a body could be?? Of course, I have no idea why anyone would want to hurt Brian. Do you?

From what I have read & seen, the whole place was searched thoroughly by both investigators and search/cadaver dogs (including the adjacent construction area).
Obviously, we can make logical assumptions, but we don't know for certain he was hurt. There's also always the slim possibility he left on his own.

I can think of a few reasons why someone would harm or abduct a person:
Jealousy, revenge, completely random act (wrong place, wrong time), sexual motivations, robbery, someone assaulted him without the intent to kill him (but he still died), he saw something he shouldn't have or got in over his head... there has also been some discussion of a serial killer of college age men in the region.

The most disturbing part for me is there is apparently NO evidence. At least nothing the investigators are willing to discuss.
To me it sounds a lot like an accidental drug overdose (or maybe even drugs slipped to Brian he did not know he took). Maybe he's sad because of his mother's passing or stressed from school and someone thinks he'll have a better time with a little "help".

It would not be the first time this has happened, the "friend" panics and does not seek medical help for the victim because they provided the drugs. Doesn't explain how Brian left the building but it's just my impression based on what I've read so far.
So are you saying it sounds like Brian is not alive or in hiding somewhere all drugged up? Something is definatley up with Clint

To me it sounds a lot like an accidental drug overdose (or maybe even drugs slipped to Brian he did not know he took). Maybe he's sad because of his mother's passing or stressed from school and someone thinks he'll have a better time with a little "help".

It would not be the first time this has happened, the "friend" panics and does not seek medical help for the victim because they provided the drugs. Doesn't explain how Brian left the building but it's just my impression based on what I've read so far.
So are you saying it sounds like Brian is not alive or in hiding somewhere all drugged up? Something is definatley up with Clint

It saddens me to say, but after two years, it would be a miracle if Brian were alive.
i dont understand how so many strangers( like myself),could be so interested in seeing this case solved. but his friend clint isnt.I understand you have to move on with your life ,but he wouldnt even take a polygraph.does clint have any contact with family?my friends and i talked about this and we all agreed ,if it was one of us we would do every thing we could to help.he hasnt done anything to rule himself out as a suspect.if he really doesnt have a clue what happened ,then he's just a very selfish person.
I have no doubt Brian was devastated with the passing of his mom.

When I view the video of the last footage seen of Brian, he looks to be doing ok as far as just an evening out. I have thought all along he met with foul play and after watching the young people on Psychic Kids, I really lean towards creditibility with what they stated, and I usually do not take that sort of stuff too serious...just going with my gut.

Also, when people stop talking, lawyer up, and leave town, that speaks volumes to me...there's a reason for it!
so, Clint seems suspicious yet he said that he called Brians cell before he left him there. Have they checked Brians phone records to confirm that Clint did try to call Brian at the time he specified??:waitasec:
I have no doubt Brian was devastated with the passing of his mom.

When I view the video of the last footage seen of Brian, he looks to be doing ok as far as just an evening out. I have thought all along he met with foul play and after watching the young people on Psychic Kids, I really lean towards creditibility with what they stated, and I usually do not take that sort of stuff too serious...just going with my gut.

Also, when people stop talking, lawyer up, and leave town, that speaks volumes to me...there's a reason for it!

I saw the previews but ended up missing that episode. Would you mind telling me what the kids sensed when they looked into the case?
I saw the previews but ended up missing that episode. Would you mind telling me what the kids sensed when they looked into the case?

Here are some of the things I remember the kids mentioning they "felt":
-He was being watched from above
-There was no intent to kill Brian (I believe they felt someone did mean to injure him, but it went too far)
-They sensed abdominal-area pain
-I think they also said they felt a female was involved
One article mentioned that when you left the bar, if you went in one direction, you would hit a very bad neighborhood. That, to me, seems like the obvious answer.
I saw the previews but ended up missing that episode. Would you mind telling me what the kids sensed when they looked into the case?
Gaia, I don't mind at all! Here is the link to the show.
You can click on Psychic kids: Brian Shaffer to the right and the video will play.

These are extremely powerful quotes (in blue) from the video.

Psychic Kids from the video are: Nicole, Veronica and Travis.

Nicole stated: "It wasn't suppose to be as bad as it happened."

Veronica stated: "Me and Travis, we both picked up that he was injured more than once".

Here are some of the things I remember the kids mentioning they "felt":
-He was being watched from above
-There was no intent to kill Brian (I believe they felt someone did mean to injure him, but it went too far)
-They sensed abdominal-area pain
-I think they also said they felt a female was involved
Thank you pcoor. I just checked this thread.
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