OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #2

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I've been following this case for a few years now and something had crossed my mind back when I first read about the unsolved disappearance. A lot of the questions seem to involve the surveillance camera(s) that provided the last known images of Brian. That weekend was daylight savings time and I believe clocks were set ahead an hour. Now this incident happened late Friday night, early Saturday morning and clocks aren't usually set ahead till 2am Sunday morning. But what about the video tape surveillance and the digital time recorded on the tape? Is this set ahead at exactly the same time other clocks are set ahead or for some reason could this time have been set possibly during the hours of that evening in question (Friday/Saturday)? Could the hour that we "lost" because of the time difference possibly have been somehow removed from the video, either automatically by the video surveillance system taping over it or more sinisterly, by someone intentionally? I know absolutely nothing about how these type of video systems record or rerecord their information or who is in charge of their operating system?
I have no idea if this is at all possible or if it would even would have any bearing on the case but it has been weighing on my mind for a number of years now and I just wanted to put it out there for review.

Glad you posted, great thinking!
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this yet but. . .

So we don't have any footage of him leaving when we should, right? At least - leaving through the conventional exits/entrances?

What if Brian left in pieces?

The garbage, possibly?

Is there a dumbwaiter in the kitchen to transport stuff between floors?
I still cannot believe this case has not been solved. He went missing from a crowded bar and nobody saw a thing?
Well, nobody has come forward with information... But someone knows, for sure
For sure. I still tend to think that the people he was out with that night, particularly the male, know something.
Plus, given the surrounding area, if he had been left in an abandoned house or vacant lot, he would have been found by now. This case really sticks with me, probably because I'm local. It just doesn't add up.
I was actually looking for the Maura Murray case and saw this thread. Really brought back memories as I was a sophomore at Ohio State when this happened and seeing Brian’s picture again made me remember the flyers and search. I was about 1-2 blocks away when this happened as an RA in Baker East.

I’m still watching/reading the information about the case and what has come out afterwards, so if I get something wrong, I apologize. I went to OSU last year & to the Ugly Tuna and am trying to remember exactly how the South Campus Gateway was set-up in 2006. Obviously it was under construction and being added to, but researching when certain restaurants and shops opened, it seems fairly similar to now.

I know it is an open case but do wish the security cam footage would all be released to know exactly where their were cameras and where there could be hidden spots. I have read the claim that all exits were covered by camera except the service exit downstairs (and that area seems like it was fully searched,) but I’d be interested to see the footage, how long there is footage, if it stops at closing time, etc. There are unlikely exit routes (that would have been obviously noticed,) like the balcony portion of the bar which is outside with just a railing (I can’t seem to remember if that DID exist in 2006 or not however,) but obviously that would have caused a ruckus.

I have seen multiple comments around the web that his body is probably stashed in the bar somewhere if he was killed. If it was foul play, then they could have taken out of the service exit without cameras. It also is a big place that isn’t just the bar. The movie theater on the same floor that was closed, but likely accessible if you really wanted to. The security guards are shown on the cameras standing close to it, but doubt they were all night. Maybe he got into there somehow and there was an accident? Watching the camera on the escalator, there is a blindspot for the camera where one could cross from the Ugly Tuna to the theater.

It is all very strange and weird that nothing was found. I remember thinking in 2006 that he had just taken off (I remember another medical or doctoral student missing later in my college career who had just run away due to stress,) but reading his story, the phone call to his girlfriend, trip plans, etc, that seems unlikely (especially given the unfortunate circumstances of his Dad passing away later and no sign of Brian). Has his social security number been run to see if that has ever been used? Despite the evidence to the contrary, it may still be worth considering that he left his current life for whatever reason.
I highly, highly doubt Brian just left of his own free will - especially when you consider the friend he was with lawyered up and refused to talk. Something happened that night.

As for the Gateway, Ugly Tuna has always had the outdoor balcony. I don't know if Mad Mex was the tenant below at the time, but there was a restaurant there. McFadden's (an Irish pub that has cycled through a couple names since then) was directly across from Ugly Tuna. Ugly Tuna connected indoors to the escalators and movie theater.

If you read back through the thread, I worked on a criminal case involving security footage from the Gateway a few years back. The cameras operated by Gateway are currently further back by the parking garage, and operated by security. The camera will pan through the area slowly, but can stop and zoom in on something or follow a person if security wants a closer look. Unfortunately, when they do that, you can't see what's going on in the rest of the complex or in the two alleys behind the shops and the parking garage. The footage itself is quite clear and in color, and runs continuously.

I do not know what sort of camera system Ugly Tuna has, and I don't think much information was ever released about that.

However, that was the setup around 2013 - I am not sure if they had the same security camera setup in 2006, given the advancements in technology.
Welcome to Ws. TheP1414, great post!

I highly, highly doubt Brian just left of his own free will - especially when you consider the friend he was with lawyered up and refused to talk. Something happened that night.

As for the Gateway, Ugly Tuna has always had the outdoor balcony. I don't know if Mad Mex was the tenant below at the time, but there was a restaurant there. McFadden's (an Irish pub that has cycled through a couple names since then) was directly across from Ugly Tuna. Ugly Tuna connected indoors to the escalators and movie theater.

If you read back through the thread, I worked on a criminal case involving security footage from the Gateway a few years back. The cameras operated by Gateway are currently further back by the parking garage, and operated by security. The camera will pan through the area slowly, but can stop and zoom in on something or follow a person if security wants a closer look. Unfortunately, when they do that, you can't see what's going on in the rest of the complex or in the two alleys behind the shops and the parking garage. The footage itself is quite clear and in color, and runs continuously.

I do not know what sort of camera system Ugly Tuna has, and I don't think much information was ever released about that.

However, that was the setup around 2013 - I am not sure if they had the same security camera setup in 2006, given the advancements in technology.

Thank you for the reply and setting me straight on a few things. I did read about Clint lawyering up and feel like the context of doing that could go either way. It could absolutely mean something huge about that night, though you would think with statute of limitation laws, etc, the further away the get, the more likely it would be that Clint reveal everything he knows without fear (if something illegal did happen that night).

I have not read back through the whole thread, I apologize but will be working on it starting next week. Love the insight working on the camera systems. Looking at the security camera footage revealed from the night Brian went missing, does it look like the same location of a camera in 2013 or has it been expanded to the system you described?

I'm 90% sure Mad Mex was there in 2006 underneath the Ugly Tuna (I remember going to Mad Mex toward the end of my sophomore year, a few months after Brian's disappearance).

Thanks again for sharing your information and I apologize if I made you reiterate things you have said in the past :)

Also, thanks for the welcome dotr! I look forward to reading and contributing here :)
Thank you for the reply and setting me straight on a few things. I did read about Clint lawyering up and feel like the context of doing that could go either way. It could absolutely mean something huge about that night, though you would think with statute of limitation laws, etc, the further away the get, the more likely it would be that Clint reveal everything he knows without fear (if something illegal did happen that night).

I have not read back through the whole thread, I apologize but will be working on it starting next week. Love the insight working on the camera systems. Looking at the security camera footage revealed from the night Brian went missing, does it look like the same location of a camera in 2013 or has it been expanded to the system you described?

I'm 90% sure Mad Mex was there in 2006 underneath the Ugly Tuna (I remember going to Mad Mex toward the end of my sophomore year, a few months after Brian's disappearance).

Thanks again for sharing your information and I apologize if I made you reiterate things you have said in the past :)

Also, thanks for the welcome dotr! I look forward to reading and contributing here :)

No problem, I don't mind repeating - text can be so hard! Just wanted to let you know there was past security camera discussion that others participated in which might help answer more of your questions or prompt new ideas. I wasn't annoyed in responding at all. I'm just happy there are others who remember Brian and still want to solve the case. Welcome to Websleuths! :)

I know that lawyering up isn't a surefire way to say someone is guilty. There can be plenty of reasons to do so. I am not a verified poster, so you all can take this with a grain of salt, but I used to do criminal defense. While we would put the brakes on a client speaking with LE immediately or without representation, if the client had information, we usually made arrangements to answer some of LE's questions. If there was an issue that the person could be liable for something, we would try to work out immunity. The goal was always to clear the client if possible so LE could move on, and to assist the investigation in any way possible which wouldn't jeopardize the client's rights.

It was rare to not have a client speak with LE at all. The fact that Clint hasn't assisted LE at all, even with fielding questions through his lawyer as an intermediary makes me wonder what he knows.

ETA: regarding camera upgrades, I do think the system has been upgraded since 2006, and is more extensive - perhaps because of Brian and some other incidents that happened at Gateway.
Thought out of the blue, but was Brian religious, was he interested in other groups such as Scientology?
Thinking of the unusual hand " signals" he displayed in photographs and wondering if he abandoned his old life?
Was he especially close with any male in particular, impending marriage can be threatening to some men who are close to one another....
speculation, imo.
Cannot recall if they tracked down the girls Brian spoke to or not, assuming they were just" regular" type girls?
2007 repost (probably)

"Brian was last seen in this Columbus neighborhood not far from the Ohio State campus. It was early in the morning on Saturday, April 1. Brian had been out bar hopping with a friend from school.

The evening began about 9 p.m. Brian met up with his friend Clint Florence. The two were former roommates and drinking buddies. That Friday was supposed to be just another night out—as Clint told MSNBC’s Rita Cosby.

Clint Florence, Brian's roommate: Brian and I always went out. There’s nothing new. Sat down, opened a tab. And then you know had three, four, five shots of liquor.

Alexis, visiting her family for the weekend, was checking in by phone and called Brian at 10 p.m.

Stafford: Did he sound at all concerned when you talked with him Friday night?

Waggoner: No.

Stafford: Did he sound down depressed in any way?

Waggoner: No, he sounded fine.

After Brian and Alexis spoke, Clint told the police that he and Brian walked to some more bars and downed some more shots and then, with a friend of Clint’s in tow, ended the night at the bar where they’d started. Surveillance tape shows them at 1:15 a.m. coming up the escalator to the bar. Brian was leaning on the handrail. Once inside, they ran into a couple of young women Clint knew.

Florence: Brian was doing his usual thing and was talking to those two girls.

At 1:55 a.m. Brian made his final appearance on the video. He was outside the bar chatting with the young women. Then he walked out of frame—and disappeared. Police say it appears he went back into the bar. Minutes later, Clint and his friend got ready to go.

Florence: It was closing time. 2:10, 2:00 and Brian was nowhere to be seen.

They told police they called Brian’s cell and got no answer, even checked the bathroom—but no luck, so they left without him. Saturday passed without a word from Brian. By Sunday morning Alexis was growing more and more concerned. She hadn’t talked to Brian since that Friday night call. They were due to leave for Florida the next morning—and he still wasn’t answering his cell."
Cannot recall if they tracked down the girls Brian spoke to or not, assuming they were just" regular" type girls?
2007 repost (probably)

"Brian was last seen in this Columbus neighborhood not far from the Ohio State campus. It was early in the morning on Saturday, April 1. Brian had been out bar hopping with a friend from school.

The evening began about 9 p.m. Brian met up with his friend Clint Florence. The two were former roommates and drinking buddies. That Friday was supposed to be just another night out—as Clint told MSNBC’s Rita Cosby.

Clint Florence, Brian's roommate: Brian and I always went out. There’s nothing new. Sat down, opened a tab. And then you know had three, four, five shots of liquor.

Alexis, visiting her family for the weekend, was checking in by phone and called Brian at 10 p.m.

Stafford: Did he sound at all concerned when you talked with him Friday night?

Waggoner: No.

Stafford: Did he sound down depressed in any way?

Waggoner: No, he sounded fine.

After Brian and Alexis spoke, Clint told the police that he and Brian walked to some more bars and downed some more shots and then, with a friend of Clint’s in tow, ended the night at the bar where they’d started. Surveillance tape shows them at 1:15 a.m. coming up the escalator to the bar. Brian was leaning on the handrail. Once inside, they ran into a couple of young women Clint knew.

Florence: Brian was doing his usual thing and was talking to those two girls.

At 1:55 a.m. Brian made his final appearance on the video. He was outside the bar chatting with the young women. Then he walked out of frame—and disappeared. Police say it appears he went back into the bar. Minutes later, Clint and his friend got ready to go.

Florence: It was closing time. 2:10, 2:00 and Brian was nowhere to be seen.

They told police they called Brian’s cell and got no answer, even checked the bathroom—but no luck, so they left without him. Saturday passed without a word from Brian. By Sunday morning Alexis was growing more and more concerned. She hadn’t talked to Brian since that Friday night call. They were due to leave for Florida the next morning—and he still wasn’t answering his cell."

I'm still a bit confused on the part where Brian and Clint separate. Clint doesn't have any idea at all why Brian walked away? Clint was just distracted by his friends? A small thing that I noticed while watching this video in that link was that Clint refers to Brian as "doing his thing" when they ran into the girls he knew. That's ironic, considering Brian's girlfriend is ready to marry him. I mean, we all have our flirty sides I guess.
I'm still a bit confused on the part where Brian and Clint separate. Clint doesn't have any idea at all why Brian walked away? Clint was just distracted by his friends? A small thing that I noticed while watching this video in that link was that Clint refers to Brian as "doing his thing" when they ran into the girls he knew. That's ironic, considering Brian's girlfriend is ready to marry him. I mean, we all have our flirty sides I guess.

From the posted link, just noticed that everyone seemed to be friends of Clint. Did Brian overstep some unspoken guy rule by talking to the girls?
After Brian and Alexis spoke, Clint told the police that he and Brian walked to some more bars and downed some more shots and then, with a friend of Clint’s in tow, ended the night at the bar where they’d started. Surveillance tape shows them at 1:15 a.m. coming up the escalator to the bar. Brian was leaning on the handrail. Once inside, they ran into a couple of young women Clint knew.
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