OH OH - Brian Shaffer, 27, Columbus, 1 April 2006 - #3

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Again, don't feel like retyping again and again. I just think it likely that investigators - and dogs - missed Brian's body. All things considered, accidental death in the building, remains still there, seems like most plausible scenario given all the facts. One person of hundreds in the building that evening went permanently missing. One person of hundreds caught on vid entering the building that evening did not appear on vid leaving. Are these two oddities linked by causality? I think most likely so.

There are no facts leading toward Brian being buried in the construction area.

So you have no proof but you stated you based your opinion on facts? So your facts are based on Hurst’s lack of proof ? Lol Anyway, here’s a couple of facts. There is no proof Brian went into the construction area. There is no proof that Brian left the building. The building was searched from roof to bottom with people and dogs and nothing was found that suggested Brian is buried in a hole in the construction area. Based on this you have stated the most likely scenario is Brian had an accident and is buried in the construction area.
People seem to be getting asked for "proof" after discussing their theories, an awful lot. Of course no one here has any proof of anything... the Brian Shaffer case would hardly be one of the most baffling missing persons cases of our time if we did.

If no one were allowed to discuss any theory until they have proof, then what would we be doing here exactly?

As for why the construction site theory is still worthy of discussion... look at any other case where missing persons have been searched for high and low (police, dogs, volunteers... the whole nine), and then years later found not far from where they were last seen. The recently solved case of Larry Murillo-Moncada in Iowa for example, which has already been mentioned in this thread. He was a missing person for 10 years before his remains were found right at the building where he was last known to be. And I bet that if anyone had spent that whole 10 years trying to argue his remains were still right at the No Frills supermarket he worked in, they would have been at risk of being treated like they were either crazy or stupid. That's until he was found and it turned out to be true of course.
People seem to be getting asked for "proof" after discussing their theories, an awful lot. Of course no one here has any proof of anything... the Brian Shaffer case would hardly be one of the most baffling missing persons cases of our time if we did.

If no one were allowed to discuss any theory until they have proof, then what would we be doing here exactly?

As for why the construction site theory is still worthy of discussion... look at any other case where missing persons have been searched for high and low (police, dogs, volunteers... the whole nine), and then years later found not far from where they were last seen. The recently solved case of Larry Murillo-Moncada in Iowa for example, which has already been mentioned in this thread. He was a missing person for 10 years before his remains were found right at the building where he was last known to be. And I bet that if anyone had spent that whole 10 years trying to argue his remains were still right at the No Frills supermarket he worked in, they would have been at risk of being treated like they were either crazy or stupid. That's until he was found and it turned out to be true of course.

The case of Cedrika Provencher, in Canada. She went missing in July 2007. And then, all of a sudden, a decade or so later, her remains were found in an area which had been previously searched with a fine tooth comb. No stone had been left unturned and her remains were not there. 10 years later, her remains were there. Kinds seems like her remains were deposited there, don't it? Same thing with the disappearance of William Bouchard, again in Canada, in November 1993. Area searched with a fine tooth comb. Again, nothing. Then, nearly 15 years later, in October 2008, his remains were found in that same area which had previously been searched thoroughly. It was inexplicably ruled a suicide. (When remains are skeletal, it is virtually impossible to determine a cause of death. Ask a coroner and he will tell you that without any tissue samples left on the body, one cannot determine a cause of death. Unless, of course, there is a bullet hole in the skull. That would make a cause of death much more obvious. But to rule suicide on a 15 year old skeleton? Impossible.) Remains deposited there? Hmmmmm...

No one here that I know of has tried to prevent anyone from discussing any theory. However, if I or anyone else want to make a disagreement with a theory known, we are allowed to do that. As long as it is done in a civil manner and no one is attacked for their views. I have made it known that I do not support the accident theory. Others have done this as well. So I do not see any issue here.
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So you have no proof but you stated you based your opinion on facts? So your facts are based on Hurst’s lack of proof ? Lol Anyway, here’s a couple of facts. There is no proof Brian went into the construction area. There is no proof that Brian left the building. The building was searched from roof to bottom with people and dogs and nothing was found that suggested Brian is buried in a hole in the construction area. Based on this you have stated the most likely scenario is Brian had an accident and is buried in the construction area.
Correct. And I, like everyone else, have no proof. If there was proof, the case would be solved.
Correct. And I, like everyone else, have no proof. If there was proof, the case would be solved.

Exactly. So you saying Brian dying of an accident and being buried in the construction area making the most sense is really nothing more than an opinion based on nothing. If I say Brian made it out of the building it’s also based on nothing, well almost nothing. Other than the search of the building and the possible scent the dogs may have picked up and the possible sighting at the dairy mart and the phone ping.
Exactly. So you saying Brian dying of an accident and being buried in the construction area making the most sense is really nothing more than an opinion based on nothing. If I say Brian made it out of the building it’s also based on nothing, well almost nothing. Other than the search of the building and the possible scent the dogs may have picked up and the possible sighting at the dairy mart and the phone ping.
Of course it is an opinion. A theory. I think Hurst was probably right when speculating that Brian entered the completely dug up construction area. I think Hurst was probably wrong when speculating that Brian most likely made it out.
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I find the theory that Brian had some kind of accident and is somewhere in the building as equally as likely as the theory that he made it out of the building unseen by cameras and met with foul play or other accident afterwards. I find it a little less likely that he simply walked away from his life given the time and place, but can't rule that out either. We simply don't have enough information. One can argue that the cadaver dogs would have found him if he was somewhere near the building; however dogs are not infallible as we have seen time and time again here. One could also argue that if he had left there is no way that LE who reviewed the footage would have missed him, but cameras have blindspots and another person could have obscured his exit.

What I'm trying to say is it's ok to all have our favorite theories based on which assumptions or beliefs we have, and we will; until hopefully one day the mystery is definitively solved. I wouldn't be that surprised however if it never is, but one can never give up hope.
I find it very disturbing you would speak about Brian's brother and sister in law like you have. Is there any explanation for these messages that you deleted from your web site? How can you come on here and ask people to listen to your podcast and behind our backs be so cruel to the very people that you claim to want to help. I am sorry but this needs to be said in my opinion. I am in total shock that you could spew such hatred toward these poor people.

Welcome to Brian’s thread here on WS, Kelsea4ever!

I’m not a moderator, but just to let you know, It’s against the rules here to post things from social media....
for one there’s no validation of what these screen shots really are, where they came from, or who actually posted them. Social media is social media, it’s literally a circus.

If you are a family member or friend of Brian’s and have insider information, you can apply to become a Verified Insider on his case. That would be great if you could do that, otherwise these claims are considered rumor only.
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