OH - Clermont County father lined up sons 3, 4, and 7, executed with rifle, mother injured trying to protect them, June 2023

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Scary as it is to accept, I think he was calm because he did exactly what he intended to do and achieved the result he had hoped for. And that is frightening as hell.

I don't see mental illness at all. I see control. Abject control.

Not an act of desperation, not a crime of passion, not some misguided delusion -- his method grotesque, his motive simple -- he wanted to hurt his wife spectacularly.

He might have every inbred personality disorder there is, but he is and was IMO fully sane. Just altogether disordered. Living out some corrupt moral code of his own making. Evil, vindictive, void of compassion. Void of humanity. Void of all decency. Barking orders at a dog when he'd just created utter mayhem, the likes of which a dog could never understand. Gunning down his own babies, reign of terror, in broad daylight. There's more humanity in that traumatized canine than in this sorry shape of s father.

That is one sick, jaded, nasty cruel streak, and if it buys him 3 LWOPs, it won't come close to justice enough.

Well said.
He seemed satisfied. Committed. Focused. I don’t know.

I agree. It’s part of why I feel that it’s more eerie than when a family annihilator is raging.

I‘ll add that IMO he also appeared to be content. Gratified that he’d accomplished his agenda, and yet kind of bored when the cops had guns on him.

Kind of annoyed that police were interfering with his lazy afternoon of sitting on the porch and keeping his dog in check. That and the police cuffing him uncomfortably seemed to be the major irritants of his day.
Insanity is a legal term. It’s very rare to be found insane. He’d have to at the least, have been psychotic at the time of the murders.
Yes, I know that, thank you.

But he showed no signs of psychosis IMHO. I’ve seen psychosis. We’ve seen examples on here, too.
Psychosis can be manifesting in many different ways. One can be also criminally insane, yet not psychotic.

He seemed satisfied. Committed. Focused. I don’t know.

He looked like a man content with the work he done well, IMO. Note that he seems to be totally oblivious to his wife, screaming in the background. He is not boasting, not triumphant as a narcissist person who got their revenge would be. He is, well, serene and kinda hollow. That's a raging contrast with the horrible thing he just did.

But if someone is insane enough to commit a crime like this I agree that they should be in a mental institution for life. Not punished but not free. Secure and safe.
I am having a hard time seeing the planning for several months, that LE says occurred. He lined his children up and killed them and then sat on the steps and waited for the police. I can understand if he thought about doing this for several months but if this was the result of planning then he is lousy at it. MOO MOO MOO
I am having a hard time seeing the planning for several months, that LE says occurred. He lined his children up and killed them and then sat on the steps and waited for the police. I can understand if he thought about doing this for several months but if this was the result of planning then he is lousy at it. MOO MOO MOO
It might not be the type of planning your thinking .
He could have made a statement in the past ,that he would do something like this if his wife left.
Or it may have been that the event leading up to it showed he was planning .
Or it could really mean it marked the day of on the calendar.
Help that helps !

"He wasn't that type of person," Keith Doerman said. "He was a fun-loving guy."

Though Keith Doerman said he's angry with Chad, he went on to call him a "super father" remembering him laughing and joking with his sons.

"He was a good kid," Keith Doerman said while crying. "It's awful. I can't handle this no more.
I asked earlier what kind of rifle was in the photo because it looks like an old deer rifle. If he was planning this for months, then I would think he would’ve obtained a more efficient weapon, such as a 9mm or AR-15 which hold many rounds.

My first thought was this was spontaneous and he was drunk/drugged out of his mind and some kind of argument happened. But he seemed so coherent in the arrest video!

I am having difficulty picturing how this all went down. This is so tragic.

With our recent UT/CO cases, the spouse murdered the kids and/or spouse because someone expressed a desire for a divorce. But those family/spouse annihilations were meticulously planned which doesn’t seem to be the case here. Or maybe I’m wrong.
Jun 16th, 2023, 11:59 am
“No person shall purposely cause the death of another who is under thirteen years of age at the time of the commission of the offense,” the law says. Those convicted of aggravated murder in Ohio “shall suffer death or be imprisoned for life.”
An arraignment scheduled for Friday morning in Clermont County Municipal Court ended with that bond set at a whopping $20 million — and the local NBC affiliate reported even more shocking details about the shooting.
A preliminary hearing for Doerman is scheduled to take place at 1 p.m. on June 26.

It might not be the type of planning your thinking .
He could have made a statement in the past ,that he would do something like this if his wife left.
Or it may have been that the event leading up to it showed he was planning .
Or it could really mean it marked the day of on the calendar.
Help that helps !
Yes, it may just mean police found some indication he made the decision to do this months ago. It probably doesn't take much planning to shoot 3 people at your own home. Maybe he had to work himself up to it, emotionally? I don't know but he certainly seemed cool as a cucumber when police arrived.

I started reading this thread last night. I couldn't find the words to post. The last thing I remember before falling asleep was looking at the picture of those precious little faces and imagining their fearful expressions as their father began shooting them. I couldn't help it. I can't stop seeing them crying and begging him not to do it.

What kind of father can see that fear in their child's eyes and hunt them down and execute them in cold blood?

What happened? How did this guy stop being human? I don't believe that he snapped. It was as if it was any other day to him in that video. Maybe better. He seemed very satisfied with himself. Imo.
Yes, I know that, thank you.

Psychosis can be manifesting in many different ways. One can be also criminally insane, yet not psychotic.

He looked like a man content with the work he done well, IMO. Note that he seems to be totally oblivious to his wife, screaming in the background. He is not boasting, not triumphant as a narcissist person who got their revenge would be. He is, well, serene and kinda hollow. That's a raging contrast with the horrible thing he just did.

It definitely appeared as though he was completely detached from reality. Jmo
I suppose it’s a possibiliy he was suffering from depression. Could it have been the type with psychosis?

“Psychotic depression is a condition in which a person with depression is also experiencing a detachment from reality, known as psychosis. The disorder is sometimes also referred to as “major depression with psychotic features,” according to MedlinePlus.”
IMO, it's these types of cases that are the most frightening because they hit a bit closer to home. In many cases, you can tell just by the social media profiles, that the person/people aren't good or have issues. Prior arrests tell a story. A history with Dept of Children's Services isn't surprising. Lots of red flags that make it, not less tragic, but less....surprising? But a lot of these family annihilators SEEM like ordinary guys, or are even thought by many to be GOOD guys. Perhaps they're just better at putting up a good front.

It's scary to think the next "seemingly normal" guy who murders his family could be your local little league /T ball coach, your helpful neighbor, your hardworking coworker. The scariest kind of evil is the kind without the obvious red flags that you don't see coming.

Bless that poor mother and the stepsister. They've been on my mind a lot. Their community (and those afar) seem to be rallying around them which is of course really nice to see- a good side of humanity. I can't fathom how either will go on with day-to-day life after something this tragic and traumatic.

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