OH - Clermont County father lined up sons 3, 4, and 7, executed with rifle, mother injured trying to protect them, June 2023

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Sounds like the detectives played loose & fast with Doerman's request for an attorney. What a shame that much of what he said will likely be ruled inadmissable. But even if - there are eyewitnesses (wife & step-daughter) who can testify. He'll be convicted regardless, IMO.
Clayton’s baseball coach previously told PEOPLE the three boys "were a little pack" who went everywhere together.
“They were always together,” Dwayne Kuhn said. “And at the ball fields, if we were playing a game, then everybody was there watching. The other two boys, his sister, mom, everybody was there watching him.”

"It's heartbreaking," Kuhn added. "These little guys were such a joy to be around and so much fun, all three of them. They were just amazing children.”

A hearing for the motion to suppress evidence is reportedly scheduled for Feb. 2
found the motion from defense and I admit, I am worried. I think LE screwed this up and there is a decent chance any result of interrogations they did after taking him from the scene will be tossed :( :(

As to how greatly it might affect Chad's prosecution that I do not know. After all, there are several living witnesses to the murders who can testify to events that day providing eye witness testimony.


from this local 12 link

That's not great! What the heck were they thinking? Surely they knew that anything he said once he asked for a lawyer could be inadmissible. They really should know better, why do anything that could jeopardise a case further down the line? Its not like they needed a confession to convict him, there are several eye witnesses and he st waiting on the porch with his gun for flips sake!!
As he was being questioned about his sons’ deaths, Doerman allegedly confessed to lining up his three young sons and executing them with a rifle at their home — as his terrified daughter, Alexis, fled, screaming that he was “killing everyone.”

Doerman also allegedly confessed that he had been planning the executions for eight months, according to WLWT.

But Doerman’s father, Keith, previously told The Post that his son “just snapped.”

“There was something going on in his life that he couldn’t handle no more,” he said.

A hearing to consider the motion to dismiss his interrogation is scheduled for Feb. 2, and a trial in his case is expected to begin in July
As he was being questioned about his sons’ deaths, Doerman allegedly confessed to lining up his three young sons and executing them with a rifle at their home — as his terrified daughter, Alexis, fled, screaming that he was “killing everyone.”

Doerman also allegedly confessed that he had been planning the executions for eight months, according to WLWT.

But Doerman’s father, Keith, previously told The Post that his son “just snapped.”

“There was something going on in his life that he couldn’t handle no more,” he said.

A hearing to consider the motion to dismiss his interrogation is scheduled for Feb. 2, and a trial in his case is expected to begin in July
Eight months. That's practically a quarter of the time the youngest breathed on earth. That whole time, his daddy was planning how to murder him and his brothers.

I wonder that all the time. If they must, why don't they just kill themselves?

They often do. I think he stayed alive to watch the effect that his sons' annihilation would have on their mother. Statistically if such killers survive, they often use mental illness as the defence, and while I do feel he is mentally ill, he is not incompetent, he understood what he was doing and he had the choice to seek treatment. I think there are enough witnesses and he will be convicted. MOO.
They often do. I think he stayed alive to watch the effect that his sons' annihilation would have on their mother. Statistically if such killers survive, they often use mental illness as the defence, and while I do feel he is mentally ill, he is not incompetent, he understood what he was doing and he had the choice to seek treatment. I think there are enough witnesses and he will be convicted. MOO.
BBM. I disagree. I don't believe all mentally ill people know they are mentally ill. If they did, they would seek treatment rather than harm themselves or their children. LE arrived at the family's home before CD could kill himself.

I think CD is mentally ill and had delusional religious thoughts he was "protecting" his sons similarly to the delusions of Andrea Yates or Dena Schlosser. He needs to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital.


Ms. Yates had been a nurse. Ms. Schlosser once worked at a day care center and has a degree in psychology. Ms. Yates has schizophrenia and Ms. Schlosser has schizoaffective disorder. Both disorders can cause psychosis and the inability to distinguish reality from delusion.
BBM. I disagree. I don't believe all mentally ill people know they are mentally ill. If they did, they would seek treatment rather than harm themselves or their children. LE arrived at the family's home before CD could kill himself.

I think CD is mentally ill and had delusional religious thoughts he was "protecting" his sons similarly to the delusions of Andrea Yates or Dena Schlosser. He needs to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital.


Ms. Yates had been a nurse. Ms. Schlosser once worked at a day care center and has a degree in psychology. Ms. Yates has schizophrenia and Ms. Schlosser has schizoaffective disorder. Both disorders can cause psychosis and the inability to distinguish reality from delusion.

He had the history of violently attacking his dad when he was 19. He was yelling and screaming at his family every day, the neighbors said. Between this marriage and 19 y.of age, he probably had some life. I bet there was some violence in history.
People who score high on control are horrified of seeing specialists for mental issues. But, they often know, and have a choice.
I am not sure if he was on some other substances, could be either way, but his dad knows more about the son that he tells.
Does he need to be diagnosed and treated? Sure. Can he ever be let out into the community? Not up to me to decide. Perhaps 20 years from now, treatment will be different. Where we are now, given what he did, he has to be in maximum security. But, his risk of self-harm will increase as time goes by. MOO.
He had the history of violently attacking his dad when he was 19. He was yelling and screaming at his family every day, the neighbors said. Between this marriage and 19 y.of age, he probably had some life. I bet there was some violence in history.
People who score high on control are horrified of seeing specialists for mental issues. But, they often know, and have a choice.
I am not sure if he was on some other substances, could be either way, but his dad knows more about the son that he tells.
Does he need to be diagnosed and treated? Sure. Can he ever be let out into the community? Not up to me to decide. Perhaps 20 years from now, treatment will be different. Where we are now, given what he did, he has to be in maximum security. But, his risk of self-harm will increase as time goes by. MOO.
I agree completely. He planned to do this for months. Now he needs to plan on life behind bars.

There will always be some who will make excuses for family annihilators, but I'm not one of them. There is no excuse for what he did.
He had the history of violently attacking his dad when he was 19. He was yelling and screaming at his family every day, the neighbors said. Between this marriage and 19 y.of age, he probably had some life. I bet there was some violence in history.
People who score high on control are horrified of seeing specialists for mental issues. But, they often know, and have a choice.
I am not sure if he was on some other substances, could be either way, but his dad knows more about the son that he tells.
Does he need to be diagnosed and treated? Sure. Can he ever be let out into the community? Not up to me to decide. Perhaps 20 years from now, treatment will be different. Where we are now, given what he did, he has to be in maximum security. But, his risk of self-harm will increase as time goes by. MOO.
BBM. Yet the neighbor who claimed to see CD yelling and screaming at his small children every day never once picked up the phone to call child protective services. Why is that? If it had been reported to CPS, those children might still be alive.

The reason there are mental hospital prison wards are because many inmates are mentally ill. Mental illness is not a choice anyone makes. It is a disease.

Andrea Yates was under the treatment of a psychiatrist who told her husband she should not be left alone with her children. He ignored the doctor's advice. She drowned all of her children and admitted it to LE. She claimed to be possessed by demons and wanted to protect her children from herself.

A young mother in CT, Lindsay Clancy, murdered her three small children and then jumped out a second-story window hoping to kill herself. She was taking multiple, potent psychiatric medications. She's now in a wheelchair and is being prosecuted for murder. Last I heard, her doctors were refusing to hand over her medical records to her attorney.


A neighbor was interviewed by WKRC who said he allegedly saw Doerman lose his temper with his kids. "He tossed a couple of them around in the yard one day,” said the neighbor.

We filed a records request with Clermont County Children's Protective Services to see if there were any referrals, requests, complaints or calls referring to Chad Doerman or his address. The answer was, “There are no records responsive to your request."

BBM. Yet the neighbor who claimed to see CD yelling and screaming at his small children every day never once picked up the phone to call child protective services. Why is that? If it had been reported to CPS, those children might still be alive.

The reason there are mental hospital prison wards are because many inmates are mentally ill. Mental illness is not a choice anyone makes. It is a disease.

Andrea Yates was under the treatment of a psychiatrist who told her husband she should not be left alone with her children. He ignored the doctor's advice. She drowned all of her children and admitted it to LE. She claimed to be possessed by demons and wanted to protect her children from herself.

A young mother in CT, Lindsay Clancy, murdered her three small children and then jumped out a second-story window hoping to kill herself. She was taking multiple, potent psychiatric medications. She's now in a wheelchair and is being prosecuted for murder. Last I heard, her doctors were refusing to hand over her medical records to her attorney.


A neighbor was interviewed by WKRC who said he allegedly saw Doerman lose his temper with his kids. "He tossed a couple of them around in the yard one day,” said the neighbor.

We filed a records request with Clermont County Children's Protective Services to see if there were any referrals, requests, complaints or calls referring to Chad Doerman or his address. The answer was, “There are no records responsive to your request."

Maybe, sad to say, men living around were scared of CD? One felt bad afterwards and wanted to move.
BBM. I disagree. I don't believe all mentally ill people know they are mentally ill. If they did, they would seek treatment rather than harm themselves or their children. LE arrived at the family's home before CD could kill himself.

I think CD is mentally ill and had delusional religious thoughts he was "protecting" his sons similarly to the delusions of Andrea Yates or Dena Schlosser. He needs to spend the rest of his life in a mental hospital.


Ms. Yates had been a nurse. Ms. Schlosser once worked at a day care center and has a degree in psychology. Ms. Yates has schizophrenia and Ms. Schlosser has schizoaffective disorder. Both disorders can cause psychosis and the inability to distinguish reality from delusion.

Seriously? They didn't arrive before he could kill himself, when they arrived he was sat calmly on the porch with his gun propped against the house without a care in the world!
I think CPS would protect the identity of someone calling a tip line about child abuse.

They do in NY. I worked for DSS in NY for almost 35 years and witnessed more than one person subjected to immediate termination for revealing the source of an SCR report. Even staff in other departments within the agency are held to that standard of confidentiality. I haven't worked with agencies in all states, but those I've interacted with have had the same rigorous rules surrounding confidentiality and I imagine they are pretty uniform nationwide.

With that said, people under investigation tend to think they know who called them in and retaliation can and does happen. For some people, that fear alone is the excuse for not calling in a report.

Seriously? They didn't arrive before he could kill himself, when they arrived he was sat calmly on the porch with his gun propped against the house without a care in the world!
He had plenty of time to kill himself before LE arrived on the scene, IIRC he was smoking a cigarette.

So when did delusional religious thoughts come into play in this case? I can agree he may have been delusional, but I've seen nothing to date which indicates religion played a role at all.
Seriously? They didn't arrive before he could kill himself, when they arrived he was sat calmly on the porch with his gun propped against the house without a care in the world!
He may have been wanting to die "suicide by cop." Because the police body cam video showed CD sitting calmly on the porch the gun laying within easy reach right next to him. Both officers had their guns pointed right at him and yelling at him the entire time they approached from the street to stand up and walk toward them with hands raised. CD just sat there. CD was most concerned about his barking dog being harmed and reassured the cops he wasn't going to hurt them. He seemed oblivious to the dead bodies of his little boys.


ABC news LE body cam video:
This case broke me. I followed from the first day, and I could not see any reason (including MH) that could have caused this situation to be acceptable. I feel, and have, since that first day, that it was pure rage and aggression, regardless of planning it.
I cannot, and I hope I never have to, understand the terror those boys, their mother and their sister felt. The desperation they were feeling when trying to either stop him and getting shot in hand or run as fast as you can carrying a toddler, as a child yourself, I just cannot imagine and when I try to, I stop myself because it is just too horrific.
No mental illness can excuse for this assassination.
This case broke me. I followed from the first day, and I could not see any reason (including MH) that could have caused this situation to be acceptable. I feel, and have, since that first day, that it was pure rage and aggression, regardless of planning it.
I cannot, and I hope I never have to, understand the terror those boys, their mother and their sister felt. The desperation they were feeling when trying to either stop him and getting shot in hand or run as fast as you can carrying a toddler, as a child yourself, I just cannot imagine and when I try to, I stop myself because it is just too horrific.
No mental illness can excuse for this assassination.
Mental illness isn't an excuse, but it is a critical component of the reason, "why."

He may have been wanting to die "suicide by cop." Because the police body cam video showed CD sitting calmly on the porch the gun laying within easy reach right next to him. Both officers had their guns pointed right at him and yelling at him the entire time they approached from the street to stand up and walk toward them with hands raised. CD just sat there. CD was most concerned about his barking dog being harmed and reassured the cops he wasn't going to hurt them. He seemed oblivious to the dead bodies of his little boys.


ABC news LE body cam video:
<modsnip - opinion stated as fact>

I'm willing to concede he has some kind of mental health issue, I mean you'd have to right? To hunt down and murder your babies like that, and then sit down for a smoke afterwards?, but I don't accept that he was suicidal, its more than apparent that he wasn't!.

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<modsnip - opinion stated as fact>

I'm willing to concede he has some kind of mental health issue, I mean you'd have to right? To hunt down and murder your babies like that, and then sit down for a smoke afterwards?, but I don't accept that he was suicidal, its more than apparent that he wasn't!.

My opinion he was suicidal is because in the body cam video of his booking, he started slamming his forehead against the concrete wall and LE had to tell him to stop.


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